
Give, Reflect and Act with SCIAF

Categories: BLOG | Author: Frances | Posted: 30/03/2017 | Views: 1798

Patricia Ferguson, Outreach Manager with SCIAF, writes this week's blog and reflects on the 4th Sunday of Lent and SCIAF's lenten campaign.

The WEE BOX is recognised by Scottish Catholics as an important part of SCIAF’s Lenten fundraising efforts.  For many years, individuals, parishes and schools have supported the campaign and been amazingly generous in their giving.

This year’s WEE BOX features the Munyindeyi family who live in a small rural village in Zambia and are part of a SCIAF project there.   David Munyindeyi and his wife Maté have been given tools, seeds and vital training which allow them to farm better and more productively.  As a result David and Maté are able to produce better and more reliable harvests and no longer worry about sending their children to bed hungry.

But not everyone is as fortunate as David and Maté.  On the 14th March, SCIAF launched an urgent appeal to help get food and water to thousands of people being hit by famine and hunger in parts of East Africa.

The United Nations has warned that over 20 million people could face starvation in, what they deem, is the worst humanitarian crisis since 1945.

As part of the global Caritas network of Catholic international aid charities, SCIAF is already working with local organisations in South Sudan to get emergency food supplies and water to those in need.

SCIAF is also working in other countries affected by severe food shortages such as Ethiopia where we are helping cattle herders to access clean water, both for people and for livestock, obtain animal feed and veterinary services to help maintain income.

The situation will get worse in the spring and summer months and many lives will be lost unless food aid going to the region is massively increased.  Details of how to donate to SCIAF are to be found at the bottom of this blog.

Important though fundraising is, SCIAF also asks supporters to reflect on the situation faced by those they work with around the world and to pray for their intentions.  As we look forward to Easter and the blessings that holy season brings, it is right to take a moment to ask for God’s blessing  for all those who are struggling to support their families wherever they may be.

God our Father, we pray for all those suffering from hunger – in a world of plenty no one should go hungry.

We pray O Lord that, with your help, emergency food supplies and water will reach those most in need and that all who are working to bring an end to this disaster are protected by your loving embrace.


Donations to SCIAF’s East Africa Appeal can be made via the website by post or by telephoning 0141 354 5555.
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