
A Prayer for Thee

Categories: BLOG | Author: Frances | Posted: 12/12/2017 | Views: 1183

Our blog this week takes the form of a Christmas reflection, written by Luciana Lago, a volunteer with Justice and Peace Scotland. 

On this cold winter morning

I think of those who are lonely

I think of those who are abandoned

I think of those who are in the streets

I think of those near and afar

I think of the refugees

I think of those fleeing from the wars that we create

I think of Jesus whose family had to flee for him to be born

And I ask myself

How can a Christian heart not be moved by them?

How can a Christian heart not be touched by the plight of our brothers and sisters

who are sleeping rough tonight?

How can a Christian heart not listen to the silent cry of our brothers and sisters

who dared to cross borders in quest for life?

How can a Christian heart not be shaken by the strength of our brothers and sisters

who like you and me just want a dignified life?

Oh Lord

May you be truly born in our hearts this Christmas

May you awake our souls to the plight of the homeless, the refugees,

the strangers, the widows and the orphans of today

May we be born with you to a renewed Christian life

May we humble ourselves in the face of this crying reality of our times

May our hearts learn to follow your heart by manifesting compassion

and love to all those in need in the here and now





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