
The Give Me Five Campaign

Categories: BLOG | Author: Frances | Posted: 07/02/2018 | Views: 1072
by Emaan Basat - Caritas Sudent

Emaan Basat is a pupil at Notre Dame secondary school in Glasgow and for this week's Justice and Peace Scotland blog Emaan shares the report she wrote for her Caritas Award class evaluating her participation in the Give Me Five Campaign.

In school I have taken up a project promoting awareness of the Justice and Peace Scotland ‘Give Me Five’ Campaign which was created to alleviate child poverty.

This project was quite close to my heart as my family is not well off and we often used to struggle for simple things. My mum struggled to make ends meet which made me even more passionate about this issue. I began teaching classes with a PowerPoint I had produced and tried my hardest to keep the message sincere. The message being that through our many privileges we must try to help those who don’t have many.

We were lucky enough to have someone from Justice and Peace Scotland (Dorothy McLean) to come in and help with child poverty workshops that I organised for the whole of first year, with help from the Caritas class to implement them. The workshops not only raised awareness but made me realise that you do not need to move mountains to prove your love for a cause, you just need to work hard to awaken that love in others, which is precisely what Caritas made me do. I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to promote a social issue so close to my heart with Justice and Peace Scotland and this journey will forever be memorable to me throughout my life.

I have learnt that you don’t need to be well known or older to make an impact – a little can really go a long way. As long as there is passion to pursue something it can always be achieved. I would tell everyone to take the leap and campaign for what you believe in because it will change your life for the better.
Emaan Basat (Caritas 2018)
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