
The Peacebuilding in Primary Schools Project

Categories: BLOG | Author: Frances | Posted: 20/10/2020 | Views: 512

Fiona Oliver-Larkin, Edinburgh Peace & Justice Centre’s PeaceBuilders Programme Coordinator, reflects on how being imaginative during COVID can get the job done.

As the coordinator of a team of people who usually work in-person in primary schools all across Edinburgh, when lockdown happened I was full of questions, such as ‘When will the schools go back? What is it going to be like when they do? When will we as a team get back into schools? What can we do to help now?’

If I can put that into context - PeaceBuilders is a team of facilitators who run courses in primary schools in Scotland aimed at supporting class groups to build a culture of peace and give them some tools for conflict resolution. Since 2015 we have worked with more than 50 class groups in primary schools across Edinburgh, and in one school in Glasgow. Based on principles of nonviolence, we work through dynamic activities, such as cooperative games, circus skills and drama coupled with circle time reflection, to support the Health and Wellbeing aspects of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. 

We have seen the positive impact that the work we do can have, on self-esteem, cooperation, teamwork and empathy. We have had really positive feedback from students, teachers and parents.

But since March, we just haven’t known when we will be able to return to schools.  

So I started calling up schools. I wanted to get a picture of the best way PeaceBuilders could help out once schools went back and if there was anything we could do now to help. 

One thing I found that was really helpful was this resource from Peacemakers in Birmingham. It’s a brilliant resource from a dedicated and diverse team of specialists. I highly recommend it. Needless to say I sent it round to all the schools we have worked with. 

I found that schools were full of the same questions that I had.  Speaking to one head teacher we have worked with closely, I suggested we could try running our regular course over Zoom. She explained that the problem was, post-lockdown, their timetables would be changing all the time, and it might not be possible for classes to make a weekly commitment. She suggested that instead, we make a series of films, so that classes could access the sessions as and when it suited.

Luckily, one of the PeaceBuilders facilitators is also a film-maker, and two of the team members are flatmates, so even with COVID restrictions, they will be able to create the films. 

Teachers across Scotland will be able to use these films to help children talk about their experience of the pandemic and lockdown, as well as providing a full PeaceBuilders course that can be accessed at any time, and into the future. It has all just taken a bit of imagination. We set up a crowdfunder to help make it happen (

Once we are able to get back into schools, we’ll be able to offer a follow up programme of training for both teachers and kids in Restorative Practice, Nonviolent Communication and Peer Mediation, as well as our regular PeaceBuilders Cooperative Games Course ( or

contact me at ).



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