Laudato Si
Categories: Articles:Environment |
Published: 29/06/2015 |
Views: 2102
Pope Francis' Encyclical on Climate Change
In Laudato Si: On care for our common home, Pope Francis calls on all people of goodwill to care for the world’s poorest people, for future generations and for the earth, our common home. He has called us to act and to care for the world’s poorest people. Please sign via SCIAF the climate petition today.
Inspired by his words, we join with Catholics worldwide, as part of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, and call on our Prime Minister and on other world leaders to take urgent action to prevent climate change pushing people deeper into poverty.
Sign the petition here
You will find an excellent analysis of the encyclical on the Thinking Faith web page:
'Laudato si’ has been billed by many as Pope Francis’ intervention in the climate change debate, but it is so much more than that, says Damian Howard SJ. In this detailed analysis of the Pope’s first encyclical, he sets the text in its cultural and political context, and asks how it fits into the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching. How does this ‘exciting new synthesis’ of Catholic theology and the ecological movement have the potential to change our civilisation?'
Read the full article here
Read the full encyclical here
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