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Mercy2Earth Weekend 22nd - 23rd April

Categories: Articles:Environment | Published: 20/04/2017 | Views: 1636

Join us in a journey from Lent to #Mercy2Earth weekend (April 22-23) as we reflect and bring to life Pope Francis’ message Show Mercy to our Common Home.

This Easter season we celebrate the power of Christ’s love unleashed on the cross. We celebrate this love which as Pope Francis says “makes hope blossom in the wilderness.”
Now we are called to be Easter people in word and deed. As our Holy Father said during his Easter Monday address “we will be resurrection men and women, men and women of life.”
This weekend, we each have the opportunity to live resurrection on #Mercy2Earth weekend (April 22-23). Already Catholics around the globe are committing to take steps in their lives and communities to show mercy to our common home.
• In the United States, Daniel will be preparing to attend the U.S. People’s Climate March
• In Solo, Indonesia, Kristiana will be taking concrete steps to make her community more energy efficient.
• In Sao Paolo, Brazil, Helena will be praying with her faith community for the earth.
• And many, many more Catholics are taking action in all continents.
Take a moment to check out our list of 30 Acts of Mercy for our Common Home and then register your Act of Mercy.

Celebrate Easter by bringing #Mercy2Earth!

As Pope Francis said, “inspired and sustained by faith in the Risen Lord,” we can make a difference “well beyond our capacity.”
Let us live the resurrection by sharing the Good News with our lives, through acts of mercy and compassion.
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