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Day of Prayer for Creation

Categories: Articles:Environment, Resources:Environment | Published: 28/08/2017 | Views: 2398

Pope Francis has encouraged everyone to take part in a Day of Prayer for Care of Creation on 1st September every year.  Here is The Laudato Si litany prayer and also information on how to organise a prayer service.


From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the globe will be praying for and taking action on behalf of creation. Join us for online prayers, help organize a symbolic action, or participate in one of the advocacy initiatives during this special time.  Find out more  here 
If you are asking questions such as: What is the purpose of my life in this world? Why am I here? What is the goal of my work and all my efforts, then journey with us.
If you want to slow down and look at reality in a different way, promote best practice, stimulate creative solutions and encourage group and individual initiatives, then journey with us.
If you think you can replace consumption with sacrifice, greed with generosity and wastefulness with sharing and learn to give, not just to give up, then journey with us.
If you feel that the deepest roots of our present failures are to do with the direction, goals, meaning and social implications of technological and economic growth, then journey with us.
If you believe that everything is interconnected and that our relationship with the environment can never be isolated from our relationship with others and with God, then journey with us.
If you long to be liberated from fear, greed and compulsion, to be open to awe and wonder, and to join in building a common home, then journey with us.
If you can allow yourself to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor so that the suffering of the world becomes your own, then journey with us.
If you think that we were made for love and therefore that gestures of generosity, solidarity and care can well up within us, then journey with us.
If you long to be ever open to God’s grace, to cultivate a spirit of patience, self-discipline and generosity so that you go out from yourself towards the other, then journey with us.
If you are prepared to examine your life-style, to rise above yourself, to choose what is good and to make a new start, then journey with us.
If you willing to be grateful and lovingly aware, and over time can cultivate sound virtues through little daily actions, then journey with us.
If you are open to a profound interior conversion, a change of heart, which rejects every form of self-centeredness and self-absorption, then journey with us.
If you have the potential to be attentive to the beauty all around you, see nature as a continuing revelation of the divine so that the soil, water, mountains, are like a caress of God, then journey with us.
If you have the capacity to be happy with little, are prepared to be humble and others can see how the effects of your encounter with Jesus Christ is evident in your relationship with the world, then journey with us.
Yes, journey with us if you think that all it takes is one good person to restore hope, that we can bring good out of the evil we have done, and that we are all called to live wisely, think deeply, love generously, and sing as we go.
God of the journey, who has been with us before we were born, continue to be with us this day as we reflect on what it might mean to journey with you, to be your companion, to work with you for the Kingdom. Amen.
© Susy Brouard/CAFOD
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