Diary (Environment)
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Start Date/Time: 16 September 2024
End Date/Time: 16 September 2024
Recurring Event: Recurring Event Every year on 16 September until 16/09/2025 (total 14 events)
Importance: Normal Priority
Owned by carol On 03 February 2012


Climate Change is probably the single greatest challenge to future human wellbeing, but is complicated by ignorance and scepticism. The planet’s resources are limited and we have a duty of stewardship.

 ‘Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family.’
       Pope Benedict XVI, Letter to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople on the Occasion of the Seventh Symposium of the Religion, Science and the Environment Movement, 2007



Image: Cardinal Czerny urges concrete action for our common home
Cardinal Czerny urges concrete action for our common home

The Saint of Assisi shows us "how inseparable the bond is between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace." ICN


Image: Moving Away from Destruction
Moving Away from Destruction

PAX and ICAN’s new report "Moving away from mass destruction" shows that more and more financial institutions around the world are rejecting nuclear weapons, and citing the #nuclearban treaty as a reason to stop banking on the bomb.  


Image: Pope appeals for restoration of Black Sea grain agreement
Pope appeals for restoration of Black Sea grain agreement

"I appeal to my brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation, that the Black Sea Initiative may be restored and grain may be transported safely.  "The cry of millions of brothers and sisters who suffer hunger rises to Heaven."  ICN.

Image: New North Sea oil and gas licences will send ‘wrecking ball’ through climate commitments
New North Sea oil and gas licences will send ‘wrecking ball’ through climate commitments

Rishi Sunak has announced the approval of about 100 new North Sea oil and gas licences, prompting condemnation from environmental groups, who said it would “send a wrecking ball” through the UK’s climate commitments. The Guardian.

Image: Holy See urges UN to seek an end to the war in Ukraine
Holy See urges UN to seek an end to the war in Ukraine

 “use all diplomatic means, even those that may not have been used so far, to bring an end to this terrible tragedy,” since “war in itself is an error and a horror.”  Vatican News.


Image: The Rwanda ruling – Right to Remain message
The Rwanda ruling – Right to Remain message

The UK Court of Appeal has ruled that Rwanda is not a safe third country to send those seeking safety in the UK to, so what happens now? this Right To Remain blog answers a few questions.  

Image: Uganda oil pipeline has ‘devastated’ livelihoods, says HRW
Uganda oil pipeline has ‘devastated’ livelihoods, says HRW

Environmental activists have urged lenders around the world not to help fund the project and some banks have vowed not to participate in its financing.  Aljazeera.

Image: Faslane Faith Vigil
Faslane Faith Vigil

Archbishop Nolan and the Sally Foster-Fulton, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland supported the recent Faith Vigil at the South Gate of Faslane Naval Base to pray for an end to nuclear weapons.  Watch the service here.

Image: Prof Stan Chu Ilo - Climate Talk
Prof Stan Chu Ilo - Climate Talk

We were very pleased to host Fr Stan Chu Ilo in Eyre Hall in the Glasgow Archdiocesan Offices on Friday 23rd June 2023 for his talk - Ecological Conversion As A Missionary Conversion; A spirituality of Stewardship for Cosmic Flourishing.  Watch the recording here.

Image: Let Justice & Peace Flow
Let Justice & Peace Flow

Message of Pope Francis for Creation Day 2023.


Image: Scotland Misses Its Own Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target
Scotland Misses Its Own Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target

Press Release from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland in response to the news that the Scottish Government have missed their greenhouse gas emission targets, leaving us further away from our crucial goals on the environment.  SCCS.

Image: Justice & Peace Scotland Weekend of Action
Justice & Peace Scotland Weekend of Action

Justice and Peace Scotland are hosting a 'Weekend of Action' on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 23, 24 and 25 June.  Find out more here.  ICN

Image: Pope's World Day of the Poor message: Don't look away!
Pope's World Day of the Poor message: Don't look away!

Pope Francis pens a message for the annual World Day of the Poor, stressing that “whenever we encounter a poor person, we cannot look away, for that would prevent us from encountering the face of the Lord Jesus.”  Vatican News

Image: Policy makers must put differences aside for the sake of the climate
Policy makers must put differences aside for the sake of the climate

The circular economy offers cheaper alternatives to buying new, local employment opportunities and community support from local charities and social enterprises that practise circularity through reuse, repair and recycling.  The Herald.

Image: Pope: We have responsibility before God to protect Common Home
Pope: We have responsibility before God to protect Common Home

“Moreover, as indicated by many in the scientific world, changing this model is 'urgent' and can no longer be postponed.” Vatican News

Image: Let Justice & Peace Flow
Let Justice & Peace Flow

Sign up for the 2023 Season of Creation Resources here.

Image: Abolitiion of Torture - Pope Video June 2023
Abolitiion of Torture - Pope Video June 2023

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for June:  "For the abolition of torture - We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families."

Image: Vatican calls for development of green tourism
Vatican calls for development of green tourism

"favouring sustainable investment is also a testimony of faith, which is based on respect for creation, created and entrusted to us by God."  ICN Image by Elisa on Pixabay.

Image: Jesuits join coalition urging halt to investment in fossil fuels
Jesuits join coalition urging halt to investment in fossil fuels

In a new letter, which is available publicly on the COP26 Declaration website, we have urged our investment managers - and the wider investment management industry - to take a firm stance against fossil fuel expansion.  ICN

Image: Adverts claiming products are carbon neutral by using offsetting face UK ban
Adverts claiming products are carbon neutral by using offsetting face UK ban

Advertising watchdog to begin stricter enforcement around the use of terms such as “carbon neutral”, “net zero” and “nature positive” as part of a greenwashing crackdown. The Guardian.

Image: Catholic Church appoints new Social Justice Officer
Catholic Church appoints new Social Justice Officer

The Bishops' Conference of Scotland have announced the appointment of Anne Marie Clements as the new Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for the National Justice and Peace Commission.

Image: Progress from domestic abuse law too slow - report
Progress from domestic abuse law too slow - report

The implementation of the Scottish government's flagship legislation on domestic abuse is not good enough, according to a new report.  140 to 150 calls to Police Scotland a night about domestic abuse.  BBC News.


Image: Growing El Niño threatens more extreme heat in 2023
Growing El Niño threatens more extreme heat in 2023

This year is shaping up to be one of top four warmest years on record – and has a modest chance of being the warmest on record.  Carbon Brief

Image: Wages Not War - Open Letter
Wages Not War - Open Letter

We oppose the TUC’s call for an increase in arms spending. The British arms industry supplies some of the most aggressive and authoritarian regimes in the world and the weapons it exports have helped to destabilize whole regions of the world and contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Image: Open Letter - We Oppose the Illegal Immigration Bill
Open Letter - We Oppose the Illegal Immigration Bill

👉 You can take action against the #IllegalImmigration Bill today by adding your name to this letter from the UK Youth Climate Coalition.

Image: First For Justice
First For Justice

Sign this SCIAF letter asking Humza Yousaf to put Scotland at the forefront of calls to build a just and green world, and free people from the injustices that shape their lives.

Image: For a Non-Violent Culture - Pope Video April 2023
For a Non-Violent Culture - Pope Video April 2023

Pope Francis stresses once again ‘War is Madness’  “Using weapons to resolve conflicts is a sign of weakness and fragility. Negotiation, proceeding in mediation, and conciliation require courage. #Peace“.  April 2023 Pope Video.

Image: Ecological Conversion As Missionary Conversion... Prof Stan Chu Ilo
Ecological Conversion As Missionary Conversion... Prof Stan Chu Ilo

The Care of Creation Office in conjunction with Trinity College, the Church of Scotland and Justice & Peace Scotland are proud to be bringing this public lecture on creation and climate change to Eyre Hall at the Glasgow Archdiocesan Offices on Friday 23rd June 2023 at 6pm as part of the Duff Lectures Series.  To find out more and to book one of the limited places, click the link below.

Image: Climate change and modern slavery are closely linked in a vicious cycle of destruction.
Climate change and modern slavery are closely linked in a vicious cycle of destruction.

Saturday, April 22nd is #EarthDay and so we wanted to take this opportunity to share some information on how climate change, sustainability and environmental issues are interconnected with the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking, and what we as consumers can do about it.  Hope For Justice.

Image: Historic Asia heat breaks hundreds of records, with extremes in Thailand and China
Historic Asia heat breaks hundreds of records, with extremes in Thailand and China

Numerous heat records have been broken across Southeast Asia, China and other parts of the continent in recent days as the region remains in the grip of a dangerously scorching heat wave, with Thailand in particular experiencing unusually extreme conditions. Weather historian Maximiliano Herrera is describing it as the “worst April heat wave in Asian history.” The Washington Post.  

Image:  'India is at the bullseye of climate change's heat impacting workers
'India is at the bullseye of climate change's heat impacting workers

Consider the very high numbers of people in India who work outdoors in agriculture and construction etc.  This country is at the bullseye of climate change and exposure impacts on outdoor workers.  The Times of India.   

Image: EcoCongregations Scotland Annual Gathering
EcoCongregations Scotland Annual Gathering

Eco-Congregation Scotland are holding their annual gathering this coming Saturday 22nd April and you can join in online or in person as the event will take the format of a blended hybrid experience.  With great speakers lined up from both the climate movement and Christians Against Poverty Scotland it promises to be a great event.

Image: COP27 Report
COP27 Report

This short report on COP27 was written by Adrian Shaw of Eco-Congregations Scotland for the Scottish Faith Leaders Forum.  

Image: Laudato Si Week 2023
Laudato Si Week 2023

From May 21-28 we will celebrate the 8th anniversary of the launch of the encyclical Laudato Si' as a global movement. "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity", is the theme that will guide us this year.  Register here for updates.

Image: Entire Towns Evacuated as Climate-Fueled Wildfires Start 'Very Early' in Spain
Entire Towns Evacuated as Climate-Fueled Wildfires Start 'Very Early' in Spain

Last year, wildfires destroyed nearly two million acres of land throughout Europe—more than double the annual average over the past 16 years, according to the European Commission. In Spain alone, 493 blazes wiped out more than 750,000 acres. Common Dreams.  

Image: What is the IPCC AR6 synthesis report and why does it matter?
What is the IPCC AR6 synthesis report and why does it matter?

“summary for policymakers”, to provide scientific underpinning for global climate action. It is written by scientists but haggled over by representatives of the UN’s nearly 200 governments, so some argue it is subject to watering down by regimes that do not like its messages.  The Guardian.


Image: IPCC Climate Change Report 2023
IPCC Climate Change Report 2023

The climate time-bomb is ticking but the latest IPCC report shows that we have the knowledge & resources to tackle the climate crisis. We need to #ActNow to ensure a livable planet in the future.  Read the IPCC Report here 

Image: Youth Climate Activists Finally Have Some Backup—Though We May Be Sitting Down.
Youth Climate Activists Finally Have Some Backup—Though We May Be Sitting Down.

I listened to too many people say: "It's up to the next generation to solve this problem." Which seems both ignoble and impractical. For all that undeniable intelligence and idealism, even the most engaged young people lack the structural power to make change by themselves. Common Dreams.

Image: How 10 Years of Pope Francis Has Changed Climate Action
How 10 Years of Pope Francis Has Changed Climate Action

“Before Pope Francis, it was by no means clear that the Church was really prepared to take climate science seriously. It is now clear that you cannot be a Catholic and you cannot be a Christian and at the same time deny that climate change is an issue.”  Time.

Image: Net Zero Grant Funding Webinar with Local Energy Scotland: 
Net Zero Grant Funding Webinar with Local Energy Scotland: 

Join this co-hosted webinar from Eco-Congregation Scotland and Local Energy Scotland, which manages CARES for the Scottish Government.  How to decarbonise your community building,Tuesday 21 March 2023,11.00am – 12.00noon
Please register on Eventbrite

Image:   “The ship has reached the shore.”
 “The ship has reached the shore.”

Nations around the world have agreed to a new global treaty for governing the sustainable use and conservation of the so-called “high seas”.  The treaty must be ratified by 60 member states before it can enter into force.  Carbon Brief.

Image: How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India
How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India

This International Women’s Day, we’re sharing a story of what happens for women when trade is done well - and the impact ethical business can have on a whole community. Sadhna, a garments manufacturer in Rajasthan, is just one example of the thousands of inspirational small businesses empowering women and changing lives across the world. Transform Trade.


Image: Let Justice and Peace flow
Let Justice and Peace flow

“Let Justice and Peace Flow” is the theme chosen for Season of Creation 2023, the ecumenical celebration we hold each year from September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

Image: REPENT - Ash Wednesday 2023 Peace Witness at Faslane
REPENT - Ash Wednesday 2023 Peace Witness at Faslane

Justice & Peace Scotland joined Glasgow Catholic Worker and Pax Christi Scotland at the Faslane Ash Wednesday service of repentence for nuclear weapons kept here in Scotland and all across the world.  A short excerpt from the service here

Image: Pancake Tuesday at Justice & Peace Scotland
Pancake Tuesday at Justice & Peace Scotland

On Pancake Tuesday 2023, Justice & Peace Scotland held a networking event to get together with our friends and colleagues.  Watch the short video here 

Image: We're Hiring
We're Hiring

Justice & Peace Scotland are recruiting for a new full time position - Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer.  Click the link for further details.  

Image: JRS tell how people in Syria are coping one week after the earthquake
JRS tell how people in Syria are coping one week after the earthquake

In this short video, Fr Tony O'Riordan answers 5 questions on how the people of Aleppo, Syria are coping 1 week after the devastating earthquake there.   

Image: Our Common Home Booklet
Our Common Home Booklet

A guide to caring for our living planet.  The booklet, promoted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, was launched in a virtual event on Tuesday, February 14. The booklet distils the science on urgent environmental issues and explains how individuals and communities can take action to build a more sustainable and socially just future.

Image: Scottish Peace Witnesses to mark 1 year of Ukraine Invasion
Scottish Peace Witnesses to mark 1 year of Ukraine Invasion

Peace witnesses will be held in Edinburgh & Glasgow on Friday 24th February 2023 to mark the 1st anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine.  More details here.

Image: Ash Wednesday Service At Faslane
Ash Wednesday Service At Faslane

Join us this Ash Wednesday, 22nd February, at Faslane as we join Glasgow Catholic Worker to witness against weapons of mass destruction.  All Welcome - More details here 

Image: ‘A serious threat’: calls grow for urgent review of England’s wood-burning stoves
‘A serious threat’: calls grow for urgent review of England’s wood-burning stoves

“Pollution from wood-burning is a growing source of fine particulate matter pollution in some areas, which is a serious threat to people’s health.” The Guardian.

Image: Exposed: How British Gas debt agents break into homes of vulnerable
Exposed: How British Gas debt agents break into homes of vulnerable

Paul Morgan-Bentley, an undercover journalist  working with The Times exposes the shameful practice of forced entry to homes of vulnerable people to force-fit pre-payment meters. Watch his video report here.

Image: Consultation on draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan open now
Consultation on draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan open now

The Scottish Government is seeking views on its draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan and invites communities, workers, citizens and businesses to engage in the process of designing Scotland’s energy transition. The consultation runs until Tuesday 4 April.

Image: Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples
Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples

“Our territory, our forest, is everything that we have: where we live, feed, plant traditional foods, [obtain] medicines [and] crops, where we pray, the air we breathe.” Carbon Brief.


Image: #ShareRepairAware Campaign
#ShareRepairAware Campaign

Supporting your local sharing and repairing projects is an amazing way to change the way you consume, make less waste, and support your local community.  Find out more here

Image: The Scottish Screening of 'The Letter'
The Scottish Screening of 'The Letter'

The Laudato Si’ Movement and the Care of Creation Office have organised an online Scottish screening of the film The Letter: A Message For Our Earth for Thursday 2nd February at 7.00pm.

Image: Pope tells all Christians to oppose war and injustice wherever they appear - Do Good, Seek Justice
Pope tells all Christians to oppose war and injustice wherever they appear - Do Good, Seek Justice

“We can imagine with what suffering he (God) must witness wars and acts of violence perpetrated by those who call themselves Christians.”  Vatican News.

Image: A Guided Tour Of The Unacceptable
A Guided Tour Of The Unacceptable

A Guided Tour of the Unacceptable is a geographical and historical tour of the UK’s nuclear weapons on the Clyde and resistance to them.  Monday 23rd January 2023 at 7.30PM The Hippodrome Bo'ness.

Image: Holy Land Coordination Group Statement
Holy Land Coordination Group Statement

Bishops, including Archbishop Nolan, from across Europe and North America who make up the Holy Land Coordination Group  have released this statement following their recent visit to Jordan to support the Christian population there. image Mazur/cbcew.org.uk.

Image: Can the world ‘halt and reverse’ biodiversity loss by 2030?
Can the world ‘halt and reverse’ biodiversity loss by 2030?

The loss of pollinators, specifically, is already causing nearly 430,000 deaths every year by reducing the supply of healthy food, according to a study published in 2022.  Carbon Brief.


Image: German coal mine stand off amid Ukraine war energy crunch
German coal mine stand off amid Ukraine war energy crunch

Lützerath, in western Germany, is on the verge - literally - of being swallowed up by the massive coal mine on its doorstep.  Around 200 climate change activists, are now all that stand in the way of the diggers expanding the Garzweiler opencast mine.  BBC.

Image: Living Laudato Si: Exploring how Churches can act for our Common Home
Living Laudato Si: Exploring how Churches can act for our Common Home

Catholics may have heard of the Pope's encyclical 'Laudato Si' but what does it mean in practical terms for individuals, parishes & Dioceses.  Join this online event on Tuesday 17th Jan at 7.30pm.


Image: Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, analysis shows
Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, analysis shows

Seas dominate global weather patterns and the climate crisis is causing profound and damaging changes.  The Guardian.


Image: Justice & Peace Sunday 2023 - video
Justice & Peace Sunday 2023 - video

Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland, delivers his yearly message to be read at all services in Scotland across the weekend of 7th/8th January 2023, the Feast of the Epiphany.  

Image: Prayers of the faithful - Feast of the Epiphany
Prayers of the faithful - Feast of the Epiphany
Justice & Peace Sunday

The suggested prayers, below, were edited from contributions of several of our National Commissioners. You are encouraged to use some of them at the Sacred Liturgy in your worshipping community.

Image: Justice & Peace Sunday
Justice & Peace Sunday

Archbishop Nolan releases this message to be read at all Catholic Churches on 7th & 8th January 2023.


Image: 56th World Day Of Peace
56th World Day Of Peace

Pope Francis releases his message for the World Day of Peace to be celebrated on 1 January 2023, and recalls that all crises are interconnected and that we must not forget any of them, but work for the good of humanity. “No one can be saved alone.

Image: The Observer view on the indefensible decision to open a deep coalmine in a climate crisis
The Observer view on the indefensible decision to open a deep coalmine in a climate crisis

The government says the needs of UK steelmaking override the environmental impact. The industry thinks differently.  The Obsever.

Image: UN head opens COP15 with stark warning of declining biodiversity
UN head opens COP15 with stark warning of declining biodiversity

"Nature is humanity's best friend.

Without nature, we have nothing.

Without nature, we are nothing.

Nature is our life-support system"

Image: SCCS reacts to the latest Climate Change Committee report on emissions reductions in Scotland
SCCS reacts to the latest Climate Change Committee report on emissions reductions in Scotland

“Having previously made more progress on decarbonising than the UK, this report shows that Scotland is now falling behind on a number of key areas...SCCS.

Image: Stop burning trees to make energy, say 650 scientists before Cop15 biodiversity summit
Stop burning trees to make energy, say 650 scientists before Cop15 biodiversity summit

More than 650 scientists are urging world leaders to stop burning trees to make energy because it destroys valuable habitats for wildlife.  Letter says bioenergy is wrongly deemed ‘carbon neutral’ and contributes to wildlife loss.  The Guardian. 

Image: Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon retreats from 15-year high
Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon retreats from 15-year high

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest fell in the 12 months through July, according to government data released on Wednesday, retreating from a 15-year high under outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro. Reuters.

Image: Pope Francis Message for World Day Of The Poor
Pope Francis Message for World Day Of The Poor

In his message for the 6th World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis invites Christians to greater solidarity and responsibility for the poor in society, stressing the importance of putting our faith into practice through personal involvement that cannot be delegated to others.

Image: Church Investment in Climate Solutions - Report
Church Investment in Climate Solutions - Report

'In our report, we look at four reasons why Churches should be investing in climate solutions. The first is caring for creation...our second reason is loving our neighbour...our third reason is acting with hope...and (fourth), investments as a prophetic action'.  Operation Noah.

Image: COP27 Ends in Egypt
COP27 Ends in Egypt

COP27 finally ends with historic agreement on Loss and Damage finance but lack of progress on agreeing emission reductions leaves critical temperature threshold dangerously out of reach.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland.

Image: Ukraine: Stella Maris chaplain on impact of war on seafarers
Ukraine: Stella Maris chaplain on impact of war on seafarers

Fr Alexander Smerechynskyy, national director of Catholic charity Stella Maris Ukraine, and port chaplain to Odessa, explains how the war with Russia has affected seafarers.

Image: Safe Passage For Refugees
Safe Passage For Refugees

This short 2 minute video from Care4Calais has gone viral on social media.   It explains very well why there is no reason to fear refugees crossing on small boats and how better the asylum system could work if safe legal routes were open to them. 

Image: Redesigning our economy in service of people and planet
Redesigning our economy in service of people and planet

Justice & Peace Scotland are one of 112 signatories on this letter to the First Minister urging the change required to redesign our economy in service of people and planet.

Image: Church Investment In Climate Solutions Webinar
Church Investment In Climate Solutions Webinar

Join this Operation Noah webinar on Tuesday 22nd November at 7pm to find out how and why Churches and faith institutions in the UK should increase investment in climate solutions.

Image: Edinburgh Climate March during COP27 Global Day of Action
Edinburgh Climate March during COP27 Global Day of Action

Climate campaign groups combined forces to march through the city centre on the Global Day of Action during the UN Climate Conference COP27 which is being held in Egypt.  The Edinburgh Reporter.

Image: Edinburgh COP27 solidarity march: This Crisis Demands Action
Edinburgh COP27 solidarity march: This Crisis Demands Action

Saturday, Nov 12 will see mass mobilisations across the country and put thousands of people on the streets to demand Climate Justice in solidarity with the Global Day of Action called by Egyptian groups at COP27. 

Image: EU Bishops call for fair access to affordable energy
EU Bishops call for fair access to affordable energy

The Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) have released a statement on the current energy crisis, calling on the EU to "ensure a fair access to affordable energy for all, especially the most vulnerable, while not losing sight of the long-term objectives of a just and sustainable energy transition".

Image: Stop Climate Chaos Scotland - Statement on Loss & Damage
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland - Statement on Loss & Damage

As Scotland continues to show leadership on loss and damage: all rich nations must urgently address this grave injustice at COP27.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Statement.

Image: Poll finds Catholics want government to do more to tackle climate change
Poll finds Catholics want government to do more to tackle climate change

Bishop John Arnold, from the Diocese of Salford and Chair of CAFOD's trustees, said: "The environment cannot be isolated from our relationship with God. We are blessed with stewardship over the earth, but with this comes the responsibility to protect our planet and preserve it for future generations.  ICN


Image: Joe Biden’s climate envoy warns UK against North Sea oil and gas expansion
Joe Biden’s climate envoy warns UK against North Sea oil and gas expansion

“The truth is, and this is indisputable, that wind power and solar power are cheaper energy than fossil fuel energy today.  John Kerry,  The Independent.

Image: Stop The COP - OUT at COP27
Stop The COP - OUT at COP27

Join this CAFOD campaign by sending this message to Rishi Sunak urging the government to work at this year's climate talks to stop the COP-out at COP27. #ClimateEmergency

Image: Faslane Peace Witness - Video
Faslane Peace Witness - Video

Watch the Peace Witness Service at the gates of Faslane held on Saturday 29th October, where we were joined by Archibishop Nolan and the Dr Greenshields, Moderator of the Church of Scotland.  #NuclearBan

Image: Church leaders in Peace Witness at Faslane Nuclear Base
Church leaders in Peace Witness at Faslane Nuclear Base

As Disarmament Week came to a close on Saturday, 29 October Justice & Peace Scotland gathered with our Bishop President, Archbishop Nolan of Glasgow, Dr Greenshields, Moderator of the Church of Scotland and some dedicated anti nuclear campaigners to hold a Peace Witness at the gates of Faslane Nuclear Base on the Clyde. ICN  Image Janet Fenton.

Image: Archbishop to join J&P prayer vigil at nuclear base
Archbishop to join J&P prayer vigil at nuclear base

Justice & Peace supporters will be at the North Gate at Faslane Nuclear Base in Scotland on Saturday, 29th October, at 1pm to pray for peace and an end to nuclear weapons.  ICN.

Image: COP27 Mobilisations
COP27 Mobilisations

Nov 12 will see mass mobilisations across the country and put thousands of people on the streets to demand climate justice in solidarity with the Global Day of Action called by Egyptian groups at COP27.

Image: Animal populations experience average decline of almost 70% since 1970.
Animal populations experience average decline of almost 70% since 1970.

The Amazon has seen the steepest decline in average wildlife population size, with a 94% drop in 48 years.  Deforestation rates there are accelerating, stripping this unique ecosystem not just of trees but of the wildlife that depends on them and of the Amazon’s ability to act as one of our greatest allies in the fight against climate change.”  The Guardian.


Image: Vatican envoy addresses UN on nuclear weapons
Vatican envoy addresses UN on nuclear weapons

In his remarks, Archbishop Caccia recalled that the Cuban missile crisis was averted only through banning nuclear weapons, disarmament, dialogue, and the building of mutual trust.  ICN

Image: The Letter - Premiere
The Letter - Premiere

From 5.30pm on Tuesday 4th October, The Feast of St Francis, The Letter - A Message From Our Earth will be available to watch here.

Image: UK ‘will fail to reach climate targets unless government drives behaviour change’
UK ‘will fail to reach climate targets unless government drives behaviour change’

A House of Lords committee urges No 10 to use the lessons of pandemic to enable people to make decisions about travel, food, and energy use.  The Independent.


Image: Climate change - loss and damage: First Minister's speech - 11 October 2022
Climate change - loss and damage: First Minister's speech - 11 October 2022

The First Minister's speech at the Scottish Government's hybrid conference ‘Addressing Loss and Damage: Practical Action‘.

Image: Romero Thanksgiving Mass & Lecture
Romero Thanksgiving Mass & Lecture

The inaugural #Romero Lecture & Thanksgiving Mass on the anniversary of the cannonisation of St Oscar Romero takes place this Friday 14th October at 6pm at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston, Edinburgh.  A livestream link is also available on registration.

Image: Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October
Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October

The Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop took place from 7-9 October in Assisi and Rondine.  More than sixty participants from 21 countries were present. Here is the final declaration: 

Image: Ukraine war: Biden says nuclear risk highest since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Ukraine war: Biden says nuclear risk highest since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

During a speech last Friday, President Putin said the US had created a "precedent" by using nuclear weapons against Japan at the end of World War Two.  BBC 

Image: UK Nuclear Tests
UK Nuclear Tests

OTD, 70 years ago the UK carried out its first nuclear tests in Australia. This kicked off 12 atmospheric tests and radiological and toxic experiments. Decades after, survivors are still suffering the consequences and also fighting for justice.  ICAN.

Image: The Letter:  Laudato Si Film
The Letter: Laudato Si Film

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’ (The Letter); an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. Trailer - film release 4th Oct.

Image: Loss and damage: What happens when climate change destroys lives and cultures?
Loss and damage: What happens when climate change destroys lives and cultures?

“One of the biggest issues…that is missing and lacking is that loss and damage is basically only [looked at] from a monetary point of view, but there are losses and damages which cannot be quantified in monetary terms, in terms of loss of ecosystems, loss of cultural heritage, loss of life.  Carbon Brief.

Image: Aberdeen: Bishop Gilbert leads Prayers for Creation
Aberdeen: Bishop Gilbert leads Prayers for Creation

On Wed 21 September 2022, and with the intensifying symptoms of climate breakdown making the case for ecological conversion ever more powerfully, Catholics gathered in Mannofield again for the second diocesan Prayer for Creation.  ICN

Image: Vatican reaffirms support for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Vatican reaffirms support for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

At a time in which nuclear rhetoric and the threat of nuclear war is on the rise, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin has stressed the Holy See's firm stance against nuclear tests and expressed its support for the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  ICN

Image: Where Do We Start On Mobilisation?  
Where Do We Start On Mobilisation?  

1982: Since I have been asked to do so, and not because I have any exclusive wisdom, experience or success in this field, I would like to share a few thoughts on the work of trying to mobilise public opinion for disarmament.  Peace News.

Image: Why should we in Pakistan pay for catastrophic floods we had no part in causing?
Why should we in Pakistan pay for catastrophic floods we had no part in causing?

The G20 alone accounts for 75% of global emissions, many times more than those of the club of climate-vulnerable countries, which includes Pakistan, who emit less than 1% of greenhouse gases but end up paying over the odds in human, social and economic costs for the carbon profligacy of others.  The Guardian. 

Image: Building Peaceful Futures
Building Peaceful Futures

Entries are now open for the Columbans Schools competition.  If you are aged between 13-18 why not take a look here for a chance to win.



Image: ‘Polluters must pay’: UN chief calls for windfall tax on fossil fuel companies
‘Polluters must pay’: UN chief calls for windfall tax on fossil fuel companies

Guterres has previously accused governments of having an “addiction” to fossil fuels and has called new investments in oil, coal and gas “moral and economic madness”.  “Our planet is burning,” Guterres said, calling on world leaders to to end their “suicidal war against nature”.  The Guardian.


Image: Climate change impacts ‘heading into uncharted territory’, warns UN chief
Climate change impacts ‘heading into uncharted territory’, warns UN chief

“we are still way off track”, adding that it remains shameful that resilience-building to climate shocks was still so neglected.  “It is a scandal that developed countries have failed to take adaptation seriously, and shrugged off their commitments to help the developing world” said Mr. Guterres. 

Image: Save bees from deadly pesticides
Save bees from deadly pesticides

Bee-killing neonicotinoids have been banned across Europe since 2013, but the UK government has approved these deadly chemicals for emergency use - posing a lethal threat to bee populations.  Greenpeace petition.

Image: OBITUARY: BRUCE KENT: 22 JUNE 1929 – 8 JUNE 2022

Already aware of the immorality of nuclear weapons, Bruce joined Christian CND in 1960. In 1975, he carried out an exorcism of a Polaris nuclear submarine at the base in Faslane, in Scotland, with the words ‘From the willingness to murder, Good Lord, deliver us.’


Image:  World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds
World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds

“The Earth may have left a ‘safe’ climate state beyond 1C global warming,”“This sets Earth on course to cross multiple dangerous tipping points that will be disastrous for people across the world. To maintain liveable conditions on Earth and enable stable societies, we must do everything possible to prevent crossing tipping points.”  The Guardian.

Image: Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection on Loss & Damage
Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection on Loss & Damage

As COP27 approaches, in the context of mounting climate impacts, we are reminded of the absolute priority of the success of global forums to find solutions borne of compassion and solidarity, which are for the poor and in pursuit of the common good.  The Tablet.


Image: IAEA reports on situation at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant 
IAEA reports on situation at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant 

“The hits that this facility has received and that I could personally see and assess together with my experts is simply unacceptable. We are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place,”  IAEA chief Rafael Mariano Grossi

Image: SCIAF calls on new PM to pay up for damage caused by climate change
SCIAF calls on new PM to pay up for damage caused by climate change

"We have launched a petition calling on the new Prime Minister to take bold action and pay up for damages that countries like ours have caused".  SCIAF

Image: Pope Francis Message For World Day of Prayer For Creation 2022
Pope Francis Message For World Day of Prayer For Creation 2022

Dear brothers and sisters!  “Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. The ecumenical phase begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and concludes on 4 October with the feast of Saint Francis. It is a special time for all Christians to pray and work together to care for our common home.  Vatican.

Image: Sweet song of praise for Creation has become 'anguished plea'
Sweet song of praise for Creation has become 'anguished plea'

Pope Francis calls for a "covenant" between people and the environment God gave us, in his Message for the World Day of Prayer for Creation to be observed by the Church on September 1st.  Vatican News.

Image: Resisting Ecological Conversion
Resisting Ecological Conversion

Just adhead of the Season of Creation, Kenneth Sadler, Aberdeen diocesan representative for Justice & Peace Scotland reflects on 'Resisting Ecological Conversion'.  ICN

Image: Ukraine war: UN team leaves for Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
Ukraine war: UN team leaves for Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the team was expected to arrive at the plant later this week.  "We must protect the safety and security of Ukraine's and Europe's biggest nuclear facility," BBC

Image: Europe's drought the worst in 500 years - report
Europe's drought the worst in 500 years - report

All of Europe's rivers have dried up to some extent.  Apart from the obvious impact on boats..Hydroelectric power has dropped by a significant 20%.  Rapidly-sinking river levels across Europe have exposed relics of the past - including so-called "hunger stones" warning of potential famine.  Image by Peter H from Pixabay



Image: Season of Creation 2022
Season of Creation 2022

Resources for Sunday Masses during the Season of Creation 2022, produced by Laudato Si’ Animators and Eco Groups - Scotland, it offers a Penitential Rite and Prayers of the Faithful for each Sunday based on the Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

Image: A Life of Mission
A Life of Mission

On the memorial of St John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests, Fr Eugenio Montesi SX talks of his life and vocation in this Missio Scotland podcast recalling how the motto of the Xaverians - to make the world a single family - inspired him to a life of service.

Image: Ukraine war: IAEA says Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant out of control
Ukraine war: IAEA says Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant out of control

"You have a catalogue of things that should never be happening in any nuclear facility," BBC News

Image: Catholic bishop calls for urgent action on climate crisis
Catholic bishop calls for urgent action on climate crisis

"We’re not reacting quickly enough to avoid the damage or to even begin to repair the damage that we’ve done”.  The Tablet.


Image: Stop The Jackdaw Gas Project
Stop The Jackdaw Gas Project

Greenpeace is taking legal action to stop Shell's Jackdaw gas field.  The government approved Jackdaw without checking the full impact it would have on the climate.  Please sign the petition.

Image: NJPN Conference 2022: 'Let us build the City of God'
NJPN Conference 2022: 'Let us build the City of God'

All talks from NJPN Conference 2022, 'Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up' can be seen on Youtube here  

Image: Somalia is suffering its longest drought for more than 40 years.
Somalia is suffering its longest drought for more than 40 years.

7 million people are facing starvation. Half of Somalia’s children under age 5 are malnourished. At least one child is now dying every day.  There just isn’t enough food.  itvnews


Lifestyle changes are no substitute for collective action. But personal carbon-cutting still matters – it’s a powerful way to signal the climate emergency to those around us, move the needle on policy and set bigger cultural changes in motion.  New Internationalist.

Image: Message of Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation
Message of Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

"Each passing moment is an opportunity for everyone, especially world leaders, to reverse the biodiversity and climate crises".  ICN image M Mazur CBCEW

Image: Resources for the Season of Creation 2022
Resources for the Season of Creation 2022

The Irish Catholic Church have produced these resources for the Season of Creation 2022 under the theme Listen To The Voice Of Creation. 

Image: Court orders UK government to explain how net zero policies will reach targets
Court orders UK government to explain how net zero policies will reach targets

In a judgment handed down late on Monday, Mr Justice Holgate said the strategy lacked any explanation or quantification of how the government’s plans would achieve the emissions target, and as such had failed to meet its obligations under Climate Change Act (CCA) 2008.  The Guardian.

Image: Deadly wildfires spread in Portugal, France and Spain as heatwave grips Europe
Deadly wildfires spread in Portugal, France and Spain as heatwave grips Europe

A ferocious blaze has ripped through the pine forests in the Bordeaux region of France for five days straight, while wildfires in Portugal have killed one person.  The Independent.


Image: Pope: Nations must work together to adapt to climate change
Pope: Nations must work together to adapt to climate change

"In working together, men and women of good will can address the scale and complexity of the issues that lie before us, protect the human family and God's gift of creation from climate extremes, and foster the goods of justice and peace." Pope Francis.  ICN

Image: Scottish faith groups send letter to COP26 president
Scottish faith groups send letter to COP26 president

Representatives from across Scotland’s faith communities have written to UK Government minister and COP26 president Alok Sharma asking for a meeting to discuss what progress has been made since COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which was held in Glasgow in November 2021.


Image: Nature-based solutions: How can they work for climate, biodiversity and people?
Nature-based solutions: How can they work for climate, biodiversity and people?

The “deep interdependency” between societal wellbeing and ecosystems shows that “western science has finally caught up with that which Indigenous people have known for a long time”.  Carbon Brief.

Image: New Nuclear & Scotland
New Nuclear & Scotland

SNP ministers have been urged to drop their “ideological opposition” to nuclear power in light of the current energy crunch.  Image by catatanbelajar from Pixabay 



Image: Catholic institutions join global divestment announcement
Catholic institutions join global divestment announcement

9 out of 22 Catholic dioceses in England and Wales have now divested from fossil fuels. Last October, ahead of COP26, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Scotland and all Catholic dioceses in Scotland announced their divestment. ICN

Image: Why are we feeding crops to our cars when people are starving?
Why are we feeding crops to our cars when people are starving?

A new report by Green Alliance, an independent thinktank, shows that the food used by the UK alone for biofuels could feed 3.5 million people.The Guardian.


Image: There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power
There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power

Cancelling poor nations’ historic debts would allow their governments to channel money into climate adaptation.   The Guardian.


Image: We are Local Energy Scotland
We are Local Energy Scotland

We manage CARES - the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme. CARES supports communities across Scotland to engage with, participate in and benefit from the energy transition to net zero emissions.

Image: ‘It will be an embarrassment for any Catholic institution that hasn’t divested"  Archbishop Nolan
‘It will be an embarrassment for any Catholic institution that hasn’t divested" Archbishop Nolan

Last November, in his prior role as Bishop of Galloway (Scotland), he was instrumental in leading the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland to divest from fossil fuels ahead of the United Nations 26th Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. Laudato Si Movement.


Image: Oceania Catholic groups unite to advocate at UN Ocean Conference
Oceania Catholic groups unite to advocate at UN Ocean Conference

Catholic leaders from Oceania, including Indigenous Peoples, Cardinals, Jesuits, and Laudato Si' Movement members, will seek to amplify the voices of the most vulnerable and advocate for God's creation. image unsplash.

Image: Horn of Africa braces for ‘explosion of child deaths’ as hunger crisis deepens
Horn of Africa braces for ‘explosion of child deaths’ as hunger crisis deepens

Somalia alone used to import 92 per cent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, but now supply lines are blocked.”  UN.

Image: ‘Deliver the care our ocean needs – together’
‘Deliver the care our ocean needs – together’

World Oceans Day marked on 8 June, reminds us of the significant role oceans have in everyday life. Moreover, the 2022 theme – Revitalization: collective action for the ocean – underlines the importance of acting together to save our ocean.  UN

Image: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data For Scotland Released
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data For Scotland Released

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland response to greenhouse gas emissions’ data: Emissions targets met but greater action needed.

Image: UK firms begin world's biggest four-day week trial - with no loss of pay
UK firms begin world's biggest four-day week trial - with no loss of pay

Juliet Schor, professor of sociology at Boston College, and lead researcher on the pilot, said: "The four-day week is generally considered to be a triple dividend policy - helping employees, companies, and the climate.  Sky News.

Image: 5 things you should know about the UN Ocean Conf, a chance to save the planet’s largest ecosystems
5 things you should know about the UN Ocean Conf, a chance to save the planet’s largest ecosystems

The Ocean is the planet’s largest ecosystem, regulating the climate, and providing livelihoods for billions. But its health is in danger. The second UN Ocean Conference, due to take place in June, will be an important opportunity to redress the damage that mankind continues to inflict on marine life and livelihoods.  UN 

Image: Care of Creation Office - Practical Programming Guide
Care of Creation Office - Practical Programming Guide

Today is the 7th anniversary of the landmark encyclical on care for our common home #LaudatoSi Have a look at this practical guide with ideas for the short, medium & long term for individuals & parishes.

Image: Irish bishop on climate change: 'We cannot afford to be slow learners'
Irish bishop on climate change: 'We cannot afford to be slow learners'

"As people of faith we are called to be custodians of God's creation, 'this is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience' (Laudato Si, 217). On this the seventh anniversary of its publication, I strongly encourage all people to read Laudato Si' and inform themselves of their faith-based ecological obligation.  ICN.

Image: Laudato Si Week Events
Laudato Si Week Events

During Laudato Si Week which runs from 22nd May - 29 May 2022, you are invited to become part of the community by joining the many events. These webinars, gatherings and discussions will offer information about new developments, hands-on guidance from leading experts, and opportunities to pray and to reflect on your journey with Laudato Si’.

Image: Justice & Peace Europe Statement
Justice & Peace Europe Statement

Statement of the secretaries general of national commissions of Justice and Peace Europe gathered on May 14th - 15th 2022 in Szombathely/Hungary.

Image: Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021  World Meterological Organisation
Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021  World Meterological Organisation

“Renewables are the only path to real energy security, stable power prices and sustainable employment opportunities. If we act together, the renewable energy transformation can be the peace project of the 21st century,” said Mr Guterres.

Image: Failure to deliver Cop26 pledges would amount to ‘monstrous self-harm’, says Sharma
Failure to deliver Cop26 pledges would amount to ‘monstrous self-harm’, says Sharma

The minister will use a speech on Monday to urge countries to accelerate climate action despite the current global challenges.  Independent.

Image: Factcheck: Can new UK oil and gas licences ever be ‘climate compatible’?
Factcheck: Can new UK oil and gas licences ever be ‘climate compatible’?

The UK made history in November 2021 by helping to secure the first mention of the need to tackle fossil fuels in a global climate agreement, at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.  Factcheck.


Image: World getting ‘measurably closer’ to 1.5-degree threshold
World getting ‘measurably closer’ to 1.5-degree threshold

Our oceans will continue to become warmer and more acidic, sea ice and glaciers will continue to melt, sea level will continue to rise and our weather will become more extreme. Arctic warming is disproportionately high and what happens in the Arctic affects all of us,”  UN News  

Image: Vatican foreign minister to visit Kyiv, meet Ukrainian counterpart
Vatican foreign minister to visit Kyiv, meet Ukrainian counterpart

As the war in Ukraine wages on, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, British Archbishop Paul Gallagher, is planning to visit Kyiv next week, where he is expected to hold top level meetings.  CRUX.

Image: Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets
Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

“A condition in our modelling is that we produce the same amount of food per head in 2050,” he said. “But it’s very difficult to do this unless you see a change in farming practice, and especially unless you see a shift in arable farming versus livestock.  The Guardian.

Image: Why you should put your faith into action & volunteer with the Columbans!
Why you should put your faith into action & volunteer with the Columbans!

Juliette Bone explains her role as a Columban Faith in Action Volunteer and encourages other young people to consider the year long position which, she explains, will provide brilliant opportunities for young people to delve deeper into their faith through action and encounter.

Image: Pope repeats warning on nuclear weapons
Pope repeats warning on nuclear weapons

Pope Francis has once again strongly spoken out against nuclear weapons. In a 25 minute meeting today with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, before the General Audience, he said the use and possession of nuclear weapons is inconceivable.  ICN.


Image: Australia bishops urge support for most vulnerable
Australia bishops urge support for most vulnerable

The bishops called for a wider reassessment of refugee policies, saying the people fleeing violence or persecution have a “moral claim on our assistance, whether they fit legal definitions of a refugee or not”.  The Tablet.

Image: Chernobyl anniversary revives nuclear energy concerns
Chernobyl anniversary revives nuclear energy concerns

food for thought on Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day.  ICN.

Image: ‘I don’t see the evidence yet’ of stronger climate pledges, Kerry says
‘I don’t see the evidence yet’ of stronger climate pledges, Kerry says

John Kerry – President Biden’s special presidential envoy for climate – says he doesn’t “see the evidence yet” of global leaders revisiting their national climate pledges as agreed at COP26 in Glasgow last year. Washington Post.

Image: Aid agencies call for urgent action against famine in Horn of Africa
Aid agencies call for urgent action against famine in Horn of Africa

"developed countries, those who are largely responsible for climate change, must take responsibility for this. We must help those who are suffering because of it".  ICN.

Image: Cost of living crisis will become ‘truly horrific’ in autumn when colder weather returns
Cost of living crisis will become ‘truly horrific’ in autumn when colder weather returns

MPs heard that more Government support would be required in the coming months to avoid a disaster for the poorest households.  the i.

Image: Earth Day  - 22nd April 2022
Earth Day - 22nd April 2022

The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods.  Earthday.org.

Image: Holy See: No place for nuclear weapons in collective security
Holy See: No place for nuclear weapons in collective security

The Pontifical Academy for Sciences issues a declaration calling for an end to the war in Ukraine and urging nations to avoid the proliferation of nuclear weapons.  Vatican News.

Image: The 40th Anniversary of the Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Peace & Disarmament
The 40th Anniversary of the Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Peace & Disarmament

Justice & Peace Scotland, in conjunction with Sancta Familia Media have produced a video featuring four of our Scottish Bishops with many young people and laity representing every diocese in Scotland to reaffirm our opposition to nuclear weapons and to mark the 40th anniversary the Scottish Bishops 1982 landmark statement on nuclear weapons.

Image: Catholic charity workers killed in Mariupol
Catholic charity workers killed in Mariupol

“As we meditate this week on the passion of Christ may we pray for the people of Ukraine, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere who are enduring their passion.  Archbishop Nolan.  The Scottish Catholic.

Image: Dozens killed in Philippines landslides and floods as tropical storm Megi hits
Dozens killed in Philippines landslides and floods as tropical storm Megi hits

More than 17,000 people flee their homes as landslides engulf villages, cutting off roads and power.  The storm came four months after super-typhoon Rai devastated swathes of the archipelago nation, killing more than 400 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless.  The Guardian.

Image: Pope laments Bucha massacre, calls for end to war in Ukraine
Pope laments Bucha massacre, calls for end to war in Ukraine

“May this war cease! May weapons fall silent. Stop sowing death and destruction.”  Vatican News.


The new report also reinforces how social justice, climate justice and inclusive public participation is essential to achieving the necessary transformations in energy and economic systems sufficiently quick and at the national and global scale.  CIDSE

Image: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals. IPCC

Image: Russian troops have dug up Chernobyl's poisonous legacy - and may have spread it elsewhere
Russian troops have dug up Chernobyl's poisonous legacy - and may have spread it elsewhere

The soil is heavily contaminated but, despite that, Russian troops were ordered to dig defensive earthworks, say Ukrainians who've now retaken the site after Russia's retreat.  Sky News.


Image: Conference highlights links among climate change, health, racial justice
Conference highlights links among climate change, health, racial justice

"The pope clearly says some forms of pollution are part of people's daily experience, and they're constantly being exposed to atmospheric pollution, pollution of the water, pollution of soil.  Earthbeat.

Image: Fossil fuels were always dangerous. Now they're fueling war on my doorstep.
Fossil fuels were always dangerous. Now they're fueling war on my doorstep.

Irrefutably, fossil fuels have become a weapon of mass destruction, both for war in Ukraine and in the climate crisis. Still, we must continue believing that we can overcome not only a war in Ukraine and conflicts in other regions of the world but also our dependency on oil, gas and coal, now and forever.  Earthbeat.


Image: Marking the 40th Anniversary of Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Nuclear Weapons
Marking the 40th Anniversary of Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Nuclear Weapons

 “In March 1982 the Scottish Bishops published a pastoral letter on Peace and Disarmament.  In this letter they challenged not just the use of nuclear weapons, something the church has always condemned, but they challenged also the very notion of deterrence and the morality of deterrence". ICN.

Image: Pope Francis: 'War against Ukraine is inhuman and sacrilegious'
Pope Francis: 'War against Ukraine is inhuman and sacrilegious'

"Unfortunately, the violent aggression against Ukraine does not stop, a senseless massacre where every day there is a repetition of slaughter and atrocities. There is no justification for this!  ICN.

Image: 50+ bishops and 200+ church leaders write to PM & Chancellor on UK energy security strategy
50+ bishops and 200+ church leaders write to PM & Chancellor on UK energy security strategy

Ahead of the Government’s Spring Statement and energy security strategy, more than 200 UK church leaders have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak calling on them to tackle the climate emergency, address the cost of living crisis and stop all new fossil fuel developments.  Operation Noah.


Image: Catholic leaders from UK and Ireland appeal for end to war
Catholic leaders from UK and Ireland appeal for end to war

"In the face of the shocking loss of life, bloodshed, displacement of people and destruction of property in Ukraine, we make these heartfelt appeals."  ICN


Image: Ash Wednesday Witness at Faslane
Ash Wednesday Witness at Faslane

Please join us if you can at the South Gate at Faslane on Ash Wednesday, 2nd March 2022 at (3pm) as we  witness to the Peace of Christ at the home of Trident.

Image: Bruce Kent delivers CND letter to Russian Embassy
Bruce Kent delivers CND letter to Russian Embassy

Veteren #Peace campaigner Bruce Kent delivers a letter to the Russian embassy in London urging the Russian Gov to de-escalate.  ICN.

Image: IPCC issues ‘bleakest warning yet’ on impacts of climate breakdown
IPCC issues ‘bleakest warning yet’ on impacts of climate breakdown

Report says human actions are causing dangerous disruption, and window to secure a liveable future is closing.  Analysis: This report asks: what is at stake? In short, everything.  The Guardian.  


Image: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.

Image: Pope announces 2 March as day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine
Pope announces 2 March as day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine

Pope Francis made a heartfelt appeal for peace in Ukraine, saying that the threat of war had caused "great pain in my heart." 

Image: Enrol in the Laudato Si Action Platform
Enrol in the Laudato Si Action Platform

Laudato Si’ calls us toward sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. With profound care for each other, our Creator, and all creation, we are building a better future together. 

Image: Plastic that kills
Plastic that kills

Recycling is not the answer as more toxic chemicals are added to the old plastic to make more plastic. It is not the solution. Phasing out plastic is the only option. Replacing it with alternative safe materials like stainless steel glass, beeswax-coated wrapping and above all, platinum silicone, is the solution.  Fr Shay Cullen ICN.  Image: Fiqri Aziz Octavian on Unsplash.

Image: Scotland’s Most Polluted Streets in 2021
Scotland’s Most Polluted Streets in 2021

Air pollution from transport is responsible for thousands of premature deaths in Scotland every year, and causes serious heart and lung issues.  Friends of the earth Scotland.

Image: Pope Francis: Throwing plastic in the sea is 'criminal' and 'kills the Earth'
Pope Francis: Throwing plastic in the sea is 'criminal' and 'kills the Earth'

The pope's words echoed remarks he made last July on the occasion of "Sea Sunday," an annual day dedicated to "all those who rely on the sea for their work and livelihood."  "Take care of the health of the sea: no plastic in the sea!" Earthbeat.  image:Unsplash/Naja Bertolt Jensen)


Image: Pope appoints new Archbishop of Glasgow
Pope appoints new Archbishop of Glasgow

"As I overcome my initial shock at being appointed Archbishop my thoughts now turn to the challenges that lies ahead....from now on I belong to Glasgow. And I assure the people of Glasgow of my commitment and dedication to them.  ICN.

Image: William Nolan to be next Archbishop of Glasgow
William Nolan to be next Archbishop of Glasgow

Pope Francis has named justice and peace champion Bishop William Nolan to lead the Archdiocese of Glasgow.  The Tablet.

Image: Free bus travel scheme for under-22s launches in Scotland
Free bus travel scheme for under-22s launches in Scotland

“As we work to secure a green recovery from the pandemic, free bus travel will create new opportunities, protect our climate while at the same time reducing financial barriers for young people right across the country.”  STV.

Image: Palestine: Planting trees and working for peace
Palestine: Planting trees and working for peace

This year, the rabbis decided to go ahead with planting trees - and instead give violence a rest. Instead of dropping their tree-planting tools, they decided to adopt the motto "drop the violence."  ICN  image:  Rabbis for Human Rights.

Image: Exhibit shows if world acts, environmental destruction is reversible
Exhibit shows if world acts, environmental destruction is reversible

"It's the idea that if we do face the reality, even if we've made a big mess so far, but if we face it with courage and with realism, it can be turned around with God's help," said Czerny. "And that's good news." Earthbeat.


Image: Past seven years hottest on record - EU satellite data
Past seven years hottest on record - EU satellite data

Europe lived through its warmest summer, and temperature records in western US and Canada were broken by several degrees. Extreme wildfires in July and August burnt almost entire towns to the ground and killed hundreds.  BBC.


Image: Morrisons scraps 'use by' date on milk in favour of sniff test
Morrisons scraps 'use by' date on milk in favour of sniff test

Milk is the third most wasted food and drink product in the UK, after potatoes and bread, with around 490 million pints wasted every year.


Image: Justice & Peace Sunday Letter
Justice & Peace Sunday Letter

My Dear Brothers & Sisters... have a look at this video version of Bishop Nolan's written letter for Day of Prayer For Peace 2022.

Image: Updated Intercession Prayers for Day Of Prayer For Peace 2/1/22
Updated Intercession Prayers for Day Of Prayer For Peace 2/1/22

Here is the list of newly updated Intercessary Prayers For 'Day Of Prayer For Peace' which accompany Bishop Nolan's letter.  We ask that the letter and prayers are read at all Masses on Sunday 2nd January 2022.

Image: Day Of Prayer For Peace
Day Of Prayer For Peace

Letter to the Catholics of Scotland on 'Day Of Prayer For Peace', 2nd January 2022 from Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland.  Read the full text here.


Image: Scotland's new bottle deposit return scheme - here's everything you need to know
Scotland's new bottle deposit return scheme - here's everything you need to know

The UK's first deposit return scheme will go live in Scotland in 2023, and has been labelled 'one of the most environmentally ambitious and accessible in Europe'.  GlasgowLive.


Image: Around The Diocese
Around The Diocese

Every 3 months the National Commission of Justice & Peace Scotland meet and each diocese gives an update on their activities.  The December 2021 update is now available here.

Image: Faiths Rising: Climate Action Beyond COP26 
Faiths Rising: Climate Action Beyond COP26 

On Thursday 16th December 7-8pm Join the Faith Plans team for an evening of reflection on what next for climate action post-COP26. We will hear how the faiths are major stakeholders in the planet, and how faiths around the world are creating Faith Plans designed to realign their assets – investments, land, building, educational and medical institutes and their lifestyles – as part of the Faith Plans programme.

Image: UK must ‘walk the talk’ on climate action, say official advisers
UK must ‘walk the talk’ on climate action, say official advisers

Loss and damage is the term for compensation for the damage being caused in poorer countries, which have done little to cause global heating. In Glasgow a coalition of 134 countries, representing 85% of the world’s population, demanded the setting up of a loss-and-damage facility but the proposal was killed by the US.  Guardian.


Image: Justice and Peace Scotland on the outcomes of COP26
Justice and Peace Scotland on the outcomes of COP26

Danny Sweeny, Social Justice Coordinator with Justice & Peace Scotland reflects on COP26 in Glasgow.


“Stand up. I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen." (cf. Acts 26:16)


Image: COP26’s ‘Glasgow Climate Pact’ is a flawed deal that has satisfied nobody
COP26’s ‘Glasgow Climate Pact’ is a flawed deal that has satisfied nobody

Justice & Peace Scotland representative, Fr David Stewart, reflects on COP26 in Glasgow for America, The Jesuit Review Magazine.

Image: Official launch of Laudato Si' Action Platform offers concrete steps toward sustainable lifestyles
Official launch of Laudato Si' Action Platform offers concrete steps toward sustainable lifestyles

It aims to spark a cultural shift away from exploitation of the planet and its resources to a focus on preservation for the sake of present and future generations during a decade scientists say is critical to rein in greenhouse gas emissions.  Earthbeat.


Image: COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech
COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech

As a climate activist who grew up as part of an indigenous community in the Amazon rainforest, Txai Suruí spoke to world leaders about the direct impacts of climate change that her tribe is already experiencing.  But after the speech she was publicly criticised by Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro, for "attacking Brazil"

Image: Cop26: Pacific delegates condemn ‘monumental failure’ that leaves islands in peril
Cop26: Pacific delegates condemn ‘monumental failure’ that leaves islands in peril

Pacific representatives and negotiators have condemned the outcome of the COP26  meeting as “watered down” and a “monumental failure” that puts Pacific nations in severe existential danger, with one saying that Australia’s refusal to support funding for loss and damage suffered by Pacific countries was “a deep betrayal” of the region.

Image: More than 60 Catholic organizations sign Statement on COP26 Draft Agreement
More than 60 Catholic organizations sign Statement on COP26 Draft Agreement

As Catholics, united for our common home, we urgently ask leaders at the United Nations 26th Climate Change Conference to follow Pope Francis' leadership in reaching a prophetic final agreement.

The science is clear: an extractive, unsustainable economy, fuelled by fossil fuels, is causing the climate crisis that's destroying God's creation and harming the most vulnerable among us the most, those who have done little to cause the crisis.

Image: Message from Pope Francis to the Catholics of Scotland
Message from Pope Francis to the Catholics of Scotland

His Excellency Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Papal Nuncio to Great Britain delivered a message from Pope Francis to the people of Scotland as part of his visit representing the Holy Father at COP26.

Image: Minga Indígena
Minga Indígena

Through COP26 Glasgow has been host to indigenous leaders from around the world. From the Andes in Patagona, the Amazonas, to Alaska Minga Indígena brings together their wisdom and a voice world leaders need to hear.

Image: Living Language Land
Living Language Land

A journey through endangered and minority languages that reveal different ways of relating to land and nature. Brought together for COP26 sharing 26 words to give a global audience fresh inspiration for tackling our environmental crisis.

Image: COP26 targets too weak to stop disaster say Paris agreement architects
COP26 targets too weak to stop disaster say Paris agreement architects

World leaders will have to return to the negotiating table next year with improved plans to cut greenhouse gases because the proposed targets agreed at the COP26 summit are too weak to prevent disastrous levels of global heating, the three architects of the Paris agreement have warned.

Image: 24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators
24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators

Justice and Peace Scotland along with our partners involved with 24 Hours for the Climate have lobbied COP26 negotiators with stories of the impact of the climate crisis from across the world.

Read the stories here

Image: Bishop Nolan's Homily - COP26 International Mass
Bishop Nolan's Homily - COP26 International Mass

Our Bishop President William Nolan gave the homily for the COP26 International Mass.

Watch it here

Image: 24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators letter
24 Hours for the Climate lobby COP negotiators letter

Alongside our stories we have written to all COP negotiators. Read the letter here.

Image: Pope Francis delivers Thought For The Day on BBC Radio 4
Pope Francis delivers Thought For The Day on BBC Radio 4

Pope Francis has urged political leaders at COP26 to deliver "effective responses" to the climate crisis that give hope to future generations.  He spoke also of "genuine conversion" of all people with and a sense of shared responsbility for our world and solidarity based on justice.  

Image: The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26
The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26

Bishop Nolan gave a wonderful talk in Glasgow recently on the topic of "Where Is God At COP26?".  Watch his talk here.

Image: BBC Radio Scotland Interview with Bishop Nolan
BBC Radio Scotland Interview with Bishop Nolan

Listen into this BBC Radio Scotland interview with Bishop Nolan on the Scottish Catholic Church's decision to divest from fossil fuels and why there should be no new oil and gas exploration.  Scroll to 54 minutes for the start.

Image: Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26
Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26

The Catholic bishops of Scotland have announced their divestment from fossil fuels in advance of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, alongside 72 other faith organisations internationally. The Tablet.

Image: First Minister urged to “address the elephant in the room” and strongly reject new Cambo oil field
First Minister urged to “address the elephant in the room” and strongly reject new Cambo oil field

The letter comes just after the First Minister said it would be “fundamentally wrong” for countries like Scotland to “keep exploring for and extracting oil and gas” and announced that the Scottish Government will no longer support unlimited extraction of fossil fuels. Campaigners say the First Minister must put her words into action and oppose the climate wrecking project.  SCCS.

Image: Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland joins largest-ever faith divestment ahead of COP26
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland joins largest-ever faith divestment ahead of COP26

Today, Tuesday 26th October 2021, The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and all Catholic dioceses in Scotland announce fossil fuel divestment.  Press Release.

Image: COP26, Fossil Fuel Divestment and a Just Transition for All
COP26, Fossil Fuel Divestment and a Just Transition for All

Global divestment webinar: Faith institutions show leadership on fossil fuel divestment and investment in climate solutions ahead of COP26.  Keynote Speaker - Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland. Thursday 28th October 2021 5pm - 6.30pm


Image: Scotland's Most Polluted Streets
Scotland's Most Polluted Streets

 In an open letter to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, published in the Herald today, over 60 leading health professionals  including consultants, GPs and medical academics are calling for more action to be taken on air pollution to save lives. Read the letter here.

Image: Greenzone Programme Of Events
Greenzone Programme Of Events

From 1-12 November 2021, the COP26 Green Zone will be open to the public at the Glasgow Science Centre.


Image: Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

18th October is marked annually as Anti-Human Trafficking Day.  This Justice & Peace Scotland video features our faith leaders and those with lived experience of human trafficking.  Our aim is to spread awareness of this crime as well as the tools to do something about it.

Image: Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration For COP26
Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration For COP26

Our faith communities are united in caring for human life and the natural world. We share a belief in a hopeful future, as well as an obligation to be responsible in caring for our common home, the Earth.

Image: Protecting Nature: UN Biodiversity Summit gets underway
Protecting Nature: UN Biodiversity Summit gets underway

"A million species of plants and animals risk extinction within a matter of decades; almost three quarters of land and 66% of marine environments have been significantly altered by humanity and that more than 85% of wetland areas have been lost."  ICN

Image: Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute, IMF finds
Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute, IMF finds

Trillions of dollars a year are ‘adding fuel to the fire’ of the climate crisis, experts say.  The Guardian.


Image: 'We're in nature's hands': More earthquakes strike La Palma as lava surges amid crater collapse
'We're in nature's hands': More earthquakes strike La Palma as lava surges amid crater collapse

Two more earthquakes have rattled the Spanish island of La Palma amid a fresh surge of lava from an erupting volcano.  Sky News.


Image: Pope Francis joins world faith leaders in urgent climate appeal ahead of COP26
Pope Francis joins world faith leaders in urgent climate appeal ahead of COP26

In response to the "grave threat" of climate change, heads of the world's major religions united at the Vatican to issue an unprecedented joint appeal to government leaders at next month's United Nations climate summit, calling for "urgent, radical and responsible action"  Earthbeat.  CNS photo/Paul Haring


Image: Holy See: Ensuring access to affordable and sustainable energy 'a moral duty'
Holy See: Ensuring access to affordable and sustainable energy 'a moral duty'

As the UN hosts a high-level event on energy, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher sends a video message to participants, and says that transition to accessible and clean energy is a duty that richer countries owe to poorer ones.  Vatican News.

Image: 24 Hours For The Climate
24 Hours For The Climate

You are invited to submit a proposal to take part in this global 24 hour vigil to pray for the success of COP26. On 5th – 6th November, this live broadcast will be an opportunity to learn from communities suffering from climate change, pray for the future of our common home, and write messages that will be delivered to COP26 negotiators. 

Image: Host a climate justice guest
Host a climate justice guest

Opening your home (and your heart) to an international network of visiting activists, scientists, and policy makers is one of the most impactful ways you can contribute to the movement.


Image: The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God At COP26
The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God At COP26

As we approach the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow join us on Saturday 23rd October at 1pm for this 'in-person' event as we search for God's voice amidst all the noise. 

Image: Harvard University will divest its $42bn endowment from all fossil fuels
Harvard University will divest its $42bn endowment from all fossil fuels

The elite private Ivy League university, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has by far the largest endowment of any university in the world.  Student campaigners: ‘Activism works, plain and simple’ University president cites need to decarbonize economy. Guardian.


Image: Interview with the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food
Interview with the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food

Most people who are hungry are experiencing conflict, by which I mean violence. We have to acknowledge violence is not an exception, it’s always there.  New Internationalist


Image: Glasgow: Young people release music video for COP26
Glasgow: Young people release music video for COP26

The song calls on everyone involved in the climate movement but, most especially, the world leaders coming to Glasgow for COP26 in November to act to 'Save Our Common Home'.  ICN,

Image: WATERSHED The turning point for North Sea oil and the Just Transition
WATERSHED The turning point for North Sea oil and the Just Transition

"UK law and Scottish Government policy remains to drill every last drop from the North Sea, which would triple emissions from oil and gas".   Report.

Image: These 5 economic policy changes would help us live in harmony with God's gift of life
These 5 economic policy changes would help us live in harmony with God's gift of life

"it is about reducing the material and energy throughput of the economy and bring it back into balance with the living world, Earthbeat.

Image: Joint Message from Pope, Patriarch and Archbishop of Canterbury for Protection of Creation
Joint Message from Pope, Patriarch and Archbishop of Canterbury for Protection of Creation

This is a critical moment. Our children's future and the future of our common home depend on it.  ICN

Image: Record number of environmental activists murdered
Record number of environmental activists murdered

The report called the victims "environmental defenders" killed for protecting natural resources that need to be preserved, including forests, water supplies and oceans.

Image: Ministers bowed to pressure to drop key climate commitments for UK trade deal with Australia
Ministers bowed to pressure to drop key climate commitments for UK trade deal with Australia

"Australia doesn't want the trade deal to be made conditional to their membership of Paris Agreement, so essentially it doesn't want to be held to account.  Sky News.



Image: Music Video for COP26 -  From A Distance
Music Video for COP26 - From A Distance

The video features a young 10 year old girl (Jessie Lou Harvie) along with many other young people coming together to call on everyone involved in the climate movement but, most especially, the world leaders coming to Glasgow for COP26 in November to act to ‘Save Our Common Home’

Image: Music Video For COP26
Music Video For COP26

We need your help!  Be part of the crowd scene in our music video for COP26 on Saturday 4th September at 3pm please gather in front of the SSE Hydro in Glasgow.  Click read more for further details.

Image: What Is The Season Of Creation?
What Is The Season Of Creation?

Season of Creation is a time of grace that the Church, in ecumenical dialogue, offers to humanity to renew its relationship with the Creator and with creation, through celebration, conversion and commitment together.  Taking action during the Season of Creation is living out our Catholic faith.  This short video explains more.

Image: Why Christians are pitching ‘Abraham’s tent’ during 2021 Season of Creation
Why Christians are pitching ‘Abraham’s tent’ during 2021 Season of Creation

Every year during the Season of Creation, Christians on six continents unite to pray, take action, and advocate for our common home.  This year’s theme is “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God,” and the logo reflects that theme as it’s Abraham’s tent, which symbolizes “a home for all.” Season of Creation.


Image: Let’s do net zero community buildings: CARES funding available
Let’s do net zero community buildings: CARES funding available

Local Energy Scotland administer and manage the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES), which is here to help you on this journey to net zero. CARES is offering grant funding, advice and support to faith groups and community organisations that want to decarbonise their community buildings by installing low carbon or renewable technologies, such as heat pumps or solar panels.

Image: As climate change intensifies, how might Laudato Si' guide community responses?
As climate change intensifies, how might Laudato Si' guide community responses?

Communities seeking to live in the spirit of Laudato Si' must reflect a sense of mutual caring and mutual sharing that sees the Earth as part of that community and not simply a repository of resources.  Earthbeat.

Image: How can Britain commit to net zero and still drill for millions more barrels of oil?
How can Britain commit to net zero and still drill for millions more barrels of oil?

Hypocrisy rules as we prepare to host Cop26 and Boris Johnson prepares to approve a new oilfield off Shetland.  The Guardian.


Image: SCIAF launches COP26 petition with Race Against Time stunt
SCIAF launches COP26 petition with Race Against Time stunt

The Race Against Time saw a costumed Boris Johnson race against a young SCIAF supporter donning a clock. SCIAF is using the stunt to draw attention to the countdown to COP26 and the urgency required to tackle climate change.  ICN.


Image: Curbing climate breakdown in time
Curbing climate breakdown in time

Campaigners need to engage closely with bank customers to mobilise pressure on the banks. The prospect of anything close to 10% of customers switching bank will motivate the banks to try and protect their reputation with clear evidence of cutting their financing of high carbon businesses.   Renewal.


Image: Treasury blocking green policies key to UK net zero target
Treasury blocking green policies key to UK net zero target

Experts say chancellor refusing to commit spending needed to shift economy to low-carbon footing.  Guardian.  

Image: #StopCambo Open Letter to Boris Johnson
#StopCambo Open Letter to Boris Johnson

An open letter urging Boris Johnson not to approve the new Cambo oil field off the coast of Shetland has been delivered to the PM.  77 signatures from a range of groups across the UK and internationally have signed the letter.  Read it here.

Image: A Prayer For Our Earth
A Prayer For Our Earth

A massive Thank You! To our friends at Independent Catholic News for running this article on A Prayer For Our Earth, a prayer service resource that can be used by parishes, groups and schools everywhere to pray for the success of COP26

Image: Thunberg calls out climate impact of fashion brands in Vogue interview
Thunberg calls out climate impact of fashion brands in Vogue interview

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has condemned the fashion industry over its "huge" contribution to climate change, in a magazine interview.  BBC.


Image: “Volunteering is a unique opportunity to bring climate justice to COP26.”
“Volunteering is a unique opportunity to bring climate justice to COP26.”
Alongside the COP26 Coalition, we are currently looking for more volunteers to help with COP26 events and activities including setting up venues, welcoming, stewarding, tech support, and welfare.


Image: The Human Face Of The Climate Crisis
The Human Face Of The Climate Crisis

Facing the Crisis, a new digital exhibition, explores the impacts of the climate crisis on people and communities across the world.


Image: Bishop urges immediate action after 'grim and disturbing' climate change report
Bishop urges immediate action after 'grim and disturbing' climate change report

"World leaders must come together with urgency for the common good and commit to making real progress, on a global level, not just pay lip service to the facts and figures of which we are all too aware. This is a time to be acting for the common good, not self-interest or self-serving politics."  ICN


Image: Climate Change 2021:  The Physical Science Basis
Climate Change 2021:  The Physical Science Basis

The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.  IPCC

Image: Climate crisis ‘unequivocally’ caused by human activities, says IPCC report
Climate crisis ‘unequivocally’ caused by human activities, says IPCC report

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states every corner of the planet is already being affected and it could get far worse  Guardian.


Image: Our impact investing journey: Sisters of St Joseph of Peace
Our impact investing journey: Sisters of St Joseph of Peace

Congregation Leader Sister Susan Francois. ‘The time is now to act, to put our values into action on behalf of Earth and all creation.’  Brightnow.

Image: Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers
Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers

The number of items on shelves in grocery stores gives the impression that "there's a tremendous amount of diversity in our food system, "But the reality is that all of that diversity of products in a grocery store is basically controlled by four to six companies."  Earthbeat.

Image: German bishop: Floods' mental health toll might be worse than property damage
German bishop: Floods' mental health toll might be worse than property damage

Dealing with the aftermath of the recent floods in parts of Germany will be a long-haul effort for people, said Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier, whose diocese was one of the worst-hit regions.  Earthbeat.

Image: Laudato Si' Movement launches its new name
Laudato Si' Movement launches its new name

The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) has a new name, with the blessing of Pope Francis: the Laudato Si' Movement. It was announced on 29 July in a webinar attended by more than 8,000 participants from around the world.  ICN.

Image: NJPN Conference: Our Children's Future - Tackling Climate Change in Times of Covid
NJPN Conference: Our Children's Future - Tackling Climate Change in Times of Covid

Let me tell you a story - of my own personal ecological conversion. I believe there is great power in sharing our stories, so I offer this to you as one story, and you can take from it what you need.  ICN



$370MILLION OF FOOD IS WASTED ON FARMS.  Reducing this could support significant progress towards the SDGs of ‘No Poverty’ and ‘Zero Hunger’, particularly in low-income countries where postharvest waste amounts to 291 million tonnes each year.   WWF


Image: Delivering climate justice at COP26 in Glasgow
Delivering climate justice at COP26 in Glasgow

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland lay out what action the Scottish, UK governments and major world polluters need to take at COP26 in Glasgow this November.
'Every crisis needs a turning point and #COP26 in Glasgow must provide it'

Image: Governments must agree to end use of coal power, says UK’s Cop26 president
Governments must agree to end use of coal power, says UK’s Cop26 president

Alok Sharma, the UK’s president-designate of Cop26, said: “We were not able to get every country to agree to phasing out coal power, which was very disappointing. We will certainly have more discussions in the coming months …Unless we get all countries signed up to a coal phase-out, keeping 1.5C in reach is going to be extremely difficult.”


Image: The repair shop trying to fix throwaway culture
The repair shop trying to fix throwaway culture

The reuse and repair business was opened recently by Remade Network, a grassroots social enterprise which wants the public to rethink their relationship with their possessions.  BBC.

Image: Environment Bishop to tell J&P Conference: 'Time for action is now'
Environment Bishop to tell J&P Conference: 'Time for action is now'

Bishop John Arnold of Salford says: "this meeting, a few months before COP26 in Glasgow, allows the voice of the church to come together, unite and look at ways we can take the call for action back to our parishes and communities to create a different legacy for the next generation."  ICN.


Image: Climate Justice Volunteering at COP26
Climate Justice Volunteering at COP26

Help is needed recruiting volunteers for COP26. There are a number of roles (and over a thousand shifts!) available covering the three key activities: Civil Society Hubs, Mass Mobilisations and the People's Summit. This is a joint project with the COP26 Coalition, and all the info - and the online application form - can be found here

Image: Pope Francis: We need to develop an 'ecology of the heart'
Pope Francis: We need to develop an 'ecology of the heart'

Let us learn how to take a break, "to turn off the mobile phone" and look at one another, "cultivate silence, to contemplate nature, to regenerate ourselves in dialogue with God."  ICN


Image: Lawyers Are Working to Put 'Ecocide' on Par with War Crimes.
Lawyers Are Working to Put 'Ecocide' on Par with War Crimes.

This is especially helpful in poorer countries where legal barriers make it difficult to hold foreign companies accountable. An ecocide law, would create an arena in which marginalized communities like Nigeria have a voice against powerful, polluting actors. “Most of this ecocide devastation is happening in communities where voices are not heard,” Time.

Image: Nordic countries endure heatwave as Lapland records hottest day since 1914
Nordic countries endure heatwave as Lapland records hottest day since 1914

Nordic countries have registered near-record temperatures over the weekend, including highs of 34C (93.2F) in some places.  The latest figures came after Finland’s national meteorological institute registered its hottest temperature for June since records began in 1844. The Guardian.

Image: Boris Johnson cannot miss 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to protect Amazon
Boris Johnson cannot miss 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to protect Amazon

"If these bills are passed, neither these indigenous communities nor the Amazon rainforest will exist within the next decade," wrote the President of REPAM Brazil, Bishop Erwin Kräutler.  ICN.

Image: Countdown To COP26
Countdown To COP26

Booking now:  An online event - Reflection and Action on Climate in your Parish/Local Community.

Image: Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,
Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,

Ahead of the G7 group of nations summit taking place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall from 11-13 June 2021, bishops William Nolan, Richard Moth and John Arnold representing the Catholic communities of England, Wales and Scotland have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to stress that we must work together to ensure a just and sustainable future for our global community.

Image: Sixty years of climate change warnings: the signs that were missed (and ignored) 
Sixty years of climate change warnings: the signs that were missed (and ignored) 

One of the hardest parts of writing about the history of the climate crisis was stumbling across warnings from the 1950s, 60s and 70s, musing about how things might get bad sometime after the year 2000 if no one did anything about fossil fuels. They still had hope back then. Reading that hope today hurts.  Photograph: Alain Nogues/Sygma/Getty Images.  Guardian.

Image: 31 steps to a plastic free July
31 steps to a plastic free July

The Marine Conservation Society have produced this list of 31 ways to reduce your plastic use.  Have a read through and tick off the ones your already do and make a plan to tackle the others.

Image: Season Of Creation 1st Sept - 4th October
Season Of Creation 1st Sept - 4th October

Catholics encouraged to begin planning meaningful action for ecumenical Season of Creation before UN summits.

Image: Canada weather: Dozens dead as heatwave shatters records
Canada weather: Dozens dead as heatwave shatters records

Dozens of people have died in Canada amid an unprecedented heatwave that has smashed temperature records.  BBC.

Image: As COP26 approaches, here is how you can align your faith with your finances
As COP26 approaches, here is how you can align your faith with your finances

With COP26 described as the ‘last best chance' to address the climate crisis, our choice of bank is more critical than ever before. Sustainable banking enables us to align our finances with our values in a way that traditional banking, the evidence shows, simply cannot.  The Tablet.



Justice & Peace Scotland are signatories to this letter written by the COP26 Coalition to world leaders at the start of the G7 summit.

Image: Young Cornish Christians demand climate justice at G7 summit
Young Cornish Christians demand climate justice at G7 summit

A group of young Christians from across Cornwall are urging their peers to sign an open letter to World Leaders demanding climate justice ahead of the G7 summit.  ICN


Image: A Prayer For Our Earth, Prayer Service Booklet
A Prayer For Our Earth, Prayer Service Booklet

Download the 'Prayer For Our Earth' Service booklet here.   We encourage you to use this booklet to hold a service wherever you are in the UK to pray for the success of COP26 during the Season of Creation, 1st Sept - 4th Oct.

Image: Pastoral Letter on 6th Anniversary of Laudato Si
Pastoral Letter on 6th Anniversary of Laudato Si

As we approach Pentecost 2021 The Scottish Bishops have released the following Pastoral Letter celebrating the Sixth Anniversary of Laudato Si’.


Image: Christian Aid response to G7 finance meeting
Christian Aid response to G7 finance meeting

This is a big week for the Prime Minister. He must deliver far more ambitious commitments in Cornwall to secure vaccine equity, debt cancellation and climate finance


Image: Revised energy labels for domestic appliances
Revised energy labels for domestic appliances

explains the recent changes to EU energy labels which we find on our domestic appliances, and the looks at the implications of Brexit.  Ethical Consumer.


Image: Scottish Bishops Establish a 'Care For Creation Office'
Scottish Bishops Establish a 'Care For Creation Office'

Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have announced their intention to set up a “Care of Creation Office” ahead of the COP26 meeting in Glasgow later this year. Commenting on the decision, Bishop William Nolan, the Bishop of Galloway and President of the National Justice & Peace Commission said: 


Image: World Environment Day - Sat 5th June
World Environment Day - Sat 5th June

We cannot turn back time. But we can grow trees, green our cities, rewild our gardens, change our diets and clean up rivers and coasts. We are the generation that can make peace with nature.


Image: Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'
Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'

"Here, when you are hospitalized, you often have to take water with you. There's not enough for everyone." This is the situation in Kisantu, a town about 100 kilometers south of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Earthbeat.



The new Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a Vatican-led effort to empower Catholic institutions, communities, and families to implement Laudato Si’. “The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a journey towards total sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology,” the Rev. Kureethadam said.

Image: Blue Carbon 
Blue Carbon 

New report from The Marine Conservation Society in partnership with Rewilding Britain exploring ocean-based solutions for fight the climate crisis.

Image: The COP26 Homestay Network
The COP26 Homestay Network

Support the climate justice movement by hosting the fantastic folks coming to COP26 Glasgow 1st – 12th November.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland.

Image: Vatican readies to roll out ‘spectacular’ action plan for ‘Laudato Si’
Vatican readies to roll out ‘spectacular’ action plan for ‘Laudato Si’

Pope Francis kicked off his own “Laudato Si” week Sunday, which wraps up an entire year dedicated to 2015 encyclical letter on the environment, the first ever dedicated entirely to that topic, and its dramatic call to hear “the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.” CRUX


Image: Laudato Si Week
Laudato Si Week

Laudato Si’ Week 2021, to be held May 16-25, will be the crowning event of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year, and a celebration of the great progress the whole Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion.  Laudato Si’ Week 2021 will also be a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope.  Search the events happening here.


Image: Indigenous people's lives depend on their lands, but threats are growing worldwide
Indigenous people's lives depend on their lands, but threats are growing worldwide

"For years we have tried, but our voice is not heard, "We don't have freedom of expression right now, Our land is being taken, and it's destroying our life. Our life depends on the land."  EarthBeat.


Image: Urgent steps must be taken to reduce methane emissions this decade
Urgent steps must be taken to reduce methane emissions this decade

Because methane is a key ingredient in the formation of ground-level ozone (smog), a powerful climate forcer and dangerous air pollutant, a 45 per cent reduction would prevent 260 000 premature deaths, 775 000 asthma-related hospital visits, 73 billion hours of lost labour from extreme heat, and 25 million tonnes of crop losses annually.  UN Environment Programme.  


Image: World Fair Trade Day – May 8, 2021
World Fair Trade Day – May 8, 2021

World Fair Trade Day is on the second Saturday of May and its purpose is to celebrate the contributions to the fight against poverty, exploitation, and climate change. The Fair Trade movement is all about ensuring that workers around the globe are treated fairly with decent wages and working conditions. 


Image: The World Of Finance - Pope video 5th May 2021
The World Of Finance - Pope video 5th May 2021

“Regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers” — this is the proposal of Pope Francis for bringing the world of finance closer to the real economy and to the lives of ordinary people. #TheRealEconomy #ThePopeVideo

Image: UK supermarkets threatening Brazil boycott over Amazon deforestation
UK supermarkets threatening Brazil boycott over Amazon deforestation

Retailers raise concerns over effort to legalise private occupation of public land they fear will see more forests burned and cleared for agriculture.  Independent.


Image: Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change
Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change

The gap between rich and poor countries on vaccinations highlights the failure of richer nations to see it in their self-interest to urgently help poorer ones fight a shared crisis.  The New York Times ​

Image: UK Military Spending: Speak Out In Your Local Media 
UK Military Spending: Speak Out In Your Local Media 

The UK has increased its nuclear warheads by 44%, while cutting aid to the world’s poorest by 30%. #DefundTheMilitary. Where do you think the UK’s military budget should be spent instead? CAAT Campaign.

Image: Pope Francis, in Earth Day messages, warns 'we are at the edge' on climate change
Pope Francis, in Earth Day messages, warns 'we are at the edge' on climate change

In twin Earth Day messages, Pope Francis warned a gathering of world leaders and the global community at large that "we are at the edge" with climate change, and the time to take action is now.  Earthbeat.

Image: Biden calls on world leaders to invest in clean energy before ‘point of no return’
Biden calls on world leaders to invest in clean energy before ‘point of no return’

Billionaires, CEOS and union executives to help sell president’s climate-friendly transformation of US economy at virtual summit.  Guardian.


Image: Earth Day - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Earth Day - Thursday 22nd April 2021

Take A Pledge - take a look at these practical suggestions on how you can make a positive change for the environment this Earth Day.


Image: And this is where the debate around climate change ends...
And this is where the debate around climate change ends...

Because no one in Farida's village asks 'is climate change real?'
They ask what will we eat now that the floods have destroyed our crops?
Where we will sleep tonight, with our house underwater?   Tradecraft.


Image: A letter from the Catholic Bishops of Scotland
A letter from the Catholic Bishops of Scotland

Putting Human Life and  Dignity at the Centre.  On the run up to the Scottish Parliament elections on 6th May 2021 the Catholic bishops of Scotland have released the following letter.

Image: Sixty Minutes with Mauro Petriccione, 
Sixty Minutes with Mauro Petriccione, 

Mauro Petriccione is the Director General for Climate Action, in charge of overseeing the climate elements of the European Green Deal.  Recording from the George Washington University Webinar Series,  "Leadership in Our Time".

Image: Climate Justice Day of Action
Climate Justice Day of Action

On the run up to the Scottish parliamentary elections on May 6th 2021 we are campaigning for Climate Justice for our poorest brothers and sisters all over the world who have done the least to cause climate change but suffer its affects the most and we want the Scottish government increase the Climate Justice Fund.

Image: Fukushima: Japan approves releasing wastewater into ocean
Fukushima: Japan approves releasing wastewater into ocean

Japan has approved a plan to release more than one million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.  BBC.

Image: Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World
Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World

Climate activist Greta Thunberg takes a year off school to explore the science of global warming and challenge world leaders, calling for action on climate change.  BBC Iplayer.  Episode 1.

Image: Talking to your local candidates about climate justice
Talking to your local candidates about climate justice

Watch this recording of the online training event giving tips on speaking to your local election candidates about climate justice on the run up to the Scottish elections on 6th May.  #ClimateJusticeScot.

Image: Carbon dioxide spikes to critical record, halfway to doubling preindustrial levels
Carbon dioxide spikes to critical record, halfway to doubling preindustrial levels

For the first time in recorded history, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, or CO2, was measured at more than 420 parts per million at the Mauna Loa Observatory on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Washington Post. 


Image: UK-hosted summit seeks solutions for 'searing injustice' of climate change
UK-hosted summit seeks solutions for 'searing injustice' of climate change

Britain will highlight how the poorest who have done the least to cause climate change are suffering the worst of its impacts, and urge rich countries to offer more support at an online ministerial summit on Wednesday 7th April.  Reuters.


Image: Vatican issues guide for response to climate migration
Vatican issues guide for response to climate migration

Pope Francis says the new booklet "urges us to see the tragedy of prolonged uprootedness that causes our brothers and sisters to cry out, year after year… it invites us to become aware of the indifference of societies and governments to this tragedy. It asks us to see, and to care."  ICN

Image: Christian groups urge NatWest to divest from nuclear weapons
Christian groups urge NatWest to divest from nuclear weapons

40+ organisations that have signed a letter to NatWest Group CEO Alison Rose to update the group's defence sector policy to reflect that nuclear weapons are now prohibited under international law. The call comes following widespread condemnation of the UK government's decision to increase the cap on the nuclear weapons in its stockpile by up to 40%.  ICN

Image: Talking to your local candidates about climate justice
Talking to your local candidates about climate justice
Wednesday 7th April at 6pm

This will be an election campaign like no other and it’s important that candidates get to hear from you directly so they know that there is a real demand for Scotland to do more to stand up for international solidarity and champion climate justice. The more voices we have, the louder our call.  Join us for tips on speaking to your local candidates about climate justice in the run up to the Scottish Parliament elections on 6 May.

Image: Disclosure

Reporter Kevin Keane investigates what Scots really think about the change to our climate and asks whether we are able and willing to act now to save the planet.  BBC.

Image: Lord Deben on 'Climate Change - The Gospel Imperative'
Lord Deben on 'Climate Change - The Gospel Imperative'

"Catholics must be clear", he said, that "action on climate change is part of Catholic Social Teaching" and "this battle is for all of us." He urged Catholics to bring the issue "into our prayers and our liturgy," and preach the gospel "in a way that is relevant".  

Image: Scotland Must Step Up
Scotland Must Step Up

Now is the time to use our collective voice to ensure that the next group of MSPs elected to the Scottish Parliament will stand up for international solidarity.

Image: Beijing skies turn orange as sandstorm and pollution send readings off the scale
Beijing skies turn orange as sandstorm and pollution send readings off the scale

Capital of China suffers ‘hazardous’ levels of air pollution with authorities issuing second-highest safety alert.  The Guardian.


Image: A successful Cop26 is essential for Britain and the world. Here's how it can happen
A successful Cop26 is essential for Britain and the world. Here's how it can happen

In November Boris Johnson will host the most important global meeting ever to take place on UK soil. The outcomes of this UN summit on climate change, known as Cop26, will help shape the fates of billions of people for decades to come. For the UK it is also the first big stress-test of its new role in the world after leaving the EU.  The Guardian.


Image: Church fights for right to clean water around the world
Church fights for right to clean water around the world

According to the United Nations data, three out of ten people in the world lack access to safe drinking services. In addition, more than 80 percent of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or the sea without any treatment, which causes its contamination, which leads them to estimate that by 2050, close to 60 percent of the world’s total population won’t have access to potable water.


Image: This map shows how air pollution changed in 2020
This map shows how air pollution changed in 2020

The pandemic brought some big improvements—but many cities still had unsafe air. “We certainly hope that we can learn these lessons, and that we can see that human beings are the source of pollution and we can do something about it, It’s not just the weather, it’s us. And not only can we stop the cycle, but we can make improvements that will turn the tide.”  image IQ Air 


Image: It's Time to Act On Climate Justice
It's Time to Act On Climate Justice

The climate emergency hasn't gone away and it's time to act.  With the Scottish elections almost upon us it is important that we all take the time to talk to all of the candidates in our areas about climate justice.  Together lets raise our voices for climate justice here in Scotland and across the world. Campaign video.

Image: Fukushima’s tragic legacy—radioactive soil, ongoing leaks, and unanswered questions
Fukushima’s tragic legacy—radioactive soil, ongoing leaks, and unanswered questions

The ripple effects from one of the world’s worst nuclear catastrophes continue after a decade, with implications for human health and remediation efforts.  National Geographic 

Image: Faith in the Time of Covid - Rt Hon Gordon Brown
Faith in the Time of Covid - Rt Hon Gordon Brown

As Part of their series of talks - 'Faith in the Time of Covid' - by the Archdiocese of St Andrew's & Edinburgh, The Rt Hon Gordon Brown gives this talk highlighting the importance of Catholic Social Teaching.

Divestment and the Just and Green Recovery

We wish to demonstrate the support of the Scottish Churches for urgent action in response to the climate crisis and to support a just and green recovery from Covid-19 as Scotland prepares to host the UN climate talks, COP26 (1-12 November 2021).

Image: Its Time For Action
Its Time For Action

With only nine years left to meet the 2030 target to reduce emissions by 75% it’s crucial that the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan update sets out and delivers the transformational changes needed to achieve these reductions and puts Scotland rapidly on course to a healthier, fairer, low carbon future. It’s Time for Action.

Image: International Women's Day: Remembering Berta Caceres
International Women's Day: Remembering Berta Caceres

A case could be made that Berta was a 'Laudato Si' martyr, in a long line of martyrs defending the Earth. As co-founder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras (COPINH), Berta had led the Lenca people and other indigenous communities in a non-violent struggle for the integrity of their territories and their sovereignty.  ICN

Image: Unmarked military convoy carrying nuclear weapons spotted passing through Glasgow
Unmarked military convoy carrying nuclear weapons spotted passing through Glasgow

Concerns have been raised by anti-nuclear weapons campaigners of what could happen if a serious accident was to take place after an unmarked military convoy believed to be carrying nuclear weapons passed through Glasgow on Friday 5th March 2021. GlasgowLive Picture: NukeWatch UK.

Image: Beyond Petrostates: The burning need to cut oil dependence in the energy transition
Beyond Petrostates: The burning need to cut oil dependence in the energy transition

There is a fundamental shift underway as the global economy begins to decarbonise. Populations that are heavily reliant on fossil-fuel production face lower government revenues and job losses as the pace and inevitability of the energy transition increases.  Carbon Tracker.


Image: COP26, Divestment & Investment in Just & Green Recovery
COP26, Divestment & Investment in Just & Green Recovery

Join this webinar to explore how Churches in Scotland can divest from fossil fuels and invest in the just and green recovery ahead of COP26  3rd March 2021 at 7pm

22 February to 7 March 2021

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks. mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid.  Join one of the Fairtrade events over the next 2 weeks.

Image: Meet The Christians Giving Up Carbon For Lent
Meet The Christians Giving Up Carbon For Lent

This year some churches are inviting their members to make Lenten sacrifices that raise awareness about caring for the Earth in an era of potentially catastrophic global warming.  Fast Company.  Image: Alex Malder/iStock, seamartini/iStock


Image: Bishop John Arnold launches project to lead Catholic community to carbon neutral future
Bishop John Arnold launches project to lead Catholic community to carbon neutral future

The Diocese of Salford has launched a new research project that Bishop John Arnold hopes will spearhead the efforts of the Catholic community in England and Wales to tackle the current ecological crisis, by paving the way to a sustainable, carbon neutral future. ICN


Image: 'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds
'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds

Pollution from power plants, vehicles and other sources accounted for one in five of all deaths that year, more detailed analysis reveals.  Guardian.


Image: BA plans transatlantic flights partially fuelled by recycled waste in 2022
BA plans transatlantic flights partially fuelled by recycled waste in 2022

Chief Executive of KLM, said: “The transition from fossil fuel to sustainable alternatives is one of the largest challenges in aviation. This first flight on synthetic kerosene shows that it is possible in practice and that we can move forward.” The Guardian. 



Image: Launch of the UN Race to Zero emissions Breakthroughs
Launch of the UN Race to Zero emissions Breakthroughs

COP26 President’s challenge to every sector of the global economy to reach critical net zero tipping points.


Image: Global Healing course for Lent
Global Healing course for Lent

Throughout Lent, the Global Catholic Climate Movement is holding a series of online evenings with inspiring speakers, films, prayer and discussion, challenging people to respond to Pope Francis' call to Care for Our Common Home in Laudato Si'.


Image: Volunteer at COP26 in Glasgow
Volunteer at COP26 in Glasgow

As part of COP26, Glasgow City Council is looking to enlist the help of friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic volunteers to contribute to the success of this momentous event. 


Image: Pope’s adviser says Covid has highlighted ‘existential’ climate risk
Pope’s adviser says Covid has highlighted ‘existential’ climate risk

Focus must be on justice for those fleeing impact of extreme weather events, says new scientific adviser to Vatican.  The Guardian.


Image: Campaigners welcome UN treaty banning nuclear weapons
Campaigners welcome UN treaty banning nuclear weapons

"The entry into force of the ban treaty signals a massive change globally. Recognising that nuclear weapons are one of the greatest threats to humanity - the countries of the United Nations have outlawed them. Countries which everyday threaten to launch nuclear weapons are outside the norm of civilized society.  ICN.

Image: The Path To Net Zero
The Path To Net Zero

Climate Assembly UK's final report sets out a clear, internally consistent and timely path for reaching the UK's target of net zero emissions by 2050.

Image: 'It's awakened me':
'It's awakened me':

UK climate assembly participants hail a life-changing event.  From buying an electric car to starting a secondhand clothes business, attendees talk of the unexpected delights of the first UK citizens’ assembly.  The Guardian.

Image: Child labour, toxic leaks: the price we could pay for a greener future
Child labour, toxic leaks: the price we could pay for a greener future

Our mission to create cleaner living using natural resources could itself cause widespread environmental harm, scientists now warn.  The Guardian.


Image: Air pollution caused girl's death, coroner rules in landmark case
Air pollution caused girl's death, coroner rules in landmark case

Coroner says failure to reduce pollution levels to legal limits was factor in death of Ella Kissi-Debrah, who had severe asthma.  Guardian.

Image: Pope to UN Climate Summit: ‘Now is time to change direction’
Pope to UN Climate Summit: ‘Now is time to change direction’

Pope Francis sends a video message to participants in the UN’s virtual climate summit, and highlights the Holy See’s efforts to promote a “culture of care” in order to combat climate change. Vatican News.



“the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by”.  "The time has come to change direction," he said. "Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in a better future."  message from Pope Francis to The Economy of Francesco Conference.


Image: Global soils underpin life but future looks ‘bleak’, warns UN report
Global soils underpin life but future looks ‘bleak’, warns UN report

It takes thousands of years for soils to form, meaning protection is needed urgently, say scientists.  The Guardian.

Image: UK's Climate Leadership Weakened by Aid Cuts Ahead of COP26
UK's Climate Leadership Weakened by Aid Cuts Ahead of COP26

Host of COP26 next year, Britain's decision to cut the aid budget weakens trust in climate action.  Global Citizen.

Image: International lawyers draft plan to criminalise ecosystem destruction
International lawyers draft plan to criminalise ecosystem destruction

Plan to draw up legal definition of ‘ecocide’ attracts support from European countries and small island nations.  The Guardian.

Image: Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation
Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation

Indian workers in factories supplying the supermarket chains Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury's, and the fashion brand Ralph Lauren, told the BBC they are being subjected to exploitative conditions.


Image: Faith institutions launch new wave of fossil fuel divestment
Faith institutions launch new wave of fossil fuel divestment

47 faith institutions from 21 countries, including nine institutions from the UK, announce their divestment from fossil fuels as a practical response to the climate emergency.  ICN.


Image: Global Catholic climate movement statement on the outcome of the US elections
Global Catholic climate movement statement on the outcome of the US elections

We strongly encourage President Joe Biden to take the following actions immediately:


Image: ‘They just don’t care’
‘They just don’t care’

Millions of garment workers facing destitution as Britain’s high street billionaires fail to honour contracts.  Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin of the unsustainable fast fashion industry. But with some retailers failing to share the economic pain with suppliers, its demise could be fatal for millions of workers.  The Independent.  


Image: COP26 FAQ

With COP26 due to take place in Glasgow in 2021 here are the answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions about COP26.

Image: Pacific Climate Warriors win 2020 Pax Christi International Peace Prize!
Pacific Climate Warriors win 2020 Pax Christi International Peace Prize!

The Pacific Climate Warriors is a vibrant network of young people who live in 17 Pacific island nations and diaspora communities in the United States, New Zealand and Australia. Their mission is to peacefully raise awareness of their communities' vulnerability to climate change.


Image: Free spiritual boost: read ‘Faith for Earth — A Call for Action’
Free spiritual boost: read ‘Faith for Earth — A Call for Action’

The book highlights that protecting creation, restoring ecosystems, providing clean air, and leaving a healthy environment for future generations is “an ethical, moral, and spiritual responsibility.”


Image: ‘Sleeping giant’ Arctic methane deposits starting to release, scientists find
‘Sleeping giant’ Arctic methane deposits starting to release, scientists find

Exclusive: expedition discovers new source of greenhouse gas off East Siberian coast has been triggered.  The Guardian.

Image:   The NHS in England is the World's First Health System to Commit to Net Zero Emissions by 2040
The NHS in England is the World's First Health System to Commit to Net Zero Emissions by 2040

NHS England has adopted a multiyear plan to become the world’s first carbon net zero national health system.

Image: Ask the government to prevent mass extinction
Ask the government to prevent mass extinction

Wildlife across the world is facing mass extinction, including here in the UK where a quarter of mammals are at imminent risk of disappearing. Petition.


Image: Our moral imperative to act on climate change and 3 steps we can take.
Our moral imperative to act on climate change and 3 steps we can take.

The global climate crisis will require us to transform the way we act, says His Holiness Pope Francis. Delivering a visionary TED Talk from Vatican City yesterday, the Holy Father proposes three courses of action to address the world's growing environmental problems and economic inequalities, illustrating how all of us can work together, across faiths and societies, to protect the Earth and promote the dignity of everyone. "The future is built today," he says. "And it is not built in isolation, but rather in community and in harmony." ICN. Watch the full TED Talk with translation here.

Image: “When the Elephants Fight”
“When the Elephants Fight”
A Short Season of Creation Reflection by Fr James Martin SJ

Image: Sri Lanka returns containers of illegal waste to Britain:
Sri Lanka returns containers of illegal waste to Britain:

Containers were meant to carry used mattresses, carpets and rugs, but had also contained hospital waste.  Sri Lanka said containers were brought into the island in violation of international laws governing the shipping of hazardous material. Picture credit: Aljazeera

Image: Stop Ecocide
Stop Ecocide
The Stop Ecocide campaign aims to criminalize destroying the environment – and save our collective home in the process.  The Guardian.
Image: UK plans to bring forward ban on fossil fuel vehicles to 2030
UK plans to bring forward ban on fossil fuel vehicles to 2030
Announcement expected in autumn to help trigger green economic recovery from Covid-19.  The Guardian.
Image: Season Of Creation Prayer 2020
Season Of Creation Prayer 2020

 Download a copy of the Season of Creation prayer 2020 and together lets making praying for a worldwide ecological conversion one of our actions this season of creation.

Image: Costa Rica Set to Become World’s First Plastic-Free, Fossil-Fuel-Free Country
Costa Rica Set to Become World’s First Plastic-Free, Fossil-Fuel-Free Country

Costa Rica is positioning itself to be the first country in the world to be totally free of single-use plastics and fossil fuels by 2021.

Image: Part 1: Fossil fuel divestment: Accelerating the clean energy transition
Part 1: Fossil fuel divestment: Accelerating the clean energy transition
Join this interactive webinar to hear why the Vatican recommended divestment from fossil fuels in June 2020, as well as inspiring stories of how the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference, Jesuits in Britain and Sisters of St Joseph of Peace divested from fossil fuels.
Image: TheTime Is Now
TheTime Is Now

The Time Is Now Campaign need you to help ensure our leaders take the right decisions this Autumn and set us on track to a healthy, green and fair recovery from Coronavirus.  Send a message to Rishi Sunak here.

Image: Petrol and diesel cars could cost up to £1,500 more under proposals
Petrol and diesel cars could cost up to £1,500 more under proposals

Report suggests buyers of polluting vehicles should subsidise electric cars.  The Guardian.

Image: Carbon Footprint Calculator
Carbon Footprint Calculator

Free, online calculator - average carbon footprint per year is 6.5 tonnes per person (UK)

Image: David Attenborough’s ‘shocking’ Extinction: The Facts documentary leaves viewers in tears
David Attenborough’s ‘shocking’ Extinction: The Facts documentary leaves viewers in tears

The BBC One programme, which aired last night (13 September), saw the naturalist examine biodiversity loss, which threatens food and water security, undermines humans' ability to control the climate, and places us at greater risk of pandemics.

Image: Source to Sea Litter Quest
Source to Sea Litter Quest

From 21st -25th Sept this year, we’re taking the learning local, inland and online so you can get involved, recording and collecting litter,  even if you live far from the coast. Whether you represent a school, a youth group, or are home educating, this resource contains all you need to get involved.

Image: Transport

Justice & Peace Scotland have produced 12 resource sheets on various environmental topics.  This one is on Transport.  See the others on our Care For Creation page.

Image: Sunday’s readings help us consider our prophetic responsibility in this “Season of Creation”
Sunday’s readings help us consider our prophetic responsibility in this “Season of Creation”
Joseph Nangle, OFM, Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace writes about how uncanny it is that the “readings of the day” consistently lend themselves to appropriate applications for whatever is being celebrated.
Image: Campaign for free public transport in Glasgow to launch this month
Campaign for free public transport in Glasgow to launch this month

The Free Our City campaign is calling for "a world-class, fully-integrated and accessible public transport network that’s free at the point of use".

Image: Season of Creation 2020 – ‘Jubilee for the Earth’
Season of Creation 2020 – ‘Jubilee for the Earth’

Joint statement issued by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of CCEE, and Rev. Christian Krieger, President of CEC

Image: Why the Guardian is putting global CO2 levels in the weather forecast
Why the Guardian is putting global CO2 levels in the weather forecast
As CO2 levels climb, the carbon count is a daily reminder we must tackle climate change now.  “Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen so dramatically and including a measure of that in our daily weather report is symbolic of what human activity is doing to our climate. People need reminding that the climate crisis is no longer a future problem – we need to tackle it now, and every day matters.” Guardian.
Image: Climate Migration
Climate Migration

In 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) noted that the greatest single impact of climate change could be on human migration with millions of people displaced by shoreline erosion, coastal flooding and agricultural disruption.  See this and other J&P Scotland climate resources here.

Image: New Scottish Agriculture Bill
New Scottish Agriculture Bill

Leaving the EU means the Scottish Parliament must replace the EU Common Agriculture Policy and farm payments. The Agriculture Bill is before the Scottish Parliament now. We must take this key opportunity to ensure farm payments support action for nature and the climate.  Sign the petition here.

Image: Earth has lost 28 trillion tonnes of ice in less than 30 years
Earth has lost 28 trillion tonnes of ice in less than 30 years
‘Stunned’ scientists say there is little doubt global heating is to blame for the loss.  The Guardian.
Image: Six Months on a Planet in Crisis:
Six Months on a Planet in Crisis:

 Greta Thunberg's Travel Diary from the U.S. to Davos.

Image: UK waste incinerators three times as likely to be in deprived areas
UK waste incinerators three times as likely to be in deprived areas

Greenpeace data raises concern over air quality and health of vulnerable people.  The Guardian.

Image: Digging into Laudato Si
Digging into Laudato Si

Sign up here and join EarthBeat on an exploration of Laudato Si' through a social, political and spiritual lens. Three times a week, we’ll dive into a new section of the papal document, leading readers through an informal study of the call to care for our common home, five years on.

Image: New Challenges for a Just Transition? COVID-19 and Green Pathways to Recovery
New Challenges for a Just Transition? COVID-19 and Green Pathways to Recovery

If governments put health, nature regeneration and climate action at the core of every decision they make in recovering from this pandemic, we can emerge as a stronger and more resilient society, and ensure the COP26 puts us on track to a safer climate future. Christina Figueres

Image: The Small Blue Butterfly Retreat
The Small Blue Butterfly Retreat

Thank you to Liz Snodgrass for compiling this reflective retreat for Holy week.

Image: Wildlife charity plans to buy UK land to give it back to nature
Wildlife charity plans to buy UK land to give it back to nature

Heal Rewilding will find lower-grade land and let it recover naturally, rather than planting.  The Guardian.

Image: Reaction to Glasgow Climate Summit COP26 Postponement
Reaction to Glasgow Climate Summit COP26 Postponement

1 April 2020, This evening the UK Government announced that a decision had been taken, jointly by the UNFCCC COP Bureau with the UK and Italy, to delay COP26.

Image: Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief
Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief

Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis, according to the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen.  The Guardian.

Image: 'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?
'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?

As habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics.  Guardian.

Image: 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si
5th Anniversary of Laudato Si

During Laudato Si’ Week, 16-24 May, we are being asked to commit to an ambitious action that grows our response to “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” We are being encouraged to take any action that is inspired by Laudato Si’ which accelerates solutions to our ecological crisis, and builds community for the long term.
There’s an urgent need to solve the ecological crisis. Our faith calls us to do more together.

Image: Join the Great British Spring Clean
Join the Great British Spring Clean
With the winter storms wreaking havoc on the UK, it's crucial we take action to get as much litter off our beaches as possible.  Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Spring Clean will run from 20 March -13 April and Keep Scotland Beautiful's Spring Clean runs over the months of April and May. The litter data collected goes into our national database, which will be used for our vital conservation and monitoring work. If you'd like to get involved, you can find a list of upcoming beach clean events by clicking below.
Image: Climate campaigners launch 40-day Multifaith Lenten Vigil
Climate campaigners launch 40-day Multifaith Lenten Vigil

Christian Climate Action (CCA) and Extinction Rebellion Faith Communities have joined forces to hold a Lenten vigil in central London and initiate 40 Days of Action, where people are invited to commit to one action during Lent to protect Planet Earth.  ICN.

Image: Revealed: big oil's profits since 1990 total nearly $2tn
Revealed: big oil's profits since 1990 total nearly $2tn

BP, Shell, Chevron and Exxon accused of making huge profits while ‘passing the buck’ on climate change.  Guardian.

Image: A weekly Lenten Calendar of Ecological Sin and Healing
A weekly Lenten Calendar of Ecological Sin and Healing

As we enter the Lenten season, GCCM invite you to consider the ways that we fall short of our unconditional commitment to the most vulnerable. How do our lifestyles support the illegal mines and cattle ranches in the Amazon? How do we fail to give witness to the poorest?

Image: UK unprepared for COP 26 conference, warn climate leaders
UK unprepared for COP 26 conference, warn climate leaders

Former UN climate envoy joins list of experts frustrated at Britain’s lack of leadership. Guardian.

Image: Eco Footprint Calculator
Eco Footprint Calculator

Calculate your meat, plastic and flight impact with this Eco Footprint Calculator.

Image: Fossil fuel divestment toolkit
Fossil fuel divestment toolkit

Divestment from fossil fuels–and reinvestment in clean renewable energy–can go a long way towards protecting our common home from climate change and pollution. GCCM

Image: Church of England joins passive push with climate index
Church of England joins passive push with climate index

The Church of England Pension Board, overseer of the £2.8bn retirement savings pot for the Anglican clergy, will on Thursday launch a passive index aligned with the Paris climate goals on the London Stock Exchange.  FT

Image: Tech giants sued over child labour, deaths and injuries in cobalt mining in the DRC
Tech giants sued over child labour, deaths and injuries in cobalt mining in the DRC

Apple, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla are among the tech companies named in a lawsuit brought in the US by the families of children killed and maimed in cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lifegate.

Image: Laudato Si' five years on: a continued call for courage
Laudato Si' five years on: a continued call for courage

This year, "Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home" turns five years old. The systems that support life continue to collapse all around us, and the fifth birthday of Laudato Si’ has occasioned a moment of reflection for many.

Image: Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates
Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates

Oceans are clearest measure of climate crisis as they absorb 90% of heat trapped by greenhouse gases.  The Guardian.

Image: Catholic ‘Street Nun’ Helps Environment, New Yorkers With Non-Profit
Catholic ‘Street Nun’ Helps Environment, New Yorkers With Non-Profit

The Catholic-founded nonprofit recycling center is not a smelly junkyard in the shadow of a hip neighborhood in Brooklyn, but a processing center fueled by a motto: reducing, reusing and recycling.

Image: Climate refugees can't be returned home, says landmark UN human rights ruling
Climate refugees can't be returned home, says landmark UN human rights ruling

Experts say judgment is ‘tipping point’ that opens the door to climate crisis claims for protection.  The Guardian.

Image: Scottish renewable energy hits ‘record generation’ in 2019
Scottish renewable energy hits ‘record generation’ in 2019

Electricity from renewable energy generation in Scotland has reached record levels in the first quarter of 2019, new figures from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has shown.  Energy Voice.

Image: Epiphany Declaration: 20 Christian organisations divest from fossil fuels
Epiphany Declaration: 20 Christian organisations divest from fossil fuels

Operation Noah is delighted to announce that 20 Christian organisations in the UK – including churches, dioceses, Synods and religious orders – have announced their divestment from fossil fuels as part of the Epiphany Declaration for Fossil Free Churches.


Image: UN climate summit: Marathon talks come to an end in Madrid with most difficult decision postponed ti
UN climate summit: Marathon talks come to an end in Madrid with most difficult decision postponed ti

Resolution on future of global carbon markets left to 2020 gathering in Glasgow after extended negotiations prove fruitless, prompting critics to denounce conference as ‘an utter failure’.  The Independent.

Image: Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points’
Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points’

Warning of ‘existential threat to civilisation’ as impacts lead to cascade of unstoppable events.  Guardian,  Photo Getty Images.

Image: Fossil fuel production on track for double the safe climate limit
Fossil fuel production on track for double the safe climate limit

The UK was the first major economy to commit to net zero emissions, but subsidises fossil fuel production at home and abroad, experts say. ‘We’re in a deep hole over the climate crisis and we need to stop digging,’ warn experts  Guardian.

Image: Charities say next UK government must bring forward climate targets
Charities say next UK government must bring forward climate targets

Groups including Greenpeace, WI and Oxfam call for faster action in letter to all parties.  Guardian.

Image: Environmental governance and EU Exit: the state of play
Environmental governance and EU Exit: the state of play

This article examines the state of play regarding environmental governance and EU exit, following the Scottish Government’s recent announcements concerning the adoption of interim measures.

Image: The Eco Parish Guide
The Eco Parish Guide

The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) is proud to announce the release of the Eco-Parish Guide for Catholic Parishes. This free guide will be a great resource for your parish to bring Laudato Si’ to life.

Image: Renewable energy to expand by 50% in next five years - report
Renewable energy to expand by 50% in next five years - report

Energy agency says solar power will drive faster than forecast growth in renewables.  Guardian.

Image: Rise of renewables may see off oil firms decades earlier than they think
Rise of renewables may see off oil firms decades earlier than they think

Pace of progress raises hope that fossil fuel companies could lose their domination. Guardian.

Image: Human trafficking gang guilty of selling women in Glasgow
Human trafficking gang guilty of selling women in Glasgow

Four people have been found guilty of trafficking women from Slovakia to Glasgow and forcing their victims into prostitution and sham marriages.  BBC.

Image: Priest and nun arrested in climate change protests
Priest and nun arrested in climate change protests

Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell from Birmingham and Sister Katrina Alton of the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace, have both been arrested in recent days as part of the climate change protests in London.  ICN.

Image: Divestment works – and one huge bank can lead the way
Divestment works – and one huge bank can lead the way

 On 15 October, the European Investment Bank meets to decide its policy on fossil fuels. The hand of history is on its shoulder. Guardian.

Image: Global experts to create regenerative climate action roadmap
Global experts to create regenerative climate action roadmap

World-renowned environmentalists, scientists, climate change experts and indigenous groups will meet on October 3 in London to create a roadmap for pioneering, country-led solutions to climate change.  The Commonwealth.

Image: 'Flight shame' could halve growth in air traffic
'Flight shame' could halve growth in air traffic

Travellers are beginning to turn their backs on air travel over concern for the environment, according to a survey by Swiss bank UBS. BBC.

Image: The Displaced: Climate change in Vietnam 'destroying family life'
The Displaced: Climate change in Vietnam 'destroying family life'

Vietnam is one of the world's most vulnerable countries to climate change.
It's already having a huge impact on the lives of those in the Mekong Delta, the agricultural heartland of the country and home to 20% of the country's population.

In 2018 - more than 35,000 people were forced to flee their homes every day - that's one every two seconds. BBC.

Image: Scottish Parliament has new Climate Legislation
Scottish Parliament has new Climate Legislation

Today, Wednesday 25th September, the Scottish Parliament voted to support a Climate Bill that commits Scotland to net zero emissions by 2045 and, in a last-minute development, agreed to a 75% reduction of greenhouse emissions by 2030 (on 1990 levels).  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. (SCCS)

Image: Bishop urges Scots to protect 'Our Common Home'
Bishop urges Scots to protect 'Our Common Home'

Campaigners from across Scotland's eight Catholic dioceses will gather in St Stephen's Centre in Glasgow on Saturday 21st of September for a 'Day of Reflection' on the environment and climate change.  ICN

Image: Laudato Si Day of Reflection in Glasgow
Laudato Si Day of Reflection in Glasgow

For Justice and Peace Scotland, the publication last year of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on the environment was a watershed moment. ICN

Image: Solar power: how investing can help to change lives
Solar power: how investing can help to change lives

Fight the climate crisis and earn a return of 5% at the same time, plus enjoy a guarantee on your investment.  That’s the offer from an ethical investment scheme that allows people to put money into companies providing African families with access to clean, affordable solar energy.

Image: World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Sunday, September 1st marks the World Day of Prayer for the care of Creation. When writing 'The Call of Creation' in 2002, the Catholic Bishops of England & Wales said that "care for the environment presents a major challenge for the whole community in the 21st century." The passing of time makes this challenge clearer. It is now an unprecedented ecological crisis.  ICN

Image: Bishop of Salford launches Laudato si’ Centre
Bishop of Salford launches Laudato si’ Centre
The English Bishop for the Environment, John Arnold is responding to the challenge of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the care for creation, by launching a project in his diocese aimed at encouraging environmental sustainability. Vatican News.
Image: Amazon forest fires show the need for a Business & Human Rights Treaty
Amazon forest fires show the need for a Business & Human Rights Treaty

Trócaire is gravely concerned about the impact of the catastrophic fires blazing throughout the Amazon forest.

Image: Amazon rainforest fire so huge Sao Paulo has been plunged into darkness
Amazon rainforest fire so huge Sao Paulo has been plunged into darkness

Wildfires raging in the Amazon jungle have plunged Brazil’s largest city into total darkness in the middle of the day. Metro.

Image: Scotland can lead on combatting climate change, SCIAF director says
Scotland can lead on combatting climate change, SCIAF director says

Scotland can take the lead on combating climate change if the UK is successful in its bid to host a global meeting of 200 world leaders in Glasgow next year, the head of SCIAF has said. Scottish Catholic Observer.

Image: Plastic particles falling out of sky with snow in Arctic
Plastic particles falling out of sky with snow in Arctic

The scientists said they were shocked by the sheer number of particles they found: more than 10,000 of them per litre in the Arctic.  BBC News.

Image: Glasgow lined up as potential host for COP26
Glasgow lined up as potential host for COP26

Civil society campaigners have welcomed the news that the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held in Glasgow, if the UK/Italy joint bid is successful, and say this is an exciting opportunity for Scotland to showcase progress to date while also stepping up and demonstrate to the world that it is serious about meeting the crucial Paris Agreement commitments.

Image: Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity, says IPCC
Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity, says IPCC

UN report finds ecosystems never before under such threat and restoration is urgent. Guardian.

Image: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On 6 August 1945, the US dropped an atomic bomb called “Little Boy” on Hiroshima in Japan. Three days later a second atomic bomb (“Fat Man”) was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. These are the only times nuclear weapons have been used in war.

Image: A vision of 2040: everything we need for a sustainable world already exists
A vision of 2040: everything we need for a sustainable world already exists

There are real obstacles to environmental progress, but we must focus on what we are for, not just what we are against.  Guardian.

Image: We must change food production to save the world, says leaked report
We must change food production to save the world, says leaked report

Cutting carbon from transport and energy ‘not enough’ IPCC finds.  Guardian.

Image: Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash 'could pay for green transition'
Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash 'could pay for green transition'

Redirecting small portion of subsidies would unleash clean energy revolution, says report.  Guardian.

Image: Ethiopia plants 350m trees in a day to help tackle climate crisis
Ethiopia plants 350m trees in a day to help tackle climate crisis
National ‘green legacy’ initiative aims to reduce environmental degradation.
About 350m trees have been planted in a single day in Ethiopia, according to a government minister.
Image: The Environmental; Cost of Tourism
The Environmental; Cost of Tourism

The Guardian reports that an inquiry into the environmental cost of tourism and transport has been launched. It will consider whether the UK government should play a greater role in offsetting the waste and damage caused by the tens of millions of Britons who go on holiday overseas each year.

Image: Environmentalist Christianity
Environmentalist Christianity
Eco-Congregation Chaplain explains its importance


In the current issue of the Church of Scotland's magazine Life and Work, the Rev David Coleman, chaplain to Eco-Congregation Scotland, explains his role in the organisation and the importance of this work.

Image: Tree planting 'has mind-blowing potential' to tackle climate crisis
Tree planting 'has mind-blowing potential' to tackle climate crisis

Research shows a trillion trees could be planted to capture huge amount of carbon dioxide.  The Guardian.

Image: Public encouraged to take part in The Big Climate Conversation
Public encouraged to take part in The Big Climate Conversation

The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed The Big Climate Conversation that will run nationwide to discuss action to tackle the global climate emergency, will take place in Scotland this summer.

Image: 'Climate apartheid' to push 120 million into poverty by 2030, UN says
'Climate apartheid' to push 120 million into poverty by 2030, UN says
The world is facing a "climate apartheid" between the rich who can protect themselves and the poor who are left behind, the UN has warned. CNN report.
Image: Survival of natural world is in balance, says wildlife chief
Survival of natural world is in balance, says wildlife chief

The survival of the natural world upon which humanity depends hangs in the balance, according to the new chair of the global scientific body for biodiversity.  The Guardian.

Image: Climate change: UK government to commit to 2050 target
Climate change: UK government to commit to 2050 target

Greenhouse gas emissions in the UK will be cut to almost zero by 2050, under the terms of a new government plan to tackle climate change.  BBC

Image: Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon surges to record high
Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon surges to record high

Environmentalists fear 2019 will be one of worst years for deforestation in recent memory.  The Guardian .

Image: Plastic waste dumped in Malaysia will be returned to UK, US and others
Plastic waste dumped in Malaysia will be returned to UK, US and others

Malaysia will return 450 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste to the countries that shipped it, in a refusal to become a dumping ground for the world's trash.  CNN report.

Image: Plastic straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers to be banned in England
Plastic straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers to be banned in England

Plastic straws and drink stirrers, and cotton buds with plastic stems will be banned from sale and use in England from next April, the government has confirmed.  The Guardian

Image: Church of Scotland urged to scrap investment in 'damaging' oil giants
Church of Scotland urged to scrap investment in 'damaging' oil giants

The Church of Scotland has been urged to scrap its investments in fossil fuels. The Herald

Image: For Scotland, recognising the planet’s plight is only the start
For Scotland, recognising the planet’s plight is only the start

In a flurry of activity, the First Minister declared a climate emergency, making Scotland the first country in the world to do so. Just a few days later, in response to advice from the Committee on Climate Change, the Scottish Government announced it would enshrine in law a target for Scotland to reach net-zero emissions by 2045, meaning we will remove as much in greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere as we produce.

Image: ‘Extraordinary thinning’ of ice sheets revealed deep inside Antarctica
‘Extraordinary thinning’ of ice sheets revealed deep inside Antarctica

New research shows affected areas are losing ice five times faster than in the 1990s, with more than 100m of thickness gone in some places.  The Guardian.

Image: The Common Good and our Common Seas Conference
The Common Good and our Common Seas Conference

An international conference on the seas took place in Copenhagen, Denmark 3 - 5 May 2019.  Justice and Peace Scotland was represented by Bishop Nolan, President and Grace Buckley, European representative.  

Image: Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace
Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace

Humans are transforming Earth’s natural landscapes so dramatically that as many as one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction, posing a dire threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their survival, a sweeping new United Nations assessment has concluded.  The New York Times.

Image: 'Imminent risk': Climate crisis facing Australian rainforests likened to coral bleaching
'Imminent risk': Climate crisis facing Australian rainforests likened to coral bleaching

Animals in Australia’s globally renowned wet tropics are on the brink of extinction after the hottest summer on record, according to official advice that equates the scale of the crisis to coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.  The Sydney Morning Herald.

Image: ‘Death by a thousand cuts’: vast expanse of rainforest lost in 2018
‘Death by a thousand cuts’: vast expanse of rainforest lost in 2018

Millions of hectares of pristine tropical rainforest were destroyed in 2018, according to satellite analysis, with beef, chocolate and palm oil among the main causes.

Image: Greta Thunberg backs climate general strike to force leaders to act
Greta Thunberg backs climate general strike to force leaders to act

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish environmental activist, has given her support for a general strike for the climate, saying the student movement she inspired needs more support from older generations to ensure politicians keep their promises under the Paris agreement. The Guardian.

Image: The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees
The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees

What's low-tech, sustainable and possibly the most effective thing we can do to fight climate change? Planting trees. A trillion of them. CNN


In the Autumn of 2017, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that the Scottish Government would phase out the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2032, eight years ahead of the government at Westminster.

Image: UK's biggest money manager warns on climate catastrophe
UK's biggest money manager warns on climate catastrophe

The world is facing a climate catastrophe and businesses around the world must address it urgently or face the ultimate sanction for a public company, shareholders who refuse to back them any more.  BBC

Image: 10 animals we are eating into extinction
10 animals we are eating into extinction

From eel and sturgeon to pangolin and turtle, hundreds of species are threatened by human hunger or greed. Here are some of the most at risk.  The Guardian.

Image: Celebration at Carfin Grotto for 40th anniversary of J&P Scotland
Celebration at Carfin Grotto for 40th anniversary of J&P Scotland

Scotland's National Shrine at Carfin in the Diocese of Motherwell, was host yesterday to a celebration of the 40th anniversary of Justice and Peace Scotland.  ICN report.

Image: While the rich world braces for future climate change, the poor world is already being devastated
While the rich world braces for future climate change, the poor world is already being devastated

Countries like Mozambique and Bangladesh, whose low-lying, densely populated coastal towns and cities are on the front lines of climate change, have agonized over the issue of a warming planet.  CNN report.

Image: More Children Killed by Unsafe Water, Than Bullets
More Children Killed by Unsafe Water, Than Bullets

A lack of safe water, is far deadlier for children than war in more than a dozen conflict-affected countries, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said, in a report launched to coincide with World Water Day, marked on 22 March.

Image: Cyclone Idai lays bare the fundamental injustice of climate change
Cyclone Idai lays bare the fundamental injustice of climate change

Cyclone Idai is not a natural disaster; the storm was made worse by climate change, centuries of colonialism, and continuing international injustices.

Image: Austrian Bishops’ Conference divests from fossil fuels
Austrian Bishops’ Conference divests from fossil fuels

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Chairperson of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference, announces that the Episcopal Conference of Austria will sign Global Catholic Climate Movement’s divestment commitment.

Image: Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to launch Cyclone Idai Appeal
Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to launch Cyclone Idai Appeal

Leading UK aid agencies will launch a joint fundraising appeal on Thursday 21 March 2019 to help people suffering in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai which has swept through Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, leaving behind a trail of destruction, killed hundreds of people and affected an estimated 2.6 million people.

Image: The 'ecological foundations of society' are in peril, a massive UN report warns
The 'ecological foundations of society' are in peril, a massive UN report warns

Human activities are degrading the global environment at a pace that could endanger the "ecological foundations of society" and human health, according to a landmark United Nations report released Wednesday. CNN

Image: The Good Food Nation Bill
The Good Food Nation Bill

The Scottish Government are proposing a new law on food – a Good Food Nation Bill. This law will need to be more ambitious to make a real difference. We all have until the 29th of March to tell the Government what we think of their proposals and try and raise the ambition of this new law.

Image: 'It's our time to rise up': youth climate strikes held in 100 countries
'It's our time to rise up': youth climate strikes held in 100 countries

In the UK, an estimated 10,000 young people gathered in London and thousands more took to the streets in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Image: Science In An Age Of Change
Science In An Age Of Change

An afternoon exploring cutting-edge issues in science in our fast-changing world. Leading academics will provide input on climate change and our response to it, and on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. The afternoon will conclude with a chance to consider the implications of these for all of us - no matter what faith or philosophy we may live by.  

Image: Climate report card shows SNP isn’t listening
Climate report card shows SNP isn’t listening

As it stands, the Scottish Government plans almost no increase to Scotland’s existing climate action between now and 2030. This is despite the stark warning from the UN’s climate panel in October last year that we must rapidly drive wholesale changes to our energy, transport and food systems if we are to limit dangerous global temperature rises.  The Scotsman.

Image: Microplastic pollution revealed ‘absolutely everywhere’ by new research
Microplastic pollution revealed ‘absolutely everywhere’ by new research

Microplastic pollution spans the world, according to new studies showing contamination in the UK’s lake and rivers, in groundwater in the US and along the Yangtze river in China and the coast of Spain. Guardian.

Image: Global Land Grab Gathers Pace
Global Land Grab Gathers Pace

Launching the organisation’s 2019 Lenten Appeal, Trócaire CEO Caoimhe de Barra warned that the corporate race for natural resources has put millions of people around the world at risk of exploitation and abuse.

Image: Creating a Climate of Change
Creating a Climate of Change

Living Lent is about recognising that changing our climate is not just an activity, but a lifestyle.  That’s why this Lent, you are invited to become part of a community who will respond to the call to climate action by making significant personal commitments to changing our lifestyles for the climate.

Image: UK pupils to join global strike over climate change crisis
UK pupils to join global strike over climate change crisis

Thousands of pupils to walk out of lessons on Friday 15th February amid growing concern over global warming, Article in the Guardian.

Image: Can a boat made of flip-flops stop us using so much plastic?
Can a boat made of flip-flops stop us using so much plastic?

Three years ago a group of Kenyans on the island of Lamu organised a beach cleanup, collecting more than 30 tonnes of plastic waste. Out of that rubbish was seven tonnes of flip-flops. Those shoes now form part of the Flipflopi, the world’s first dhow (traditional sailing boat) to be made entirely out of discarded plastic. The Guardian.

Image: How Orkney leads the way for sustainable energy
How Orkney leads the way for sustainable energy

A tech revolution – and an abundance of wind and waves – mean that the people of Orkney now produce more electricity than they can use.

Image: Climate change school strike by 13-year-old Scottish pupil
Climate change school strike by 13-year-old Scottish pupil

A 13-year-old Scottish pupil is starting a week of strike action outside her school to protest over the lack of progress on climate change.  The Herald.

Image: Inaugural World Forum on Climate Justice to be held in Glasgow 19th - 21st June 2019
Inaugural World Forum on Climate Justice to be held in Glasgow 19th - 21st June 2019

The inaugural World Forum on Climate Justice will be held in Glasgow in June 2019 and aims to bring together leading civil society groups, academics, business representatives, members of the public, and policymakers to foster new thinking and explore pressing topics in climate justice advocacy, research, policy and practice as we adapt to reach the 1.5°C goal.​

Image: Drink firms and supermarkets in bid to sink deposit return scheme
Drink firms and supermarkets in bid to sink deposit return scheme

SUPERMARKETS and drinks companies have been attempting to block a recycling scheme planned by the Scottish Government, prompting campaigners to urge them to “shut up” and not “peddle myths”.  Article in The National.

Image: Pay Your MSPs a Visit
Pay Your MSPs a Visit

There will be a full debate on the Climate Bill at Holyrood around the end of January 2019 and its crucial that MSPs are encouraged to take part. Justice and Peace Scotland are members of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland who are running a campaign to encourage you to visit your MSP to ask them to take part in that debate and to press them to call for ambitious action to cut climate change emissions.

Image: Ditch cling film and switch to soap': 10 easy ways to reduce your plastics use in 2019
Ditch cling film and switch to soap': 10 easy ways to reduce your plastics use in 2019

Guardian environment correspondent Sandra Laville explains why we can’t recycle our way out of the plastics problem, and suggests ways to reduce your footprint.

Image: Global warming of oceans equivalent to an atomic bomb per second
Global warming of oceans equivalent to an atomic bomb per second

Seas absorb 90% of climate change’s energy as new research reveals vast heating over past 150 years Guaridan article.


Image: Norway to Ban Deforestation-Linked Palm Oil Biofuels in Historic Vote
Norway to Ban Deforestation-Linked Palm Oil Biofuels in Historic Vote

The Norwegian parliament voted this week to make Norway the world's first country to bar its biofuel industry from importing deforestation-linked palm oil starting in 2020, The Independent reported.

Image: Report on Vatican Laudato Si Conference
Report on Vatican Laudato Si Conference

The starting point of the International Conference on the 3rd anniversary of Laudato Si’ was a sense of deep urgency and profound councern for the precarious state of our common home.  Read the conference findings here.

Image: Tackle climate or face financial crash, say world's biggest investors
Tackle climate or face financial crash, say world's biggest investors

UN summit urged to end all coal burning and introduce substantial taxes on emissions.  Guardian article.

Image: Scottish MPs call on parliamentary pension fund to divest from fossil fuel companies
Scottish MPs call on parliamentary pension fund to divest from fossil fuel companies

Campaign urges UK Parliamentary Pension Fund to quantify, disclose and review its investments in carbon-intensive industries.  Holyrood article.  

Image: English and Welsh Bishops' Conference calls for ambitious action on climate change
English and Welsh Bishops' Conference calls for ambitious action on climate change

The Bishops Conference of England and Wales have published a strong statement calling on politicians to work towards an ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement at the COP 24 UN Convention on Climate Change just beginning in Poland. ICN report.

Image: Pax Christi Scotland Inaugural Event 23 - 25 November
Pax Christi Scotland Inaugural Event 23 - 25 November

The First Pax Christi Scotland Event will take place from 23rd-25th November 2018 at Conforti Institute in Coatbridge.  Everyone is invited to register for this free event.  Day places are available.  Contact: anna@confortiinstitute.org 

Image: Glacier melting and climate change - the Alps losing face
Glacier melting and climate change - the Alps losing face

This time, in our blog, our friend, Wolfgang, from Switzerland's Justice and Peace Commission tells of his fears for the Alps as climate change takes hold in Switzerland. 

Image: 2018 Joint Statement on Climate Justice by Bishops' Conferences
2018 Joint Statement on Climate Justice by Bishops' Conferences

The heads of six continental bishops’ conferences have signed a rare joint statement urging political leaders to solve climate change.

Image: Canada adopts carbon fee and dividend to rein in climate change
Canada adopts carbon fee and dividend to rein in climate change

Carbon fee and dividend, the solution to tackle climate change proposed by Citizens’ Climate Lobby, has emerged as the default policy in Canada to price carbon and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions contributing to global warming.

Image: 'Blood Bricks': Climate Change Tied to Modern Slavery
'Blood Bricks': Climate Change Tied to Modern Slavery

A new study from Royal Holloway at the University of London has, for the first time, made a clear connection between climate change and modern slavery in the brickmaking industry in Cambodia.

Image: Global Warming of 1.5ºC
Global Warming of 1.5ºC

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have produced a special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

Image: Wanted - Laudato Si Animators for World Youth Day, Panama
Wanted - Laudato Si Animators for World Youth Day, Panama

The Global Catholic Climate Movement have 100 volunteer positions available and invite you to apply to be a Laudato Si' Volunteer during WYD 2019.  You will help during World Youth Day to spread the Laudato Si’ Message.  Applications are open until October 15th.

Image: European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water
European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water

At the meeting of European Justice and Peace Commissions on Saturday 29th September in Barcelona Justice and Peace Scotland took part in a symbolic action "Give Voice to the Cry of Sister Water".

Image: Saving Scotland’s Heritage From the Rising Seas
Saving Scotland’s Heritage From the Rising Seas

Jim Dwyer, a New York Times reporter, and Josh Haner, a Times photographer, traveled to a Scottish archipelago in the North Atlantic to see how people are trying to save thousands of ancient structures.

Image: All the plastic you can and cannot recycle
All the plastic you can and cannot recycle

Most people are trying their best to recycle plastic - but the many different ways in which recycling is collected by different councils across the UK has left them confused. Report by BBC.

Image: Stop Climate Chaos protest at Holyrood forced indoors... due to climate chaos
Stop Climate Chaos protest at Holyrood forced indoors... due to climate chaos

A Stop Climate Chaos Scotland protest at Holyrood demanding radical action on global warming had to be moved indoors because of climate chaos. Report in The Herald.

Image: Fossil fuel divestment funds rise to $6tn
Fossil fuel divestment funds rise to $6tn

Insurance companies lead the sell-off of coal, oil and gas stocks over climate change and financial fears – oil majors now cite divestment as a risk to them, report in the Guardian.

Image: Could your church divest this Season of Creation?
Could your church divest this Season of Creation?

Eco-Congregation Scotland is a Christian environmental organisation helping local church congregations address environmental issues and from 1 September - 4 Ocotber (Season of Creation) they are hoping to encourage many more churches in Scotland to join them.

Image: The Great British Beach Clean and Survey
The Great British Beach Clean and Survey
14th - 17th September

The Marine Conservation Society have launched Beachwatch 2018, the UK's biggest beach clean up and survey.


From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world unite to pray and act for our common home.  The Season of Creation begins on 1st September with the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on 4th October, the feast day of St. Francis, the patron saint of ecology in many traditions.  

Image: Irish Bishops announce decision to divest from fossil fuels
Irish Bishops announce decision to divest from fossil fuels

Statement by William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne :"The Bishops' Conference has signed the global Catholic fossil free pledge and today begins the process of divesting its resources from all fossil fuels. In doing so, we are responding directly to Pope Francis' call in his 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si by moving away from fossil fuels "without delay" (paragraph 165).

Read the full statement.

Image: Discerning the crisis for our common home
Discerning the crisis for our common home

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has released a short video which summarizes objectives and outcomes of the International Conference "Saving our common home and the future of life on Earth", held in the Vatican , 5-6 July 2018, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the publication of the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si'


Image: Kirk launches Creation Time 2018 resources
Kirk launches Creation Time 2018 resources

An ecumenical team with contributors from the Church of Scotland, the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the United Reformed Church have put together Creation Time worship materials on the theme of ‘Passing our Planet on: God’s Gift to us’.

Image: Eco-congregation divests from oil and gas
Eco-congregation divests from oil and gas

Following the vote at the Church of Scotland General Assembly to continue with the policy of “engagement” with oil and gas companies, despite 2 years of this policy having little or no effect, Selkirk Parish Church, as an eco-congregation, has decided to withdraw its funds from the Church of Scotland Growth Fund (which currently invests in Shell, BP and Total).

Image: Myanmar: Cardinal Bo warns of impending ecological holocaust
Myanmar: Cardinal Bo warns of impending ecological holocaust

Myanmar Cardinal Charles Maung Bo has warned of the dangers of global warming, unless the world takes action now.   Report in ICN.

Image: CoE votes to divest from fossil fuels
CoE votes to divest from fossil fuels

ICN report states that The Church of England's governing body, General Synod, has voted almost unanimously to divest by 2023 from oil and gas companies not on track to meet the Paris Agreement target of limiting global average temperature rise to well below 2°C. 

Image: Mass lobby of Holyrood this September
Mass lobby of Holyrood this September

Join people from across Scotland on Wednesday 19th September 2018 at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh and ask your MSPs to push for a strong Climate Change Act. Register to take part today.

Image: Vatican launches International Conference on ecology
Vatican launches International Conference on ecology

Vatican officials briefed the press on Tuesday, 26th June 2018, on an upcoming international conference to mark three years since the publication of ‘Laudato Sì’.

Image: Scientists scramble to stop bananas being killed off
Scientists scramble to stop bananas being killed off

Banana plantations in Australia, south-east Asia, Africa and the Middle East have been ravaged by the ‘fusarium wilt’ fungus – and Latin America could be next - a new report in the Guardian.

Image: Antarctic ice loss has tripled in a decade. If that continues, we are in serious trouble.
Antarctic ice loss has tripled in a decade. If that continues, we are in serious trouble.

A worrying new article in the Washington Post warns that a new scientific report has concluded that the Antartica ice loss is accelerating and that the urgency to cut greenhouse gasses is now even greater. 

Image: Push for a strong Scottish Climate Change Act
Push for a strong Scottish Climate Change Act

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland are campaigning to make the climate change bill more effective. See their website for details.

Image: Supermarkets agree to ban unnecessary single-use plastic packaging by 2025
Supermarkets agree to ban unnecessary single-use plastic packaging by 2025

Every major supermarket in Britain has today pledged to eradicate unnecessary single-use plastics by 2025, under a new "UK Plastics Pact".  This is the claim made in an article written in the telegraph today, Friday 27th April.

Image: Institutions in Catholic hierarchy divest from fossil fuels
Institutions in Catholic hierarchy divest from fossil fuels

Caritas Internationalis, €7.5 billion Catholic banks, bishops, and others including Sciaf in Scotland, drop investments in energy that drives climate change. GCCM have released the following statement.

Image: Damage to Great Barrier Reef From Global Warming Is Irreversible, Scientists Say
Damage to Great Barrier Reef From Global Warming Is Irreversible, Scientists Say

An article in The New York Times reveals the true extent of the damage caused to coral in the Great Barrier Reef due to bleaching which took place in 2016 as a result of  climate change.

Image: World's communities call on Scotland to toughen climate target
World's communities call on Scotland to toughen climate target

As we approach Earth Day this Sunday - April 22nd an article in 'The National' reports on how communities from around the world are calling on Scotland to toughen its target to cut climate pollution in order to safeguard food supplies, protect homes and save lives.  Representatives from Africa, Asia, Alaska and elsewhere say that Scottish ministers should aim to cut emissions to “net zero” by 2050 to help prevent droughts, storms and floods.

Image: Climate scientists call on Scotland to cut emissions to zero
Climate scientists call on Scotland to cut emissions to zero

A dozen of the world’s leading climate scientists are urging Scotland to adopt an ambitious new target to cut polluting carbon emissions in a letter send to the Sunday Herald newspaper.

Image: Great Pacific garbage patch' sprawling with far more debris than thought
Great Pacific garbage patch' sprawling with far more debris than thought

An new report in the Guardian tells of plastic polution in the Pacific ocean which is more than twice the size of France and is up to 16 times larger than previously estimated.

Image: New Toolkit to Support Climate Change Advocacy
New Toolkit to Support Climate Change Advocacy

ACT Alliance has published a new toolkit to support climate change advocacy at national and regional level: Towards the Ambitious Implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Image: Earth Hour - Saturday 24th March
Earth Hour - Saturday 24th March

Hundreds of millions of people around the planet take part in WWF’s Earth Hour every year. Last year around 9 million took part in the UK alone.  People do a wide range of things around the hour to show they care about our planet’s future. Millions choose to mark Earth Hour by going ‘lights out’ for 60 minutes at 8.30pm – a symbolic show of solidarity for the planet.

Image: Parish bans plastic from church hall
Parish bans plastic from church hall

A new report in ICN tells of the parishioners at Our Lady of Good Counsel in March, Camridgeshire who have taken the decision to ban the use of disposable plastic in their newly-refurbished parish hall.

Image: New Scottish climate bill must fix climate plan which fails to deliver
New Scottish climate bill must fix climate plan which fails to deliver

Cabinet Secretary Roseanna Cunningham has laid out the new Climate Change Plan before the Scottish Parliament and faced questions from all political parties on its contents. The Plan details the Government’s policies and proposals to enable Scotland to meet its climate emissions reduction targets in the period 2018-2032.

Image: Earth Day Toolkit
Earth Day Toolkit

This year Earth Day is on April 22, a Sunday.  The Global Catholic Climate Movement have developed this resource kit for Earth Day to help your community celebrate, advocate, and educate for creation and make the most of this opportunity.

Image: Edinburgh University divests from all fossil fuels
Edinburgh University divests from all fossil fuels

The Guardian have reported that the University of Edinburgh is dumping all its fossil fuel investments, making it the largest UK university endowment fund to be completely free of all coal, oil and gas holdings.

Image: Caring for God's Creation - Free Seminar
Caring for God's Creation - Free Seminar

Glasgow Presbytery of the Church of Scotland are holding a free seminar for congregations of any denomination who want to know more about becoming an eco-congregation. The event is on Saturday 3rd March at Springburn Parish Church. 

Image: The New EU strategy on plastics
The New EU strategy on plastics

This week the EU has launched the first European Strategy on plastics. 

Full text of documentFact sheets

Amounts recycled in European Nations


Image: New York City sues oil companies over climate change
New York City sues oil companies over climate change

An Australian news outlet, News.com.au, have reported on New York’s mayor announcing plans to sell off $5 billion in fossil fuel investments from city pension funds after suing oil companies for billions of dollars to help fund protection against climate change.


Image: Church Investment in Climate Solutions - Report

'In our report, we look at four reasons why Churches should be investing in climate solutions. The first is caring for creation...our second reason is loving our neighbour...our third reason is acting with hope...and (fourth), investments as a prophetic action'.  Operation Noah.

Image: The Letter - Premiere

From 5.30pm on Tuesday 4th October, The Feast of St Francis, The Letter - A Message From Our Earth will be available to watch here.

Image: Climate change - loss and damage: First Minister's speech - 11 October 2022

The First Minister's speech at the Scottish Government's hybrid conference ‘Addressing Loss and Damage: Practical Action‘.

Image: Sweet song of praise for Creation has become 'anguished plea'

Pope Francis calls for a "covenant" between people and the environment God gave us, in his Message for the World Day of Prayer for Creation to be observed by the Church on September 1st.  Vatican News.

Image: Pope Francis Message For World Day of Prayer For Creation 2022

Dear brothers and sisters!  “Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. The ecumenical phase begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and concludes on 4 October with the feast of Saint Francis. It is a special time for all Christians to pray and work together to care for our common home.  Vatican.

Image: Season of Creation 2022

Resources for Sunday Masses during the Season of Creation 2022, produced by Laudato Si’ Animators and Eco Groups - Scotland, it offers a Penitential Rite and Prayers of the Faithful for each Sunday based on the Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

Image: Scottish faith groups send letter to COP26 president

Representatives from across Scotland’s faith communities have written to UK Government minister and COP26 president Alok Sharma asking for a meeting to discuss what progress has been made since COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which was held in Glasgow in November 2021.


Image: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.

Image: Day Of Prayer For Peace

Letter to the Catholics of Scotland on 'Day Of Prayer For Peace', 2nd January 2022 from Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland.  Read the full text here.

Image: Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 55th World Peace Day
1st January 2022

Dialogue between generations, education and work:  tools for building lasting peace.


Image: Justice and Peace Scotland on the outcomes of COP26

Danny Sweeny, Social Justice Coordinator with Justice & Peace Scotland reflects on COP26 in Glasgow.

Image: BBC Radio Scotland Interview with Bishop Nolan

Listen into this BBC Radio Scotland interview with Bishop Nolan on the Scottish Catholic Church's decision to divest from fossil fuels and why there should be no new oil and gas exploration.  Scroll to 54 minutes for the start.

Image: The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26

Bishop Nolan gave a wonderful talk in Glasgow recently on the topic of "Where Is God At COP26?".  Watch his talk here.

Image: First Minister urged to “address the elephant in the room” and strongly reject new Cambo oil field

The letter comes just after the First Minister said it would be “fundamentally wrong” for countries like Scotland to “keep exploring for and extracting oil and gas” and announced that the Scottish Government will no longer support unlimited extraction of fossil fuels. Campaigners say the First Minister must put her words into action and oppose the climate wrecking project.  SCCS.

Image: Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26

The Catholic bishops of Scotland have announced their divestment from fossil fuels in advance of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, alongside 72 other faith organisations internationally. The Tablet.

Image: Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland joins largest-ever faith divestment ahead of COP26

Today, Tuesday 26th October 2021, The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and all Catholic dioceses in Scotland announce fossil fuel divestment.  Press Release.

Image: Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration For COP26

Our faith communities are united in caring for human life and the natural world. We share a belief in a hopeful future, as well as an obligation to be responsible in caring for our common home, the Earth.

Image: Music Video for COP26 -  From A Distance

The video features a young 10 year old girl (Jessie Lou Harvie) along with many other young people coming together to call on everyone involved in the climate movement but, most especially, the world leaders coming to Glasgow for COP26 in November to act to ‘Save Our Common Home’

Image: A Prayer For Our Earth

A massive Thank You! To our friends at Independent Catholic News for running this article on A Prayer For Our Earth, a prayer service resource that can be used by parishes, groups and schools everywhere to pray for the success of COP26

Image: Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,

Ahead of the G7 group of nations summit taking place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall from 11-13 June 2021, bishops William Nolan, Richard Moth and John Arnold representing the Catholic communities of England, Wales and Scotland have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to stress that we must work together to ensure a just and sustainable future for our global community.

Image: A Prayer For Our Earth, Prayer Service Booklet

Download the 'Prayer For Our Earth' Service booklet here.   We encourage you to use this booklet to hold a service wherever you are in the UK to pray for the success of COP26 during the Season of Creation, 1st Sept - 4th Oct.

Image: Pastoral Letter on 6th Anniversary of Laudato Si

As we approach Pentecost 2021 The Scottish Bishops have released the following Pastoral Letter celebrating the Sixth Anniversary of Laudato Si’.


Image: Scottish Bishops Establish a 'Care For Creation Office'

Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have announced their intention to set up a “Care of Creation Office” ahead of the COP26 meeting in Glasgow later this year. Commenting on the decision, Bishop William Nolan, the Bishop of Galloway and President of the National Justice & Peace Commission said: 


Image: Vatican issues guide for response to climate migration

Pope Francis says the new booklet "urges us to see the tragedy of prolonged uprootedness that causes our brothers and sisters to cry out, year after year… it invites us to become aware of the indifference of societies and governments to this tragedy. It asks us to see, and to care."  ICN

Image: Pastoral Guidelines on Climate Displaced People

A new booklet published by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development today, calls on us to "broaden the way we look at this drama of our time" - the drama of "those driven from their homes by the climate crisis."



Image: Launch of the UN Race to Zero emissions Breakthroughs

COP26 President’s challenge to every sector of the global economy to reach critical net zero tipping points.


Image: The Path To Net Zero

Climate Assembly UK's final report sets out a clear, internally consistent and timely path for reaching the UK's target of net zero emissions by 2050.

Image: Air pollution caused girl's death, coroner rules in landmark case

Coroner says failure to reduce pollution levels to legal limits was factor in death of Ella Kissi-Debrah, who had severe asthma.  Guardian.


“the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by”.  "The time has come to change direction," he said. "Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in a better future."  message from Pope Francis to The Economy of Francesco Conference.


Image: Pope to UN Climate Summit: ‘Now is time to change direction’

Pope Francis sends a video message to participants in the UN’s virtual climate summit, and highlights the Holy See’s efforts to promote a “culture of care” in order to combat climate change. Vatican News.


Image: Global soils underpin life but future looks ‘bleak’, warns UN report

It takes thousands of years for soils to form, meaning protection is needed urgently, say scientists.  The Guardian.

Image: International lawyers draft plan to criminalise ecosystem destruction

Plan to draw up legal definition of ‘ecocide’ attracts support from European countries and small island nations.  The Guardian.

Image: UK's Climate Leadership Weakened by Aid Cuts Ahead of COP26

Host of COP26 next year, Britain's decision to cut the aid budget weakens trust in climate action.  Global Citizen.

Image: Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation

Indian workers in factories supplying the supermarket chains Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury's, and the fashion brand Ralph Lauren, told the BBC they are being subjected to exploitative conditions.


Image: Faith institutions launch new wave of fossil fuel divestment

47 faith institutions from 21 countries, including nine institutions from the UK, announce their divestment from fossil fuels as a practical response to the climate emergency.  ICN.


Image: Pacific Climate Warriors win 2020 Pax Christi International Peace Prize!

The Pacific Climate Warriors is a vibrant network of young people who live in 17 Pacific island nations and diaspora communities in the United States, New Zealand and Australia. Their mission is to peacefully raise awareness of their communities' vulnerability to climate change.


Image: ‘They just don’t care’

Millions of garment workers facing destitution as Britain’s high street billionaires fail to honour contracts.  Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin of the unsustainable fast fashion industry. But with some retailers failing to share the economic pain with suppliers, its demise could be fatal for millions of workers.  The Independent.  


Image: Global Catholic climate movement statement on the outcome of the US elections

We strongly encourage President Joe Biden to take the following actions immediately:


Image: COP26 FAQ

With COP26 due to take place in Glasgow in 2021 here are the answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions about COP26.

Image: Free spiritual boost: read ‘Faith for Earth — A Call for Action’

The book highlights that protecting creation, restoring ecosystems, providing clean air, and leaving a healthy environment for future generations is “an ethical, moral, and spiritual responsibility.”


Image: ‘Sleeping giant’ Arctic methane deposits starting to release, scientists find

Exclusive: expedition discovers new source of greenhouse gas off East Siberian coast has been triggered.  The Guardian.

Image:   The NHS in England is the World's First Health System to Commit to Net Zero Emissions by 2040

NHS England has adopted a multiyear plan to become the world’s first carbon net zero national health system.

Image: Ask the government to prevent mass extinction

Wildlife across the world is facing mass extinction, including here in the UK where a quarter of mammals are at imminent risk of disappearing. Petition.


Image: Our moral imperative to act on climate change and 3 steps we can take.

The global climate crisis will require us to transform the way we act, says His Holiness Pope Francis. Delivering a visionary TED Talk from Vatican City yesterday, the Holy Father proposes three courses of action to address the world's growing environmental problems and economic inequalities, illustrating how all of us can work together, across faiths and societies, to protect the Earth and promote the dignity of everyone. "The future is built today," he says. "And it is not built in isolation, but rather in community and in harmony." ICN. Watch the full TED Talk with translation here.

Image: “When the Elephants Fight”
A Short Season of Creation Reflection by Fr James Martin SJ


Image: Sri Lanka returns containers of illegal waste to Britain:

Containers were meant to carry used mattresses, carpets and rugs, but had also contained hospital waste.  Sri Lanka said containers were brought into the island in violation of international laws governing the shipping of hazardous material. Picture credit: Aljazeera

Image: Stop Ecocide
Stop Ecocide
The Stop Ecocide campaign aims to criminalize destroying the environment – and save our collective home in the process.  The Guardian.

Image: Season Of Creation Prayer 2020

 Download a copy of the Season of Creation prayer 2020 and together lets making praying for a worldwide ecological conversion one of our actions this season of creation.

Image: UK plans to bring forward ban on fossil fuel vehicles to 2030
Announcement expected in autumn to help trigger green economic recovery from Covid-19.  The Guardian.

Image: Part 1: Fossil fuel divestment: Accelerating the clean energy transition
Join this interactive webinar to hear why the Vatican recommended divestment from fossil fuels in June 2020, as well as inspiring stories of how the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference, Jesuits in Britain and Sisters of St Joseph of Peace divested from fossil fuels.

Image: Costa Rica Set to Become World’s First Plastic-Free, Fossil-Fuel-Free Country

Costa Rica is positioning itself to be the first country in the world to be totally free of single-use plastics and fossil fuels by 2021.

Image: Petrol and diesel cars could cost up to £1,500 more under proposals

Report suggests buyers of polluting vehicles should subsidise electric cars.  The Guardian.

Image: TheTime Is Now
TheTime Is Now

The Time Is Now Campaign need you to help ensure our leaders take the right decisions this Autumn and set us on track to a healthy, green and fair recovery from Coronavirus.  Send a message to Rishi Sunak here.

Image: Source to Sea Litter Quest

From 21st -25th Sept this year, we’re taking the learning local, inland and online so you can get involved, recording and collecting litter,  even if you live far from the coast. Whether you represent a school, a youth group, or are home educating, this resource contains all you need to get involved.

Image: David Attenborough’s ‘shocking’ Extinction: The Facts documentary leaves viewers in tears

The BBC One programme, which aired last night (13 September), saw the naturalist examine biodiversity loss, which threatens food and water security, undermines humans' ability to control the climate, and places us at greater risk of pandemics.

Image: Carbon Footprint Calculator

Free, online calculator - average carbon footprint per year is 6.5 tonnes per person (UK)

Image: Sunday’s readings help us consider our prophetic responsibility in this “Season of Creation”
Joseph Nangle, OFM, Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace writes about how uncanny it is that the “readings of the day” consistently lend themselves to appropriate applications for whatever is being celebrated.

Image: Transport

Justice & Peace Scotland have produced 12 resource sheets on various environmental topics.  This one is on Transport.  See the others on our Care For Creation page.

Image: Campaign for free public transport in Glasgow to launch this month

The Free Our City campaign is calling for "a world-class, fully-integrated and accessible public transport network that’s free at the point of use".

Image: Climate Migration
Climate Migration

In 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) noted that the greatest single impact of climate change could be on human migration with millions of people displaced by shoreline erosion, coastal flooding and agricultural disruption.  See this and other J&P Scotland climate resources here.

Image: Why the Guardian is putting global CO2 levels in the weather forecast
As CO2 levels climb, the carbon count is a daily reminder we must tackle climate change now.  “Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen so dramatically and including a measure of that in our daily weather report is symbolic of what human activity is doing to our climate. People need reminding that the climate crisis is no longer a future problem – we need to tackle it now, and every day matters.” Guardian.

Image: New Scottish Agriculture Bill

Leaving the EU means the Scottish Parliament must replace the EU Common Agriculture Policy and farm payments. The Agriculture Bill is before the Scottish Parliament now. We must take this key opportunity to ensure farm payments support action for nature and the climate.  Sign the petition here.

Image: Earth has lost 28 trillion tonnes of ice in less than 30 years
‘Stunned’ scientists say there is little doubt global heating is to blame for the loss.  The Guardian.

Image: Six Months on a Planet in Crisis:

 Greta Thunberg's Travel Diary from the U.S. to Davos.

Image: UK waste incinerators three times as likely to be in deprived areas

Greenpeace data raises concern over air quality and health of vulnerable people.  The Guardian.

Image: Digging into Laudato Si

Sign up here and join EarthBeat on an exploration of Laudato Si' through a social, political and spiritual lens. Three times a week, we’ll dive into a new section of the papal document, leading readers through an informal study of the call to care for our common home, five years on.

Image: New Challenges for a Just Transition? COVID-19 and Green Pathways to Recovery

If governments put health, nature regeneration and climate action at the core of every decision they make in recovering from this pandemic, we can emerge as a stronger and more resilient society, and ensure the COP26 puts us on track to a safer climate future. Christina Figueres

Image: Wildlife charity plans to buy UK land to give it back to nature

Heal Rewilding will find lower-grade land and let it recover naturally, rather than planting.  The Guardian.

Image: The Small Blue Butterfly Retreat

Thank you to Liz Snodgrass for compiling this reflective retreat for Holy week.

Image: Reaction to Glasgow Climate Summit COP26 Postponement

1 April 2020, This evening the UK Government announced that a decision had been taken, jointly by the UNFCCC COP Bureau with the UK and Italy, to delay COP26.

Image: Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief

Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis, according to the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen.  The Guardian.

Image: 'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?

As habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics.  Guardian.

Image: 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si

During Laudato Si’ Week, 16-24 May, we are being asked to commit to an ambitious action that grows our response to “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” We are being encouraged to take any action that is inspired by Laudato Si’ which accelerates solutions to our ecological crisis, and builds community for the long term.
There’s an urgent need to solve the ecological crisis. Our faith calls us to do more together.

Image: Climate campaigners launch 40-day Multifaith Lenten Vigil

Christian Climate Action (CCA) and Extinction Rebellion Faith Communities have joined forces to hold a Lenten vigil in central London and initiate 40 Days of Action, where people are invited to commit to one action during Lent to protect Planet Earth.  ICN.

Image: Join the Great British Spring Clean
With the winter storms wreaking havoc on the UK, it's crucial we take action to get as much litter off our beaches as possible.  Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Spring Clean will run from 20 March -13 April and Keep Scotland Beautiful's Spring Clean runs over the months of April and May. The litter data collected goes into our national database, which will be used for our vital conservation and monitoring work. If you'd like to get involved, you can find a list of upcoming beach clean events by clicking below.

Image: A weekly Lenten Calendar of Ecological Sin and Healing

As we enter the Lenten season, GCCM invite you to consider the ways that we fall short of our unconditional commitment to the most vulnerable. How do our lifestyles support the illegal mines and cattle ranches in the Amazon? How do we fail to give witness to the poorest?

Image: Revealed: big oil's profits since 1990 total nearly $2tn

BP, Shell, Chevron and Exxon accused of making huge profits while ‘passing the buck’ on climate change.  Guardian.

Image: UK unprepared for COP 26 conference, warn climate leaders

Former UN climate envoy joins list of experts frustrated at Britain’s lack of leadership. Guardian.

Image: Eco Footprint Calculator

Calculate your meat, plastic and flight impact with this Eco Footprint Calculator.

Image: Fossil fuel divestment toolkit

Divestment from fossil fuels–and reinvestment in clean renewable energy–can go a long way towards protecting our common home from climate change and pollution. GCCM

Image: Tech giants sued over child labour, deaths and injuries in cobalt mining in the DRC

Apple, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla are among the tech companies named in a lawsuit brought in the US by the families of children killed and maimed in cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lifegate.

Image: Church of England joins passive push with climate index

The Church of England Pension Board, overseer of the £2.8bn retirement savings pot for the Anglican clergy, will on Thursday launch a passive index aligned with the Paris climate goals on the London Stock Exchange.  FT

Image: Laudato Si' five years on: a continued call for courage

This year, "Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home" turns five years old. The systems that support life continue to collapse all around us, and the fifth birthday of Laudato Si’ has occasioned a moment of reflection for many.

Image: Climate refugees can't be returned home, says landmark UN human rights ruling

Experts say judgment is ‘tipping point’ that opens the door to climate crisis claims for protection.  The Guardian.

Image: Catholic ‘Street Nun’ Helps Environment, New Yorkers With Non-Profit

The Catholic-founded nonprofit recycling center is not a smelly junkyard in the shadow of a hip neighborhood in Brooklyn, but a processing center fueled by a motto: reducing, reusing and recycling.

Image: Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates

Oceans are clearest measure of climate crisis as they absorb 90% of heat trapped by greenhouse gases.  The Guardian.

Image: Scottish renewable energy hits ‘record generation’ in 2019

Electricity from renewable energy generation in Scotland has reached record levels in the first quarter of 2019, new figures from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has shown.  Energy Voice.

Image: Epiphany Declaration: 20 Christian organisations divest from fossil fuels

Operation Noah is delighted to announce that 20 Christian organisations in the UK – including churches, dioceses, Synods and religious orders – have announced their divestment from fossil fuels as part of the Epiphany Declaration for Fossil Free Churches.

Image: UN climate summit: Marathon talks come to an end in Madrid with most difficult decision postponed ti

Resolution on future of global carbon markets left to 2020 gathering in Glasgow after extended negotiations prove fruitless, prompting critics to denounce conference as ‘an utter failure’.  The Independent.

Image: Fossil fuel production on track for double the safe climate limit

The UK was the first major economy to commit to net zero emissions, but subsidises fossil fuel production at home and abroad, experts say. ‘We’re in a deep hole over the climate crisis and we need to stop digging,’ warn experts  Guardian.

Image: Environmental governance and EU Exit: the state of play

This article examines the state of play regarding environmental governance and EU exit, following the Scottish Government’s recent announcements concerning the adoption of interim measures.

Image: Charities say next UK government must bring forward climate targets

Groups including Greenpeace, WI and Oxfam call for faster action in letter to all parties.  Guardian.

Image: The Eco Parish Guide

The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) is proud to announce the release of the Eco-Parish Guide for Catholic Parishes. This free guide will be a great resource for your parish to bring Laudato Si’ to life.

Image: Rise of renewables may see off oil firms decades earlier than they think

Pace of progress raises hope that fossil fuel companies could lose their domination. Guardian.

Image: Priest and nun arrested in climate change protests

Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell from Birmingham and Sister Katrina Alton of the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace, have both been arrested in recent days as part of the climate change protests in London.  ICN.

Image: Human trafficking gang guilty of selling women in Glasgow

Four people have been found guilty of trafficking women from Slovakia to Glasgow and forcing their victims into prostitution and sham marriages.  BBC.

Image: Bishop urges Scots to protect 'Our Common Home'

Campaigners from across Scotland's eight Catholic dioceses will gather in St Stephen's Centre in Glasgow on Saturday 21st of September for a 'Day of Reflection' on the environment and climate change.  ICN

Image: World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Sunday, September 1st marks the World Day of Prayer for the care of Creation. When writing 'The Call of Creation' in 2002, the Catholic Bishops of England & Wales said that "care for the environment presents a major challenge for the whole community in the 21st century." The passing of time makes this challenge clearer. It is now an unprecedented ecological crisis.  ICN

Image: Season Of Creation Liturgy Resource for Parishes and Schools
The Web of Life: Biodiversity as God’s Blessing
Archdiocesan Commission of St Andrews and Edinburgh for Caritas, Justice and Peace

Image: Celebration at Carfin Grotto for 40th anniversary of J&P Scotland

Scotland's National Shrine at Carfin in the Diocese of Motherwell, was host yesterday to a celebration of the 40th anniversary of Justice and Peace Scotland.  ICN report.

Image: The 'ecological foundations of society' are in peril, a massive UN report warns

Human activities are degrading the global environment at a pace that could endanger the "ecological foundations of society" and human health, according to a landmark United Nations report released Wednesday. CNN

Image: Global Land Grab Gathers Pace

Launching the organisation’s 2019 Lenten Appeal, Trócaire CEO Caoimhe de Barra warned that the corporate race for natural resources has put millions of people around the world at risk of exploitation and abuse.

Image: Report on Vatican Laudato Si Conference

The starting point of the International Conference on the 3rd anniversary of Laudato Si’ was a sense of deep urgency and profound councern for the precarious state of our common home.  Read the conference findings here.

Image: 2018 Joint Statement on Climate Justice by Bishops' Conferences

The heads of six continental bishops’ conferences have signed a rare joint statement urging political leaders to solve climate change.

Image: Global Warming of 1.5ºC

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have produced a special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

Image: European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water

During the meeting of Justice and Peace Europe in Barcelona a symbolic action took place at the Delta of the Llobregat River to give a voice to the cry of Sister Water.  Justice and Peace Scotland were present and took part in the action.

Image: European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water

Image: European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water

At the meeting of European Justice and Peace Commissions on Saturday 29th September in Barcelona Justice and Peace Scotland took part in a symbolic action "Give Voice to the Cry of Sister Water".

Image: The Great British Beach Clean and Survey
14th - 17th September

The Marine Conservation Society have launched Beachwatch 2018, the UK's biggest beach clean up and survey.


From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world unite to pray and act for our common home.  The Season of Creation begins on 1st September with the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on 4th October, the feast day of St. Francis, the patron saint of ecology in many traditions.  

Image: Kirk launches Creation Time 2018 resources

An ecumenical team with contributors from the Church of Scotland, the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the United Reformed Church have put together Creation Time worship materials on the theme of ‘Passing our Planet on: God’s Gift to us’.

Join people from across Scotland on Wednesday 19th September at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh and ask your MSPs to push for a strong Climate Change Act.

Image: Antarctic ice loss has tripled in a decade. If that continues, we are in serious trouble.

A worrying report in the Washington Post claims that scientists are warning of the accelerated melting of the Antartic ice sheet and stressing the importance of immediate action to reduce greenhouse gasses

Every supermarket in the UK has pledged to eradicate unnecessary single-use plastics by 2025, under a new "UK Plastics Pact", this is the claim  made in an article in the Telegraph today, Friday 27th April.

Image: New Toolkit to Support Climate Change Advocacy

ACT Alliance has published a new toolkit to support climate change advocacy at national and regional level: Towards the Ambitious Implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Image: Oxfam Report - Uprooted Climate Change Displacement

Image: Advent Toolkit
Advent Toolkit

During the season of Advent, we have the opportunity to deepen our own sense of love for the world.  Protecting creation and vulnerable people is an important way to love.

Image: European Justice and Peace Conference - Taize

Image: Season of Creation 2017

As Pope Francis said, “Creation is of the order of love.”  We invite you to protect it.

The Global Catholic Climate Movement have produced new resources for use during the Season of Creation 1st September 2017 - 4th October 2017.

Image: Day of Prayer for Creation

Pope Francis has encouraged everyone to take part in a Day of Prayer for Care of Creation on 1st September every year.  Here is The Laudato Si litany prayer and also information on how to organise a prayer service.


Image:  World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Pope Francis recently declared September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. He said,  “The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that He has entrusted to our care, invoking his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live.”

Further information and resources for marking this day can be found at Global Catholic Climate Movement

Image: Divest your church
Divest your church
How to divest your church from fossil fuels.


A new resource produced by Operation Noah, Divest your church, explains how your local church can divest from fossil fuels and reinvest for a brighter future, as well as supporting the campaign for the national Churches to divest.

Further information on the Bright Now website

Image: Holy See is committed to protecting oceans

Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, has issued the full text of his statement to the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of the 14th Sustainable Development Goal, which deals with Conserving and Sustainably Using the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources.

Image: 2017 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals

Just released by the World Bank, a visual mapping of progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development goals which include: ending poverty, good health, access to education, sustainable cities. Each section highlights progress and challenges.

Access the Visual Map

It takes a wee while to load, so be patient.

Image: Divest your church: new resources

Does your church have investments in fossil fuel companies? Ever thought about moving your money somewhere that builds the world you want to live in? A new resource produced by Operation Noah, Divest your church, explains how your local church can divest from fossil fuels and reinvest for a brighter future, as well as supporting the campaign for the national Churches to divest.

Further details


Eco-Congregation Scotland - have recently produced an online guide 'Ten Tips For Attracting Wildlife Into Your Garden And Churchyard.' Download here

Image: Approaching Laudato Si
Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.

Image: IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

The Fifth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the fifth in a series of such reports.

Image: Between the Flood and the Rainbow
A Study Guide on Climate Change based upon key themes in Catholic Social Teaching. (Multiple parts, individually downloadable).

UKCCC report: The UK Committee on Climate Change published its report 'Scotland's path to a low carbon economy' on 24th February. The report says that 42% emissions reduction in Scotland by 2020 is challenging but achievable. When asked, Stewart Stevenson committed to 42%, saying "...having set a 42% target, that is one we should stick to...it is certainly our intention to stick to 42%..." so we have a clear statement from Government on the record.

Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland gives statement on the outcome of the UN summit on climate change in Copenhagen.

Image: Justice & Peace Scotland Handbook

With valuable context and criticism by eg Anne Pettifor, Susan George and others.

David Miliband's excellent address to Pontifical Council Conference