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Parish bans plastic from church hall

Categories: Articles:Environment | Published: 12/03/2018 | Views: 1403

A new report in ICN tells of the parishioners at Our Lady of Good Counsel in March, Camridgeshire who have taken the decision to ban the use of disposable plastic in their newly-refurbished parish hall.

Parish Priest, Fr Paul Maddison, said: "At a recent Parish Open Meeting a discussion took place around the subject of plastic waste and how we as a parish community could contribute to the debate.

"It was felt that, since there is a large quantity of cutlery, crockery and glasses in the kitchen; people who hire the hall should not be using disposable items and then sending their waste to landfill. Our terms and conditions of hire will now be amended to reflect this decision.


"We also decided to challenge any of our suppliers using large quantities of plastic packaging to send their products and, if they fail to respond, to change to alternative providers."

Read the story here

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