Reaction to Glasgow Climate Summit COP26 Postponement
Categories: Articles:Environment, Resources:Environment |
Published: 02/04/2020 |
Views: 756
1 April 2020, This evening the UK Government announced that a decision had been taken, jointly by the UNFCCC COP Bureau with the UK and Italy, to delay COP26.
They announced that it would be held in Glasgow in 2021 but did not give dates at this stage.
Tom Ballantine, chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, said “While clearly hugely disappointing, this decision was absolutely necessary given the current situation with Covid-19. The immediate priority needs to be saving and protecting lives from this virus.
“We all need to do all we can to fight Covid-19, and many of our members are working to support vital services and the vulnerable during this period, including faith organisations, development charities, local community organisations and trade unionists.
“Despite this decision to postpone COP26, the need for us to take action on the climate crisis remains as urgent as ever. This pandemic brings into even sharper focus that global crises need global answers. We also need collaboration and cooperation between governments to save lives from the climate crisis, with action based on what the science demands.
“When it happens, COP26 will be a critical opportunity to accelerate global climate action. It must secure faster action to slash climate emissions and to boost support to communities already being devastated by droughts, floods and storms, while ensuring the voices of those most impacted are fully heard.
“When a new date for COP26 in Glasgow is announced, SCCS is committed to ensuring it delivers the urgent action required. Until then, we will seek to ensure the decisions made in the coming months are consistent with a climate-safe future.”
Ballantine added: “The decision to hold COP26 in Glasgow has led to real energy within communities and organisations in Scotland to create a climate-safe and climate-resilient future. Over the next few months much of this energy will be focused on Covid-19 support and action, but when this crisis is behind us and we look forward to a rescheduled COP, we are sure that the community networks that are being strengthened today will re-energise around climate action.”
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