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Early Day Motion 714: Change to Rules on Submitting New Evidence in Asylum Cases

Categories: Articles:Asylum & Refugees | Published: 21/01/2015 | Views: 1920
Please ask your MP to sign this EDM
That this House expresses concern that the Home Office has made a rule change, due to be enforced on 26 January 2015, that asylum seekers who have been refused leave to remain will have to submit evidence in person in Liverpool regarding their case, regardless of where they are living;

That this House expresses concern that the Home Office has made a rule change, due to be enforced on 26 January 2015, that asylum seekers who have been refused leave to remain will have to submit evidence in person in Liverpool regarding their case, regardless of where they are living; notes that asylum seekers who have been refused leave to remain can under current arrangements present evidence at a local centre; further notes that this means it is more affordable for charities, other organisations and individuals to help pay for an asylum seeker's travel fare or volunteer to take somebody who cannot use public transport due to a disability or other reasons; expresses further concern that the rule change will make it much harder for asylum seekers to present evidence which may be crucial to correctly resolving their case; and urges the Government to abandon this rule change and ensure that people seeking protection in the UK are able to present evidence relating to their case.

Sponsors: Huppert, Julian / Teather, Sarah / Durkan, Mark / Hancock, Mike / Bottomley, Peter  /  House of Commons: 20.01.2015

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