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Dungavel Demonstration 30th May

Categories: Articles:Asylum & Refugees | Published: 18/05/2015 | Views: 2220
Saturday 30 May: Demonstration outside Dungavel removal centre. 12 noon. The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has criticised the Home Office after it refused to allow a delegation of political and religious leaders access to Dungavel detention centre following reports of a hunger-strike. A demonstration has been called for Dungavel on the 30 May which has the support of trade unions, churches and campaign groups. Please join Justice and Peace at this demonstration

The STUC, the Church of Scotland, the Catholic Church, the Muslim Council of Britain and the Scottish Refugee Council wrote to the Home Office and the governor of Dungavel asking to meet with detainees. However, despite the governor offering to facilitate the visit, the request was denied, with a spokesman for the Home Office saying: 'We can confirm a request to visit Dungavel was received and subsequently declined.' The STUC will be putting on buses to take people to Dungavel, details here

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