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Christmas Greeting Card Campaign 2015

Categories: Articles:Human Rights | Published: 06/11/2015 | Views: 2178

If you would like to send greeting cards to prisoners of conscience this Christmas, Action by Christians Against Torture have lists of prisoners who are, victims of torture, persecuted Christians, or members of human rights groups. Please make sure you follow the guidelines when sending your cards

ACTION BY CHRISTIANS AGAINST TORTURE – UK - CHRTMAS GREETINGS LIST – 2015 Victims of torture, human rights groups and individuals under threat, and persecuted Christians need our support and our prayers. At Christmas we can all take the opportunity to let them know that they are not forgotten.  A card can mean so much to them. Eskinder Nega, a prominent Ethiopian journalist serving an 18-year sentence, has said that his greatest fear is to be forgotten, not the appalling prison conditions.  Please put a little light into a prisoner’s life. It is quite safe to add one’s address, and does give prisoners a slightly greater link to the sender, which will be important to them. It is also unknown for there to be any comeback to the sender from an oppressive government.  Cards tell the authorities that prisoners are not forgotten and can result in improved prison conditions, in a new investigation leading to a retrial and, on occasion, to freedom. Cards of support, encouragement and thanks for their work can also give an important boost to human rights organisations under threat of arrest, imprisonment and death. A reply is occasionally received, but this should not be expected. If a reply is received, it is important that the ACAT office is informed; give the prisoner’s name, prison address and country - ACAT’s address is at the bottom of the next page. 


 Send simple messages of goodwill and support. Tell prisoners that they are not forgotten and that they are remembered in prayer. Do not advance political views.  Use very bright cards as we were recently told that these bring a lot of joy to the recipients. Cards must be posted by the senders and not sent to the ACAT office for posting on. 

Small donations to cover the costs of producing the List would be welcome from anyone who is not an ACAT member or in an ACAT group.  ACAT has campaigned for the tortured, those under threat of torture, the disappeared, those subjected to death threats and to extrajudicial execution since 1984. It is a small ecumenical registered charity with no paid staff. It produces a Newsletter and takes part in the International Prayer Vigil for the Tortured at the end of June. FOR MORE INFORMATION – ACAT UK Office, 19 The Square, Knowle Park, Bristol, BS4 2ST   Email:  LIST OF PRISONERS CAN BE FOUND HERE
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