Easter Greetings to Prisoners of Conscience
Categories: Articles:Third World Debt, Articles:Human Rights |
Published: 15/02/2016 |
Views: 1978
Action by Chritians Against Torture campaign
This is an invitation to send a message of support and greeting to endangered or persecuted Christians at Easter time. They focus especially on those who have been tortured and/or are still threatened with abuse. ACAT hope that you can give these names wide coverage and also send them Easter Greetings.
Please note the following: - Sign your card, add your name and, if you wish, address, and send by airmail. Small cards will cost less to send than larger ones. - If you receive a reply, please inform Action by Christians Against Torture (ACAT UK), 19 The Square, Knowle Park, BRISTOL BS 2ST. Email:
uk.acat@gmail.com. You can find the list of Prisoners who are being sponsored this Easter Season by ACAT-UK
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