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Asylum seekers allegedly locked out of homes

Categories: Articles:Asylum & Refugees | Published: 01/03/2016 | Views: 1495
Asylum seekers in Scotland have allegedly been locked out of their homes in breach of agreed eviction guidelines. An ex-employee of housing provider Orchard & Shipman (O&S) said this "brutal" practice can leave them destitute and homeless. BBC Scotland has also seen company emails instructing staff to "remove individuals" from specific addresses. The housing company has strongly denied breaching guidelines. (BBC Scotland)

O&S has managed the £221m Home Office contract for asylum seeker accommodation in Scotland and Northern Ireland, on behalf of international service company Serco, since September 2012.   The number of asylum seekers being accommodated in Glasgow alone has risen dramatically from 1,668 in 2012 when the contracts began, to 2,769 in September last year - an increase of 66%.  Asylum seekers in Scotland come from all over the world including Somalia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Eritrea - the vast majority have fled war, torture or persecution.        Read More Here
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