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The UK Government will not #LetThemFly

Categories: Articles:Asylum & Refugees | Published: 01/04/2016 | Views: 1347
At the recent  special summit on Syrian refugees, the UK Government shamefully failed to respond to the UN’s call to offer more Syrian families safe passage. But it’s not over yet.

Thousands of you supported the #LetThemFly campaign by contacting your MPs, asking them to back the call to offer more Syrians safe haven. As a result, a specific debate in Parliament was held on the issue, where MPs from across the political spectrum voiced their support for Britain to offer safe haven to more refugees. The pressure is mounting on the Government to do more to help. Our voices are growing louder and we won’t, we can’t, give up.

It’s clear this crisis isn't going away any time soon. It’s time our leaders faced up to it. Desperate men, women and children are continuing to flee the bombs, bullets and bloodshed in the Middle East and beyond and their lives depend on being able to find refuge.

In September, the most powerful politicians on the planet will meet at the UN’s General Assembly, which will be focused on discussing how to solve the global refugee crisis. We need to send a strong message to those global leaders: that refugees’ lives are worth something, and they must be protected. We need as many people as possible to be speaking up for refugees. Keep up to date by following the Refugee Council on Facebook or visit their website or visit the Scottish Refugee Council website        Together, we can make a difference to refugees’ lives. Thank you for your continued support.

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