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Categories: Articles:Human Rights | Published: 07/06/2016 | Views: 1625
Please ask your MP to sign this EDM
That this House notes with considerable concern the Government's continued support for the government of Saudi Arabia; is dismayed by continuing serious and systematic human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, such as the severe restriction of freedom of expression, association and assembly, the use of the death penalty and flogging, and the lack of basic rights for women and immigrant workers;

views with alarm the actions of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen which has repeatedly violated international humanitarian law and created a serious humanitarian crisis; is concerned that, through the provision of official and military support and the licensing of arms exports, the Government is helping to enable Saudi Arabia's repression at home and aggression abroad; and calls on the Government to continue raising concerns about serious and systematic human rights abuses with its Saudi counterparts and to end military support to Saudi Arabia immediately, with a view to promoting longer-term stability and security in that country, the region and more widely.
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