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Early day motion 1882

Categories: Articles:Human Rights | Published: 10/06/2011 | Views: 1387
Investigation into Alleged War Crimes in Sri Lanka
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Early day motion 1882: Investigation into Alleged War Crimes in Sri Lanka
That this House notes Channel 4's documentary, Sri Lanka's Killing Fields, broadcast on14 June 2011, which features devastating new video evidence of war crimes during Sri Lanka's civil war; further notes that certain footage has been authenticated by the UN and has been declared as evidence of definitive war crimes by the UN Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial killings; condemns strongly the Sri Lankan government for dismissing outright the analysis of the UN Special Rapporteur and its unwillingness to engage in a proper accountability process; urges all hon. Members to view the Channel 4 documentary; supports the Government's policy of an independent investigation into these allegations; and calls on the UN to establish an independent, international mechanism to ensure truth, accountability and justice in Sri Lanka.
Primary sponsor: Lee Scott, Date tabled: 08.06.2011

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