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Eight UK clothing brands still refuse to fix dangerous factories in Bangladesh

Categories: Articles:Human Rights | Published: 16/09/2013 | Views: 1675
In April over 1200 people died in Bangladesh when the Rana Plaza building collapsed. There has never been a clearer sign that all retailers need to dramatically raise their efforts to ensure that those making their clothes are doing so in safety and with dignity. After huge public pressure over 80 clothing brands signed up to a union-backed Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. Please contact the 8 clothing brand that refuse to sign the accord telling them that there are no excuses for ignoring safety standards and workers’ rights in Bangladesh

In April over 1200 people died in Bangladesh when the Rana Plaza building collapsed. There has never been a clearer sign that all retailers need to dramatically raise their efforts to ensure that those making their clothes are doing so in safety and with dignity. After huge public pressure over 80 clothing brands – including H+M, Zara, Next, Primark, New Look and Debenhams – have signed up to a union-backed Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. It represents a big deal for Bangladeshi workers. But whilst most UK retailers have stepped up to their responsibilities, there are a few major brands with factories in Bangladesh but who still refuse to sign. Prominent amongst these are 8 names you'll probably know from your high street: River Island, Matalan, Bench, Bank Fashion, Peacocks, Jane Norman, Republic and Mexx. We need to send a clear message to these 8 companies, telling them there are no excuses left for ignoring safety standards and workers’ rights in Bangladesh. We don't want any more workers to risk death or injury in making our clothes.
Please take a few moments to send an email to these companies, urging them to sign up to the Accord today.  Write to the 8 brands now
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