Diary (Human Rights)
International Day in support of Victims of Torture
Start Date/Time: 26 June 2025
End Date/Time: 26 June 2025
Recurring Event: Recurring Event Every year on 26 June until 26/06/2025 (total 14 events)
Importance: Normal Priority
Arms Trade

“At a time when the legitimate aspirations of people in many regions of the world for greater freedom, dignity and a better life are too often met with violence and repression, I urge States to respect the fundamental rights of all people. Torture and other forms of cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment and punishment, wherever they occur and whatever the circumstances, can never be justified.”

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Message for the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 2011


Owned by carol On 27 March 2012
Human Rights

Human Rights

Human Rights are the most basic and agreed way of understanding our human responsibilities in the modern world and form an integral part of Catholic Social Teaching.
There is a growing awareness of the sublime dignity of human persons, who stand above all things and whose rights and duties are universal and inviolable. They ought, therefore, to have ready access to all that is necessary for living a genuinely human life: for example, food, clothing, housing, the right freely to choose their state of life and set up a family, the right to education, work, to their good name, to respect, to proper knowledge, the right to act according to the dictates of conscience and to safeguard their privacy, and rightful freedom, including freedom of religion. 
Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes, n26



Image: Isolation and retaliation: Bishop Rolando Álvarez marks one year in prison for standing up to Ortega
Isolation and retaliation: Bishop Rolando Álvarez marks one year in prison for standing up to Ortega

“It is important to highlight that Monsignor Alvarez has been deprived of his physical and religious freedom for 365 days, he was subjected to a trial in absentia and was denied even the right to know his sentence and the right to appeal. El Pais.

Image: Scottish bishops remember Hiroshima
Scottish bishops remember Hiroshima

On Hiroshima Day, 6 August, Scotland Justice and Peace tweeted a reminder of the Scottish bishops' statement of 1982.  ICN

Image: Archbishop asked Tánaiste to push for release of imprisoned bishop in Nicaragua
Archbishop asked Tánaiste to push for release of imprisoned bishop in Nicaragua

Catholic Primate Eamon Martin said Monsignor Rolando Álvarez was a victim of Daniel Ortega’s authoritarian regime.  The Irish Times.

Image: Cardinal Czerny urges concrete action for our common home
Cardinal Czerny urges concrete action for our common home

The Saint of Assisi shows us "how inseparable the bond is between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace." ICN


Image: ICAN statement to the NPT Preparatory Committee in Vienna
ICAN statement to the NPT Preparatory Committee in Vienna

“It is in the interests of all NPT states parties that this practice [of nuclear sharing] does not spread further. And to guarantee that, it must be brought to an end.” Watch the video by ICAN

Image: Scottish Bishops 1982 Statement on Nuclear Weapons
Scottish Bishops 1982 Statement on Nuclear Weapons

One year ago, in 2022, the 40th anniversary of this landmark statement, we produced this video with the help of schools, our bishops and some life-long anti-nuclear activists to reafirm our stance against nuclear weapons of mass destruction.  #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #NeverAgain.

Image: Millions of UK families using credit cards and loans to pay basic bills
Millions of UK families using credit cards and loans to pay basic bills

Interest rates are expected to rise again this week and there are warnings about a “timebomb of debt” among poorer households. Reports suggest companies are targeting struggling single parents, using social media ads, to offer inappropriate debt repayment schemes that will leave them worse off.  The Guardian.


Image: Moving Away from Destruction
Moving Away from Destruction

PAX and ICAN’s new report "Moving away from mass destruction" shows that more and more financial institutions around the world are rejecting nuclear weapons, and citing the #nuclearban treaty as a reason to stop banking on the bomb.  


Image: Christians in health and social care: ethics and practice - Glasgow
Christians in health and social care: ethics and practice - Glasgow

Are you looking for an opportunity to meet people motivated by their faith to care for others? Would you like to explore the unique contribution that faith makes to the health and social care sector? Are you interested in learning about the ethical challenges work in this sector may bring?  

Image: 'Build a hope-filled future' - message at Young Adult 20th Anniversary Mass
'Build a hope-filled future' - message at Young Adult 20th Anniversary Mass

On the Eve of the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola, Fr David Stewart SJ returned to Farm Street parish in London to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Young Adult Mass. He had been there at its inception and delivered the following sermon with warmth and eloquence.  ICN.


Image: Pope appeals for restoration of Black Sea grain agreement
Pope appeals for restoration of Black Sea grain agreement

"I appeal to my brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation, that the Black Sea Initiative may be restored and grain may be transported safely.  "The cry of millions of brothers and sisters who suffer hunger rises to Heaven."  ICN.

Image: New North Sea oil and gas licences will send ‘wrecking ball’ through climate commitments
New North Sea oil and gas licences will send ‘wrecking ball’ through climate commitments

Rishi Sunak has announced the approval of about 100 new North Sea oil and gas licences, prompting condemnation from environmental groups, who said it would “send a wrecking ball” through the UK’s climate commitments. The Guardian.

Image: What safe and legal routes are available for refugees to come to the United Kingdom?
What safe and legal routes are available for refugees to come to the United Kingdom?

The mantra of “safe and legal routes” is regularly repeated by the government when justifying increasingly draconian legislation in an attempt to prevent refugees from travelling to the UK under their own steam. The argument is that refugees should use these safe and legal routes instead of arriving in small boats or the back of lorries to claim asylum.  This article looks at what safe and legal routes are available and how they are accessed.  Free Movement.

Image: Two-child cap affects almost 200,000 families living in Labour-run areas
Two-child cap affects almost 200,000 families living in Labour-run areas

A number of senior Labour figures who represent some of the areas worst hit by the policy have spoken out against the leadership’s stance.  The Guardian.

Image: Holy See urges UN to seek an end to the war in Ukraine
Holy See urges UN to seek an end to the war in Ukraine

 “use all diplomatic means, even those that may not have been used so far, to bring an end to this terrible tragedy,” since “war in itself is an error and a horror.”  Vatican News.


Image: Sharing Our Common Home
Sharing Our Common Home

The UK Parliament may have passed the Anti Refugee Bill but this legislation does not represent us and we will continue to campaign for safety and sanctuary for our displaced brothers and sisters across the world.  Watch our campaign video here.

Image: The Rwanda ruling – Right to Remain message
The Rwanda ruling – Right to Remain message

The UK Court of Appeal has ruled that Rwanda is not a safe third country to send those seeking safety in the UK to, so what happens now? this Right To Remain blog answers a few questions.  

Image:  EU & Latin American Church leaders call for people-centred green transition
EU & Latin American Church leaders call for people-centred green transition

It is a "very significant first step",  at a moment when the world is  going through a crucial moment in terms of climate, hunger, exclusion. It is a “sign of hope," Vatican News.


Image: Asylum barge docks after Lords passes ‘shameful’ UK illegal migration bill
Asylum barge docks after Lords passes ‘shameful’ UK illegal migration bill

The Conservative frontbench saw off five further changes to the bill peers were seeking, including modern slavery protections and child detention limits.  The Guardian. 

Image: Yousaf told to turn wellbeing rhetoric into reality
Yousaf told to turn wellbeing rhetoric into reality

“Redesigning the economy to serve the needs of people and planet, and to value what actually matters is an urgent task,"....There is no alternative if we want a healthy planet for our children and grandchildren to live on.”  The Herald.

Image: Nicaraguan Catholic Bishop Alvarez freed, talks going on 
Nicaraguan Catholic Bishop Alvarez freed, talks going on 

Nicaraguan Catholic Bishop Rolando Alvarez was released from prison late on Monday, a diplomatic source said, marking a possible turning point in the government's prolonged crackdown on the Catholic Church.  Reuters.

Image: Uganda oil pipeline has ‘devastated’ livelihoods, says HRW
Uganda oil pipeline has ‘devastated’ livelihoods, says HRW

Environmental activists have urged lenders around the world not to help fund the project and some banks have vowed not to participate in its financing.  Aljazeera.

Image: Nuclear Weapons “Sharing” Is a Dangerous Practice That Brings Us Closer to War 
Nuclear Weapons “Sharing” Is a Dangerous Practice That Brings Us Closer to War 

“Presidents Biden and Putin should come to an agreement that both U.S. and Russian nuclear sharing must end.”  Truth Out.

Image: Pope urges solidarity with migrants on 10th anniversary of Lampedusa visit
Pope urges solidarity with migrants on 10th anniversary of Lampedusa visit

On the 10th anniversary of his visit to the Italian island of Lampedusa, Pope Francis reaffirms his support for migrants who continue to take great risks to cross the Mediterranean to enter Europe. Vatican News.

Image: Bishop Alvarez sent back to prison after talks with Nicaraguan dictatorship break down
Bishop Alvarez sent back to prison after talks with Nicaraguan dictatorship break down

Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos was sent back to prison Wednesday after negotiations between the Nicaraguan bishops and the government of dictator Daniel Ortega broke down, Nicaraguan news sources reported. CNA.


Image: Dungavel Solidarity Gathering
Dungavel Solidarity Gathering

To mark 'Refugee Week 2023' we were joined at Dungavel Detention Centre, Scotland's only Immigration Removal Prison on Sunday 25th June 2023 by Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland.  Watch his address to those gathered here

Image: Faslane Faith Vigil
Faslane Faith Vigil

Archbishop Nolan and the Sally Foster-Fulton, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland supported the recent Faith Vigil at the South Gate of Faslane Naval Base to pray for an end to nuclear weapons.  Watch the service here.

Image: Prof Stan Chu Ilo - Climate Talk
Prof Stan Chu Ilo - Climate Talk

We were very pleased to host Fr Stan Chu Ilo in Eyre Hall in the Glasgow Archdiocesan Offices on Friday 23rd June 2023 for his talk - Ecological Conversion As A Missionary Conversion; A spirituality of Stewardship for Cosmic Flourishing.  Watch the recording here.

Image: Let Justice & Peace Flow
Let Justice & Peace Flow

Message of Pope Francis for Creation Day 2023.


Image: World Refugee Day
World Refugee Day

The decision to migrate should always be free, yet in many cases, even in our day, it is not. Conflicts, natural disasters, or more simply the impossibility of living a dignified and prosperous life in one’s native land is forcing millions of persons to leave.  Pope Francis message and prayers for World Day of Refugees & Migrants.

Image: Scotland Misses Its Own Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target
Scotland Misses Its Own Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target

Press Release from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland in response to the news that the Scottish Government have missed their greenhouse gas emission targets, leaving us further away from our crucial goals on the environment.  SCCS.


Refugees; the gospel in Britain is a reflection written by the St Andrew's & Edinburgh Caritas, Justice & Peace Group.  In it they look back on history, at our responses to refugee crises and ask do we really have a long and noble tradition of welcoming the stranger?

Image: Multi Faith Video for Refugee Week 2023
Multi Faith Video for Refugee Week 2023

Leaders from Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths have joined forces to voice their opposition to the Illegal Migration Bill in a video marking the start of Refugee Week 2023.  Together With Refugees.

Image: Fair Pay In Social Care 
Fair Pay In Social Care 

On Thursday 11 May, Scottish Faith Leaders met with providers of social care in Scotland at Conforti Institute to hear first-hand about the crisis in social care in Scotland.  ICN.

Image: Day of Reflection on Low Pay in Social Care
Day of Reflection on Low Pay in Social Care

This short video highlight taken from our Day of Reflection, explains the crisis in social care in Scotland today and our aims going forward as a collective faith voice contributing to this campaign for better pay and recognition for workers in social care. 

Image: Justice & Peace Scotland Weekend of Action
Justice & Peace Scotland Weekend of Action

Justice and Peace Scotland are hosting a 'Weekend of Action' on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 23, 24 and 25 June.  Find out more here.  ICN

Image: Nuclear arms spending, arsenals swell as global tensions grow: studies
Nuclear arms spending, arsenals swell as global tensions grow: studies

The world's nuclear powers, and China in particular, increased investment in their arsenals for a third consecutive year in 2022 amid swelling geopolitical tensions.  France24

Image: Pope's World Day of the Poor message: Don't look away!
Pope's World Day of the Poor message: Don't look away!

Pope Francis pens a message for the annual World Day of the Poor, stressing that “whenever we encounter a poor person, we cannot look away, for that would prevent us from encountering the face of the Lord Jesus.”  Vatican News

Image: Policy makers must put differences aside for the sake of the climate
Policy makers must put differences aside for the sake of the climate

The circular economy offers cheaper alternatives to buying new, local employment opportunities and community support from local charities and social enterprises that practise circularity through reuse, repair and recycling.  The Herald.

Image: Belarus to get Russian tactical nuclear weapons 'in days' - Lukashenko
Belarus to get Russian tactical nuclear weapons 'in days' - Lukashenko

The #nuclearban treaty is crystal clear -  hosting another country's nuclear weapons is illegal. Deploying nuclear weapons outside your own territory is wrong - and no state can be considered responsible when they do. ICAN/Reuters.

Image: Ask your MP to stop cowboy lenders
Ask your MP to stop cowboy lenders

Right now, countries in debt crisis are being held to ransom by big banks and hedge funds. These lenders are acting like cowboys - making millions in interest payments while lower income countries are left without enough money to pay for health and education. Over 54 countries are already in crisis.  CAFOD

Image: The so-called “Illegal” Migration Bill, so far
The so-called “Illegal” Migration Bill, so far

"In any other arena, if an individual commits a crime, they do something illegal, they don’t become something illegal. In this way, our well-known belief that #NoOneIsIllegal has become increasingly poignant and urgent."  Right to Remain.

Image: Pope: We have responsibility before God to protect Common Home
Pope: We have responsibility before God to protect Common Home

“Moreover, as indicated by many in the scientific world, changing this model is 'urgent' and can no longer be postponed.” Vatican News

Image: Let Justice & Peace Flow
Let Justice & Peace Flow

Sign up for the 2023 Season of Creation Resources here.

Image: Guarantee Our Essentials
Guarantee Our Essentials

please join this urgent call to the UK Government for an ‘Essentials Guarantee’ to make sure that the basic rate of Universal Credit is at least enough to afford the essentials we all need, such as food, household bills etc.  Trussell Trust

Image: Ukraine war: Workers at deteriorating Zaporizhzhia plant fear 'devastation worse than Chernobyl
Ukraine war: Workers at deteriorating Zaporizhzhia plant fear 'devastation worse than Chernobyl

The Zaporizhzhia power plant was taken under Russia control last March, becoming one of the first major areas to be captured by Vladimir Putin's forces - but staff say they are intimidated by Russian troops to keep quiet about what's happening behind closed doors.  Sky News.

Image: Abolitiion of Torture - Pope Video June 2023
Abolitiion of Torture - Pope Video June 2023

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for June:  "For the abolition of torture - We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families."

Image: Vatican calls for development of green tourism
Vatican calls for development of green tourism

"favouring sustainable investment is also a testimony of faith, which is based on respect for creation, created and entrusted to us by God."  ICN Image by Elisa on Pixabay.

Image: Ortega blocks bank accounts of the Catholic Church to force the closure of temples
Ortega blocks bank accounts of the Catholic Church to force the closure of temples

With the intensification of economic asphyxiation, the dictatorship would seek the closure of some temples and the closure of seminaries.  Teller Report.


Image: Bishop McAleenan: Refugee policy must prioritise human dignity
Bishop McAleenan: Refugee policy must prioritise human dignity

Bishop Paul McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, has made a statement supporting the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments in The Times and reiterates that we need a more effective and humane asylum system: ICN


Image: Hospitality NOT Hostility Campaign
Hospitality NOT Hostility Campaign

Scottish Faith Action For Refugees along with Faith in Community Scotland are working together on the lead up to Refugee Week 16th -25th June 2023 to encourage faith groups to take part in their 'Hospitality NOT Hostility Campaign.  You can find out more here.

Image: ‘Psychological violence’: Nationalist Dhamma schools make a comeback under junta
‘Psychological violence’: Nationalist Dhamma schools make a comeback under junta

Buddhist education centres for children and young adults are multiplying across Myanmar, but while they claim to be politically neutral, critics say they teach toxic nationalism and military propaganda.  Frontier.  


Image: Jesuits join coalition urging halt to investment in fossil fuels
Jesuits join coalition urging halt to investment in fossil fuels

In a new letter, which is available publicly on the COP26 Declaration website, we have urged our investment managers - and the wider investment management industry - to take a firm stance against fossil fuel expansion.  ICN

Image: Care home closures 'could escalate' if contract stalemate continues
Care home closures 'could escalate' if contract stalemate continues

From April this year, NHS care workers in similar roles as care home care workers now make over 19% more.  STV.


Image:  UK arms sales reach record £8.5bn as global tensions escalate
UK arms sales reach record £8.5bn as global tensions escalate

The previous high was £6.9bn in 2015, a time when Syria had collapsed into civil war.  “The latest export licence figures for 2022 show that the UK arms industry is working overtime to arm some of the world’s most authoritarian regimes,”  The Guardian.  

Image: Adverts claiming products are carbon neutral by using offsetting face UK ban
Adverts claiming products are carbon neutral by using offsetting face UK ban

Advertising watchdog to begin stricter enforcement around the use of terms such as “carbon neutral”, “net zero” and “nature positive” as part of a greenwashing crackdown. The Guardian.

Image: Catholic Church appoints new Social Justice Officer
Catholic Church appoints new Social Justice Officer

The Bishops' Conference of Scotland have announced the appointment of Anne Marie Clements as the new Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer for the National Justice and Peace Commission.

Image: Parolin: Russia and Ukraine know of Vatican peace mission
Parolin: Russia and Ukraine know of Vatican peace mission

Archbishop Paul Gallagher, acknowledged the lack of progress in the Vatican’s attempts at mediation but said they would continue.  “Even if there seem to be no openings for negotiations at the moment, we must never lose hope, believing that this war will end"  The Tablet.  


Image: Progress from domestic abuse law too slow - report
Progress from domestic abuse law too slow - report

The implementation of the Scottish government's flagship legislation on domestic abuse is not good enough, according to a new report.  140 to 150 calls to Police Scotland a night about domestic abuse.  BBC News.


Image: Growing El Niño threatens more extreme heat in 2023
Growing El Niño threatens more extreme heat in 2023

This year is shaping up to be one of top four warmest years on record – and has a modest chance of being the warmest on record.  Carbon Brief

Image: Wages Not War - Open Letter
Wages Not War - Open Letter

We oppose the TUC’s call for an increase in arms spending. The British arms industry supplies some of the most aggressive and authoritarian regimes in the world and the weapons it exports have helped to destabilize whole regions of the world and contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Image: Open Letter - We Oppose the Illegal Immigration Bill
Open Letter - We Oppose the Illegal Immigration Bill

👉 You can take action against the #IllegalImmigration Bill today by adding your name to this letter from the UK Youth Climate Coalition.

Image: Ministers say UK will only detain child refugees in ‘exceptional circumstances’
Ministers say UK will only detain child refugees in ‘exceptional circumstances’

This #AntiRefugee bill will return to the Commons on Wednesday, (26th) and as it stands, it will ignore rulings from the European Court of Human Rights. #StopTheBill The Guardian.


Image: First For Justice
First For Justice

Sign this SCIAF letter asking Humza Yousaf to put Scotland at the forefront of calls to build a just and green world, and free people from the injustices that shape their lives.

Image:  Undervalued, underpaid and leaving in droves: The crisis in Scotland’s adult social care workforce
Undervalued, underpaid and leaving in droves: The crisis in Scotland’s adult social care workforce

This report by the STUC shows the serious problems in Scotland’s adult social care workforce which makes up approximately 8% of all Scottish employment or one in 13 jobs. Yet this low-paid, predominantly female workforce is increasingly undervalued. 

Image: For a Non-Violent Culture - Pope Video April 2023
For a Non-Violent Culture - Pope Video April 2023

Pope Francis stresses once again ‘War is Madness’  “Using weapons to resolve conflicts is a sign of weakness and fragility. Negotiation, proceeding in mediation, and conciliation require courage. #Peace“.  April 2023 Pope Video.

Image: Safe Routes for Refugees - Petition
Safe Routes for Refugees - Petition

The #RefugeeBanBill will return to parliament this week and we must continue to oppose this proposed legislation at every step.  Please take a moment today to sign this online petition for #SafeRoutes for refugees fleeing war, famine and oppression.  #StopTheBill

Image: Ecological Conversion As Missionary Conversion... Prof Stan Chu Ilo
Ecological Conversion As Missionary Conversion... Prof Stan Chu Ilo

The Care of Creation Office in conjunction with Trinity College, the Church of Scotland and Justice & Peace Scotland are proud to be bringing this public lecture on creation and climate change to Eyre Hall at the Glasgow Archdiocesan Offices on Friday 23rd June 2023 at 6pm as part of the Duff Lectures Series.  To find out more and to book one of the limited places, click the link below.

Image: Scotish Government Statement on Nicaragua
Scotish Government Statement on Nicaragua

In June 2018, the Scottish Government was one of the first global voices to condemn the human rights violations of the Ortega-Murillo regime. Since then, it has done so consistently with further statements of solidarity and support in 2019, 2020 and 2021.  Its most recent statement released this week, coincides with 5 years of rebellion, resilience and resistance to the atrocities of the dictatorship.

Image: Climate change and modern slavery are closely linked in a vicious cycle of destruction.
Climate change and modern slavery are closely linked in a vicious cycle of destruction.

Saturday, April 22nd is #EarthDay and so we wanted to take this opportunity to share some information on how climate change, sustainability and environmental issues are interconnected with the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking, and what we as consumers can do about it.  Hope For Justice.

Image: Historic Asia heat breaks hundreds of records, with extremes in Thailand and China
Historic Asia heat breaks hundreds of records, with extremes in Thailand and China

Numerous heat records have been broken across Southeast Asia, China and other parts of the continent in recent days as the region remains in the grip of a dangerously scorching heat wave, with Thailand in particular experiencing unusually extreme conditions. Weather historian Maximiliano Herrera is describing it as the “worst April heat wave in Asian history.” The Washington Post.  

Image: Bishops’ Conference of Scotland responds to abortion decriminalisation petition
Bishops’ Conference of Scotland responds to abortion decriminalisation petition

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has called on the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government to reject proposals to decriminalise abortion in Scotland.

Image:  'India is at the bullseye of climate change's heat impacting workers
'India is at the bullseye of climate change's heat impacting workers

Consider the very high numbers of people in India who work outdoors in agriculture and construction etc.  This country is at the bullseye of climate change and exposure impacts on outdoor workers.  The Times of India.   

Image: EcoCongregations Scotland Annual Gathering
EcoCongregations Scotland Annual Gathering

Eco-Congregation Scotland are holding their annual gathering this coming Saturday 22nd April and you can join in online or in person as the event will take the format of a blended hybrid experience.  With great speakers lined up from both the climate movement and Christians Against Poverty Scotland it promises to be a great event.

Image: Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

He is Risen!  Alleluia!

Image: Good Friday
Good Friday

This short video clip reflects on the Passion of our Lord and lifts our prayers and hopes to Him as we approach Easter.   

Image: The UK’s unworkable immigration plans allow the government to blame others for its failure
The UK’s unworkable immigration plans allow the government to blame others for its failure

The illegal migration bill, which purports to end small boat crossings and would effectively bar asylum seeking, has made its way through committee stage. The controversial policy is more likely to be challenged in international courts than to curb small boat crossings. So why is the government pursuing it?

Image: JPIT Response To The Illegal Migration Bill 
JPIT Response To The Illegal Migration Bill 

Over 1000 church leaders from across the UK have joined senior Church leaders from JPIT’s denominations in a joint statement expressing opposition to the government’s new ‘Illegal Migration Bill’.

Image: Lead the horse to water
Lead the horse to water

America’s opioid crisis pales compared to the extent of the opioid crisis in Scotland, which in 2018 was more than double the rate in the United States. Methadone accounts for almost 50% of all Scotland’s drug related deaths and have almost tripled since 2015. This is more than double the rate of the United States.  Is the Scottish Government series about tackling Scotland's drug deaths?.


Image: Illegal migration bill could topple world refugee system, lawmakers told
Illegal migration bill could topple world refugee system, lawmakers told

At the heart of the refugee convention is a framework in which states agree to cooperate with each other and share responsibility. “You see the UK pulling back from its responsibilities … That is being watched, there’s an impact, there are consequences, that’s very worrying.  The Guardian.  

Image: Christians Against Poverty - Press Release
Christians Against Poverty - Press Release

A new YouGov poll commissioned by CAP reveals the deepening impact of poverty on people across Scotland as millions are losing sleep worrying about money. As our new First Minister takes office, CAP are calling on Humza Yousaf to keep tackling poverty as a priority.

Image: Unfair To Care
Unfair To Care

“The lifeblood of every care organisation is the people who work for it. It is they who are the hands of care; it is they who deliver compassion, treat people with dignity"  Dr Donald Macaskill.  Understanding the social care pay gap and how to close it. 

Image: Laudato Si Week 2023
Laudato Si Week 2023

From May 21-28 we will celebrate the 8th anniversary of the launch of the encyclical Laudato Si' as a global movement. "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity", is the theme that will guide us this year.  Register here for updates.

Image: Ortega Shows that Bishop Rolando Alvarez Is Still Alive
Ortega Shows that Bishop Rolando Alvarez Is Still Alive

#FreeBishopAlvarez, Visibly thin and pale, the bishop received a visit from two of his siblings for the first time since he was transferred to that prison from house arrest. Havana Times


Image: Entire Towns Evacuated as Climate-Fueled Wildfires Start 'Very Early' in Spain
Entire Towns Evacuated as Climate-Fueled Wildfires Start 'Very Early' in Spain

Last year, wildfires destroyed nearly two million acres of land throughout Europe—more than double the annual average over the past 16 years, according to the European Commission. In Spain alone, 493 blazes wiped out more than 750,000 acres. Common Dreams.  

Image: Journeys of Faith and Welcome
Journeys of Faith and Welcome

Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees and Faith in Community Scotland have launched their inspiring new video series.  Journeys of Faith and Welcome are a series of videos produced to celebrate the stories of New Scots and faith communities, and the role faith has played in their journeys of seeking, finding and offering sanctuary.

Image: Glasgow cuts £22m from health and social care services
Glasgow cuts £22m from health and social care services

A report by the Integration Joint Board said it could result in 13-month waits for care packages, while there will be no transitionary fund for children moving into adult services.  The number of home care hours will also be cut to bring in savings of £900,000.  BBC


Please take just 30 seconds to email your MP and say no to the #IllegalMigrationBill MPs are set to debate the Bill again on Monday 27/3. This is our next chance to show them the strength of our opposition. Safe Passage.

Image: World Day of Migrants and Refugees to focus on right to stay
World Day of Migrants and Refugees to focus on right to stay

Pope Francis has chosen “Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay” as the theme for the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be celebrated on 24 September.  Vatican News.  

Image: What is the IPCC AR6 synthesis report and why does it matter?
What is the IPCC AR6 synthesis report and why does it matter?

“summary for policymakers”, to provide scientific underpinning for global climate action. It is written by scientists but haggled over by representatives of the UN’s nearly 200 governments, so some argue it is subject to watering down by regimes that do not like its messages.  The Guardian.


Image: IPCC Climate Change Report 2023
IPCC Climate Change Report 2023

The climate time-bomb is ticking but the latest IPCC report shows that we have the knowledge & resources to tackle the climate crisis. We need to #ActNow to ensure a livable planet in the future.  Read the IPCC Report here 

Image: Vatican representative in Nicaragua leaves the country
Vatican representative in Nicaragua leaves the country

The diplomatic office was closed at the request of the Nicaraguan government.  Vatican News.

Image: 'Thousands' march through streets in anti-racism demonstration
'Thousands' march through streets in anti-racism demonstration

Protesters have taken to the streets in Glasgow in an anti-racism demonstration organised partly in response to the UK Government’s Illegal Migration Bill.  STV

Image: Statement from the Scottish Bishops on immigration
Statement from the Scottish Bishops on immigration

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland have issued the following statement in response to the UK Government's illegal immigration bill. BCOS

Image: Youth Climate Activists Finally Have Some Backup—Though We May Be Sitting Down.
Youth Climate Activists Finally Have Some Backup—Though We May Be Sitting Down.

I listened to too many people say: "It's up to the next generation to solve this problem." Which seems both ignoble and impractical. For all that undeniable intelligence and idealism, even the most engaged young people lack the structural power to make change by themselves. Common Dreams.

Image: How 10 Years of Pope Francis Has Changed Climate Action
How 10 Years of Pope Francis Has Changed Climate Action

“Before Pope Francis, it was by no means clear that the Church was really prepared to take climate science seriously. It is now clear that you cannot be a Catholic and you cannot be a Christian and at the same time deny that climate change is an issue.”  Time.

Image: New sanction trap for UC claimants with £250 incentive for DWP staff
New sanction trap for UC claimants with £250 incentive for DWP staff

Under the new Additional Jobcentre Support scheme claimants are being forced to attend  a jobcentre 10 times over a two week period.  


Image: Pope Francis: For my anniversary I would like peace
Pope Francis: For my anniversary I would like peace

"Behind the wars, there is the arms industry, this is diabolical," Pope Francis says.  ICN


Image: Revealed: child refugees will be detained or deported under small boats plan
Revealed: child refugees will be detained or deported under small boats plan

Senior Tories condemn ‘sickening’ plans which would allow unaccompanied minors to be held, in U-turn on past legislation.  The Guardian.


Image:   “The ship has reached the shore.”
 “The ship has reached the shore.”

Nations around the world have agreed to a new global treaty for governing the sustainable use and conservation of the so-called “high seas”.  The treaty must be ratified by 60 member states before it can enter into force.  Carbon Brief.

Image: Asylum plan "very concerning" and would break international law UNHCR
Asylum plan "very concerning" and would break international law UNHCR

"We believe it's a clear breach of the Refugee Convention, and remember even people with very compelling claims will simply not have the opportunity to put these forward."  BBC

Image: How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India
How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India

This International Women’s Day, we’re sharing a story of what happens for women when trade is done well - and the impact ethical business can have on a whole community. Sadhna, a garments manufacturer in Rajasthan, is just one example of the thousands of inspirational small businesses empowering women and changing lives across the world. Transform Trade.


Image: Energy bills: Call to let people have prepayment meters removed
Energy bills: Call to let people have prepayment meters removed

 "It is often unfairly penalising some of the poorest people in our society and forcing them to pay higher costs for their energy."  While some households choose to have a prepayment meter - as it allows people to pay as they go - others are forced into having them.  BBC.

Image: Let Justice and Peace flow
Let Justice and Peace flow

“Let Justice and Peace Flow” is the theme chosen for Season of Creation 2023, the ecumenical celebration we hold each year from September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

Image: Tory plan to stop small boats will fuel people smuggling, says expert
Tory plan to stop small boats will fuel people smuggling, says expert

Immigration Services Union says legislation would divert people on to lorries, as Labour condemns cynical attempt to ‘dupe’ public.  The Guardian.


Image: Children among 59 people killed in sailboat wreck off Italy’s coast
Children among 59 people killed in sailboat wreck off Italy’s coast

Boat believed to be bringing refugees from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan struck rocks off coast of Calabria.  European governments are urged to “stop arguing” and “agree on just, effective, shared measures to avoid more tragedies”.  The Guardian.


One year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Pax Christi International expresses our deep concern for countless victims of a war that has led to death, injury, displacement, trauma, and ecological harm.  Pax Christi Int.

Image: REPENT - Ash Wednesday 2023 Peace Witness at Faslane
REPENT - Ash Wednesday 2023 Peace Witness at Faslane

Justice & Peace Scotland joined Glasgow Catholic Worker and Pax Christi Scotland at the Faslane Ash Wednesday service of repentence for nuclear weapons kept here in Scotland and all across the world.  A short excerpt from the service here

Image: Pancake Tuesday at Justice & Peace Scotland
Pancake Tuesday at Justice & Peace Scotland

On Pancake Tuesday 2023, Justice & Peace Scotland held a networking event to get together with our friends and colleagues.  Watch the short video here 

Image: We're Hiring
We're Hiring

Justice & Peace Scotland are recruiting for a new full time position - Catholic Social Teaching Engagement Officer.  Click the link for further details.  

Image: Scotland - 10 Years A Fairtrade Nation
Scotland - 10 Years A Fairtrade Nation

Choose Fair Trade with the directory of independent retailers and wholesalers on the high street and online, across Scotland and beyond.

Image: JRS tell how people in Syria are coping one week after the earthquake
JRS tell how people in Syria are coping one week after the earthquake

In this short video, Fr Tony O'Riordan answers 5 questions on how the people of Aleppo, Syria are coping 1 week after the devastating earthquake there.   

Image: Our Common Home Booklet
Our Common Home Booklet

A guide to caring for our living planet.  The booklet, promoted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, was launched in a virtual event on Tuesday, February 14. The booklet distils the science on urgent environmental issues and explains how individuals and communities can take action to build a more sustainable and socially just future.

Image: Scottish Peace Witnesses to mark 1 year of Ukraine Invasion
Scottish Peace Witnesses to mark 1 year of Ukraine Invasion

Peace witnesses will be held in Edinburgh & Glasgow on Friday 24th February 2023 to mark the 1st anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine.  More details here.

Image: Ash Wednesday Service At Faslane
Ash Wednesday Service At Faslane

Join us this Ash Wednesday, 22nd February, at Faslane as we join Glasgow Catholic Worker to witness against weapons of mass destruction.  All Welcome - More details here 

Image: Scottish Bishops Statement on Nicaragua
Scottish Bishops Statement on Nicaragua

The Scottish Bishops' Conference have released a statement urging a 'sincere search for peace' following the recent imprisonment and expulsion of clergy and citizens by the government in Nicaragua.  

Image: Open Letter calling for a clear stand from political leaders after attack on Knowsley hotel
Open Letter calling for a clear stand from political leaders after attack on Knowsley hotel

180 organisations have signed an open letter to leaders of all parties in response to the attack on Friday 10th February on a hotel in Knowsley where asylum seekers are housed. The letter calls on party leaders to ‘take a clear stand and condemn any further violence against those who come here to find safety’. 


Image: Politicians urged to take clear stand against violence towards asylum seekers
Politicians urged to take clear stand against violence towards asylum seekers

An open letter signed by charities, including Justice & Peace Scotland, calls for leaders to create a ‘system that is fair and compassionate, and brings cohesion instead of division’.  The Independent.  


Image: Nicaragua: Priests, political prisoners deported to US
Nicaragua: Priests, political prisoners deported to US

Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega subsequently declared that all 222 of those released are no longer Nicaraguans and have been stripped of their citizenship.  ICN.


Image: BREAKING: Nicaragua’s dictatorship sentences Bishop Rolando Álvarez to 26 years in prison
BREAKING: Nicaragua’s dictatorship sentences Bishop Rolando Álvarez to 26 years in prison

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua sentenced on Friday, Feb. 10, the bishop of Matagalpa, Rolando Álvarez Lagos, to 26 years and four months in prison, charging him with being a “traitor to the homeland.” CNA

Image: Low income households miss out on £50m to help pay energy bills
Low income households miss out on £50m to help pay energy bills

Consumer groups call for a second chance to claim vouchers as £50m of government support for gas & electricity bills had gone unclaimed. The Guardian.

Image: ‘A serious threat’: calls grow for urgent review of England’s wood-burning stoves
‘A serious threat’: calls grow for urgent review of England’s wood-burning stoves

“Pollution from wood-burning is a growing source of fine particulate matter pollution in some areas, which is a serious threat to people’s health.” The Guardian.

Image: Pope: Human trafficking 'disfigures dignity'
Pope: Human trafficking 'disfigures dignity'

“Human trafficking disfigures dignity. Exploitation and subjugation limit freedom and turn people into objects to use and discard. And the system of trafficking profits from the injustice and wickedness that oblige millions of people to live in conditions of vulnerability.”  For English translation click the settings wheel, subtitles on, auto-translate, scroll to English.

Image: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

On this feast of St Bakhita, victim of human trafficking and slavery, 8th February, we share again our video, 'Open Wounds' which highlights the issue of human trafficking and modern slavery all across the world and right here in Scotland. YouTube.

Image: Scotland’s rent freeze and evictions pause – what is the Scottish Government planning next?
Scotland’s rent freeze and evictions pause – what is the Scottish Government planning next?

The government has agreed a voluntary approach with groups representing social landlords on below-inflation rent increases.  For councils, rents are expected to increase by around 6.4% on average.  The Scottish Government also plans to increase the private rented sector rent cap to 3%. Scottish Gov.

Image: Exposed: How British Gas debt agents break into homes of vulnerable
Exposed: How British Gas debt agents break into homes of vulnerable

Paul Morgan-Bentley, an undercover journalist  working with The Times exposes the shameful practice of forced entry to homes of vulnerable people to force-fit pre-payment meters. Watch his video report here.

Image: Bishop Declan Lang statement on Holocaust Memorial Day 
Bishop Declan Lang statement on Holocaust Memorial Day 

"This year's theme is Ordinary People, recognising that it was ordinary people who fell victim to ordinary people perpetrating evil acts, while so many ordinary people stood by. It was also the bravery and selflessness of ordinary people that helped to rescue others.  ICN.

Image: Consultation on draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan open now
Consultation on draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan open now

The Scottish Government is seeking views on its draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan and invites communities, workers, citizens and businesses to engage in the process of designing Scotland’s energy transition. The consultation runs until Tuesday 4 April.

Image: Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples
Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples

“Our territory, our forest, is everything that we have: where we live, feed, plant traditional foods, [obtain] medicines [and] crops, where we pray, the air we breathe.” Carbon Brief.


Image: Don’t suffer in silence if you’re renting a damp home
Don’t suffer in silence if you’re renting a damp home

All tenants in Scotland have a right to live in a home that is reasonably fit for human habitation and free from dampness and mould. Anyone renting a home with damp or mouldy living conditions should not suffer in silence. Glasgow Evening Times.


Image: #ShareRepairAware Campaign
#ShareRepairAware Campaign

Supporting your local sharing and repairing projects is an amazing way to change the way you consume, make less waste, and support your local community.  Find out more here

Image: Ordinary People is the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023.
Ordinary People is the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023.

Most people living under a murderous regime don’t take an active role in a genocide. They do not become perpetrators or rescuers. They let the genocide take place around them, and they take no action to contribute to it, yet neither do they take action to challenge it, prevent it or to stop it happening.  Holocaust Memorial Day Trust.

Image: The Scottish Screening of 'The Letter'
The Scottish Screening of 'The Letter'

The Laudato Si’ Movement and the Care of Creation Office have organised an online Scottish screening of the film The Letter: A Message For Our Earth for Thursday 2nd February at 7.00pm.

Image: Pope tells all Christians to oppose war and injustice wherever they appear - Do Good, Seek Justice
Pope tells all Christians to oppose war and injustice wherever they appear - Do Good, Seek Justice

“We can imagine with what suffering he (God) must witness wars and acts of violence perpetrated by those who call themselves Christians.”  Vatican News.

Image: Government orders ban on energy firms forcing struggling families onto prepayment meters
Government orders ban on energy firms forcing struggling families onto prepayment meters

The Government has ordered the UK’s biggest energy companies to stop forcing struggling families onto prepayment meters as it pledged to crack down on “trigger happy” firms “mistreating” vulnerable customers.  The i 

Image: Is it time for the UK to change its stance on asylum seekers working?
Is it time for the UK to change its stance on asylum seekers working?

The UK’s approach to asylum seekers working is a particularly absolutist one. In Canada, asylum seekers have the right to work from the moment they file their asylum claim.  Free Movement.

Image: Revealed: scores of child asylum seekers kidnapped from Home Office hotel
Revealed: scores of child asylum seekers kidnapped from Home Office hotel

A whistleblower, who works for Home Office contractor Mitie, and child protection sources describe children being abducted off the street outside the hotel and bundled into cars.  the Guardian.


Image: A Guided Tour Of The Unacceptable
A Guided Tour Of The Unacceptable

A Guided Tour of the Unacceptable is a geographical and historical tour of the UK’s nuclear weapons on the Clyde and resistance to them.  Monday 23rd January 2023 at 7.30PM The Hippodrome Bo'ness.

Image: Holy Land Coordination Group Statement
Holy Land Coordination Group Statement

Bishops, including Archbishop Nolan, from across Europe and North America who make up the Holy Land Coordination Group  have released this statement following their recent visit to Jordan to support the Christian population there. image Mazur/cbcew.org.uk.

Image: Can the world ‘halt and reverse’ biodiversity loss by 2030?
Can the world ‘halt and reverse’ biodiversity loss by 2030?

The loss of pollinators, specifically, is already causing nearly 430,000 deaths every year by reducing the supply of healthy food, according to a study published in 2022.  Carbon Brief.


Image: Nuclear Weapons and the Legacy of Dr. King
Nuclear Weapons and the Legacy of Dr. King

Dr. King believed that nuclear disarmament was essential and inextricably linked to the quest for social justice and racial equality.  Outrider.

Image: German coal mine stand off amid Ukraine war energy crunch
German coal mine stand off amid Ukraine war energy crunch

Lützerath, in western Germany, is on the verge - literally - of being swallowed up by the massive coal mine on its doorstep.  Around 200 climate change activists, are now all that stand in the way of the diggers expanding the Garzweiler opencast mine.  BBC.

Image: Living Laudato Si: Exploring how Churches can act for our Common Home
Living Laudato Si: Exploring how Churches can act for our Common Home

Catholics may have heard of the Pope's encyclical 'Laudato Si' but what does it mean in practical terms for individuals, parishes & Dioceses.  Join this online event on Tuesday 17th Jan at 7.30pm.


Image: Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, analysis shows
Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, analysis shows

Seas dominate global weather patterns and the climate crisis is causing profound and damaging changes.  The Guardian.


Image: Abandoned In Afghanistan Podcast
Abandoned In Afghanistan Podcast

18 months after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, File on 4 hears from people still stuck in hiding; their names blacklisted because of the work they did for the British.  The programme investigates the failures of these schemes, which have seen tiny numbers getting to safety in the UK. Thousands more left living in fear, facing torture and kidnap have been left languishing for months without contact or support.

Image: Justice & Peace Sunday 2023 - video
Justice & Peace Sunday 2023 - video

Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland, delivers his yearly message to be read at all services in Scotland across the weekend of 7th/8th January 2023, the Feast of the Epiphany.  

Image: Prayers of the faithful - Feast of the Epiphany
Prayers of the faithful - Feast of the Epiphany
Justice & Peace Sunday

The suggested prayers, below, were edited from contributions of several of our National Commissioners. You are encouraged to use some of them at the Sacred Liturgy in your worshipping community.

Image: Justice & Peace Sunday
Justice & Peace Sunday

Archbishop Nolan releases this message to be read at all Catholic Churches on 7th & 8th January 2023.


Image: 56th World Day Of Peace
56th World Day Of Peace

Pope Francis releases his message for the World Day of Peace to be celebrated on 1 January 2023, and recalls that all crises are interconnected and that we must not forget any of them, but work for the good of humanity. “No one can be saved alone.

Image: At least three dead after small migrant boat with up to 50 on board capsizes in Channel
At least three dead after small migrant boat with up to 50 on board capsizes in Channel

"Nobody puts their life at risk like this unless they feel they have no other option, and until we have more accessible safe routes for people to claim asylum, there is a danger we may see more such incidents," Sky News.

Image: The Observer view on the indefensible decision to open a deep coalmine in a climate crisis
The Observer view on the indefensible decision to open a deep coalmine in a climate crisis

The government says the needs of UK steelmaking override the environmental impact. The industry thinks differently.  The Obsever.

Image: Call for banks to 'wake up' over human trafficking
Call for banks to 'wake up' over human trafficking

..there isn’t the good will because if you do make a law that is totally human rights based, somebody is going to lose out financially.”  The Tablet.

Image: UN head opens COP15 with stark warning of declining biodiversity
UN head opens COP15 with stark warning of declining biodiversity

"Nature is humanity's best friend.

Without nature, we have nothing.

Without nature, we are nothing.

Nature is our life-support system"

Image: The Asylum Seeker Memorial Project
The Asylum Seeker Memorial Project

Those fleeing persecution or conflict in their homelands are often left struggling in poor accommodation, far from the people who care about them. Their deaths often go unannounced or forgotten.  Read their stories here. 

Image: SCCS reacts to the latest Climate Change Committee report on emissions reductions in Scotland
SCCS reacts to the latest Climate Change Committee report on emissions reductions in Scotland

“Having previously made more progress on decarbonising than the UK, this report shows that Scotland is now falling behind on a number of key areas...SCCS.

Image: Scandal of utility warrants reveals true scale of UK fuel poverty crisis as energy debts soar
Scandal of utility warrants reveals true scale of UK fuel poverty crisis as energy debts soar

These warrants – granted under an obscure court process lacking in scrutiny – give energy giants the right to force families who are in their debt to fit a prepayment meter.  The i.

Image: Debt: the unwelcome guest
Debt: the unwelcome guest

Living with dignity means having sufficient income to afford the essentials.  Emma Jackson of Christians Against Poverty writes for One Parent Families Scotland.

Image: Stop burning trees to make energy, say 650 scientists before Cop15 biodiversity summit
Stop burning trees to make energy, say 650 scientists before Cop15 biodiversity summit

More than 650 scientists are urging world leaders to stop burning trees to make energy because it destroys valuable habitats for wildlife.  Letter says bioenergy is wrongly deemed ‘carbon neutral’ and contributes to wildlife loss.  The Guardian. 

Image: Home Office considers detention and ban for people entering illegally
Home Office considers detention and ban for people entering illegally

Locking up people who enter the country "illegally" and barring them from ever settling in the UK are “options” under consideration by Suella Braverman and No 10... The Guardian. 

Image: Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon retreats from 15-year high
Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon retreats from 15-year high

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest fell in the 12 months through July, according to government data released on Wednesday, retreating from a 15-year high under outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro. Reuters.

Image: Bishop challenges policies that led to 'avoidable tragedy' of migrant drownings
Bishop challenges policies that led to 'avoidable tragedy' of migrant drownings

Offering prayers for at least 27 migrants who died in the Channel a year ago, Bishop Paul McAleenan, lead bishop for migrants and refugees for the bishops of England and Wales, said: “This avoidable tragedy challenges us to reflect on our collective responsibility for protecting refugees and migrants.  The Tablet.

Image: Dungavel Solidarity Gathering
Dungavel Solidarity Gathering

Justice & Peace Scotland joined Ayrshire Hope Not Hate on Sunday 27th November 2022 at the gates of Scotland's only Immigration Detention Centre - Dungavel.  

Image: Pope Francis Message for World Day Of The Poor
Pope Francis Message for World Day Of The Poor

In his message for the 6th World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis invites Christians to greater solidarity and responsibility for the poor in society, stressing the importance of putting our faith into practice through personal involvement that cannot be delegated to others.

Image: Church Investment in Climate Solutions - Report
Church Investment in Climate Solutions - Report

'In our report, we look at four reasons why Churches should be investing in climate solutions. The first is caring for creation...our second reason is loving our neighbour...our third reason is acting with hope...and (fourth), investments as a prophetic action'.  Operation Noah.

Image: Energy suppliers failing struggling customers - Ofgem
Energy suppliers failing struggling customers - Ofgem

In some cases, debt repayment rates were set so high that vulnerable customers self-disconnected - in other words, did not top-up their prepayment meter when the credit ran out.  BBC

Image: Manston processing centre empty after migrants placed in new accommodation
Manston processing centre empty after migrants placed in new accommodation

Thousands of migrants had been placed in tents at the former military airfield during the autumn, leading to overcrowding and outbreaks of disease.  BBC

Image: Faces & Voices of Recovery UK
Faces & Voices of Recovery UK

In the middle of the economic cost-of-living crisis that we’re all facing, we need to make sure as a society that we don’t forget about Scotland’s drug death crisis.  FAVOR UK

Image: COP27 Ends in Egypt
COP27 Ends in Egypt

COP27 finally ends with historic agreement on Loss and Damage finance but lack of progress on agreeing emission reductions leaves critical temperature threshold dangerously out of reach.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland.

Image: Ukraine: Stella Maris chaplain on impact of war on seafarers
Ukraine: Stella Maris chaplain on impact of war on seafarers

Fr Alexander Smerechynskyy, national director of Catholic charity Stella Maris Ukraine, and port chaplain to Odessa, explains how the war with Russia has affected seafarers.

Image: Dungavel Solidarity Gathering
Dungavel Solidarity Gathering

On Sunday 27th November at 1pm Justice & Peace Scotland will join our friends from Ayrshire Hope Not Hate outside Scotland's only Immigration Detention Centre - Dungavel.  Our peaceful solidarity gathering will last approximately 1 hour.

Image: The Right To Remain Toolkit
The Right To Remain Toolkit

The Right To Remain Toolkit is free to use, and made for people who want to learn more about the legal process, or a particular part of the legal process when trying to navigate the UK asylum system.  

Image: Safe Passage For Refugees
Safe Passage For Refugees

This short 2 minute video from Care4Calais has gone viral on social media.   It explains very well why there is no reason to fear refugees crossing on small boats and how better the asylum system could work if safe legal routes were open to them. 

Image: Redesigning our economy in service of people and planet
Redesigning our economy in service of people and planet

Justice & Peace Scotland are one of 112 signatories on this letter to the First Minister urging the change required to redesign our economy in service of people and planet.

Image: Church Investment In Climate Solutions Webinar
Church Investment In Climate Solutions Webinar

Join this Operation Noah webinar on Tuesday 22nd November at 7pm to find out how and why Churches and faith institutions in the UK should increase investment in climate solutions.

Image: International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance Statement on Nicaragua
International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance Statement on Nicaragua

18 countries sign this statement condeming the house arrest of Bishop Alvarez the unjust detention of Catholic priests in El Chipote prison in Nicaragua.

Image: Edinburgh Climate March during COP27 Global Day of Action
Edinburgh Climate March during COP27 Global Day of Action

Climate campaign groups combined forces to march through the city centre on the Global Day of Action during the UN Climate Conference COP27 which is being held in Egypt.  The Edinburgh Reporter.

Image: Edinburgh COP27 solidarity march: This Crisis Demands Action
Edinburgh COP27 solidarity march: This Crisis Demands Action

Saturday, Nov 12 will see mass mobilisations across the country and put thousands of people on the streets to demand Climate Justice in solidarity with the Global Day of Action called by Egyptian groups at COP27. 

Image: EU Bishops call for fair access to affordable energy
EU Bishops call for fair access to affordable energy

The Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) have released a statement on the current energy crisis, calling on the EU to "ensure a fair access to affordable energy for all, especially the most vulnerable, while not losing sight of the long-term objectives of a just and sustainable energy transition".

Image: Stop Climate Chaos Scotland - Statement on Loss & Damage
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland - Statement on Loss & Damage

As Scotland continues to show leadership on loss and damage: all rich nations must urgently address this grave injustice at COP27.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Statement.

Image: Poll finds Catholics want government to do more to tackle climate change
Poll finds Catholics want government to do more to tackle climate change

Bishop John Arnold, from the Diocese of Salford and Chair of CAFOD's trustees, said: "The environment cannot be isolated from our relationship with God. We are blessed with stewardship over the earth, but with this comes the responsibility to protect our planet and preserve it for future generations.  ICN


Image: Joe Biden’s climate envoy warns UK against North Sea oil and gas expansion
Joe Biden’s climate envoy warns UK against North Sea oil and gas expansion

“The truth is, and this is indisputable, that wind power and solar power are cheaper energy than fossil fuel energy today.  John Kerry,  The Independent.

Image: Stop The COP - OUT at COP27
Stop The COP - OUT at COP27

Join this CAFOD campaign by sending this message to Rishi Sunak urging the government to work at this year's climate talks to stop the COP-out at COP27. #ClimateEmergency

Image: Warm Welcome UK
Warm Welcome UK

Is your church or organisation providing a warm hub this winter? If so, you can register the details, such as opening times etc on the Warm Welcome Uk website.  Also, enter your postcode to find out what support is near you.

Image: Faslane Peace Witness - Video
Faslane Peace Witness - Video

Watch the Peace Witness Service at the gates of Faslane held on Saturday 29th October, where we were joined by Archibishop Nolan and the Dr Greenshields, Moderator of the Church of Scotland.  #NuclearBan

Image: Church leaders in Peace Witness at Faslane Nuclear Base
Church leaders in Peace Witness at Faslane Nuclear Base

As Disarmament Week came to a close on Saturday, 29 October Justice & Peace Scotland gathered with our Bishop President, Archbishop Nolan of Glasgow, Dr Greenshields, Moderator of the Church of Scotland and some dedicated anti nuclear campaigners to hold a Peace Witness at the gates of Faslane Nuclear Base on the Clyde. ICN  Image Janet Fenton.

Image: Manston scandal is a disgrace that could have been easily avoided
Manston scandal is a disgrace that could have been easily avoided

"If these claims were simply processed, these thousands of people could move on with their lives. If their claims were to be granted they could become part of our communities, get jobs and find homes. There would be no £7m-a-day cost to the taxpayer of keeping them in hotels; they could contribute to our economic growth"...Care4Calais.

Image: Charities urge Home Secretary to tackle refugee ‘backlog’ with safe routes
Charities urge Home Secretary to tackle refugee ‘backlog’ with safe routes

“Home Secretary, when you talk of ‘safe and legal routes’, you must be aware that it is impossible to ask refugees to come exclusively through such a path when even Afghan interpreters who are eligible for one of our few existing schemes remain in hiding from the Taliban" Evening Standard.

Image: Addictions Awareness Week
Addictions Awareness Week

This is Addiction Awarenes Week and the key messages for this week are  that addiction is a serious mental health issue that deserves compassion & understanding and that #RecoveryIsPossible, & attainable, with the right care and support.  #NotAChoice #SupportNotStigma see campaign video here

Image: Why rising use of prepayment meters could be ‘disconnection by back door’
Why rising use of prepayment meters could be ‘disconnection by back door’

Calls are growing for a winter ban on energy suppliers forcing struggling households on to prepayment meters, amid evidence that large numbers of people already can’t afford to top them up – leading to “disconnection by the back door”.  The Guardian.

Image: Archbishop to join J&P prayer vigil at nuclear base
Archbishop to join J&P prayer vigil at nuclear base

Justice & Peace supporters will be at the North Gate at Faslane Nuclear Base in Scotland on Saturday, 29th October, at 1pm to pray for peace and an end to nuclear weapons.  ICN.


In 2022, some people live without heat, light, and power because they don’t have money to top up their prepayment meter.  Fuel Bank Foundation is the only national charity whose sole focus is to provide immediate, tangible, meaningful and long-lasting help to people living in fuel crisis. 

Image: A journey with God
A journey with God

I felt comfortable enough to share my debt journey, which started with difficulties budgeting due to ADHD and a lack of financial knowledge. The money I had wasn’t enough to pay what I owed. I knew I needed to reach out to somebody.  CAP.

Image: Faslane Peace Witness
Faslane Peace Witness

We are delighted to announce that Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland and Rev Iain Greenshields The Moderator of the Church of Scotland will be present and address the Peace Witness at Faslane on Saturday 29th Oct @ 1pm.

Image: Vatican envoy addresses UN on nuclear weapons
Vatican envoy addresses UN on nuclear weapons

In his remarks, Archbishop Caccia recalled that the Cuban missile crisis was averted only through banning nuclear weapons, disarmament, dialogue, and the building of mutual trust.  ICN

Image: Action Plan To Fight Human Trafficking
Action Plan To Fight Human Trafficking

This Santa Marta Group Action Plan against Human Trafficking outlines 9 key recommendations of what the authors think are the most urgent areas to eradicate human trafficking and to be followed up by action.

Image: Cost of Living Crisis:  UK & Scottish Government Support
Cost of Living Crisis: UK & Scottish Government Support

This helpful resource from the Catholic Parliamentary Office will signpost anyone to the information they need to check they are receiving the government support they are entitled to. #CostOfLivingCrisis

Image: Scottish archbishop calls for boost to benefits
Scottish archbishop calls for boost to benefits

Archbishop William Nolan of Glasgow has called on UK Government to increase benefits in line with inflation. "The poor must not be sacrificed in an attempt to shore up the Government's credibility with the markets," he said last week. "Making the poor poorer is not an act of fiscal prudence, it is an act of injustice."  ICN

Image: Pregabalin: The anti-epilepsy medication turned ‘silent killer’ drug that is flooding Britain
Pregabalin: The anti-epilepsy medication turned ‘silent killer’ drug that is flooding Britain

“Pregga” is being sold for up to £2 a pill in the UK after a sudden spike in production of counterfeit versions of the anti-epilepsy medication which is used by heroin and pain killer addicts to sustain their high – with deadly effects.  The i


Image: Anti-Slavery Day
Anti-Slavery Day

A reminder from Bishop McGee of how we can all play our part in combatting #HumanTrafficking and #ModernSlavery wherever we live.  #SpotTheSigns #ItsTimeToEndSlavery  See the video here

Image: World Food Day: How One Meal a Day Can Help the World's Poorest Children
World Food Day: How One Meal a Day Can Help the World's Poorest Children

"There is a myth that hunger is caused by lack of food, but there is enough food in the world. The reason people face chronic hunger is poverty, they can't afford to buy the food that is available. Newsweek.

Image: Campaigners demand Italy ends 'death sentence for migrants' in Libya
Campaigners demand Italy ends 'death sentence for migrants' in Libya

On November 2, 2022 the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be automatically renewed for another three years, unless either the Italian or the Libyan government cancel it. The continuation of this memorandum will consolidate the inhumane conditions in Libya for people on the move.  ICN.


Image: Walk For Freedom
Walk For Freedom

Join thousands of people taking action in hundreds of cities worldwide on October 15, 2022, to raise awareness of human trafficking.  Justice & Peace Scotland will be present at both the Edinburgh & Glasgow 'Walk For Freedom' register to take part here.

Image: The Letter - Premiere
The Letter - Premiere

From 5.30pm on Tuesday 4th October, The Feast of St Francis, The Letter - A Message From Our Earth will be available to watch here.

Image: UK ‘will fail to reach climate targets unless government drives behaviour change’
UK ‘will fail to reach climate targets unless government drives behaviour change’

A House of Lords committee urges No 10 to use the lessons of pandemic to enable people to make decisions about travel, food, and energy use.  The Independent.


Image: Climate change - loss and damage: First Minister's speech - 11 October 2022
Climate change - loss and damage: First Minister's speech - 11 October 2022

The First Minister's speech at the Scottish Government's hybrid conference ‘Addressing Loss and Damage: Practical Action‘.

Image: Support World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Awareness Day
Support World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Awareness Day

This week marks world homelessness and world mental health day. These two issues are inextricably linked.  The Scotsman

Image: Romero Thanksgiving Mass & Lecture
Romero Thanksgiving Mass & Lecture

The inaugural #Romero Lecture & Thanksgiving Mass on the anniversary of the cannonisation of St Oscar Romero takes place this Friday 14th October at 6pm at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston, Edinburgh.  A livestream link is also available on registration.

Image: Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October
Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October

The Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop took place from 7-9 October in Assisi and Rondine.  More than sixty participants from 21 countries were present. Here is the final declaration: 

Image: Archbishop Nolan's message at the close of Challenge Poverty Week
Archbishop Nolan's message at the close of Challenge Poverty Week

Archbishop Nolan has called for the UK Government to end the delay that is causing so many people so much anxiety and stress, and give an assurance that benefits will go up in line with inflation.

Image: The Cost of Living Crisis calls on all of us to lobby against poverty
The Cost of Living Crisis calls on all of us to lobby against poverty

“In pursuit of the Gospel mandate to love God and our neighbour, Catholics also have a responsibility to continue to lobby those in authority to ensure that their policies and actions do not widen the gap between rich and poor. Irish Bishops

Image: Ukraine war: Biden says nuclear risk highest since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Ukraine war: Biden says nuclear risk highest since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

During a speech last Friday, President Putin said the US had created a "precedent" by using nuclear weapons against Japan at the end of World War Two.  BBC 

Image: Challenge Poverty Week - Social Security
Challenge Poverty Week - Social Security

It's Wednesday of Challenge Poverty Week and the focus today is on Social Security and ensuring our social security system provides a decent standard of living for everyone. #ChallengePoverty #TurnTheTide

Image: Challenge Poverty Week
Challenge Poverty Week

Tax u-turn is welcome, but now we must boost social security.  Peter Kelly, Poverty Alliance.

Image: UK Nuclear Tests
UK Nuclear Tests

OTD, 70 years ago the UK carried out its first nuclear tests in Australia. This kicked off 12 atmospheric tests and radiological and toxic experiments. Decades after, survivors are still suffering the consequences and also fighting for justice.  ICAN.

Image: Challenge Poverty Week - Day 1
Challenge Poverty Week - Day 1

Poverty is restricting lives where you live – but we can turn the tide together.  Together we can redesign our economy to #TurnTheTide on poverty.  The Press and Journal.


Image: Romero Lecture & Mass
Romero Lecture & Mass

Come along in person or watch online on Friday 14th October at 6pm -  Sacred Heart Jesuit Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh.  Booking essential on Eventbrite here.

Image: The Letter:  Laudato Si Film
The Letter: Laudato Si Film

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’ (The Letter); an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. Trailer - film release 4th Oct.

Image: Human Trafficking Link to Glasgow Cannabis Factory
Human Trafficking Link to Glasgow Cannabis Factory

Three men are facing lengthy jail-terms after police swooped on a massive cannabis factory in Glasgow, the three men had also been accused of holding named individuals in "servitude" to work at the units.  Glasgow Live

Image: Loss and damage: What happens when climate change destroys lives and cultures?
Loss and damage: What happens when climate change destroys lives and cultures?

“One of the biggest issues…that is missing and lacking is that loss and damage is basically only [looked at] from a monetary point of view, but there are losses and damages which cannot be quantified in monetary terms, in terms of loss of ecosystems, loss of cultural heritage, loss of life.  Carbon Brief.

Image: Aberdeen: Bishop Gilbert leads Prayers for Creation
Aberdeen: Bishop Gilbert leads Prayers for Creation

On Wed 21 September 2022, and with the intensifying symptoms of climate breakdown making the case for ecological conversion ever more powerfully, Catholics gathered in Mannofield again for the second diocesan Prayer for Creation.  ICN

Image: Pope: May we welcome, accompany, support and integrate migrants
Pope: May we welcome, accompany, support and integrate migrants

Pope Francis recalled that today the Church celebrates the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. May we welcome and assist them, he said, as they also can help our communities grow, and the Kingdom of God can be realized together with them.  Vatican News.

Image: Vatican reaffirms support for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Vatican reaffirms support for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

At a time in which nuclear rhetoric and the threat of nuclear war is on the rise, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin has stressed the Holy See's firm stance against nuclear tests and expressed its support for the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  ICN

Image: Where Do We Start On Mobilisation?  
Where Do We Start On Mobilisation?  

1982: Since I have been asked to do so, and not because I have any exclusive wisdom, experience or success in this field, I would like to share a few thoughts on the work of trying to mobilise public opinion for disarmament.  Peace News.

Image: Why should we in Pakistan pay for catastrophic floods we had no part in causing?
Why should we in Pakistan pay for catastrophic floods we had no part in causing?

The G20 alone accounts for 75% of global emissions, many times more than those of the club of climate-vulnerable countries, which includes Pakistan, who emit less than 1% of greenhouse gases but end up paying over the odds in human, social and economic costs for the carbon profligacy of others.  The Guardian. 

Image: Building Peaceful Futures
Building Peaceful Futures

Entries are now open for the Columbans Schools competition.  If you are aged between 13-18 why not take a look here for a chance to win.



Image: ‘Polluters must pay’: UN chief calls for windfall tax on fossil fuel companies
‘Polluters must pay’: UN chief calls for windfall tax on fossil fuel companies

Guterres has previously accused governments of having an “addiction” to fossil fuels and has called new investments in oil, coal and gas “moral and economic madness”.  “Our planet is burning,” Guterres said, calling on world leaders to to end their “suicidal war against nature”.  The Guardian.


Image: Living Shouldn't Cost Everything
Living Shouldn't Cost Everything

This Christians Against Poverty online event will highlight the devastating impact of rising costs on local communities across Scotland. There will be a panel of speakers including CAP National Director, Emma Jackson, who will be joined by Anne McCormack from Broke Not Broken and Caitlin Logan from One Parent Families Scotland. Each panel member will share from their knowledge and experience of working with people being impacted by rising costs.

Image: "Tactical" Nuclear Weapons not THAT bad??
"Tactical" Nuclear Weapons not THAT bad??

Recently, we have been seeing false and very harmful arguments around tactical nuclear weapons and how their use wouldn’t be "THAT bad". ICAN have produced these infographics about what tactical nuclear weapons are and the catastrophic damages they would cause. #nuclearban

Image: Climate change impacts ‘heading into uncharted territory’, warns UN chief
Climate change impacts ‘heading into uncharted territory’, warns UN chief

“we are still way off track”, adding that it remains shameful that resilience-building to climate shocks was still so neglected.  “It is a scandal that developed countries have failed to take adaptation seriously, and shrugged off their commitments to help the developing world” said Mr. Guterres. 

Image: Save bees from deadly pesticides
Save bees from deadly pesticides

Bee-killing neonicotinoids have been banned across Europe since 2013, but the UK government has approved these deadly chemicals for emergency use - posing a lethal threat to bee populations.  Greenpeace petition.

Image: Day of Prayer For Ukraine
Day of Prayer For Ukraine

Archbishop Eamon Martin said: "As a gesture of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, who have been stricken by war since the 24 February, it is proposed that a day of prayer be held throughout the whole continent. I welcome this powerful prayerful initiative and invite everyone to pray in a special way for peace in Ukraine on Wednesday"  14th September 2022.  Prayer by Bishop Nowakowski here.

Image: OBITUARY: BRUCE KENT: 22 JUNE 1929 – 8 JUNE 2022

Already aware of the immorality of nuclear weapons, Bruce joined Christian CND in 1960. In 1975, he carried out an exorcism of a Polaris nuclear submarine at the base in Faslane, in Scotland, with the words ‘From the willingness to murder, Good Lord, deliver us.’


Image:  World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds
World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds

“The Earth may have left a ‘safe’ climate state beyond 1C global warming,”“This sets Earth on course to cross multiple dangerous tipping points that will be disastrous for people across the world. To maintain liveable conditions on Earth and enable stable societies, we must do everything possible to prevent crossing tipping points.”  The Guardian.

Image: Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection on Loss & Damage
Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection on Loss & Damage

As COP27 approaches, in the context of mounting climate impacts, we are reminded of the absolute priority of the success of global forums to find solutions borne of compassion and solidarity, which are for the poor and in pursuit of the common good.  The Tablet.


Image: Liz Truss' appalling record on UK arms exports cause for alarm
Liz Truss' appalling record on UK arms exports cause for alarm

In the last month, attacks against civilians and other related violence have resulted in 232 civilian casualties including 57 children. The last week of July witnessed the highest increase of child casualties in one week since early 2020.  CAAT


Image: Write to the Prime Minister Today
Write to the Prime Minister Today

Join with us to ask for double the energy support for households on means-tested benefits, and a ban on energy companies forcibly switching customers to pre-payment meters. Write to the new Prime Minister now, and demand an adequate response to the cost of living crisis.  CAP.

Image: Building an inclusive future in solidarity and hope
Building an inclusive future in solidarity and hope

Pope Francis urges us all to “Build the Future with Migrants and Refugees” For Francis, migrants, refugees, and others forced to the periphery of our present-day societies are at the beating heart of God’s Kingdom. JRS 

Image: Cardinal congratulates new PM, urges action on cost of living crisis
Cardinal congratulates new PM, urges action on cost of living crisis

I pray that all in our society will work together to find ways, both short and long term, to alleviate this crisis which threatens the well-being of so many people.  ICN



Image: Prepay meter customers set to be slammed with £700 a month energy bills
Prepay meter customers set to be slammed with £700 a month energy bills

"To automatically deduct 100% of any electricity arrears and up to 90% of any gas arrears before any credit can be used to heat or power households is simply not good enough, in fact, it borders on callous," Metro

Image: SCIAF calls on new PM to pay up for damage caused by climate change
SCIAF calls on new PM to pay up for damage caused by climate change

"We have launched a petition calling on the new Prime Minister to take bold action and pay up for damages that countries like ours have caused".  SCIAF

Image: Pope Francis Message For World Day of Prayer For Creation 2022
Pope Francis Message For World Day of Prayer For Creation 2022

Dear brothers and sisters!  “Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. The ecumenical phase begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and concludes on 4 October with the feast of Saint Francis. It is a special time for all Christians to pray and work together to care for our common home.  Vatican.

Image: Building The Future With Migrants & Refugees
Building The Future With Migrants & Refugees

In preparation for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), which will be celebrated on the last Sunday of September, the Holy Father invites us to grow together as a Church, realising that many Catholic migrants and refugees revitalise the Christian communities that welcome them.

Image: Information sheet for Ukrainians in Scotland
Information sheet for Ukrainians in Scotland

Scottish Faith Action For Refugees have produced an information sheet for Ukrainians living in Scotland, in both English and Ukrainian. It includes information on key helplines, both of Scotland’s Ukrainian associations, and links to further information. Please feel free to print these out and display them in your church, food bank, or community project.

Image: Resisting Ecological Conversion
Resisting Ecological Conversion

Just adhead of the Season of Creation, Kenneth Sadler, Aberdeen diocesan representative for Justice & Peace Scotland reflects on 'Resisting Ecological Conversion'.  ICN

Image: Ukraine war: UN team leaves for Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
Ukraine war: UN team leaves for Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the team was expected to arrive at the plant later this week.  "We must protect the safety and security of Ukraine's and Europe's biggest nuclear facility," BBC

Image: Cost of living crisis: Charity sees demand for emergency energy fuel top-ups double
Cost of living crisis: Charity sees demand for emergency energy fuel top-ups double

Ahead of the energy price cap announcement on Friday 26 August, Scottish debt help charity says it’s already receiving desperate calls from people in emergency situations. Christians Against Poverty.

Image: Europe's drought the worst in 500 years - report
Europe's drought the worst in 500 years - report

All of Europe's rivers have dried up to some extent.  Apart from the obvious impact on boats..Hydroelectric power has dropped by a significant 20%.  Rapidly-sinking river levels across Europe have exposed relics of the past - including so-called "hunger stones" warning of potential famine.  Image by Peter H from Pixabay



Image: Homeless Scots asked to move to England as Scotland’s homelessness system is on brink
Homeless Scots asked to move to England as Scotland’s homelessness system is on brink

New national statistics show that homelessness is rising back to pre-pandemic levels. A shocking number of 8,635 children are currently stuck in temporary accommodation, the highest number on record.  Shelter Scotland.


Image: World Day of Refugees & Migrants 2022
World Day of Refugees & Migrants 2022

The Church has been celebrating the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) since 1914.  Every year the WDMR is the last Sunday of September; in 2022 it will be celebrated on 25 September. As the title for his annual message, the Holy Father has chosen “Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees”.


The Bishops' Conference of Scotland have issued the following statement on the situation in Nicaragua:

Image: Nicaraguan police arrest bishop, other priests in raid
Nicaraguan police arrest bishop, other priests in raid

Bishop Álvarez has been a key religious voice in discussions of Nicaragua’s future since 2018, when a wave of protests against Ortega's government led to a sweeping crackdown on opponents.  The Independent.

Image: End UK Arms Sales For Use in Yemen
End UK Arms Sales For Use in Yemen

The war in Yemen is made possible by UK arms sales of £22bn since March 2015. The Campaign Against The Arms Trade are handing this letter into the new Prime Minister on 6th September - please take a minute to sign the letter today.

Image: Do Not Leave Us Alone
Do Not Leave Us Alone

In an open letter to Pope Francis a group exiled from Nicaragua have written this letter to Pope Francis asking for his help as the persecution of the church there worsens.

Image: Will my child get free school meals this year?
Will my child get free school meals this year?

Free school meals for all primary school pupils would reduce the stigma...it would also help reinforce the understanding of food as "a human right, not an act of charity". "We have long accepted the universal provision of the rights to education and healthcare and children's right to food should be fulfilled as a necessary universal good in the same way," Children's Commissioner.

Image: Rwanda asylum scheme: Warning over political killings before UK flight
Rwanda asylum scheme: Warning over political killings before UK flight

UK ministers who backed sending asylum seekers to Rwanda were warned by their own adviser that its government tortures and kills political opponents. BBC

Image: Bridge The Gap Campaign Write To Scotland's First Minister
Bridge The Gap Campaign Write To Scotland's First Minister

Justice & Peace Scotland have joined more than 120 organisations in signing this letter to the First Minister urging the Scottish Government to #BridgeTheGap for more children by doubling the Scottish Child bridging payments.

Image: Pat Gaffney's reflection at Franz Jägerstätter Commemoration Service
Pat Gaffney's reflection at Franz Jägerstätter Commemoration Service

In Pope Francis' address to young people in Europe he challenges them to think about war and war in Ukraine especially, using Franz as model.  ICN.

Image: Church condemns Scotland’s drug deaths
Church condemns Scotland’s drug deaths

Annemarie Ward, founder of the charity and co-writer of the bill, said the lack of a right to rehab means lower-income people are left without a way to overcome their addiction.  The Scottish Catholic.

Image: Gordon Brown joins faith groups calling for action over cost-of-living crisis
Gordon Brown joins faith groups calling for action over cost-of-living crisis

“This crisis goes far beyond politics; this is a moral issue – our responsibilities to our neighbours and in particular to those who have the least and whose needs are the greatest.”  The Tablet.

Image: Joint Interfaith Statement on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Joint Interfaith Statement on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

As people of faith committed to building a peaceful and just world, we come together to unite our voices on this occasion of the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which coincides with the solemn anniversaries of the days atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Image: Scottish Bishops Statement on Nuclear Weapons 1982
Scottish Bishops Statement on Nuclear Weapons 1982

In 1982 the bishops of Scotland released a powerful and prophetic statement on nuclear weapons.  Justice & Peace Scotland have made a short film of this statement using voices of today.  On this 77th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki we hope you will watch and share our message.  

Image:  Nicaragua: Government targets Catholic leaders
Nicaragua: Government targets Catholic leaders

The police actions followed an order for the immediate halt of transmissions by six Roman Catholic radio stations.  ICN.

Image: Hiroshima / Nagasaki Day Reflection
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Day Reflection

Andrew Hamilton SJ wrote this short reflection as part of the liturgy at Faslane on Saturday 6th August 2022.  #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #Remembrance.

Image: Talitha Kum - Rise Up
Talitha Kum - Rise Up

"Nuns Healing Hearts" was launched by Pope Francis, at the Vatican, on May 10, 2019 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Talitha Kum, the international network formed by the commitment of Catholic Religious Sisters against human trafficking.

Image: Former PM 'seeing poverty I did not expect to see again' as he warns people will go hungry and cold
Former PM 'seeing poverty I did not expect to see again' as he warns people will go hungry and cold

faith groups are "thinking of opening their church halls as heating hubs so that pensioners, instead of freezing at home, can have a warm place to go to"....it's about time the government responded.  Sky News.

Image: A Life of Mission
A Life of Mission

On the memorial of St John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests, Fr Eugenio Montesi SX talks of his life and vocation in this Missio Scotland podcast recalling how the motto of the Xaverians - to make the world a single family - inspired him to a life of service.

Image: Catholic bishop calls for urgent action on climate crisis
Catholic bishop calls for urgent action on climate crisis

"We’re not reacting quickly enough to avoid the damage or to even begin to repair the damage that we’ve done”.  The Tablet.


Image: Yemen truce renewed for another two months
Yemen truce renewed for another two months

“An expanded agreement would also provide an opportunity to negotiate a nationwide ceasefire, humanitarian and economic issues, and to prepare for the resumption of the Yemeni-led political process under UN auspices to reach a sustainable and just peace,”  UN


Image: Channel migrant crossings reach highest daily total this year as 696 make treacherous journey
Channel migrant crossings reach highest daily total this year as 696 make treacherous journey

Some 14 boats were detected on Monday, which suggests an average of around 50 people crossed the Channel per boat. Last week a report claimed that French and British coastguards failed to stop the worst migrant drowning in the Channel because they passed the responsibility to help onto each other.  The Independent.  


Image: Woman sold to Glasgow man after being trafficked to Scotland with promise of a job
Woman sold to Glasgow man after being trafficked to Scotland with promise of a job

Adriana Adiova left her home in Slovakia after being approached by another woman who offered her work in the UK, but on arrival in Glasgow she found herself at the mercy of a gang who sold her for profit.  Glasgow Live.


Image: Building A Road Out Of Hell
Building A Road Out Of Hell

There is a lack of knowledge at the very highest levels of decision making that is keeping us trapped in an everlasting loop of ignorance and suffering. Addiction is a condition that needs treated medically, emotionally and spiritually.  The Scottish Catholic.

Image: Small decrease in drug death figures
Small decrease in drug death figures

1,330 people lost their lives to drug misuse in Scotland in 2021, according to latest figures published by National Records of Scotland.  The number is 1% lower than 2020 which makes it the first year since 2013 in which drug misuse deaths have not increased. However, it is still the second highest annual total on record.  National Records Scotland.

Image: Stop The Jackdaw Gas Project
Stop The Jackdaw Gas Project

Greenpeace is taking legal action to stop Shell's Jackdaw gas field.  The government approved Jackdaw without checking the full impact it would have on the climate.  Please sign the petition.

Image: NJPN Conference 2022: 'Let us build the City of God'
NJPN Conference 2022: 'Let us build the City of God'

All talks from NJPN Conference 2022, 'Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up' can be seen on Youtube here  

Image: Inside Barlinnie:  Scotland's biggest prison
Inside Barlinnie:  Scotland's biggest prison

ITV News investigates a cycle of addiction, crime and incarceration.  We see what's done to get inmates drug free and where this breaks down amid Scotland's record drug deaths.  

Image: Somalia is suffering its longest drought for more than 40 years.
Somalia is suffering its longest drought for more than 40 years.

7 million people are facing starvation. Half of Somalia’s children under age 5 are malnourished. At least one child is now dying every day.  There just isn’t enough food.  itvnews

Image: Scottish Drug Related Deaths
Scottish Drug Related Deaths

On Thursday 28th July 2022 the National Records For Scotland will publish the Drug-related death numbers in Scotland, 2021 and as has been the case for a number of years the figures are expected to be stark. Join us outside the Scottish Parliament on 28/7 at 1pm to demand change.


Lifestyle changes are no substitute for collective action. But personal carbon-cutting still matters – it’s a powerful way to signal the climate emergency to those around us, move the needle on policy and set bigger cultural changes in motion.  New Internationalist.

Image: Message of Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation
Message of Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

"Each passing moment is an opportunity for everyone, especially world leaders, to reverse the biodiversity and climate crises".  ICN image M Mazur CBCEW

Image: Volunteer Visitors Needed
Volunteer Visitors Needed

Do you think you could make that difference to people detained in #Dungavel? If so, Scottish Detainee Visitors are recruiting volunteers. Take a look here for more details

Image: #StopRwanda

On Tuesday 19th July 2022, Justice & Peace Scotland supported the #StopRwanda Day of Action on Social Meida with this short video.

Image: Court orders UK government to explain how net zero policies will reach targets
Court orders UK government to explain how net zero policies will reach targets

In a judgment handed down late on Monday, Mr Justice Holgate said the strategy lacked any explanation or quantification of how the government’s plans would achieve the emissions target, and as such had failed to meet its obligations under Climate Change Act (CCA) 2008.  The Guardian.

Image: Deadly wildfires spread in Portugal, France and Spain as heatwave grips Europe
Deadly wildfires spread in Portugal, France and Spain as heatwave grips Europe

A ferocious blaze has ripped through the pine forests in the Bordeaux region of France for five days straight, while wildfires in Portugal have killed one person.  The Independent.


Image: Rwanda migrant scheme: No evidence that UK policy deters migrants, say MPs
Rwanda migrant scheme: No evidence that UK policy deters migrants, say MPs

As well as charities and human rights groups, opponents included church leaders and - reportedly - the Prince of Wales.  BBC.

Image: Scottish faith groups send letter to COP26 president
Scottish faith groups send letter to COP26 president

Representatives from across Scotland’s faith communities have written to UK Government minister and COP26 president Alok Sharma asking for a meeting to discuss what progress has been made since COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which was held in Glasgow in November 2021.


Image: Cardinal praises Mo Farah for admitting he was trafficked into UK
Cardinal praises Mo Farah for admitting he was trafficked into UK

"His story demonstrates the tragic extent of human trafficking in our midst and how vulnerable children as well as adults are targeted and victimised. Sir Mo is one of many thousand victims of human trafficking in the UK and one of over 40 million victims across the world.  ICN

Image: Nature-based solutions: How can they work for climate, biodiversity and people?
Nature-based solutions: How can they work for climate, biodiversity and people?

The “deep interdependency” between societal wellbeing and ecosystems shows that “western science has finally caught up with that which Indigenous people have known for a long time”.  Carbon Brief.

Image: Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child
Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child

Sir Mo says he was about eight or nine years old when he was taken from home to stay with family in Djibouti. He was then flown over to the UK by a woman he had never met and wasn't related to.  BBC News.

Image: ‘Worse than the pandemic’: price rises push more people into financial trouble
‘Worse than the pandemic’: price rises push more people into financial trouble

Study shows poorest hit hardest as 1.6m more UK households are struggling compared with late 2021.  The majority of those have cut the quality of food they eat, a third have pawned possessions and a quarter have cancelled insurance.  The Guardian.

Image: Nicaragua expels Mother Teresa's nuns in latest crackdown
Nicaragua expels Mother Teresa's nuns in latest crackdown

The nuns had been working with the poor in Nicaragua since 1988 and ran a children's nursery, a home for abused and abandoned girls and a nursing home.  BBC News.

Image: Archbishop Nolan appalled at UK plan to send migrants to Rwanda
Archbishop Nolan appalled at UK plan to send migrants to Rwanda

Archbishop William Nolan of Glasgow has spoken out strongly against the UK governments immigration policy. During a visit to Dungavel refugee detention centre on Sunday, the Archbishop said that he was "appalled and scandalised" by their plans to send people to Rwanda.  ICN

Image: Catholic institutions join global divestment announcement
Catholic institutions join global divestment announcement

9 out of 22 Catholic dioceses in England and Wales have now divested from fossil fuels. Last October, ahead of COP26, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Scotland and all Catholic dioceses in Scotland announced their divestment. ICN

Image: Why are we feeding crops to our cars when people are starving?
Why are we feeding crops to our cars when people are starving?

A new report by Green Alliance, an independent thinktank, shows that the food used by the UK alone for biofuels could feed 3.5 million people.The Guardian.


Image: There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power
There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power

Cancelling poor nations’ historic debts would allow their governments to channel money into climate adaptation.   The Guardian.


Image: We are Local Energy Scotland
We are Local Energy Scotland

We manage CARES - the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme. CARES supports communities across Scotland to engage with, participate in and benefit from the energy transition to net zero emissions.

Image: ‘It will be an embarrassment for any Catholic institution that hasn’t divested"  Archbishop Nolan
‘It will be an embarrassment for any Catholic institution that hasn’t divested" Archbishop Nolan

Last November, in his prior role as Bishop of Galloway (Scotland), he was instrumental in leading the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland to divest from fossil fuels ahead of the United Nations 26th Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. Laudato Si Movement.


Image: modern slavery prevention 
modern slavery prevention 

Unseen’s detailed study reveals new insights into modern slavery methods of recruitment and control.

Image: Churches speak out on Rwanda asylum policy
Churches speak out on Rwanda asylum policy

United in their condemnation of the UK governments Rwanda policy, church leaders speak out. Churches Together Britain & Ireland.

Image: #StopRwanda

Justice & Peace Scotland Campaign of the Month for July 2022 We urge you to copy the text below and send it to your MP. 

Image: ‘You complain, you get fired’: migrant crews on UK fishing boats speak out
‘You complain, you get fired’: migrant crews on UK fishing boats speak out

“Working overtime continuously reduces your strength and leaves you overstressed,” he says, speaking from a ship in a Scottish port, from a small cabin he shares with three other migrants.  The Guardian.


Image: Abortion Statement from the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland
Abortion Statement from the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland

In the light of recent public debate on the subject of abortion, Scotland’s Catholic Bishops offer this perspective to the people of Scotland.  Catholic Parliamentary Office.

Image: Delivering For Families Report
Delivering For Families Report

JRF and Save the Children’s response to Best Start, Bright Futures the Scottish Government’s second Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

Image: Spanish Justice & Peace Commission Statement
Spanish Justice & Peace Commission Statement

Justice and Peace denounces the culture of death behind the European and Spanish migration policy that claims thousands of lives every year.

Image: Pope's message to the 1st meeting of the State Parties to the TPNW
Pope's message to the 1st meeting of the State Parties to the TPNW

At this particular moment in history where the world seems to be at a crossroads, the courageous vision of this legal instrument, strongly inspired by ethical and moral arguments, appears ever more timely....

Image: Holy See: Migrants are not just numbers
Holy See: Migrants are not just numbers

The Archbishop referred specifically to the recent "unsettling" practice of externalization of asylum procedures and of delegating, by proxy, the responsibility to receive newly-arriving migrants - as the UK is proposing with the plan to send migrants to Rwanda. Image Comece

Image: New Resource for Refugee Week 20 June - 26 June
New Resource for Refugee Week 20 June - 26 June

The five reflections in this resource are intended to highlight the experiences and challenges of people seeking asylum. They are designed for use in Catholic schools for Refugee Week, however they are also ideal for personal/group reflection. Each one is accompanied by quotations from Pope Francis, and a short prayer.  ICN

Image: Archbishop of Glasgow 'appalled' by UK Government's Rwanda policy
Archbishop of Glasgow 'appalled' by UK Government's Rwanda policy

The Home Office is planning to send migrants to Rwanda in an effort to curb Channel crossings. STV News.

Image: Archbishop Nolan addresses the Dungavel Solidarity Gathering
Archbishop Nolan addresses the Dungavel Solidarity Gathering

The Archbishop of Glasgow was at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre on Sunday 12th June to show solidarity with those detained there, and all over the UK. May his words echo long in the ears of the UK Government and bring about the change of heart needed to end the hostile environment which serves no one. #RefugeesWelcome

Image: Archbishop revolted by Rwanda refugee plan
Archbishop revolted by Rwanda refugee plan

“Perhaps if we spent less money funding war and more funding peace; perhaps if we put less effort into selling arms and more effort into eradicating poverty; then fewer people would be forced to leave their homeland and their families.”  Scottish Catholic.

Image: Horn of Africa braces for ‘explosion of child deaths’ as hunger crisis deepens
Horn of Africa braces for ‘explosion of child deaths’ as hunger crisis deepens

Somalia alone used to import 92 per cent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, but now supply lines are blocked.”  UN.

Image: Myanmar junta says it will execute two prominent pro-democracy leaders
Myanmar junta says it will execute two prominent pro-democracy leaders

Four people including ex-MP Phyo Zeya Thaw and Ko Jimmy to be put to death.  Tne Guardian.

Image: Bishops Statement on Holy Land
Bishops Statement on Holy Land

Six bishops including Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland, having just returned from the Holy Land have released the following statement. 

Image: UK firms begin world's biggest four-day week trial - with no loss of pay
UK firms begin world's biggest four-day week trial - with no loss of pay

Juliet Schor, professor of sociology at Boston College, and lead researcher on the pilot, said: "The four-day week is generally considered to be a triple dividend policy - helping employees, companies, and the climate.  Sky News.

Image: Over £1m owed by families in Scotland who cannot pay for school meals
Over £1m owed by families in Scotland who cannot pay for school meals

Report for Aberlour children’s charity reveals scale of school meal debt for first time.  The Guardian.  


Image: Clear majority of people crossing Channel are refugees, says UNHCR
Clear majority of people crossing Channel are refugees, says UNHCR

UN agency says most arriving in UK by small boat should not be called migrants, in challenge to Priti Patel.  The Guardian.


Image: Sad, tired and angry: A prayer in the face of gun violence
Sad, tired and angry: A prayer in the face of gun violence

Turn my sadness into compassion. Turn my tiredness into advocacy.  America Magazine.  

Image: Churches invited to commemorate refugees who died on Europe's borders
Churches invited to commemorate refugees who died on Europe's borders

Churches are encouraged to hold special services on Sunday 19th June, to remember those migrants & refugees who have lost their lives seeking safety.  #WorldRefugeeDay.  ICN

Image: Care of Creation Office - Practical Programming Guide
Care of Creation Office - Practical Programming Guide

Today is the 7th anniversary of the landmark encyclical on care for our common home #LaudatoSi Have a look at this practical guide with ideas for the short, medium & long term for individuals & parishes.

Image: Nicaragua archdiocese demands Ortega regime ends ‘siege’ of church properties
Nicaragua archdiocese demands Ortega regime ends ‘siege’ of church properties

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said: “The police siege of the priests of the Catholic Church reconfirms that in Nicaragua no one is free anymore from the relentless persecution of divergence, of the demand for justice, and now of pastoral work.”  Crux.

Image: Irish bishop on climate change: 'We cannot afford to be slow learners'
Irish bishop on climate change: 'We cannot afford to be slow learners'

"As people of faith we are called to be custodians of God's creation, 'this is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience' (Laudato Si, 217). On this the seventh anniversary of its publication, I strongly encourage all people to read Laudato Si' and inform themselves of their faith-based ecological obligation.  ICN.

Image: Laudato Si Week Events
Laudato Si Week Events

During Laudato Si Week which runs from 22nd May - 29 May 2022, you are invited to become part of the community by joining the many events. These webinars, gatherings and discussions will offer information about new developments, hands-on guidance from leading experts, and opportunities to pray and to reflect on your journey with Laudato Si’.

Image: Justice & Peace Europe Statement
Justice & Peace Europe Statement

Statement of the secretaries general of national commissions of Justice and Peace Europe gathered on May 14th - 15th 2022 in Szombathely/Hungary.

Image: Darren McGarvey's Investigates Addiction in Scotland
Darren McGarvey's Investigates Addiction in Scotland

This documentary sets out to discover why there are so many drug-releated deaths in Scotland, meeting the people living in the midst of the crisis every day.  BBC iPlayer episode 2. 


Image: Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021  World Meterological Organisation
Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021  World Meterological Organisation

“Renewables are the only path to real energy security, stable power prices and sustainable employment opportunities. If we act together, the renewable energy transformation can be the peace project of the 21st century,” said Mr Guterres.

Image: Journey to Justice - Racism & Resolultion - at Iona Abbey
Journey to Justice - Racism & Resolultion - at Iona Abbey

This will be a week of radical exploration as we use scripture, story, and song to deepen our common humanity and to acknowledge our contested histories.  Hurry to book a place, read on for more details.

Image: Failure to deliver Cop26 pledges would amount to ‘monstrous self-harm’, says Sharma
Failure to deliver Cop26 pledges would amount to ‘monstrous self-harm’, says Sharma

The minister will use a speech on Monday to urge countries to accelerate climate action despite the current global challenges.  Independent.

Image: Catholic leaders condemn Israeli violence at funeral of Palestinian-American journalist
Catholic leaders condemn Israeli violence at funeral of Palestinian-American journalist

Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa told reporters at St. Joseph Hospital in Jerusalem that Friday’s incident, broadcast around the world, was a “disproportionate use of force” to the Palestinian flag-waving crowd of thousands proceeding from the hospital to a nearby Catholic church in Jerusalem’s Old City. America.

Image: Factcheck: Can new UK oil and gas licences ever be ‘climate compatible’?
Factcheck: Can new UK oil and gas licences ever be ‘climate compatible’?

The UK made history in November 2021 by helping to secure the first mention of the need to tackle fossil fuels in a global climate agreement, at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.  Factcheck.


Image: World getting ‘measurably closer’ to 1.5-degree threshold
World getting ‘measurably closer’ to 1.5-degree threshold

Our oceans will continue to become warmer and more acidic, sea ice and glaciers will continue to melt, sea level will continue to rise and our weather will become more extreme. Arctic warming is disproportionately high and what happens in the Arctic affects all of us,”  UN News  

Image: Vatican foreign minister to visit Kyiv, meet Ukrainian counterpart
Vatican foreign minister to visit Kyiv, meet Ukrainian counterpart

As the war in Ukraine wages on, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, British Archbishop Paul Gallagher, is planning to visit Kyiv next week, where he is expected to hold top level meetings.  CRUX.

Image: First migrants to be notified of deportation to Rwanda this week, Home Office announces
First migrants to be notified of deportation to Rwanda this week, Home Office announces

If they are granted refugee status, they will be offered residency in Rwanda, but will not be given refugee status in Britain or flown back, regardless of the outcome of their application.  The i


Image: Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets
Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

“A condition in our modelling is that we produce the same amount of food per head in 2050,” he said. “But it’s very difficult to do this unless you see a change in farming practice, and especially unless you see a shift in arable farming versus livestock.  The Guardian.

Image: More than 2m adults in UK cannot afford to eat every day, survey finds
More than 2m adults in UK cannot afford to eat every day, survey finds

Prof Sir Michael Marmot, a public health expert at University College London, said: “If one household in seven is food insecure, society is failing in a fundamental way. These figures on food insecurity are all the more chilling because the problem is soluble, but far from being solved it is getting worse.”  The Guardian. 

Image: Why you should put your faith into action & volunteer with the Columbans!
Why you should put your faith into action & volunteer with the Columbans!

Juliette Bone explains her role as a Columban Faith in Action Volunteer and encourages other young people to consider the year long position which, she explains, will provide brilliant opportunities for young people to delve deeper into their faith through action and encounter.

Image: Home for Ukraine refugee scheme facing legal challenges
Home for Ukraine refugee scheme facing legal challenges

In this short recorded interview Adam Baker of the Christian charity Refugee Roots sets out the concerns people have in trying to find sanctuary here in the UK and also the concerns of those from the UK trying to reach out and offer help.

Image: Pope repeats warning on nuclear weapons
Pope repeats warning on nuclear weapons

Pope Francis has once again strongly spoken out against nuclear weapons. In a 25 minute meeting today with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, before the General Audience, he said the use and possession of nuclear weapons is inconceivable.  ICN.


Image: Dark day for human rights and humanity, says SVP
Dark day for human rights and humanity, says SVP

The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) has described the passing of the government's Nationality and Borders Bill into law with no amendments as a "dark day for human rights and humanity."  ICN.

Image: They Just left Me!
They Just left Me!

Since 2019 there has been a vast increase in the number of asylum seekers living in Home Office initial/contingency accommodation including hotels and repurposed Ministry of Defence (MoD) barracks with current estimates reaching over 37,000 people. This report looks at the impact on physical and mental health.


Image: Australia bishops urge support for most vulnerable
Australia bishops urge support for most vulnerable

The bishops called for a wider reassessment of refugee policies, saying the people fleeing violence or persecution have a “moral claim on our assistance, whether they fit legal definitions of a refugee or not”.  The Tablet.

Image: The Scottish Child Payment
The Scottish Child Payment

The Poverty Alliance have produced this helpful leaflet with details on how to apply for the Scottish Child Payment benefit.  #CostOfLivingCrisis.

Image: Chernobyl anniversary revives nuclear energy concerns
Chernobyl anniversary revives nuclear energy concerns

food for thought on Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day.  ICN.

Image: ‘I don’t see the evidence yet’ of stronger climate pledges, Kerry says
‘I don’t see the evidence yet’ of stronger climate pledges, Kerry says

John Kerry – President Biden’s special presidential envoy for climate – says he doesn’t “see the evidence yet” of global leaders revisiting their national climate pledges as agreed at COP26 in Glasgow last year. Washington Post.

Image: Aid agencies call for urgent action against famine in Horn of Africa
Aid agencies call for urgent action against famine in Horn of Africa

"developed countries, those who are largely responsible for climate change, must take responsibility for this. We must help those who are suffering because of it".  ICN.

Image: Church leaders write to MPs ahead of Nationality & Borders Bill vote
Church leaders write to MPs ahead of Nationality & Borders Bill vote

The Church leaders who have signed the letter represent a range of denominations and traditions in the UK, many of whom have been outspoken about the Bill over the past year. The letter has been sent to every MP currently elected to the House of Commons.  ICN.

Image: Statement on UK government Refugee offshoring policy announcement
Statement on UK government Refugee offshoring policy announcement

The following statement is a response to the UK government's announcement that they plan to use offshoring facilities in Rwanda for the processing of asylum claims for those deemed to have entered the UK illegally.  

Image: Cost of living crisis will become ‘truly horrific’ in autumn when colder weather returns
Cost of living crisis will become ‘truly horrific’ in autumn when colder weather returns

MPs heard that more Government support would be required in the coming months to avoid a disaster for the poorest households.  the i.

Image: Earth Day  - 22nd April 2022
Earth Day - 22nd April 2022

The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods.  Earthday.org.

Image: Holy See: No place for nuclear weapons in collective security
Holy See: No place for nuclear weapons in collective security

The Pontifical Academy for Sciences issues a declaration calling for an end to the war in Ukraine and urging nations to avoid the proliferation of nuclear weapons.  Vatican News.

Image: The 40th Anniversary of the Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Peace & Disarmament
The 40th Anniversary of the Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Peace & Disarmament

Justice & Peace Scotland, in conjunction with Sancta Familia Media have produced a video featuring four of our Scottish Bishops with many young people and laity representing every diocese in Scotland to reaffirm our opposition to nuclear weapons and to mark the 40th anniversary the Scottish Bishops 1982 landmark statement on nuclear weapons.

Image: Catholic charity workers killed in Mariupol
Catholic charity workers killed in Mariupol

“As we meditate this week on the passion of Christ may we pray for the people of Ukraine, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere who are enduring their passion.  Archbishop Nolan.  The Scottish Catholic.

Image: Dozens killed in Philippines landslides and floods as tropical storm Megi hits
Dozens killed in Philippines landslides and floods as tropical storm Megi hits

More than 17,000 people flee their homes as landslides engulf villages, cutting off roads and power.  The storm came four months after super-typhoon Rai devastated swathes of the archipelago nation, killing more than 400 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless.  The Guardian.

Image: Studying health inequalities.. What’s about to happen in the UK is unprecedented
Studying health inequalities.. What’s about to happen in the UK is unprecedented

Poverty is literally a matter of life and death for those on the margins, and the government has so far failed to step in.  The Guardian.

Image: Pope laments Bucha massacre, calls for end to war in Ukraine
Pope laments Bucha massacre, calls for end to war in Ukraine

“May this war cease! May weapons fall silent. Stop sowing death and destruction.”  Vatican News.


The new report also reinforces how social justice, climate justice and inclusive public participation is essential to achieving the necessary transformations in energy and economic systems sufficiently quick and at the national and global scale.  CIDSE

Image: Priti Patel’s plan to criminalise English Channel refugees at risk as its rejected for second time
Priti Patel’s plan to criminalise English Channel refugees at risk as its rejected for second time

Priti Patel’s plan to criminalise refugees crossing the English Channel is in danger after the House of Lords rejected the proposed law for a second time.  In a rare move, peers voted again to remove the offence of arriving in the UK – including British waters – without permission from the Nationality and Borders Bill.  The Independent. 

Image: Millions of workers and firms hit by national insurance hikes from 6 April.
Millions of workers and firms hit by national insurance hikes from 6 April.

Despite the cost of living crisis, the government has pressed on with its manifesto-busting 1.25 percentage point rise in national insurance.  The Guardian.


Image: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals. IPCC

Image: Russian troops have dug up Chernobyl's poisonous legacy - and may have spread it elsewhere
Russian troops have dug up Chernobyl's poisonous legacy - and may have spread it elsewhere

The soil is heavily contaminated but, despite that, Russian troops were ordered to dig defensive earthworks, say Ukrainians who've now retaken the site after Russia's retreat.  Sky News.


Image: Nuncio visits asylum seekers at Napier Barracks
Nuncio visits asylum seekers at Napier Barracks

The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, on Thursday 31st March, visited people housed in former army barracks in Folkestone to show the Pope's solidarity with them as they look to a better future. "I came to listen, to hug, and to hear their voices and experiences," he said.  ICN

Image: Conference highlights links among climate change, health, racial justice
Conference highlights links among climate change, health, racial justice

"The pope clearly says some forms of pollution are part of people's daily experience, and they're constantly being exposed to atmospheric pollution, pollution of the water, pollution of soil.  Earthbeat.

Image: Nationality & Borders Bill Update
Nationality & Borders Bill Update

On Tuesday 22nd March, the Nationality and Borders Bill returned to the House of Commons. MPs were given the chance to vote on the amendments made to the bill in the House of Lords, where it was met with strong resistance.  JPIT blog.

Image: Fossil fuels were always dangerous. Now they're fueling war on my doorstep.
Fossil fuels were always dangerous. Now they're fueling war on my doorstep.

Irrefutably, fossil fuels have become a weapon of mass destruction, both for war in Ukraine and in the climate crisis. Still, we must continue believing that we can overcome not only a war in Ukraine and conflicts in other regions of the world but also our dependency on oil, gas and coal, now and forever.  Earthbeat.


Image: 42nd Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St Oscar Romero
42nd Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St Oscar Romero

"We might be left without a radio station: God's best microphone is Christ, and Christ's best microphone is the Church, and the Church is all of you. Let each one of you, in your own job, in your own vocation - nun, married person, bishop, priest, high school or university student, day labourers wager earner, market woman - one in your own place … live the faith intensely and feel that in your surroundings you are a true microphone of God Our Lord. St Oscar Romero

Image: Marking the 40th Anniversary of Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Nuclear Weapons
Marking the 40th Anniversary of Scottish Bishops 1982 statement on Nuclear Weapons

 “In March 1982 the Scottish Bishops published a pastoral letter on Peace and Disarmament.  In this letter they challenged not just the use of nuclear weapons, something the church has always condemned, but they challenged also the very notion of deterrence and the morality of deterrence". ICN.

Image:  Scottish Church Leaders Write to the Chancellor on the Cost of Living Crisis.
Scottish Church Leaders Write to the Chancellor on the Cost of Living Crisis.

Scottish Faith Leaders, including Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Scottish Catholic Bishops Conference, deeply concerned at the plight of the poor amidst the current cost of living crisis, have come together to write to the Chancellor ahead of his Spring Statement on Wednesday 23rd March. 

Image: Pope Francis: 'War against Ukraine is inhuman and sacrilegious'
Pope Francis: 'War against Ukraine is inhuman and sacrilegious'

"Unfortunately, the violent aggression against Ukraine does not stop, a senseless massacre where every day there is a repetition of slaughter and atrocities. There is no justification for this!  ICN.

Image: 50+ bishops and 200+ church leaders write to PM & Chancellor on UK energy security strategy
50+ bishops and 200+ church leaders write to PM & Chancellor on UK energy security strategy

Ahead of the Government’s Spring Statement and energy security strategy, more than 200 UK church leaders have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak calling on them to tackle the climate emergency, address the cost of living crisis and stop all new fossil fuel developments.  Operation Noah.


Image: Ireland: Archbishop urges government to address modern slavery
Ireland: Archbishop urges government to address modern slavery

Archbishop Dermot Farrell focussed on "the plight of the enslaved and exploited women, children, and men who have come to our shores" in his St Patrick's Day homily in St Mary's Pro Cathedral, Dublin.  ICN.


Image: Pope tells Russian Orthodox leader there’s no such thing as ‘just war’
Pope tells Russian Orthodox leader there’s no such thing as ‘just war’

Pope Francis speaks with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill by videoconference on Wednesday, March 16.  Crux

Image: Scrap The Cap Letter to Rishi Sunak
Scrap The Cap Letter to Rishi Sunak

Today we joined more than 100 organisations from across the UK in writing to Chancellor Rishi Sunak urging him to use his Spring Statement to scrap the unjust benefit cap. We must #ScrapTheCap to #MeetTheNeed.

Image: Ukraine: ‘We need peace now’ declares Guterres, warning of global hunger meltdown
Ukraine: ‘We need peace now’ declares Guterres, warning of global hunger meltdown

The prospect of a nuclear war, “once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility. The security and safety of nuclear facilities must also be preserved”. UN


Image: We Want Peace 
We Want Peace 

As the Russian invasion sows pain and devastation in Ukraine and threatens to spread, other wars continue to claim victims in Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia, and elsewhere. Those who pay the highest price are most defenseless, especially children. Ordinary people want peace.  Vatican News.

Image: Faith leaders letter on the Nationality and Borders Bill
Faith leaders letter on the Nationality and Borders Bill

On 28th February 2022, Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland joined 1000+ faith leaders who wrote to the Prime Minister to express their horror at the Nationality and Borders Bill and to urge him to rethink the legislation. You can read the full letter and see the list of signatories here

Image: Key points from the IPCC report on the connections between climate change and migration
Key points from the IPCC report on the connections between climate change and migration

This is a short summary of some of the key points from the most recent IPCC report. These are some of the issues which are most significant and relevant to policy makers and advocacy organisations. Climate & Migration Coalition.

Image: Protect unaccompanied children fleeing Ukraine
Protect unaccompanied children fleeing Ukraine

“Children without parental care are at a heightened risk of violence, abuse and exploitation. When these children are moved across borders, the risks are multiplied. The risk of trafficking also soars in emergencies,”  UN


Image: Holy Land: Israeli forces kill 15-year-old boy
Holy Land: Israeli forces kill 15-year-old boy

Israeli authorities are currently withholding the bodies of at least nine Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces, according to documentation gathered by DCIP. Defence of Children Internationl Palestine. ICN.

Image: Join the Scrap the Cap Campaign 
Join the Scrap the Cap Campaign 

Ahead of the Spring Statement on 23rd March, Poverty Alliance have launched a new e-action urging Chancellor Rishi Sunak to use his Spring Statement to scrap the unjust benefit cap.  Right now, people across the country are facing a cost-of-living crisis. For those trapped in poverty by the benefit cap, this crisis is even more acutely felt.

Image: 6 things you can do to respond to the situation in Ukraine
6 things you can do to respond to the situation in Ukraine

With real concern we have watched the situation in Ukraine unfold. As well as the direct casualties of war, the humanitarian crisis within the country is escalating, as many are trapped in bunkers and underground stations without food and access to fresh water. SFAR

Image: Catholic leaders from UK and Ireland appeal for end to war
Catholic leaders from UK and Ireland appeal for end to war

"In the face of the shocking loss of life, bloodshed, displacement of people and destruction of property in Ukraine, we make these heartfelt appeals."  ICN


Image: Ash Wednesday Witness at Faslane
Ash Wednesday Witness at Faslane

Please join us if you can at the South Gate at Faslane on Ash Wednesday, 2nd March 2022 at (3pm) as we  witness to the Peace of Christ at the home of Trident.

Image: Bruce Kent delivers CND letter to Russian Embassy
Bruce Kent delivers CND letter to Russian Embassy

Veteren #Peace campaigner Bruce Kent delivers a letter to the Russian embassy in London urging the Russian Gov to de-escalate.  ICN.

Image: IPCC issues ‘bleakest warning yet’ on impacts of climate breakdown
IPCC issues ‘bleakest warning yet’ on impacts of climate breakdown

Report says human actions are causing dangerous disruption, and window to secure a liveable future is closing.  Analysis: This report asks: what is at stake? In short, everything.  The Guardian.  


Image: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.

Image: Pope announces 2 March as day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine
Pope announces 2 March as day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine

Pope Francis made a heartfelt appeal for peace in Ukraine, saying that the threat of war had caused "great pain in my heart." 

Image: Theme for 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees announced
Theme for 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees announced

Pope Francis has chosen “Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees,”as the theme for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be celebrated on 25 September.

Image: Artisans Of Peace
Artisans Of Peace

The Vatican department for Integral Human Development will host a study seminar entitled, “Artisans of Peace for a World without Hunger,” Tuesday, February 22nd from 2pm to 4pm UK time.

Image: Poland: Bishops urge support for refugees from Ukraine
Poland: Bishops urge support for refugees from Ukraine

As tensions grow in neighbouring Ukraine, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki chair of the Polish Bishops Conference has issued an appeal for Catholics to offer hospitality to refugees fleeing the threatened war. ICN.

Image: The Action Access Alternative to Detention Pilot
The Action Access Alternative to Detention Pilot
Evaluating the success of community-based support

The Action Access pilot ran between 2019 and 2021 and supported 20 women seeking asylum in a community setting in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the North East of England.  European Alternatives to Detention Network.


Buying Fairtrade is easy. There are over 6,000 Fairtrade products from coffee and tea to flowers and gold, so when you shop, look for the FAIRTRADE Mark. 


Image: Glasgow Kelvingrove Museum in talks with Native American descendants on historic artefacts
Glasgow Kelvingrove Museum in talks with Native American descendants on historic artefacts

“Those items belong to our grandfathers and grandmothers – their spirit is still connected to them – but people see prestige and money in them. These are spiritual items that should not be displayed anywhere.” The National.

Image: Overcoming the crisis of global health and integral human development
Overcoming the crisis of global health and integral human development

In a joint statement, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and Justice and Peace Europe call on the European Union (EU), the African Union (AU) and their member states to strengthen their commitment to equitable global vaccine supply and global health issues ahead of the joint AU-EU Summit.

Image: A Warm Welcome?
A Warm Welcome?

6 months after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, we need action to ensure Afghan refugees are protected. People fleeing the Taliban were promised a #AWarmWelcome; now they face punishment under the #AntiRefugeeBill. Asylum Matters.  Watch, share & write to your MP!

Image: Enrol in the Laudato Si Action Platform
Enrol in the Laudato Si Action Platform

Laudato Si’ calls us toward sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. With profound care for each other, our Creator, and all creation, we are building a better future together. 

Image: Plastic that kills
Plastic that kills

Recycling is not the answer as more toxic chemicals are added to the old plastic to make more plastic. It is not the solution. Phasing out plastic is the only option. Replacing it with alternative safe materials like stainless steel glass, beeswax-coated wrapping and above all, platinum silicone, is the solution.  Fr Shay Cullen ICN.  Image: Fiqri Aziz Octavian on Unsplash.

Image: Calais Pushbacks
Calais Pushbacks

This is a remarkable short film by Andy Burgess about the hidden lives of refugees in Calais and the dangers they’ll face from the UK government’s anti refugee bill.  In the film you meet some of the refugees he met in Calais.

Image: Scrap The Cap
Scrap The Cap

The benefit cap, which came into effect in April 2013, is a limit on the total amount of means-tested benefit payments an individual or family can receive. As of May 2021, 190,000 households are affected by the cap, receiving on average £55 per week less in support than they would if the cap was not in place.  Poverty Alliance.

Image: Pope renews prayers for tense Ukraine situation
Pope renews prayers for tense Ukraine situation

Pope Francis urges world leaders to seek a peaceful solution to the situation in and around Ukraine, as Western nations warn Russia could invade its neighbor at any time. Vatican News.


Image: The Real Living Wage - An essential tool for fixing poverty
The Real Living Wage - An essential tool for fixing poverty

27 February is Poverty Action Sunday. Church Action on Poverty is encouraging Christian Communities to be attentive to the voices of poverty. With increasing food costs, a huge rise in energy prices on its way and tax rises, the need to be attentive to these voices has never been greater.  ICN.


Image: Scotland’s Most Polluted Streets in 2021
Scotland’s Most Polluted Streets in 2021

Air pollution from transport is responsible for thousands of premature deaths in Scotland every year, and causes serious heart and lung issues.  Friends of the earth Scotland.

Image: Pope Francis: Throwing plastic in the sea is 'criminal' and 'kills the Earth'
Pope Francis: Throwing plastic in the sea is 'criminal' and 'kills the Earth'

The pope's words echoed remarks he made last July on the occasion of "Sea Sunday," an annual day dedicated to "all those who rely on the sea for their work and livelihood."  "Take care of the health of the sea: no plastic in the sea!" Earthbeat.  image:Unsplash/Naja Bertolt Jensen)


Image: Afghanistan: A Country at Breaking Point
Afghanistan: A Country at Breaking Point

Eight million people are now facing starvation in Afghanistan. A million children could die. The Taliban takeover and sanctions imposed by the west have contributed to economic collapse. There is food in the markets, but families are being driven to the edge because they simply don’t have the money to buy it.  Image BBC Panorama

Image: The International Day of Prayer & Awareness Against Human Trafficking
The International Day of Prayer & Awareness Against Human Trafficking

On 8th February we encourage you to say Pope Francis' prayer for an end to human trafficking, modern slavery and for its victims

Image: Open Wounds
Open Wounds

8th February is International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking and we are taking this opportunity to share again our campaign video on Human Trafficking.  

Image: Pope: Human trafficking is a wound shamefully inflicted for economic interests
Pope: Human trafficking is a wound shamefully inflicted for economic interests

St Josephine represents "so many girls" who the Pope said we see on the street: they are not free from this deep wound, inflicted by the shameful pursuit of economic interests without any respect for the human person.  Vatican News.  #EndHumanTrafficking 

Image: Pope appoints new Archbishop of Glasgow
Pope appoints new Archbishop of Glasgow

"As I overcome my initial shock at being appointed Archbishop my thoughts now turn to the challenges that lies ahead....from now on I belong to Glasgow. And I assure the people of Glasgow of my commitment and dedication to them.  ICN.

Image: William Nolan to be next Archbishop of Glasgow
William Nolan to be next Archbishop of Glasgow

Pope Francis has named justice and peace champion Bishop William Nolan to lead the Archdiocese of Glasgow.  The Tablet.

Image: British households face record 54% energy bill rise as price cap is raised
British households face record 54% energy bill rise as price cap is raised

The hike means that 22 million households which pay by direct debit will face an average of bill of £1,971 a year for their gas and electricity. Homes using a pre-pay meter, which are typically more vulnerable, will on average face a steeper hike of £708 and an annual bill of £2,017.  The Guardian. 

Image: International Day Of Human Fraternity - Women In Dialogue
International Day Of Human Fraternity - Women In Dialogue

Estemeed guests discuss how their faiths act as templates to free them from the historical social conditioning.  Join this discussion on zoom on Friday 4th February at 6pm.

Image: How the Government misleads the public about refugees
How the Government misleads the public about refugees

A recent court of appeal ruling has shown that refugees coming to the UK on small boats are not arriving “illegally” if they intend to arrive at a port and claim asylum – which almost all of them do.  Care4Calais  

Image: ‘I will not leave my family to die here’: A photojournalist in Yemen’s Marib
‘I will not leave my family to die here’: A photojournalist in Yemen’s Marib

The people in the camp don't have anything left. They escaped their houses and didn't take anything. Most of them ran at night, because the fighting suddenly started in their villages.  Humanitarian, Image (Nabil Alawzari/TNH)

Image: Archbishop Martin on 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday
Archbishop Martin on 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday

"We know that peace is so much more than an end to war and conflict. Peace from poverty; peace from hunger; peace for those living on the streets or in camps for migrants; peace of mind and heart for those denied the truth, closure and justice both here and around the world; this is the kind of deep peace we should all strive for today. It is the peace of Christ".  ICN.


Image: Buy now, pay later grocery schemes are a ‘debt trap’ for struggling families
Buy now, pay later grocery schemes are a ‘debt trap’ for struggling families

One in three buy now, pay later users have missed a payment or made a late one, according to a report published last year by the welfare charity Citizens Advice. The report found consumers using the credit products had also been charged £39m in late fees over one year. The Guardian.

Image: Palestine: Planting trees and working for peace
Palestine: Planting trees and working for peace

This year, the rabbis decided to go ahead with planting trees - and instead give violence a rest. Instead of dropping their tree-planting tools, they decided to adopt the motto "drop the violence."  ICN  image:  Rabbis for Human Rights.

Image: Holocaust Memorial Day Vigil 19:00 on 27th January
Holocaust Memorial Day Vigil 19:00 on 27th January

Join us for reflections & prayers from Iona Abbey to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. There will be music from island musicians and contributions from people from different religious traditions. We’ll be remembering people who were murdered for who they were and will be standing firmly against prejudice and hatred today.  Iona Community.

Image: Edinburgh Jesuits mark beatifications in El Salvador
Edinburgh Jesuits mark beatifications in El Salvador

The Mass was the initiative of Fr David Stewart SJ, supported by the Jesuits in Scotland, Justice and Peace Scotland and the archdiocese.  The Tablet.

Image: Day of Prayer For Ukraine
Day of Prayer For Ukraine

Pope Francis at his Jan. 23 Sunday Angelus said he is deeply concerned by growing tensions between Russia and Ukraine and called for a day of prayer for peace Jan. 26

Image: Scotland's Christian peace groups campaign at Faslane
Scotland's Christian peace groups campaign at Faslane

One year on from the day the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was ratified on 22 January 2021 at the UN in New York, Justice and Peace Scotland joined our fellow anti-nuclear campaigners from Scottish CND, Pax Christi Scotland, Glasgow Catholic Worker and the Faslane Peace Camp to hold a vigil at the 'home of Trident' at Faslane on the Clyde.  ICN

Image: Spot the signs of human trafficking
Spot the signs of human trafficking

If you think something doesn't look right, then it probably isn't. By reporting it to one of these organisations, you may be saving someone’s life.  Migrant Help.

Image: Sex trafficking: Children groomed in Romania sent to UK
Sex trafficking: Children groomed in Romania sent to UK

The BBC has found that children as young as 10 are being groomed in Romania, to be trafficked to the UK.  BBC.

Image: UK judge rules age assessment of asylum seekers was unlawful
UK judge rules age assessment of asylum seekers was unlawful

“Children seeking safety arriving alone in the UK are bewildered and frightened. They have been subjected to processes with neither safeguards nor oversight, relying on little more than luck to . No child should have been faced with disbelief and such appalling practice.” The Guardian.

Image: Thanksgiving Mass for Beatification of Rutilio Grande sj
Thanksgiving Mass for Beatification of Rutilio Grande sj

Follow this livestream on Saturday 22nd January 2022 at 6.30pm as Rutilio Grande, Manuel Solorzano and Nelson Rutilio Lemus are beatified.


Image: UN rights office warns over violent escalation in Yemen and beyond
UN rights office warns over violent escalation in Yemen and beyond

So far in January (2022), there were 839 airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition, compared with 1,074 for the whole of December,” UN News.


Image: Crime bill: Lords defeats for government's protest clamp-down plans
Crime bill: Lords defeats for government's protest clamp-down plans

The government has suffered a series of defeats in the House of Lords over its plans to clamp down on disruptive and noisy protesters.  BBC.


Image: 4 lessons from Rutilio Grande, priest, prophet and martyr
4 lessons from Rutilio Grande, priest, prophet and martyr

Rutilio Grande, S.J., and his two traveling companions, 15-year-old Nelson Rutilio Lemus and 72-year-old Manuel Solórzano, had been driving to the small town of El Paisnal in El Salvador when they were gunned down on the road on March 12, 1977, in Aguilares, El Salvador. The Vatican announced on Feb. 22, 2021, that it would recognize the three as martyrs.  America.

Image: 'Scandal' as adults with learning disabilities being forced to live far from families
'Scandal' as adults with learning disabilities being forced to live far from families

The Enable Scotland charity has launched a #MyOwnFrontDoor campaign to give people with learning disabilities the right to a home they choose and to live in the community of their choice.  Glasgow Live.

Image: Who Are Society's Changemakers
Who Are Society's Changemakers

Young people 13-18 years are asked to consider: Who in the world today is doing something about inequality, injustice, exclusion and environmental degradation? What can they teach us? How can we draw on our own faith and personal experience to be changemakers?

Image: Exhibit shows if world acts, environmental destruction is reversible
Exhibit shows if world acts, environmental destruction is reversible

"It's the idea that if we do face the reality, even if we've made a big mess so far, but if we face it with courage and with realism, it can be turned around with God's help," said Czerny. "And that's good news." Earthbeat.


Image: Afghans risk dying in freezing temperatures in Calais, charities warn
Afghans risk dying in freezing temperatures in Calais, charities warn

While thousands were airlifted out of Afghanistan to safety in the UK when the Taliban took over, many others were forced to make the same hazardous journey across land and sea as those fleeing persecution in countries such as Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.  The Guardian.


Image: Preserve right of asylum
Preserve right of asylum

“No matter how high barriers – physical and legislative – may be, desperate people will seek ways to reach safety”. “Managing borders, sharing responsibility and respecting human rights are compatible”. UN News.

Image: Past seven years hottest on record - EU satellite data
Past seven years hottest on record - EU satellite data

Europe lived through its warmest summer, and temperature records in western US and Canada were broken by several degrees. Extreme wildfires in July and August burnt almost entire towns to the ground and killed hundreds.  BBC.


Image: Justice & Peace Sunday Message From Bishop Nolan
Justice & Peace Sunday Message From Bishop Nolan

Watch here, Bishop Nolan's video message on Justice & Peace Sunday, Day of Prayer For Peace Sunday 2nd January 2022.

Image: Justice & Peace Sunday Letter
Justice & Peace Sunday Letter

My Dear Brothers & Sisters... have a look at this video version of Bishop Nolan's written letter for Day of Prayer For Peace 2022.

Image: Day Of Prayer For Peace
Day Of Prayer For Peace

Letter to the Catholics of Scotland on 'Day Of Prayer For Peace', 2nd January 2022 from Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland.  Read the full text here.


Image: Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 55th World Peace Day
Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 55th World Peace Day
1st January 2022

Dialogue between generations, education and work:  tools for building lasting peace.


Image: Church leaders worldwide protest at growing threat to Christian presence in Holy Land
Church leaders worldwide protest at growing threat to Christian presence in Holy Land

The principle that the spiritual and cultural character of Jerusalem's distinct and historic quarters should be protected is already recognised in Israeli law with respect to the Jewish Quarter. Yet radical groups continue to acquire strategic property in the Christian Quarter, with the aim of diminishing the Christian presence,

Image: Rape survivors arriving in UK on small boats neglected by authorities
Rape survivors arriving in UK on small boats neglected by authorities

Inspectors and monitors say suicidal women and people with serious injuries not adequately supported.  The Guardian.


Image: Candlelit Advent Service for Refugees
Candlelit Advent Service for Refugees

The Columbans are holding a Candlelit Advent Service for Refugees on Thursday 16th December 20:00 – 21:00, in which we will remember all those who have lost their lives whilst seeking a better life. We will remember those who live in fear of violence and oppression, those journeying to safety and those waiting to hear news from those they love.


Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, has encouraged Catholics to respond to the consultation and to “reject" the proposal. Bishop Gilbert added that the proposal was “a serious threat to the elderly, the disabled, and the vulnerable” and urged people to "send the message that every human life has value."  The Consulation closes on 22nd December 2021.

Image: Around The Diocese
Around The Diocese

Every 3 months the National Commission of Justice & Peace Scotland meet and each diocese gives an update on their activities.  The December 2021 update is now available here.

Image: Faiths Rising: Climate Action Beyond COP26 
Faiths Rising: Climate Action Beyond COP26 

On Thursday 16th December 7-8pm Join the Faith Plans team for an evening of reflection on what next for climate action post-COP26. We will hear how the faiths are major stakeholders in the planet, and how faiths around the world are creating Faith Plans designed to realign their assets – investments, land, building, educational and medical institutes and their lifestyles – as part of the Faith Plans programme.

Image: Prayer vigil at Home Office for refugees drowned in Channel
Prayer vigil at Home Office for refugees drowned in Channel

A vigil, organised by Westminster Justice and Peace and London Catholic Worker, will be held outside the Home Office, 2 Marsham St, London SW1P 4DF, on Monday, 13 December 2021, from 12.30pm - 1.30pm, to pray for refugees who have drowned in the Channel, trying to reach sanctuary in England.


Image: 'Cruel' Nationality and Borders Bill passes third reading
'Cruel' Nationality and Borders Bill passes third reading

Bishop William Nolan and Jill Kent, President and Chair of Justice and Peace Scotland said in a statement: "The UK government's Nationality and Borders Bill represents a disgraceful attack on vulnerable people. At its heart is a deliberate misrepresentation of the lives of asylum seekers and the risks which they are driven to in order to seek safety.  Image Caritas Europa.  ICN


"Hugely welcome”: Child poverty campaigners respond to FM’s conference commitment to double Scottish child payment from April.  This is a real lifeline for the families across Scotland who are facing a perfect storm of financial insecurity as the UK cut to universal credit bites, energy prices soar and the wider costs of living rise”.


Image: Doubling the Scottish Child Payment
Doubling the Scottish Child Payment

First Minister announces £20 payment from April.  The Scottish Child Payment will be doubled to £20 per week per child from April 2022.

Image: Sharing Our  Common Home
Sharing Our Common Home

As MPs debate the Nationality & Borders Bill this week we urge them to be compassionate, to defend the right to seek asylum, to steer the country in the right direction, one that promotes peace, fraternity and Welcomes, Promotes, Protects & Integrates our brothers and sisters worldwide seeking sanctuary from war, famine, climate change and persecution. Watch our video here.

Image: Justice and Peace Scotland on the outcomes of COP26
Justice and Peace Scotland on the outcomes of COP26

Danny Sweeny, Social Justice Coordinator with Justice & Peace Scotland reflects on COP26 in Glasgow.


“Stand up. I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen." (cf. Acts 26:16)


Image: What have we done with our brothers?
What have we done with our brothers?

While at least 27 migrants perished this Wednesday, November 24, 2021 off the coast of Calais while trying to reach England, the bishops of Lille, Arras and Cambrai express their sentiments and their indignation.

Image: Drownings in the English Channel
Drownings in the English Channel

The drowning of 30 migrants off the coast between Dunkirk and Calais is a tragedy that should surprise no-one.  Jesuit Fr Philippe Demeestre has just finished a month-long hunger strike in Calais, to ask for practical immediate humanitarian treatment of migrants with care and courtesy, so that the migrants can eat, drink and sleep without harassment. ICN.

Image: Windrush: Home Office has compensated just 5% of victims in four years
Windrush: Home Office has compensated just 5% of victims in four years

Twenty-three eligible applicants have died before getting a payment, the committee found. It recommended transferring the scheme from Priti Patel’s department to an independent organisation in order to “rebuild trust”.  The Guardian.


Image: Write to your MP: Nationality & Borders Bill
Write to your MP: Nationality & Borders Bill

Anti Slavery organisations across the UK are very concerned about the implications the Nationality & Borders Bill will have on victims of Human Trafficking/ modern slavery and are urging you to send this letter to your MP calling on them make the amendments needed to this bill.

Image: Journalist arrested after reporting on attacks against Christians in Nigeria
Journalist arrested after reporting on attacks against Christians in Nigeria

Attacks on Christian communities in Kaduna State have been numerous. In his report Binniyat was critical of police for failing to make any arrests after gunmen killed 35 people in two separate attacks on churches in the state on 26 September.  BarnabasFund.


Image: COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech
COP26: Indigenous Amazon activist 'got death threats' after speech

As a climate activist who grew up as part of an indigenous community in the Amazon rainforest, Txai Suruí spoke to world leaders about the direct impacts of climate change that her tribe is already experiencing.  But after the speech she was publicly criticised by Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro, for "attacking Brazil"

Image: Minga Indígena
Minga Indígena

Through COP26 Glasgow has been host to indigenous leaders from around the world. From the Andes in Patagona, the Amazonas, to Alaska Minga Indígena brings together their wisdom and a voice world leaders need to hear.

Image: Pope Francis delivers Thought For The Day on BBC Radio 4
Pope Francis delivers Thought For The Day on BBC Radio 4

Pope Francis has urged political leaders at COP26 to deliver "effective responses" to the climate crisis that give hope to future generations.  He spoke also of "genuine conversion" of all people with and a sense of shared responsbility for our world and solidarity based on justice.  

Image: The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26
The Roar Of Many Waters: Searching For The Voice Of God at COP26

Bishop Nolan gave a wonderful talk in Glasgow recently on the topic of "Where Is God At COP26?".  Watch his talk here.

Image: BBC Radio Scotland Interview with Bishop Nolan
BBC Radio Scotland Interview with Bishop Nolan

Listen into this BBC Radio Scotland interview with Bishop Nolan on the Scottish Catholic Church's decision to divest from fossil fuels and why there should be no new oil and gas exploration.  Scroll to 54 minutes for the start.

Image: Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26
Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26

The Catholic bishops of Scotland have announced their divestment from fossil fuels in advance of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, alongside 72 other faith organisations internationally. The Tablet.

Image: First Minister urged to “address the elephant in the room” and strongly reject new Cambo oil field
First Minister urged to “address the elephant in the room” and strongly reject new Cambo oil field

The letter comes just after the First Minister said it would be “fundamentally wrong” for countries like Scotland to “keep exploring for and extracting oil and gas” and announced that the Scottish Government will no longer support unlimited extraction of fossil fuels. Campaigners say the First Minister must put her words into action and oppose the climate wrecking project.  SCCS.

Image: National Living Wage set to rise to £9.50 an hour
National Living Wage set to rise to £9.50 an hour

 National Living Wage rise is not compensation for welfare cuts, such as a removal of the £20-a-week universal credit uplift, as the Institute for Fiscal Studies has consistently pointed out.  BBC

Image: Half of Afghanistan's population face acute hunger as humanitarian needs grow to record levels
Half of Afghanistan's population face acute hunger as humanitarian needs grow to record levels

More than half the population of Afghanistan – a record 22.8 million people - will face acute food insecurity from November World Food Programme.

Image: Scotland's Most Polluted Streets
Scotland's Most Polluted Streets

 In an open letter to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, published in the Herald today, over 60 leading health professionals  including consultants, GPs and medical academics are calling for more action to be taken on air pollution to save lives. Read the letter here.

Image: World needs women's leadership and skills
World needs women's leadership and skills

In the face of today's global social, economic and climate challenges, he noted the role women play in promoting a sense of "selflessness", especially needed today in order to rise above short sighted interests that only look to immediate profitability. ICN


Image: Yemen war reaches ‘shameful milestone’ - 10,000 children now killed or maimed 
Yemen war reaches ‘shameful milestone’ - 10,000 children now killed or maimed 

“Yemen is the most difficult place in the world to be a child. And, incredulously, it is getting worse.”    UN


Image: Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

18th October is marked annually as Anti-Human Trafficking Day.  This Justice & Peace Scotland video features our faith leaders and those with lived experience of human trafficking.  Our aim is to spread awareness of this crime as well as the tools to do something about it.

Image: Pope calls for universal basic income, shorter working day
Pope calls for universal basic income, shorter working day

In a video message to the Fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements on Saturday, Pope Francis called for a universal basic income, education, and healthcare, a shorter working day, and praised the protest movement that followed the murder of George Floyd.  ICN.


Image: Trafficking victims should be granted leave to remain in UK, high court rules
Trafficking victims should be granted leave to remain in UK, high court rules

Landmark judgment will apply to thousands who may otherwise have been sent back to home countries.  Guardian. 


Image: Formerly homeless artist, now in Vatican palace, paints Christmas stamp
Formerly homeless artist, now in Vatican palace, paints Christmas stamp

Adam Piekarski is a 42-year-old Pole living in Rome for 6 years now. He was sleeping on the streets until a Polish Redemptorist, Father Leszek Pyś, found out he paints. CRUX


Image: Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration For COP26
Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration For COP26

Our faith communities are united in caring for human life and the natural world. We share a belief in a hopeful future, as well as an obligation to be responsible in caring for our common home, the Earth.

Image: Enforced Misery
Enforced Misery

The Degrading Treatment of Migrant Children and Adults in Northern France, a new report from Human Rights Watch.

Image: Protecting Nature: UN Biodiversity Summit gets underway
Protecting Nature: UN Biodiversity Summit gets underway

"A million species of plants and animals risk extinction within a matter of decades; almost three quarters of land and 66% of marine environments have been significantly altered by humanity and that more than 85% of wetland areas have been lost."  ICN

Image: A ‘Historic Event’: First Malaria Vaccine Approved by W.H.O.
A ‘Historic Event’: First Malaria Vaccine Approved by W.H.O.

Malaria kills about 500,000 people each year, about half of them children in Africa. The new vaccine isn’t perfect, but it will help turn the tide. The New York Times.


Image: Pope Francis joins world faith leaders in urgent climate appeal ahead of COP26
Pope Francis joins world faith leaders in urgent climate appeal ahead of COP26

In response to the "grave threat" of climate change, heads of the world's major religions united at the Vatican to issue an unprecedented joint appeal to government leaders at next month's United Nations climate summit, calling for "urgent, radical and responsible action"  Earthbeat.  CNS photo/Paul Haring


Image: What Is Challenge Poverty Week
What Is Challenge Poverty Week

Join hundreds of organisations across Scotland in calling for change this #ChallengePoverty Week. The Scottish and UK Governments can, and must, implement the solutions we need to stem the rising tide of poverty.  Here is what you can do to help.


Image: Help stop the opening of a new immigration detention centre for women
Help stop the opening of a new immigration detention centre for women

Under cover of Covid, the Home Office has sought no planning permission for the redevelopment of the whole site to detain immigrant women

Image: Holy See: Ensuring access to affordable and sustainable energy 'a moral duty'
Holy See: Ensuring access to affordable and sustainable energy 'a moral duty'

As the UN hosts a high-level event on energy, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher sends a video message to participants, and says that transition to accessible and clean energy is a duty that richer countries owe to poorer ones.  Vatican News.

Image: Migrants freezing to death at Polish-Belarus border
Migrants freezing to death at Polish-Belarus border

"what we can see is just people. It's not politics at all. It's just people that need assistance, people that need international protection not to be returned to the country where they face danger."   Image  (AFP or licensors)


Image: Ask your local MP to call on the Prime Minister to stop the £20 cut to Universal Credit
Ask your local MP to call on the Prime Minister to stop the £20 cut to Universal Credit

From October, over a million people fear they will be forced to skip meals and switch off their heating this winter as the UK government plans to cut Universal Credit payments by £20 a week.  Trussell Trust.


Image: ‘Humanity remains unacceptably close to nuclear annihilation, says UN chief on International Day
‘Humanity remains unacceptably close to nuclear annihilation, says UN chief on International Day

“Now is the time to eliminate nuclear weapons from our world , and usher in a new era of dialogue, trust and peace”, declared UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Sunday, marking the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. UN.  UN photo/Yoshito Matsushige.

Image: 24 Hours For The Climate
24 Hours For The Climate

You are invited to submit a proposal to take part in this global 24 hour vigil to pray for the success of COP26. On 5th – 6th November, this live broadcast will be an opportunity to learn from communities suffering from climate change, pray for the future of our common home, and write messages that will be delivered to COP26 negotiators. 

Image: Host a climate justice guest
Host a climate justice guest

Opening your home (and your heart) to an international network of visiting activists, scientists, and policy makers is one of the most impactful ways you can contribute to the movement.


Image: Interview with the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food
Interview with the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food

Most people who are hungry are experiencing conflict, by which I mean violence. We have to acknowledge violence is not an exception, it’s always there.  New Internationalist


Image: Arms Fair an unwelcome guest in East London
Arms Fair an unwelcome guest in East London

On Tuesday, the Defence and Security Equipment International 2021 arms fair (DSEI), will open at the Excel centre in London Docklands, amidst massive protests and opposition from political leaders and local communities in London. It will run from 14-17 September.


Image: Support Afghans in their most perilous hour, urges UN’s Guterres
Support Afghans in their most perilous hour, urges UN’s Guterres

One in three Afghans do not know where their next meal is coming from, the UN chief explained, adding that “many people could run out of food by the end of the month, just as winter approaches”.


Image: Channel crossings: Migrant boats could be turned back in new UK move
Channel crossings: Migrant boats could be turned back in new UK move

Border Force officials are in the final stages of training to use a new tactic to turn back boats carrying migrants across the Channel to the UK.  BBC News.


Image: Faith leaders make 'moral case' to Nicola Sturgeon for doubling Scottish Child Payment
Faith leaders make 'moral case' to Nicola Sturgeon for doubling Scottish Child Payment

The faith leaders highlighted the “moral imperative that the Scottish Government does all it can to lift children out of poverty” Daily Record.

Image: Hungry kids are 'queueing outside Glasgow soup kitchen for dinner on school night'
Hungry kids are 'queueing outside Glasgow soup kitchen for dinner on school night'

HUNGRY children queueing at a local soup kitchen to receive hot dinners on a school night has prompted a call for party leaders to attend the provision and “make a difference”.  Glasgow Evening Times.

Image: Music Video For COP26
Music Video For COP26

We need your help!  Be part of the crowd scene in our music video for COP26 on Saturday 4th September at 3pm please gather in front of the SSE Hydro in Glasgow.  Click read more for further details.

Image: What Is The Season Of Creation?
What Is The Season Of Creation?

Season of Creation is a time of grace that the Church, in ecumenical dialogue, offers to humanity to renew its relationship with the Creator and with creation, through celebration, conversion and commitment together.  Taking action during the Season of Creation is living out our Catholic faith.  This short video explains more.

Image: Ending violence against women in Uganda takes a step forward with critical law reforms passed in Par
Ending violence against women in Uganda takes a step forward with critical law reforms passed in Par

Overhauling outdated and discriminatory legislation is essential to ending violence against women and girls, and the women’s movement in Uganda has ensured an incredible leap forward was taken in 2021.


Image: Sadiq Khan tells organisers of London arms fair to cancel event and not come back
Sadiq Khan tells organisers of London arms fair to cancel event and not come back

Mayor says London is home to people who have fled weapons like those on sale at DSEI.  the Independent.


Image: Room For Refugees
Room For Refugees

Room For Refugees is a community hosting network that offers safe, temporary homes and pastoral support for insecurely-housed refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable groups - families, the sick, the elderly and unaccompanied asylum seeking children with no recourse to public funds.


Image: Let’s do net zero community buildings: CARES funding available
Let’s do net zero community buildings: CARES funding available

Local Energy Scotland administer and manage the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES), which is here to help you on this journey to net zero. CARES is offering grant funding, advice and support to faith groups and community organisations that want to decarbonise their community buildings by installing low carbon or renewable technologies, such as heat pumps or solar panels.

Image: Keep The Lifeline
Keep The Lifeline

More than a million people could be forced to turn to food banks as the UK government plans to cut Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit payments by £20 a week this October. This cut will be a devastating blow for millions of households which are already struggling to make ends meet. Join the campaign to #KeepTheLifeline. 

Image: Bruce Kent reflects on Afghanistan
Bruce Kent reflects on Afghanistan

For over a week the plight of would be evacuees from Kabul has dominated the news. By grim coincidence the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, when so many were murdered in New York's Twin Towers, is fast approaching.  ICN.

Image: Why these Afghan women are speaking out
Why these Afghan women are speaking out

“If women can’t be in leadership or choose who can represent them, then are they even citizens of the same country?” New Humanitarian.

Image: The Limits of Choice: Personal Freedom and the Common Good 
The Limits of Choice: Personal Freedom and the Common Good 

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4).  Deacon William T Ditewig, PhD, from the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, writes in his blog: 

Image: SCIAF launches COP26 petition with Race Against Time stunt
SCIAF launches COP26 petition with Race Against Time stunt

The Race Against Time saw a costumed Boris Johnson race against a young SCIAF supporter donning a clock. SCIAF is using the stunt to draw attention to the countdown to COP26 and the urgency required to tackle climate change.  ICN.


Image: Treasury blocking green policies key to UK net zero target
Treasury blocking green policies key to UK net zero target

Experts say chancellor refusing to commit spending needed to shift economy to low-carbon footing.  Guardian.  

Image: Report details grave violations against children in Afghanistan
Report details grave violations against children in Afghanistan

The study found that 5,770 Afghan youngsters were killed or maimed between January 2019 and December 2020, the reporting period.  Meanwhile, child casualties hit their highest levels ever during the first half of this year, with hundreds killed in recent weeks amid the deteriorating political and security situation. 


Image: Barnabite missionary appeal: "Pray, pray, pray for Afghanistan"
Barnabite missionary appeal: "Pray, pray, pray for Afghanistan"

“"We are living days of great apprehension as we await what happens. My appeal to the listeners of Vatican Radio is to pray...pray, pray, pray for Afghanistan! Thank you."”  Vatican News.


Image: UNHCR warns Afghanistan’s conflict taking the heaviest toll on displaced women and children
UNHCR warns Afghanistan’s conflict taking the heaviest toll on displaced women and children

Nearly 400,000 were forced from their homes since the beginning of the year, joining 2.9 million Afghans already internally displaced across the country at the end of 2020.


Image: Bishop urges immediate action after 'grim and disturbing' climate change report
Bishop urges immediate action after 'grim and disturbing' climate change report

"World leaders must come together with urgency for the common good and commit to making real progress, on a global level, not just pay lip service to the facts and figures of which we are all too aware. This is a time to be acting for the common good, not self-interest or self-serving politics."  ICN


Image: Leviticus Fund leverages 'faith capital' for poverty-fighting projects
Leviticus Fund leverages 'faith capital' for poverty-fighting projects

For 10 years, Carlos Bolanos was homeless, but in November, he became a resident of 3500 Park Avenue Apartments, a 115-unit residence in the South Bronx developed and run by the nonprofit The Bridge with money lent from the Leviticus Fund. "I live in peace now," said Bolanos, seen here in the building's social hall. (GSR photo/Chris Herlinger) Global Sisters Report.

Image: Resurgent Taliban seeking out Afghan women and girls for marriage to their fighters; Christians also
Resurgent Taliban seeking out Afghan women and girls for marriage to their fighters; Christians also

A resurgent Taliban has taken control of huge swathes of Afghanistan, imposing a particularly harsh form of sharia (Islamic law) and forcing women and girls to marry Taliban fighters.  Barnabas Fund.


Image: Our impact investing journey: Sisters of St Joseph of Peace
Our impact investing journey: Sisters of St Joseph of Peace

Congregation Leader Sister Susan Francois. ‘The time is now to act, to put our values into action on behalf of Earth and all creation.’  Brightnow.

Image: Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers
Climate change, COVID point to need for radical turn to small farmers

The number of items on shelves in grocery stores gives the impression that "there's a tremendous amount of diversity in our food system, "But the reality is that all of that diversity of products in a grocery store is basically controlled by four to six companies."  Earthbeat.

Image: Irish give record amount to overseas aid - despite pandemic at home
Irish give record amount to overseas aid - despite pandemic at home

Launching the annual report today, Trócaire thanked the people of Ireland, north and south, for their remarkable support in helping to raise €73 million during one of the toughest years in living memory.  ICN.


Image: My life is frozen’: The asylum seekers condemned to a decade of limbo by Home Office delay
My life is frozen’: The asylum seekers condemned to a decade of limbo by Home Office delay

Special Report: The teenager unable to study, get a job or start her life. The refugee almost sent back to the country he fled. Figures reveal huge numbers of applications to stay in the UK have been languishing in the system for years.  The Independent.



$370MILLION OF FOOD IS WASTED ON FARMS.  Reducing this could support significant progress towards the SDGs of ‘No Poverty’ and ‘Zero Hunger’, particularly in low-income countries where postharvest waste amounts to 291 million tonnes each year.   WWF


Image: ‘They Have My Sister’: As Uyghurs Speak Out, China Targets Their Families
‘They Have My Sister’: As Uyghurs Speak Out, China Targets Their Families

Activists overseas who denounce China’s repression in Xinjiang have found that relatives back home were imprisoned, or worse.  New York Times.


Image: Global Amnesia; The Refugee Convention after 70 Years
Global Amnesia; The Refugee Convention after 70 Years

If the refugee flows of the Second World War had shown Arendt one thing, it was the powerlessness of those cast out of their political communities. Without citizenship, one could not assert their rights. There was no police to go to, no court to appeal, no politician to approach. One had just lost “the right to have rights”,


Image: Gender violence support groups receive £5m funding
Gender violence support groups receive £5m funding

Groups supporting women and girls who have suffered gender-based violence are to receive £5m of funding from the Scottish government.  The cash is to help the groups with the increased demand for their services during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Image: Charities raise alarm over suicides of young asylum seekers in UK
Charities raise alarm over suicides of young asylum seekers in UK

They highlight the alarming number of suicides they have discovered among teenage asylum seekers after fleeing persecution in their home countries, leaving their families behind and making difficult journeys to reach safety in the UK.  The Guardian.


Image: JRS condemns government's new Borders Bill
JRS condemns government's new Borders Bill

Sarah Teather Director of JRS UK said: "Today is a dark day in British history. Punishing people seeking safety for how they travelled to the UK is a shameful violation of our commitment to international law & puts many more lives at risk. Those seeking refuge on our shores deserve to be welcomed with humanity, and fair process - not a barbaric culture of hostility.  ICN.


Image: Scottish Child Payment: where next?
Scottish Child Payment: where next?

The Scottish Child Payment was introduced in February 2021 and is one of the main elements of the Scottish Government’s plans to reduce child poverty.  Spice


Image: The Penny-Pinchers Are Wrong
The Penny-Pinchers Are Wrong

The prospect of a cut in universal credit is not the only danger. A reduction of £40m in the budget for discretionary housing payments, awarded to struggling tenants by councils but funded by central government, is expected to drive up evictions and homelessness. The benefit cap, including the two-child limit, leaves larger families with no means to bridge the gap between income and costs. Last year, the number of households affected by the cap jumped by 100,000.  Guardian.



Image: Government wins vote to lock in cuts to overseas aid
Government wins vote to lock in cuts to overseas aid

Many Conservative MPs have spoken out against the move, announced last November despite a commitment to spending 0.7% in the party's 2019 election manifesto. Meeting the figure was made law in 2015.  BBC.

Image: Scottish Government Statement on Nicaragua
Scottish Government Statement on Nicaragua

The Scottish government have released a statement denouncing the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Nicaraguan government. The statement condemns the “recent arrest of opposition politicians, activists and journalists” and calls for the “release of all political prisoners immediately and without conditions”.

Image: Cuba: religious leaders targeted amid nationwide protests
Cuba: religious leaders targeted amid nationwide protests

In response, the government appears to have disconnected the internet in most of the island's major cities, but reports of violations targeting protesters and religious leaders have continued to emerge.  ICN.



Lives and livelihoods have been laid down for democracy. The economy is on the brink of collapse. The world must support the people’s quest to end military rule once and for all.  New Internationalist.


Image: The Story of Migration
The Story of Migration

Watch this short annimation on The Story Of Migration - Its time to rip up the old narratives and ask new questions about what drives migration #inequality #climatechange

Image: Human rights campaigner, Father Stan Swamy, dies after seven months in Indian prison
Human rights campaigner, Father Stan Swamy, dies after seven months in Indian prison

Father Stan was a Jesuit priest who dedicated his life to the marginalised. He was known in India for his tireless advocacy of the land rights of Adivasi and Dalit communities against multi-national companies and mining businesses.  Jesuits in Britian.

Image: Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,
Our future must be ‘sustainable’ and ‘just’,

Ahead of the G7 group of nations summit taking place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall from 11-13 June 2021, bishops William Nolan, Richard Moth and John Arnold representing the Catholic communities of England, Wales and Scotland have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to stress that we must work together to ensure a just and sustainable future for our global community.

Image: How one woman survived domestic slavery & fights for others
How one woman survived domestic slavery & fights for others

In an inspiring story of resilience in the face of horrific abuse, a Filipino woman has recounted how she survived domestic slavery in London to take on a leading role in the organization that rescued her.  FreedomUnited


Image: As COP26 approaches, here is how you can align your faith with your finances
As COP26 approaches, here is how you can align your faith with your finances

With COP26 described as the ‘last best chance' to address the climate crisis, our choice of bank is more critical than ever before. Sustainable banking enables us to align our finances with our values in a way that traditional banking, the evidence shows, simply cannot.  The Tablet.


Image: Nicaragua: Opposition politician and potential challenge to President arrested
Nicaragua: Opposition politician and potential challenge to President arrested

Nicaraguan opposition politician Christina Chamorro, is under house arrest, accused of money laundering, following a Police raid on her home.  Vatican News.


Image: Liord Alf Dubs Radio Interview
Liord Alf Dubs Radio Interview

In light of the announcement that Kent Council are having to consider turning away child refugees arriving there, Lord Alf Dubs speaks movingly in this radio interview about why we should accept child refugees and give them the support that they need.  The discussion begins at 01:05.


It’s the silent scourge of our globalized trade system: roughly 152 million children trapped in child labour, many of them working inside the global food chain. As the international community comes together to mark the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, the question remains more pertinent than ever: how can we eliminate child labour once and for all?

Image: Young Cornish Christians demand climate justice at G7 summit
Young Cornish Christians demand climate justice at G7 summit

A group of young Christians from across Cornwall are urging their peers to sign an open letter to World Leaders demanding climate justice ahead of the G7 summit.  ICN


Image: Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory
Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory

David Davis - among more than 30 Tories against the move - said some UK-backed schemes have already been cancelled and "morally, this is a devastating thing.  BBC.

Image: Christian Aid response to G7 finance meeting
Christian Aid response to G7 finance meeting

This is a big week for the Prime Minister. He must deliver far more ambitious commitments in Cornwall to secure vaccine equity, debt cancellation and climate finance


Image: Myanmar/Burma: Charities call for end to military strikes in Kayah State
Myanmar/Burma: Charities call for end to military strikes in Kayah State

The air strikes marked a worrying escalation of military attacks in the State, where four civilians were killed in an attack by the Myanmar army on a Catholic church in Kayan Thar Yar village on 24 May.  ICN.


Image: Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'
Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'

"Here, when you are hospitalized, you often have to take water with you. There's not enough for everyone." This is the situation in Kisantu, a town about 100 kilometers south of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Earthbeat.


Image: Investigation shows UK-made arms bombed Gaza
Investigation shows UK-made arms bombed Gaza

An investigation by Campaign Against the Arms Trade and the Independent has exposed the role that UK-made military equipment has played in the bombing campaign.  ICN.


Image:  Italian port workers refuse to load arms shipment destined for Israel
Italian port workers refuse to load arms shipment destined for Israel

A syndicate of port workers in the Italian city of Livorno in Tuscany on Friday protested a weapons and explosives shipment after discovering it was destined for the Israeli port of Ashdod.  The New Arab. 

Image: A Miracle is Needed
A Miracle is Needed

Reflections and Updates from the Holy Land by Sami El-Yousef, Chief Executive Officer, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, on 14 May 2021.

Image: Laudato Si Week
Laudato Si Week

Laudato Si’ Week 2021, to be held May 16-25, will be the crowning event of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year, and a celebration of the great progress the whole Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion.  Laudato Si’ Week 2021 will also be a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope.  Search the events happening here.


Image: Indigenous people's lives depend on their lands, but threats are growing worldwide
Indigenous people's lives depend on their lands, but threats are growing worldwide

"For years we have tried, but our voice is not heard, "We don't have freedom of expression right now, Our land is being taken, and it's destroying our life. Our life depends on the land."  EarthBeat.


Image: Urgent steps must be taken to reduce methane emissions this decade
Urgent steps must be taken to reduce methane emissions this decade

Because methane is a key ingredient in the formation of ground-level ozone (smog), a powerful climate forcer and dangerous air pollutant, a 45 per cent reduction would prevent 260 000 premature deaths, 775 000 asthma-related hospital visits, 73 billion hours of lost labour from extreme heat, and 25 million tonnes of crop losses annually.  UN Environment Programme.  


Image: ‘We thank your government for our full pockets’ – Calais smugglers speak
‘We thank your government for our full pockets’ – Calais smugglers speak

As the UK pours millions into security measures, migrants say the gangs who control the Channel just get more powerful.  The Guardian. 


Image: Statement on Jerusalem
Statement on Jerusalem

Statement of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem concerning the recent violence in Jerusalem.

Image: Bishops letter to Priti Patel in response to the 'New Plan For Immigration'
Bishops letter to Priti Patel in response to the 'New Plan For Immigration'

Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland has joined with Bishop Paul McAleenan of the English & Welsh Bishops Conference to write the following letter to Priti Patel in response to the UK governements proposed 'New Plan For Immigration'.

Image: World Fair Trade Day – May 8, 2021
World Fair Trade Day – May 8, 2021

World Fair Trade Day is on the second Saturday of May and its purpose is to celebrate the contributions to the fight against poverty, exploitation, and climate change. The Fair Trade movement is all about ensuring that workers around the globe are treated fairly with decent wages and working conditions. 


Image: India: 'We are paying the price for poor Covid-19 precautions'
India: 'We are paying the price for poor Covid-19 precautions'

Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi told Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) that lax Covid-19 safety earlier this year was to blame for the second wave.  ICN.

Image: The World Of Finance - Pope video 5th May 2021
The World Of Finance - Pope video 5th May 2021

“Regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers” — this is the proposal of Pope Francis for bringing the world of finance closer to the real economy and to the lives of ordinary people. #TheRealEconomy #ThePopeVideo

Image: ‘From complex to chaotic’: Myanmar coup shrinks frontline aid
‘From complex to chaotic’: Myanmar coup shrinks frontline aid

“We cannot openly transport humanitarian aid for displaced people; we have to pretend [the items] are for trading or other purposes.”  The Humanitarian.

Image: UK supermarkets threatening Brazil boycott over Amazon deforestation
UK supermarkets threatening Brazil boycott over Amazon deforestation

Retailers raise concerns over effort to legalise private occupation of public land they fear will see more forests burned and cleared for agriculture.  Independent.


Image: Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change
Global Vaccine Crisis Sends Ominous Signal for Fighting Climate Change

The gap between rich and poor countries on vaccinations highlights the failure of richer nations to see it in their self-interest to urgently help poorer ones fight a shared crisis.  The New York Times ​

Image: Human Trafficking & Exploitation Awareness Training
Human Trafficking & Exploitation Awareness Training

Learn to spot the signs of human trafficking in your community.  Justice & Peace Glasgow are facilitating a training event on Wednesday 19th May 2021.   Sign up here to take part in the Hope For Justice award winning tranining to ensure you can spot the signs and respond appropriately.

Image: Letter to UK Government on Immigration Plan
Letter to UK Government on Immigration Plan

76 charities, faith groups and community organisations express no consent for the proposals made as part of the #NewPlanforImmigration in a letter to the UK government.

Image: Don't like the governments new plan for immigration?  Take Action now.
Don't like the governments new plan for immigration?  Take Action now.

Being a refugee means you’re not going to get a visa to travel. That’s the problem with oppressive regimes – they don’t do things by the book. So, it’s not really fair to say that because a desperate refugee travels ‘illegally’ they don’t deserve our help.  Care4Calais

Image: UK Military Spending: Speak Out In Your Local Media 
UK Military Spending: Speak Out In Your Local Media 

The UK has increased its nuclear warheads by 44%, while cutting aid to the world’s poorest by 30%. #DefundTheMilitary. Where do you think the UK’s military budget should be spent instead? CAAT Campaign.

Image: Pope Francis: Migrants should never be denied aid
Pope Francis: Migrants should never be denied aid

"We ought to be ashamed" the Holy Father said. "For two whole days they begged in vain for help. Help that never came... They are people. Human beings." ICN.


Image: Nearly 17 child migrants a day vanished in Europe since 2018
Nearly 17 child migrants a day vanished in Europe since 2018

Investigation finds one in six were solo and under 15, as experts say cross-border cooperation ‘nonexistent’   The Guardian.  Photograph: Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP/Getty

Image: And this is where the debate around climate change ends...
And this is where the debate around climate change ends...

Because no one in Farida's village asks 'is climate change real?'
They ask what will we eat now that the floods have destroyed our crops?
Where we will sleep tonight, with our house underwater?   Tradecraft.


Image: Schools 'can be weapons against poverty’
Schools 'can be weapons against poverty’

Anti-poverty work in schools should be based on human rights and empowering pupils, not charity, says report.  TES Scotland


Image: A letter from the Catholic Bishops of Scotland
A letter from the Catholic Bishops of Scotland

Putting Human Life and  Dignity at the Centre.  On the run up to the Scottish Parliament elections on 6th May 2021 the Catholic bishops of Scotland have released the following letter.

Image: Marcus Rashford launches book club for disadvantaged children
Marcus Rashford launches book club for disadvantaged children

Footballer Marcus Rashford has launched a book club to get disadvantaged children reading more.  The England and Manchester United striker has teamed up with publisher Macmillan Children's which will donate 50,000 books.  They will be distributed in more than 850 primary schools across England and Scotland through children's food charity Magic Breakfast.  BBC - picture Getty images.


Image: Human-monkey embryo ‘deeply unethical,’ says Catholic bioethicist
Human-monkey embryo ‘deeply unethical,’ says Catholic bioethicist

The scientific journal Cell published the findings of a U.S.-Chinese team of scientists who placed human stem cells – which have the ability to turn into different types of tissue – into the embryo of a long-tailed macaque monkey, creating a chimera embryo with cells developing from the two different species. CRUX

Image: Being Human in the Asylum System
Being Human in the Asylum System

JRS UK report seeks to envisage a just and person-centred asylum system by bringing refugee experience and policy analysis into conversation with Catholic Social Teaching, against the backdrop of new, deeply troubling government proposals for an overhaul of the asylum system.

Image: Myanmar coup: 'Dozens killed' in military crackdown in Bago
Myanmar coup: 'Dozens killed' in military crackdown in Bago

More than 80 people have been killed by Myanmar security forces in a crackdown on a protest in the city of Bago, activists say. BBC, image Reuters.

Image: Exterminating poverty, or the poor? A Scottish doctor's story
Exterminating poverty, or the poor? A Scottish doctor's story

Monday 26th April.  Mark H Sutherland & Neil Sutherland, authors of ‘Exterminating Poverty’, will tell the true story of how a Scottish doctor took on Marie Stopes 100 years ago, and why this matters today.  

Image: Vatican issues guide for response to climate migration
Vatican issues guide for response to climate migration

Pope Francis says the new booklet "urges us to see the tragedy of prolonged uprootedness that causes our brothers and sisters to cry out, year after year… it invites us to become aware of the indifference of societies and governments to this tragedy. It asks us to see, and to care."  ICN

Image: Christian groups urge NatWest to divest from nuclear weapons
Christian groups urge NatWest to divest from nuclear weapons

40+ organisations that have signed a letter to NatWest Group CEO Alison Rose to update the group's defence sector policy to reflect that nuclear weapons are now prohibited under international law. The call comes following widespread condemnation of the UK government's decision to increase the cap on the nuclear weapons in its stockpile by up to 40%.  ICN

Image: Bishop: People of Tigray at the heart of Christ's Passion
Bishop: People of Tigray at the heart of Christ's Passion

Let us remember that as we celebrate Easter Sunday, many people - especially those in Tigray - remain at the heart of the Passion. They struggle to reach Easter Sunday."  ICN.


Image: With new ferry named for her, Dorothy Day still moving workers
With new ferry named for her, Dorothy Day still moving workers

“blessing to see Dorothy honored as her journey progresses towards canonization and that a ferry bearing her name will transport workers, to whose dignity she dedicated the Catholic Worker Movement.”

Image: Audit Scotland report: Scotland's education attainment gap 'remains wide'
Audit Scotland report: Scotland's education attainment gap 'remains wide'

EIS general secretary Larry Flanagan said: “The impact of poverty on children’s life chances remains a matter of huge concern, and much more needs to be done to support young people living in poverty to overcome the barriers that they continue to face.  The Scotsman.

Image: Suicidal thoughts soar among Scots struggling to cope in pandemic
Suicidal thoughts soar among Scots struggling to cope in pandemic

Feelings of loneliness and hopelessness may be on the rise in Scotland, but less people are anxious about the pandemic itself.  It is important to remember that the experience of the past year has not been shared equally by everyone. We have all been in the same storm, but we have not all been in the same boat.  Glasgow Live.  Image PA.


Image: Mum's dying wish to see Glasgow orphan 'grow up as a Scottish boy'
Mum's dying wish to see Glasgow orphan 'grow up as a Scottish boy'

Over 90,000 people have signed a petition calling for Giorgi Kakava, 13, to be allowed to stay in Glasgow permanently after his leave to remain in the UK has expired.  Glasgow Live.


Image: This map shows how air pollution changed in 2020
This map shows how air pollution changed in 2020

The pandemic brought some big improvements—but many cities still had unsafe air. “We certainly hope that we can learn these lessons, and that we can see that human beings are the source of pollution and we can do something about it, It’s not just the weather, it’s us. And not only can we stop the cycle, but we can make improvements that will turn the tide.”  image IQ Air 


Image: It's Time to Act On Climate Justice
It's Time to Act On Climate Justice

The climate emergency hasn't gone away and it's time to act.  With the Scottish elections almost upon us it is important that we all take the time to talk to all of the candidates in our areas about climate justice.  Together lets raise our voices for climate justice here in Scotland and across the world. Campaign video.

Image: Fukushima’s tragic legacy—radioactive soil, ongoing leaks, and unanswered questions
Fukushima’s tragic legacy—radioactive soil, ongoing leaks, and unanswered questions

The ripple effects from one of the world’s worst nuclear catastrophes continue after a decade, with implications for human health and remediation efforts.  National Geographic 

Image: Vigil For Syria
Vigil For Syria
Monday 15th March 2021

Join an online Vigil for Syria, marking ten years of the Syrian conflict, as a public expression of solidarity with the Syrian people and Syrian refugees here in Scotland and in other countries. You are also invited to light and candle and post a picture to social media with the hashtag  #ScotlandWithSyria 

Image: Myanmar / Burma Day of Prayer
Myanmar / Burma Day of Prayer
Monday 15th March 2021 at 7pm

In response to the recent military coup, Cardinal Charles Bo will join the Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) annual day of prayer.  Register to join and to pray for Myanmar/Burma at this critical time.

Image: Faith in the Time of Covid - Rt Hon Gordon Brown
Faith in the Time of Covid - Rt Hon Gordon Brown

As Part of their series of talks - 'Faith in the Time of Covid' - by the Archdiocese of St Andrew's & Edinburgh, The Rt Hon Gordon Brown gives this talk highlighting the importance of Catholic Social Teaching.

Image: The pope's historic visit to Iraq
The pope's historic visit to Iraq

Over the course of three days, the pope traveled across the country as no foreign head of state has done for years. He went to several different towns and cities in full view of all.  La Croix International.  Image AFP.

Divestment and the Just and Green Recovery

We wish to demonstrate the support of the Scottish Churches for urgent action in response to the climate crisis and to support a just and green recovery from Covid-19 as Scotland prepares to host the UN climate talks, COP26 (1-12 November 2021).

Image: International Women's Day a mockery for Chinese women
International Women's Day a mockery for Chinese women

International Women's Day will not be celebrated by hundreds of millions of Chinese women who live under the iron fist of the Two Child Policy, many of whom have been victims of forced abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy. ICN.

Image: Myanmar: Two young people killed in compound of Catholic Cathedral
Myanmar: Two young people killed in compound of Catholic Cathedral

Two young people were shot dead and seven were injured in the grounds of a Catholic Cathedral in Myanmar on Monday. ICN.

Image: International Women's Day: Remembering Berta Caceres
International Women's Day: Remembering Berta Caceres

A case could be made that Berta was a 'Laudato Si' martyr, in a long line of martyrs defending the Earth. As co-founder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras (COPINH), Berta had led the Lenca people and other indigenous communities in a non-violent struggle for the integrity of their territories and their sovereignty.  ICN

Image: UK cuts aid to Yemen while approving more arms sales to Saudis
UK cuts aid to Yemen while approving more arms sales to Saudis

The UK's biggest arms company, BAE Systems, has made £15 billion in revenue from services and sales to Saudi Arabia since 2015.  This is a time to work for peace, not profit.  ICN.



Image: Poverty & Pandemic panel discussion
Poverty & Pandemic panel discussion

The challenges of COVID haven't gone away. Across the country we see the front line of inequality. How do we respond? How do we do better?  ICN

Image: What is it like to be a woman in Yemen?
What is it like to be a woman in Yemen?

Violence. Poverty. Starvation. This is the dire reality for millions of Yemenis suffering through the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. More than 20 million people need humanitarian assistance and at least 5 million are just one step away from famine. But it’s women who have had to endure the most.  UNHCR.

Image: Peace is possible. Peace is the only way.
Peace is possible. Peace is the only way.

Statement of the Executive Committee of Justice & Peace Europe on the situation in Myanmar.

Image: Mars, Nestlé and Hershey to face child slavery lawsuit in US
Mars, Nestlé and Hershey to face child slavery lawsuit in US

All eight plaintiffs describe being recruited in Mali through trickery and deception, before being trafficked across the border to cocoa farms in Ivory Coast. There, they were forced to work – often for several years or more – with no pay, no travel documents and no clear idea of where they were or how to get back to their families. The Guardian.


Image: Call for new Beveridge report as number of destitute UK households doubles during Covid
Call for new Beveridge report as number of destitute UK households doubles during Covid

Amid growing concerns over the unequal impact the crisis has had on the poor and low-paid, it has emerged that there were 220,000 more households living in destitution by the end of last year, potentially more than half a million people.  The Guardian.


Image: Myanmar: Bishops urge military to stop violence
Myanmar: Bishops urge military to stop violence

Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Myanmar on Monday in one of the largest demonstrations yet, against the military coup which took place three weeks ago.  ICN


22 February to 7 March 2021

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks. mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid.  Join one of the Fairtrade events over the next 2 weeks.

Image: Poverty & Pandemic Webinar
Poverty & Pandemic Webinar

Justice and Peace Scotland invites you to join us for a discussion of the impact of the pandemic drawing on the experience of our panel. Together we will share, reflect and start to identify how the church can be ready and prepared in our communities to meet the challenges which remain.  Sunday 7th March @ 4.30pm.

Image: Urge Scotland’s political leaders to act now on poverty
Urge Scotland’s political leaders to act now on poverty

In Scotland and across the world, COVID-19 is magnifying existing injustices.  As we look to recover from COVID-19, will our political leaders choose to return to ‘business as usual’, pursuing policies that wreck our planet and trap people in poverty or will they make the bold choice to do things differently?  OXFAM.


Image: Syria: Archbishop appeals for end to punishing sanctions
Syria: Archbishop appeals for end to punishing sanctions

Western sanctions against the Syrian government have plunged the country's people into abject poverty but have left the Assad regime unaffected.  ICN.



Cardinal Vincent Nichols, preaching in Westminster Cathedral at a Mass for the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, warns that the COVID-19 pandemic has created an order of people in distress, poverty, isolation and anxiety – something that ruthless traffickers are quick to exploit.  Santa Marta Group.


Image: 'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds
'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds

Pollution from power plants, vehicles and other sources accounted for one in five of all deaths that year, more detailed analysis reveals.  Guardian.


Image: Open Wounds
Open Wounds

Human Trafficking and modern slavery is a huge problem in every part of the world as well as here in Scotland.  Bishop Nolan, Bishop McGee, Apostleship of the Sea , Jenny Marra MSP as well as survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery explain in our video - Open Wound.


Image: Scores of refugee children illegally detained after crossing Channel
Scores of refugee children illegally detained after crossing Channel

Exclusive: Experts warn child welfare ‘gravely at risk’ as new data shows unaccompanied minors locked up for days in breach of law because of ‘broken’ transfer system.  The Independent.


Image: Tackling Human Trafficking, inspired by St Josephine Bakhita
Tackling Human Trafficking, inspired by St Josephine Bakhita

The Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, is marked on 8th February. Who was Josephine Bakhita? She was kidnapped at the age of nine and sold into slavery in her native Sudan, experiencing the moral and physical humiliations associated with slavery.  ICN.


Image: Asylum seekers tell of dire conditions at Kent barracks after fire
Asylum seekers tell of dire conditions at Kent barracks after fire

Asylum seekers at Napier barracks say they have been left without electricity, heating or drinking water.  The Guardian.

Image: calls for immediate release of political leaders
calls for immediate release of political leaders

Christian Solidarity Worldwide has unequivocally condemned the arrest of Burma's democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi Kyi, and other political leaders, and called for their immediate release.  ICN


Image: Behind closed bedroom doors, a teenage mental health crisis is brewing
Behind closed bedroom doors, a teenage mental health crisis is brewing

In the dark depths of January, the fear is more for kids with all the stuffing knocked out of them; teenagers spending the whole day huddled miserably under duvets, refusing to complete online lessons, or mentally checking out.  The Guardian.


Image: For Women Who Are Victims Of Violence - Pope Video
For Women Who Are Victims Of Violence - Pope Video

Anxious about the pandemic, and rightly concerned about just sharing of the new life-saving vaccines with the world's poorest, we might forget this continuing epidemic, of violence against women, to which there has so far been no effective inoculation.

Image: Holy Land Coordination 2021
Holy Land Coordination 2021

15 Catholic bishops from across the globe, who make up the Holy Land Coordination Group, have issued the following communique in solidarity with the people of the Holy Land. Image - Jerusalem.

Image: UK diplomats told to cut up to 70% from overseas aid budget
UK diplomats told to cut up to 70% from overseas aid budget

Officials have just weeks to slash costs, prompting fears that speed of cuts could cost lives. The Guardian.


Image: Having a safe home can be a matter of life and death. Petition to ScotGov
Having a safe home can be a matter of life and death. Petition to ScotGov

2020 has shown us that having access to a safe home can be a matter of life and death. The tens of thousands of people who do not have safe and affordable home are looking for a clear statement of intent i​​​​​​n this week’s Budget from the Scottish Government that it will keep building until we have the homes we need


Image: Coronavirus: Seafarers stuck at sea ‘a humanitarian crisis’
Coronavirus: Seafarers stuck at sea ‘a humanitarian crisis’

The fate of more than 200,000 seafarers who play a crucial role in keeping global trade flowing is being labelled a "humanitarian crisis at sea".  BBC.

Image: Global Day of Action - No To War In Yemem 
Global Day of Action - No To War In Yemem 

Organisations from across the world are coming together to call an international day of action against the Saudi-led War on Yemen on January 25th 2021.

Image: Booking Now: Crisis in Yemen  J&P Scotland online event
Booking Now: Crisis in Yemen  J&P Scotland online event

Ahead of the International Day of Action for Yemen (Monday 25th January) Justice and Peace Scotland invites you to hear more about the devastating links between arms manufactures here and the devastating conflict in Yemen on Sunday 24 January 2021 at 4.30pm. ICN.


Image: Martin Luther King Jr Day 
Martin Luther King Jr Day 

Sadly, it is still true that the "colour of our skin" often matters more in our society than the "content of our character," as Rev Martin Luther King, Jr, said a half-century ago.  ICN.




It’s snowing in Calais today and there are over 600 people sleeping outside without adequate clothing, footwear or shelter. They are huddling under bridges and in car parks because everywhere they try to camp the trees are cut down and the police move them on.


Image: ‘Extreme urgent need’: Starvation haunts Ethiopia’s Tigray
‘Extreme urgent need’: Starvation haunts Ethiopia’s Tigray

From “emaciated” refugees to crops burned on the brink of harvest, starvation threatens the survivors of more than two months of fighting in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. CFRUX. Picture: Catholic Relief Services.


Image: Campaigners welcome UN treaty banning nuclear weapons
Campaigners welcome UN treaty banning nuclear weapons

"The entry into force of the ban treaty signals a massive change globally. Recognising that nuclear weapons are one of the greatest threats to humanity - the countries of the United Nations have outlawed them. Countries which everyday threaten to launch nuclear weapons are outside the norm of civilized society.  ICN.

Image: Asylum seekers on hunger strike over conditions at Kent barracks site
Asylum seekers on hunger strike over conditions at Kent barracks site

Hundreds of asylum seekers are reportedly on hunger strike at a former army barracks in Kent being used as temporary housing, amid allegations conditions at the site are worsening.  The Guardian.

Image: Thousands of racist incidents reported in Scottish schools
Thousands of racist incidents reported in Scottish schools

MINISTERS have been told to do more to prevent racist bullying and introduce compulsory recording of abuse after more than 2,200 incidents were reported in schools in the last three years.  The Herald.



Image: Reflection from Bethlehem - Recording
Reflection from Bethlehem - Recording

Our recent online event - A reflection on Bethlehem - was sold out, however if you missed out or would like to watch it again this recording captures the event.

Image: Revealed: shocking death toll of asylum seekers in Home Office accommodation
Revealed: shocking death toll of asylum seekers in Home Office accommodation

Freedom of Information response shows 29 people died – five times as many as lost their lives in perilous Channel crossings.  Guardian.


“the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by”.  "The time has come to change direction," he said. "Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in a better future."  message from Pope Francis to The Economy of Francesco Conference.


Image: Children ripping bags open for food’ during pandemic
Children ripping bags open for food’ during pandemic

The poorest communities have been hit hardest during the Covid-19 pandemic.  BBC analysis shows the death rate from all causes between April and June this year in the most deprived areas was nearly double that of deaths in the least deprived parts of England. Filmed and edited by Phillip Edwards. Produced by Louise Martin.  BBC

Image: International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women
International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

As countries implemented lockdown measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, violence against women, especially domestic violence, intensified – in some countries, calls to helplines have increased five-fold.


Image: Pope Francis talks about Uighurs, George Floyd and Universal Basic Income in new interview
Pope Francis talks about Uighurs, George Floyd and Universal Basic Income in new interview

The book, Let Us Dream, which will be published by Simon & Schuster on Dec. 1, is the product of a series of exchanges between the pope and Austen Ivereigh, his English-language biographer. It is an extended reflection on the change Pope Francis sees as necessary in building a post-Covid world. It is in this context that he addresses several hot-button issues.


Image: Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation
Indian factory workers supplying major brands allege routine exploitation

Indian workers in factories supplying the supermarket chains Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury's, and the fashion brand Ralph Lauren, told the BBC they are being subjected to exploitative conditions.


Image: Surviving torture in a Syrian prison made me who I am today
Surviving torture in a Syrian prison made me who I am today

Suppressing political opponents through force and torture is what dictators do. Today, for merely calling for their freedom, more than 100,000 civilians are suffering in Syria’s detention centres. I used to be one of them when I was still just a child.  Aljazeera.

Image: Priti Patel not following her own anti-trafficking policy, judge rules
Priti Patel not following her own anti-trafficking policy, judge rules

Ruling could halt deportation of hundreds of asylum seekers who arrived in UK during pandemic.  The Guardian. 


Image: challenging the deep virus of racism
challenging the deep virus of racism

To presume there is a single silver bullet capable of instant eradication of racism would be naïve in the extreme. What is needed is the support for many and multiple actions... to challenge the deep virus that is racism. Passionists.


Image: Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ)
Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ)

 Catholic Association for Racial Justice - AGM looks at 'Institutional Racism in the Church'.  ICN

Image: ‘They just don’t care’
‘They just don’t care’

Millions of garment workers facing destitution as Britain’s high street billionaires fail to honour contracts.  Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin of the unsustainable fast fashion industry. But with some retailers failing to share the economic pain with suppliers, its demise could be fatal for millions of workers.  The Independent.  


Image: In a year full of protests against racism, the first Black U.S. Cardinal comes at a historic moment
In a year full of protests against racism, the first Black U.S. Cardinal comes at a historic moment

Washington D.C. Archbishop Wilton Gregory is set to become the first Black U.S. prelate to assume the rank of cardinal in the Catholic Church, a historic appointment that comes months after nationwide demonstrations against racial injustice. America, The Jesuit Review.

Image: Councils to receive more than £10m to cover free school meals during holidays
Councils to receive more than £10m to cover free school meals during holidays

Free school meals in Scotland will be extended to cover upcoming holidays, the Social Security Secretary has announced.  Evening Express.

Image: Introducing Our Speakers - Conversation on Migration
Introducing Our Speakers - Conversation on Migration

Join us on Tuesday 27th October at 7.45pm to hear from 3 inspirational people working on the frontline of the refugee crisis. 

Image: Open Wounds
Open Wounds

Justice & Peace Scotland's video on modern slavery marking anti slavery day on 18th October.


Image: Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation
Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation

Film Competition!  Renate are inviting 16-24 year olds to enter a 4 minute video on human trafficking to their film festival.

Image: Thousands of victims of child trafficking denied right to stay in the UK
Thousands of victims of child trafficking denied right to stay in the UK

New data reveals significant number of young vulnerable people put at risk of deportation by the Home Office.  The Guardian.


Image: The squalor inside ex-MoD camps being used to house refugees
The squalor inside ex-MoD camps being used to house refugees

Human rights groups demand action over the ‘unsanitary and unsuitable’ former barracks converted by the Home Office.  The Guardian.

Image: Online event to focus on human trafficking
Online event to focus on human trafficking

RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation) is hosting an online event on 18 October 2020, from 6-7pm BST, to celebrate the European Day Against Human Trafficking. ICN

Image: Fratelli Tutti - UK bishop says new encyclical on human fraternity can ‘transform the world’
Fratelli Tutti - UK bishop says new encyclical on human fraternity can ‘transform the world’

Pope Francis is presenting the Church’s “consistent message” and is inviting individuals and nations to “slow down and to listen and to engage with our brothers and sisters,” CRUX.

Image: Black speakers and creatives are being asked for to work for free this Black History Month.
Black speakers and creatives are being asked for to work for free this Black History Month.

It appears that the belief that black people ought to be ‘grateful’ that we are even in the room has now evolved into an expectation that we should be grateful that Black History Month is recognised at all. inews (Photo: Yui Mok/PA Wire Pho: Yui Mok)

Image: Air force accused of war crimes in Yemen using Scots airports to train pilots
Air force accused of war crimes in Yemen using Scots airports to train pilots
The UK has given £1 billion in aid to Yemen, but has licensed £6.5 billion worth of arms to countries bombing it including Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The Sunday Post.
Image: The Parable of the Living Wage?
The Parable of the Living Wage?

Fr Jack Mahoney continues his ‘Getting the Point’ series by discussing how Jesus’ parables used familiar, everyday situations to illustrate truths about God, and suggests how the behaviour of the employer in this parable might prompt us to think about our idea of justice.

Image: Addressing Emerging Human Trafficking trends post Covid-19
Addressing Emerging Human Trafficking trends post Covid-19

“There is a person being exploited. Someone who did not want to be used, bought or sold. Someone who just needed food, rent, someone who just didn’t have anyone else to turn to or another choice. Until we see that person as our friend, neighbor, sister, daughter, etc., it will never stop.” Female survivor from the United States.

Image: Peace and Justice for Belarus
Peace and Justice for Belarus

Statement of the Executive Committee of Justice & Peace Europe on the current situation in Belarus in which is extended a call for all Christians to unite and recite the  Lord's prayer on Tuesday 18th August 2020 at 4pm UK time to pray for Truth, Justice & Peace in Belarus.  The picture shows a large crowd of protesters in Belarus.

Image: 75 years on from the first atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
75 years on from the first atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

We are very thankful that Pope Francis and our Bishops are unequivocal in their stance on nuclear weapons stating clearly that possession as well as the threat of use of nuclear arms is immoral.  We also give thanks that on the 6th August (the anniversary of the nuclear bombing at Hiroshima) Ireland, Nigeria, Niue ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and yesterday on 9th August (the 75th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki) the Caribbean nation of St Kitts and Nevis also ratified the treaty!

44 nations have now signed the treaty - 50 nations are needed to sign up to bring the treaty into force....we are so close.

Image: Allowing asylum seekers to work could raise £100m in tax revenues, report finds
Allowing asylum seekers to work could raise £100m in tax revenues, report finds

If people seeking asylum had the right to work six months after making their initial claim it would lead to increased income tax and National Insurance as well as fewer support payments, research suggests.  The Indpendent.

Image: Trafficking a scourge against human dignity
Trafficking a scourge against human dignity

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Argentina recently held an online seminar to mark the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons receiving a personal message from Pope Francis.

Image: Pope prays for Nicaragua after cathedral bombing
Pope prays for Nicaragua after cathedral bombing

The incident is the latest in a string of attacks on churches in recent weeks amid deep-seeded tensions between Nicaragua’s bishops and President Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo, who serves as the country’s vice president.

Image: Hundreds of Saudi and Gulf military personnel trained in Britain as Yemen war continues
Hundreds of Saudi and Gulf military personnel trained in Britain as Yemen war continues
New data shows Britain’s Royal Air Force trained Saudi personnel in 2019 on fighter jets used to bomb civilians in Yemen – a country on the brink of famine – while UK soldiers coached other forces in the Saudi-led coalition at nearly a dozen army bases in Britain.
Image: “Stop treating people like pieces on a chessboard:” Sabir Zazai responds to Park Inn tragedy.
“Stop treating people like pieces on a chessboard:” Sabir Zazai responds to Park Inn tragedy.

Scottish Refugee Council CEO, Sabir Zazai reveals anger over ‘abject failures’ of the Home Office and discusses how hostile asylum policies are out of touch with Scottish public opinion.

Image:  Israeli Unilateral Annexation Plans
Israeli Unilateral Annexation Plans

A Statement by the Patriarchs and Heads of the Holy Land Churches on
Israeli Unilateral Annexation Plans
(May 7, 2020)

Image: UK arms firms deal with regime accused of torturing children
UK arms firms deal with regime accused of torturing children

THE UK Government and arms firms based in Scotland have been condemned over deals with Egypt after a new report revealed the ruling regime tortures children by waterboarding and electrocution.  The National.

Image: Humanitarians call for end to Syria’s civil war, entering 10th year
Humanitarians call for end to Syria’s civil war, entering 10th year

Humanitarians caring for displaced Syrians in and outside their country are calling for an end to Syria’s brutal civil war as it enters its 10th year. The magnitude of displacement, death and destruction in Syria marks one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises right now.  CRUX.

Image: Immigration Detention Toolkit
Immigration Detention Toolkit
This Toolkit has information about: the right of appeal; grounds for appeal; submitting your appeal application; fees; what to do after submitting your appeal; the appeal hearing; and the decision.
Image: The right to food?
The right to food?

What’s the appetite in our Christian communities for advocating for the human right to food in the UK?.  A participatory workshop.  10.30am – 4.00pm, Thursday 2 April 2020 at the Iona Community offices, 21 Carlton Court, Glasgow G5 9JP.

Image: Slave Free Lent
Slave Free Lent

Many of the products we use and buy every day are made by women, men and even children trapped in slavery. Join the 40-day journey to begin to live #SlaveFree this Lent.

Image: 'I get a lot of love': how hope survives in the hell of Moria
'I get a lot of love': how hope survives in the hell of Moria

The refugee camp is notorious for its overcrowding, fires and riots. But for the people who live there, life goes on – and every day brings new stories of resilience, bravery and compassion.  Guardian.

Image: Errol Graham's family tells DWP to act after he starved to death
Errol Graham's family tells DWP to act after he starved to death

Family of 57-year-old who starved to death say safeguarding systems are inadequate.  Guardian.

Image: 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz

Monday 27th January 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. The Council of European Bishops' Conferences and the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union have issued the following statement.

Image: Opposition MPs condemn government after defeat of Dubs measure on child refugees
Opposition MPs condemn government after defeat of Dubs measure on child refugees

Boris Johnson’s Brexit bill has cleared its last hurdle after the government overturned five House of Lords amendments to it, including one that would have restored the right of unaccompanied child refugees to be reunited with their families in the UK.  The Guardian.

Image: How a boy from Vietnam became a slave on a UK cannabis farm
How a boy from Vietnam became a slave on a UK cannabis farm

It was a horrifying death for the 39 Vietnamese nationals found in the back of a trailer in an industrial park in Essex, in October last year. The story shone a light on the subterranean world of people smuggling and human trafficking, reports Cat McShane, specifically the thriving route between Vietnam and the UK.  BBC.

Image: Holy Land Coordination 2020
Holy Land Coordination 2020

The Holy Land Coordination of Bishops have released this statement following their visit to Christians in the Holy Land this year.



Senior faith leaders in Scotland today (Wednesday 3 December) announce their support for The World’s Big Sleep Out and join the movement to eradicate homelessness across the globe.

Image: Glasgow faces homeless crisis with asylum seeker evictions
Glasgow faces homeless crisis with asylum seeker evictions

With temperatures plunging, night shelters scramble to deal with fallout after court ruled to allow ‘lock-change evictions’ The Guardian.

Image: St Andrew's Day Dungavel Solidarity Gathering
St Andrew's Day Dungavel Solidarity Gathering

The St Andrew's Day Dungavel Solidarity Gathering took place on Sunday 24th November.  Bishop Nolan, President of Justice and Peace Scotland once again supported this protest.  Addressing the protesters he called out the hostile tactics of the Home Office and extended a welcome to those seeking sanctuary in Scotland.  

Image: Know Your Rights
Know Your Rights

The Scottish Refugee Council have produced information posters giving advice and contact information in six languages including English, Kurdish Sorani, Mandarin, Arabic, Amharic and Farsi for asylum seekers faced with eviction.

Image: Asylum seeker lock-change evictions lawful, says Scottish court
Asylum seeker lock-change evictions lawful, says Scottish court

Over 300 men and women at risk of immediate street homelessness as Scotland's highest court has ruled that lock-change evictions of asylum seekers without court orders are lawful.  BBC.

Image: Senior pupils discover the heartache of human trafficking
Senior pupils discover the heartache of human trafficking

Catholic high school pupils from Glasgow Archdiocese have learned about the horrific conditions faced by victims of human trafficking and modern slavery from a play performed at their school.  Scottish Catholic Observer.

Image: Reflection: On dying in a container lorry
Reflection: On dying in a container lorry

Perhaps the next time we get caught in traffic behind a container lorry we should each take the chance to ask ourselves: how desperate would I have to be to let myself be locked in such an airless, unlit, unheated metal box

Image: Priest and nun arrested in climate change protests
Priest and nun arrested in climate change protests

Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell from Birmingham and Sister Katrina Alton of the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace, have both been arrested in recent days as part of the climate change protests in London.  ICN.

Image:  End Orphanage Child Trafficking
End Orphanage Child Trafficking

Criminals are profiting from the trafficking and abuse of children in orphanages around the world. Traffickers, attracted by the funding orphanages receive from donations and organizations offering ‘voluntourism’ placements, effectively turn children into commodities by ensuring there is a constant supply of children available to attract funding. Freedom United.  

Image: Poverty in Scotland 2019
Poverty in Scotland 2019

This research looks at the impact that governments have had on poverty in Scotland over the past 20 years and how this evidence can be used to inform policy development for the future. It underlines the importance of housing costs, alongside social security and work, in solving poverty in Scotland.  JRF report.

Image: Number of migrants intercepted in Channel is highest in one day
Number of migrants intercepted in Channel is highest in one day

Eighty-six migrants have been intercepted trying to cross the English channel in small dinghies, the Home Office has said.  Sky News.

Image: Home Office planning to end family reunion for children after Brexit
Home Office planning to end family reunion for children after Brexit

The Home Office is preparing to end the current system of family reunification for asylum-seeking children if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.  The Guardian.

Image: Amazon forest fires show the need for a Business & Human Rights Treaty
Amazon forest fires show the need for a Business & Human Rights Treaty

Trócaire is gravely concerned about the impact of the catastrophic fires blazing throughout the Amazon forest.

Image: Catholic groups welcome court decision to prevent forced evictions of refugees
Catholic groups welcome court decision to prevent forced evictions of refugees

Catholic campaigners have welcomed a move by Glasgow Sheriff Court that halted a series of evictions of asylum seekers. Scottish Catholic Observer.  

Image: Activists plead with Church to shelter evicted refugees
Activists plead with Church to shelter evicted refugees

Catholic human rights campaigners have written to the Archbishop of Glasgow asking for asylum seekers affected by Serco’s lock-change evictions to be temporarily housed in disused Church property. Scottish Catholic Observer.

Image: ‘The land where we lived has gone' – the life story of a Rohingya refugee
‘The land where we lived has gone' – the life story of a Rohingya refugee

As a young man Habiburahman fled oppression in his native Myanmar and lives, stateless, in Australia. Now he has written a book about his struggle – and his suffering people.  Guardian.

Image: Parliamentarians debate the urgent need to protect victims of trafficking from indefinite immigratio
Parliamentarians debate the urgent need to protect victims of trafficking from indefinite immigratio

Recently, Jess Phillips MP led a debate on the detention of survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery. This follows the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS UK) giving evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC) last week as part of their inquiry into Modern Slavery. The debate draws upon a number of recently published reports surrounding victims of trafficking in detention, and the urgent need for reform. Further information on the debate here.

JRS UK gives evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee

Image: Home Office advice on trafficked women from Nigeria sparks outrage
Home Office advice on trafficked women from Nigeria sparks outrage

Trafficked women can return to Africa ‘wealthy and held in high regard’, says guidance. The Guardian.

Image: 'Sea Rescues Have Been Criminalized' as Boat Captain Faces 20 Years in Prison For Saving Refugees
'Sea Rescues Have Been Criminalized' as Boat Captain Faces 20 Years in Prison For Saving Refugees

"We have only followed international law, especially the law of the sea, where the highest priority is to save people from distress." Common Dreams - image seawatch

Image: Archdiocese to consider using church property as safe houses for trafficking victims
Archdiocese to consider using church property as safe houses for trafficking victims

St Andrews & Edinburgh Archdiocese is to consider using empty Church property as safe houses for victims of human trafficking.  Scottish Catholic Observer.

Image: Speak Up
Speak Up

Speak Up is a young person’s guide to intervening in a hate crime situation.
This resource is intended to help young people intervene in situations where someone is the target of hate behaviour. It introduces our approach to being an Active Bystander.

It is aimed at 11-16 year olds but could be used as a training tool for peer educators and youth workers.

Image: Catholic officials troubled by report of ‘at risk’ adults in UK immigration center
Catholic officials troubled by report of ‘at risk’ adults in UK immigration center

The BBC Scotland report said government data from Dec. 31, 2018, shows that 61 people were detained at the Dungavel Immigration Removal Center in South Lanarkshire, and of those 24, or 39 percent, were vulnerable adults.

Image: The Home Office shames us all by its callous attitude to child refugees
The Home Office shames us all by its callous attitude to child refugees

Anyone horrified in 2017 by the government’s shamefully inadequate response to helping lone child refugees trapped in makeshift camps in France should know that the situation has become even worse, with reports that the Dubs scheme (to get unaccompanied minors safely to the UK) is to be stopped.

Image: The Common Good and our Common Seas Conference
The Common Good and our Common Seas Conference

An international conference on the seas took place in Copenhagen, Denmark 3 - 5 May 2019.  Justice and Peace Scotland was represented by Bishop Nolan, President and Grace Buckley, European representative.  

Image: Faith Leaders Commit to Tackle Slavery
Faith Leaders Commit to Tackle Slavery

Bishop Nolan, President of Justice and Peace Scotland attended the 'Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland' (SOHTIS) event in Edinburgh on Monday 29th April where leaders of many faith demoninations signed a joint statement committing to working together to eraicate human trafficking in Scotland.

Image: Fishing: Church plays vital role in curbing labour abuses
Fishing: Church plays vital role in curbing labour abuses

A coordinated approach between Church and relevant public and private agencies is needed to close the loopholes that allow forced labour to occur in the maritime and fisheries sectors.  The following statement has been issued by Apostleship of the Sea following the recent vatican conference on Human Trafficking.

Image: In Whose Interest?  The UK’s role in privatising education around the world
In Whose Interest? The UK’s role in privatising education around the world

Global Justice Now have produced this report looking at what the privatisation of education means for children and young people around the world.  The findings conclude that the privatisation of education at home and abroad will not support the realisation  of SDG4.

Image: Hope, Heartache and Hot Sweet Tea, Tales of a Human Rights Monitor in the Holy Land
Hope, Heartache and Hot Sweet Tea, Tales of a Human Rights Monitor in the Holy Land

Phillippa Bonella has just returned from three months in a small village in the occupied West Bank. You are invited to hear stories of the people she met against a backdrop of ancient sites of the Holy Land.

Image: More Children Killed by Unsafe Water, Than Bullets
More Children Killed by Unsafe Water, Than Bullets

A lack of safe water, is far deadlier for children than war in more than a dozen conflict-affected countries, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said, in a report launched to coincide with World Water Day, marked on 22 March.

Image: Nearly 7,000 potential victims of slavery and trafficking reported in 2018
Nearly 7,000 potential victims of slavery and trafficking reported in 2018

The number of potential victims of trafficking and modern slavery reported to the authorities has risen by more than 80 per cent in two years, according to figures released by the National Crime Agency today.

Image: The Good Food Nation Bill
The Good Food Nation Bill

The Scottish Government are proposing a new law on food – a Good Food Nation Bill. This law will need to be more ambitious to make a real difference. We all have until the 29th of March to tell the Government what we think of their proposals and try and raise the ambition of this new law.

Image: From Pillar to Post
From Pillar to Post

The Destitute Asylum Seekers Service have produced this report on destitution among people refused asylum in Scotland.

Image: Charity urges Home Office to agree to reforms in Glasgow that would allow asylum seekers to work
Charity urges Home Office to agree to reforms in Glasgow that would allow asylum seekers to work

The Scottish Refugee Council believe the government should seriously consider proposals which would make a "huge difference" to the lives of those seeking asylum. Glasgow Live.

Image: Pope appeals for children of Yemen ahead of trip to UAE
Pope appeals for children of Yemen ahead of trip to UAE

Pope Francis highlighted "the humanitarian crisis in Yemen", where "the population is exhausted by the long conflict and many children suffer from hunger, but it is not possible to access food stores."  Independent Catholic News.


Image: Refugee Photographic Exhibition to visit all eight Scottish Dioceses
Refugee Photographic Exhibition to visit all eight Scottish Dioceses
Coming to Paisley on 5th December

Justice and Peace Scotland and Sciaf have worked together to bring this exhibtion of refugee photographs and stories to every diocese in Scotland.   Archbishop Tartaglia launched the exhibition in St Andrews Cathedral, Clyde Street in Glasgow on World Refugee Day, 20th June 2018.

Image: Bishop Nolan Addresses Protesters at Dungavel
Bishop Nolan Addresses Protesters at Dungavel

Bishop Nolan, President of Justice and Peace Scotland gave a powerful speech to the Dungavel Solidarity Gatering on Sunday 25th November 2018.  Watch his speech here.

Image: It would be immoral to force the Rohingya to go home
It would be immoral to force the Rohingya to go home

Alistair Dutton, Director of Sciaf writes in The Herald, about the new threat facing the Rohingya people living in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

Image: Bishop Nolan joins protest at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre
Bishop Nolan joins protest at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre

Independent Catholic News have picked up the story on Bishop Nolan's address to the protesters at Dungavel on Sunday 25th November 2018.

Image: World Fisheries Day 2018
World Fisheries Day 2018
21st November 2018

Cardinal Turkson, Prefect for the Dicastery of Integral Human Development at the Vatican has spoken out on World Fisheries Day 2018 against the abuses perpetrated on those working at sea.

Image: Study shows work of religious congregations combatting modern slavery
Study shows work of religious congregations combatting modern slavery

For the first time ever, a large scale research project has been conducted to find out the extent of involvement in anti-trafficking work by Catholic religious congregations in England & Wales. ICN report.

Image: Connect & Encourage  Autumn / Winter 2018
Connect & Encourage Autumn / Winter 2018

The latest Connect & Encourage is now available to download.

Image: Statement on Visit to UK, by Professor Philip Alston on extreme poverty and human rights
Statement on Visit to UK, by Professor Philip Alston on extreme poverty and human rights

Professor Philip Alston has released his preliminary findings from his investigation into poverty in the UK warning that the government "have a lot of work to do".

Image: World Day of the Poor 2018
World Day of the Poor 2018

November 18, 2018 marks the second annual World Day of the Poor. Last year, Pope Francis suggested the Catholic Church set aside one day each year when communities can “reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel.”

Image: Asia Bibi: Scots church leaders urge asylum offer
Asia Bibi: Scots church leaders urge asylum offer

Seven church leaders in Scotland have called for the home secretary to grant a Pakistani woman asylum, after she was acquitted of blasphemy.

Image: Bangladesh army arrives in Rohingya refugee camps as repatriations loom
Bangladesh army arrives in Rohingya refugee camps as repatriations loom

Presence of army, police and paramilitary is latest sign that repatriations to Myanmar may not be voluntary.  The Guardian.

Image: A Brief Timeline Of The Human Rights Situation In Calais
A Brief Timeline Of The Human Rights Situation In Calais

On the occasion of the two-year milestone since the demolition of the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp, Help Refugees have co-published a report with Refugee Rights Europe in order to highlight the human rights situation which has been unfolding in Northern France.

Image: UK admits only 20 unaccompanied child refugees in two years
UK admits only 20 unaccompanied child refugees in two years

New figures reveal paltry number of minors granted entry under scheme that was meant to resettle 3,000.  A Guardian Report.

Image: U.N. Warns Half Yemen's People Could Soon Be on Brink of Famine
U.N. Warns Half Yemen's People Could Soon Be on Brink of Famine

The United Nations aid chief sounded the alarm at the Security Council - half the population of war-torn Yemen - some 14 million people - could soon be on the brink of famine and completely relying on humanitarian aid for survival.  Report in The New York Times

Image: US Catholic Church: 'Seeking asylum is not a crime'
US Catholic Church: 'Seeking asylum is not a crime'

As the migrant caravan from Central America moves through Mexico, and President Trump orders thousands of armed security forces to the US border, Catholic church leaders have called all people of goodwill to speak and act with compassion towards those migrating north and seeking refuge from violence and poverty.  ICN report.

Image: Welcome to #Unlocked18!
Welcome to #Unlocked18!

“As someone with direct experience of detention, I know the trauma of being deprived of your liberty, which is augmented by the lack of access to justice to come out of that situation. The indefinite nature of detention makes this much worse.”

Image: Open Wound - J&P Scotland Human Trafficking Video
Open Wound - J&P Scotland Human Trafficking Video

Released on UK Anti Slavery Day, 18th October, Justice and Peace Scotland have produced this short video to support our current campaign on human trafficking and modern slavery in Scotland.


Image: More than 440 homeless people found dead in past year
More than 440 homeless people found dead in past year

More than 440 people experiencing homelessness have died on streets or in temporary accommodation in the UK in the past year, an investigation has found. ICN report.

Image: sick, tortured immigrants locked up for months in Britain
sick, tortured immigrants locked up for months in Britain

An unprecedented snapshot of migrants held in British detention centres found more than half of the sample were either suicidal, seriously ill or victims of torture, a Guardian investigation has established.

Image: Supporting Syrian families in Dundee
Supporting Syrian families in Dundee

Scottish Refugee Council have announced that from October 1 2018 they will work with families from the Syrian community in Dundee. Working in partnership with the local authority and services in the area and will support people who have recently arrived from Syria to settle in and to go on to achieve their hopes and ambitions for life in Scotland.

Image: Winter Supplies Urgently Needed
Winter Supplies Urgently Needed

Winter will soon be upon us, and winter in Northern France is tough. If the many refugees sleeping rough are to survive we need your help; please start collecting now.

Image: Global faith leaders urge action over 'ignored millions' displaced by conflict
Global faith leaders urge action over 'ignored millions' displaced by conflict

A letter to the Guardian from 57 religious leaders calls on states at the UN general assembly to support protection plan for people forced from home

Image: Home Office attempts to deport families ‘harmful’ to children and ‘often ineffective’, watchdog warn
Home Office attempts to deport families ‘harmful’ to children and ‘often ineffective’, watchdog warn

The Independent newspaper is reporting on the campaign calling for change to immigration detention policy and highlights how policy to detain families with no likely chance of removing them feeds into the hostile environment and amounts to 'brutal and unnecessary' tactic to drive down immigration.

Image: The lonely death of Alan Kurdi
The lonely death of Alan Kurdi

On 2nd September, 2015, Alan Kurdi, a three year old Syrian boy, drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. He and his family were refugees trying to reach Europe. Photographs of his body were diseminated widely and prompted a large international response. This week's blog is a reflection on the third anniversary of Alan's death, written by our Social Justice Coordinator, Danny Sweeney.  

Image: I am a Rohingya refugee: we will become like animals if we stay in these camps
I am a Rohingya refugee: we will become like animals if we stay in these camps

A powerful account in the Guardian hears of the desperate situation faced by Rohingya refugees - Despite everything, we want to go back to Myanmar, but only with citizenship and our rights.

Image: Our Turn - 80 Years On
Our Turn - 80 Years On

80 years ago, on the eve of the Second World War British communities demanded that the government helped 10,000 children escape from Nazi Germany.  Today, Safe Passage are asking us to do the same again and put pressure on our government to ensure a safe route to Britain for child refugees in Europe.

Image: Call for help from housing associations as Glasgow Night Shelter seeks temporary accommodation
Call for help from housing associations as Glasgow Night Shelter seeks temporary accommodation

A night shelter in Glasgow which provides safety and warmth overnight for approximately 25 destitute men seeking asylum and non-EU migrants who have no recourse to public funds has issued a call for help as it will no longer have a premises to operate from after the end of August.  Scottish Housing News reports.  

Image: £110,000 grant to aid response effort for eviction-threatened asylum seekers
£110,000 grant to aid response effort for eviction-threatened asylum seekers

Scottish Housing News are reporting that the Scottish Government have responded to the threat of asylum seekers in Glasgow facing homelessness and ‎destitution with emergency funding which will allow charities to provide support until their legal options have been exhausted.

Image: How the hostile environment crept into UK schools, hospitals and homes
How the hostile environment crept into UK schools, hospitals and homes

Few people who do not see the daily workings of the government’s immigration policy have any idea how doctors, teachers and even landlords have effectively been made to patrol a border within.  Report in the Guardian.

Image: Catholic Church Leaders Speak Out On Planned Evictions of asylum seekers in Glasgow
Catholic Church Leaders Speak Out On Planned Evictions of asylum seekers in Glasgow

Archbishop Tartaglia, Bishop Nolan and the Glasgow Justice and Peace Commission speak out against the planned imminent eviction 300 asylum seekers in Glasgow.

Image: Destitution, Discrimination and Distrust
Destitution, Discrimination and Distrust

The 'Web of the Hostile Environment' is a new report published by the Joint Public Issues Team in conjunction with the Baptist Church, The Church of Scotland, The Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church.

Image: Pope calls for a firm stand against 'shameful crime' of human trafficking
Pope calls for a firm stand against 'shameful crime' of human trafficking

Pope Francis looked ahead to the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, marked each year on 30 July, and said it is everyone’s responsibility to take a stand against the shameful crime.

Image: Hundreds of Scots asylum seekers to become homeless as 'brutal and inhumane' contractors change lock
Hundreds of Scots asylum seekers to become homeless as 'brutal and inhumane' contractors change lock

Hundreds of asylum seekers are set to be made homeless when a public services contractor begin changing the locks on their homes.  Documents passed to the Sunday Mail reveal Serco – who supply accommodation to refugees – are to trigger a programme codenamed Move-on.

Image: Sajid Javid to consider ending indefinite immigration detention
Sajid Javid to consider ending indefinite immigration detention

The home secretary has announced that he will consider ending indefinite immigration detention in response to a highly critical report. Report in the Guardian.

Image: What is the true human cost of your £5 hand car wash?
What is the true human cost of your £5 hand car wash?

The Guardian reports on the rise in hand car washes and their link with human trafficking and modern slavery.

Image: Beyond the Headlines - Refugees and Migrants
Beyond the Headlines - Refugees and Migrants

Justice and Peace Scotland have produced this useful resource in conjunction with our campaign on Refugees and Migrants - Sharing Our Common Home.

Image: Justice and Peace Scotland Statement on President Trump Visit
Justice and Peace Scotland Statement on President Trump Visit

Justice and Peace Scotland have released the following statement on the visit of President Trump to Scotland. 

Image: Open Letter to President Trump
Open Letter to President Trump

Scottish Christians have written an open letter to President Trump ahead of his visit to Scotland this weekend.

Image: Bishop Nolan to welcome Refugee Photographic Exhibition to Ayr Cathedral - Wed 18th July
Bishop Nolan to welcome Refugee Photographic Exhibition to Ayr Cathedral - Wed 18th July

Bishop Nolan, Bishop President of Justice and Peace Scotland,  will welcome the refugee photographic exhibition to St Margaret's Cathedral, John Street in Ayr on Wednesday 18th July 2018 at 10am.  Mass will be offered to pray for the 65 million refugees and migrants worldwide, all welcome.  

Image: Becoming Human Together
Becoming Human Together

Christian Aid Scotland and Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees have published a new theological reflection on migration.  Becoming Human Together is the name of a new resource exploring Christian theology from the Reformed tradition as it relates to faith and forced migration.

Image: It’s time for an end to indefinite detention
It’s time for an end to indefinite detention

The Jesuit Refugee Service have welcomed the report on the wrongful detention of Windrush-era citizens, published by the Joint Committee on Human Rights which highlights a “systemic failure” to safeguard against wrongful detention.

Image: UK immigration authorities separating children from parents
UK immigration authorities separating children from parents

Report in the Guardian.  Scores of children – and possibly hundreds – are separated from a parent or carer in the UK every year.

Image: Iraqi Sister who fled Islamic State is denied entry to Britain for the second time
Iraqi Sister who fled Islamic State is denied entry to Britain for the second time

A report in the Catholic Herald tells of how a Dominican Sister, Ban Madleen, has been trying to visit her sister who is sick in the UK.  Ban Madleen was forced to flee Islamic State in 2014 and has been denied entry to Britain for a second time.

Image: Sharing Our Common Home - Campaign Video
Sharing Our Common Home - Campaign Video

Justice and Peace Scotland have produced this campaign video entitled "Sharing Our Common Home" to highlight the Scottish response to the call of Pope Francis to Welcome, Protect, Promote and Integrate our global brothers and sisters seeking sanctuary from persecution, war, climate change and famine.

Image: Young Scots in live link-up with Syrian students
Young Scots in live link-up with Syrian students

More than 700 young people in Scotland had a live link-up with students in the Syrian city of Aleppo at the climax of a youth rally organised by Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Image: Archbishop Tartaglia launches Refugee Exhibition in Glasgow
Archbishop Tartaglia launches Refugee Exhibition in Glasgow

Archbishop Tartaglia launched the Refugee Photographic Exhibition at St Andrews Cathedral in Glasgow on 'World Refugee Day', Wednesday 20th June 2018 and spoke of his own roots, as the son of immigrants who fled to this country during World War 1.

Image: Refugee Law Book
Refugee Law Book

'Refugee law in the UK' is an accessible and practical guide to the meaning of the refugee definition. It is full of hints and tips, links to sources and further information, case law quotations, useful material on how the refugee definition operates in practice in the UK, common arguments, scenarios and examples. The last part of the ebook examines the cessation, exclusion and refoulement clauses of the convention.

Image: French police cut soles off migrant children's shoes, claims Oxfam
French police cut soles off migrant children's shoes, claims Oxfam

The Guardian features an Oxfam report which claims that French border police have been accused of detaining migrant children as young as 12 in cells without food or water, cutting the soles off their shoes and stealing sim cards from their mobile phones, before illegally sending them back to Italy.

Oxam Report : Nowhere but out

Image: Three Rohingya refugees killed as monsoon rains hit Cox's Bazar
Three Rohingya refugees killed as monsoon rains hit Cox's Bazar

At least three Rohingya refugees have died and more have been made homeless after lethal mudslides in camps in Bangladesh.  A very concerning report in the Guardian.

Image: Ask Your MP to support Lord Dubs' amendment
Ask Your MP to support Lord Dubs' amendment

Safe Passage UK are asking everyone to take immediate action to contact their MP to support Lord Dubs’ amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill which will keep open safe and legal options for vulnerable young people alone in Europe to be reunited with their families in the UK.

Image: Becoming Human Together
Becoming Human Together

Becoming Human Together is a theological reflection on migration produced by Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees and Christian Aid.


Image: Three English Councils Vote To End indefinite Detention
Three English Councils Vote To End indefinite Detention

Brighton & Hove and Cambridge City Councils have just joined Manchester in passing These Walls Must Fall motions to condemn indefinite immigration detention and commit to action to end the practice.

Image: Sharing Our Common Home - J&P Scotland Campaign
Sharing Our Common Home - J&P Scotland Campaign

The Justice and Peace Scotland campaign from January - June 2018 is on Migrants and Refugees - entitled Sharing Our Common Home. We hope to share the strategic goals set out by Pope Francis and show the Scottish response to these challenges.  Our local input to this global call!

Image: Diary of a week spent with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Diary of a week spent with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Bishop John Arnold of Salford diocese recently returned from a trip to Bangladesh with CAFOD where he witnessed to the suffering of the Rohingya people there and saw the humanitarian work being done in the area to help these destitute refugees.  Read his daily diary of the trip here.

Image: Home Office keeping torture victims in detention, inspectors report
Home Office keeping torture victims in detention, inspectors report

Disturbing new article in the Guardian detailing the HMI report on Harmondsworth IRC.  Chief prisons inspector says men are being held in immigration removal centre despite accepted evidence of torture.


Image: Compensation for Unlawful Immigration Detention reaches 21 Million Pounds
Compensation for Unlawful Immigration Detention reaches 21 Million Pounds

Rt Hon David Lammy MP has asked the following parliamentary question: How many claims of compensation for wrongful detention were (a) received by the Home Office and (b) successful in each of the last five years; and what the cost to the public purse was of the compensation paid in that same period.

Image: Bishop Paul McAleenan: UK detention centres "shameful"
Bishop Paul McAleenan: UK detention centres "shameful"

Following the HM Inspectorate of Prisons reporting that torture victims were being kept in detention, Bishop Paul McAleenan said the UK government's effective imprisonment of the most vulnerable in society is "shameful" and that it should end indefinite detention as reported in Independent Catholic News.

Image: Refugees Family Reunion Bill
Refugees Family Reunion Bill

Refugee families are torn apart by war. Take action to help bring them together.

Image: Growing number of asylum seekers and refugees falling into poverty in Britain.
Growing number of asylum seekers and refugees falling into poverty in Britain.

Thousands of vulnerable people are left destitute after being granted refugee protection, reports The Independent.

Image: Bishops Release Joint Statement on Calais Talks
Bishops Release Joint Statement on Calais Talks

Following their visit to Calais last year, Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Lead Bishop for Asylum and Migration for England and Wales and Bishop William Nolan, President of Justice and Peace Scotland, issued a joint statement calling for a commitment by the UK Government to help migrants in Calais. In light of recent developments, they have issue a further joint statement.

Image: New Scots
New Scots

On 10 January the Scottish Government published the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2018-2022 [PDF 1.7MB].  This is a framework which sets out a vision for how Scotland can welcome and support people to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive.  It is supported by the Scottish Refugee Council, COSLA and has been commended by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and welcomed by the Church of Scotland.

Image: Open letter to Teresa May and Emmanuel Macron
Open letter to Teresa May and Emmanuel Macron

As Teresa May and Emmanuel Macron meet, eight NGOs working in Calais have sent  an open letter urging that they consider the human rights of refugees. #CalaisBorder

Image: An hour from Westminster, children are sleeping rough in the freezing woods
An hour from Westminster, children are sleeping rough in the freezing woods

In an article for the New Statesman, Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth, describes conditions for refugees in Calais.


Image: Holy Land Coordination Group Statement

Bishops, including Archbishop Nolan, from across Europe and North America who make up the Holy Land Coordination Group  have released this statement following their recent visit to Jordan to support the Christian population there. image Mazur/cbcew.org.uk.

Image: Cost of Living Crisis:  UK & Scottish Government Support

This helpful resource from the Catholic Parliamentary Office will signpost anyone to the information they need to check they are receiving the government support they are entitled to. #CostOfLivingCrisis

Image: Archbishop Nolan's message at the close of Challenge Poverty Week

Archbishop Nolan has called for the UK Government to end the delay that is causing so many people so much anxiety and stress, and give an assurance that benefits will go up in line with inflation.

Image: Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop 7- 9 October

The Justice & Peace Europe International Workshop took place from 7-9 October in Assisi and Rondine.  More than sixty participants from 21 countries were present. Here is the final declaration: 


The Bishops' Conference of Scotland have issued the following statement on the situation in Nicaragua:

Image: Do Not Leave Us Alone

In an open letter to Pope Francis a group exiled from Nicaragua have written this letter to Pope Francis asking for his help as the persecution of the church there worsens.

Image: #StopRwanda

Justice & Peace Scotland Campaign of the Month for July 2022 We urge you to copy the text below and send it to your MP. 

Image: #StopRwanda

Justice & Peace Scotland Campaign of the Month for July 2022 

We urge you to copy the text below and send it to your MP.  Remember to add your full postal address under your name at the bottom of the letter.  You can find the contact details of your MP here  https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP



Image: Overcoming the crisis of global health and integral human development

In a joint statement, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and Justice and Peace Europe call on the European Union (EU), the African Union (AU) and their member states to strengthen their commitment to equitable global vaccine supply and global health issues ahead of the joint AU-EU Summit.

Image: Pope appoints new Archbishop of Glasgow

"As I overcome my initial shock at being appointed Archbishop my thoughts now turn to the challenges that lies ahead....from now on I belong to Glasgow. And I assure the people of Glasgow of my commitment and dedication to them.  ICN.

Image: Day Of Prayer For Peace

Letter to the Catholics of Scotland on 'Day Of Prayer For Peace', 2nd January 2022 from Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland.  Read the full text here.

Image: Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 55th World Peace Day
1st January 2022

Dialogue between generations, education and work:  tools for building lasting peace.


Image: Scottish Government Statement on Nicaragua

The Scottish government have released a statement denouncing the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Nicaraguan government. The statement condemns the “recent arrest of opposition politicians, activists and journalists” and calls for the “release of all political prisoners immediately and without conditions”.

Image: Statement on Jerusalem

Statement of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem concerning the recent violence in Jerusalem.

Image: Bishops letter to Priti Patel in response to the 'New Plan For Immigration'

Bishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland has joined with Bishop Paul McAleenan of the English & Welsh Bishops Conference to write the following letter to Priti Patel in response to the UK governements proposed 'New Plan For Immigration'.

Image: Holy Land Coordination 2021

15 Catholic bishops from across the globe, who make up the Holy Land Coordination Group, have issued the following communique in solidarity with the people of the Holy Land. Image - Jerusalem.

Image: Global Day of Action - No To War In Yemem 

Organisations from across the world are coming together to call an international day of action against the Saudi-led War on Yemen on January 25th 2021.

Image: Asylum seekers on hunger strike over conditions at Kent barracks site

Hundreds of asylum seekers are reportedly on hunger strike at a former army barracks in Kent being used as temporary housing, amid allegations conditions at the site are worsening.  The Guardian.

Image: Reflection from Bethlehem - Recording

Our recent online event - A reflection on Bethlehem - was sold out, however if you missed out or would like to watch it again this recording captures the event.

Image: Revealed: shocking death toll of asylum seekers in Home Office accommodation

Freedom of Information response shows 29 people died – five times as many as lost their lives in perilous Channel crossings.  Guardian.


“the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by”.  "The time has come to change direction," he said. "Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in a better future."  message from Pope Francis to The Economy of Francesco Conference.


Image: Children ripping bags open for food’ during pandemic

The poorest communities have been hit hardest during the Covid-19 pandemic.  BBC analysis shows the death rate from all causes between April and June this year in the most deprived areas was nearly double that of deaths in the least deprived parts of England. Filmed and edited by Phillip Edwards. Produced by Louise Martin.  BBC

Image: International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

As countries implemented lockdown measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, violence against women, especially domestic violence, intensified – in some countries, calls to helplines have increased five-fold.


Image: Pope Francis talks about Uighurs, George Floyd and Universal Basic Income in new interview

The book, Let Us Dream, which will be published by Simon & Schuster on Dec. 1, is the product of a series of exchanges between the pope and Austen Ivereigh, his English-language biographer. It is an extended reflection on the change Pope Francis sees as necessary in building a post-Covid world. It is in this context that he addresses several hot-button issues.


Image: Surviving torture in a Syrian prison made me who I am today

Suppressing political opponents through force and torture is what dictators do. Today, for merely calling for their freedom, more than 100,000 civilians are suffering in Syria’s detention centres. I used to be one of them when I was still just a child.  Aljazeera.

Image: Priti Patel not following her own anti-trafficking policy, judge rules

Ruling could halt deportation of hundreds of asylum seekers who arrived in UK during pandemic.  The Guardian. 


Image: challenging the deep virus of racism

To presume there is a single silver bullet capable of instant eradication of racism would be naïve in the extreme. What is needed is the support for many and multiple actions... to challenge the deep virus that is racism. Passionists.


Image: Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ)

 Catholic Association for Racial Justice - AGM looks at 'Institutional Racism in the Church'.  ICN

Image: ‘They just don’t care’

Millions of garment workers facing destitution as Britain’s high street billionaires fail to honour contracts.  Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin of the unsustainable fast fashion industry. But with some retailers failing to share the economic pain with suppliers, its demise could be fatal for millions of workers.  The Independent.  


Image: In a year full of protests against racism, the first Black U.S. Cardinal comes at a historic moment

Washington D.C. Archbishop Wilton Gregory is set to become the first Black U.S. prelate to assume the rank of cardinal in the Catholic Church, a historic appointment that comes months after nationwide demonstrations against racial injustice. America, The Jesuit Review.

Image: Councils to receive more than £10m to cover free school meals during holidays

Free school meals in Scotland will be extended to cover upcoming holidays, the Social Security Secretary has announced.  Evening Express.

Image: Introducing Our Speakers - Conversation on Migration

Join us on Tuesday 27th October at 7.45pm to hear from 3 inspirational people working on the frontline of the refugee crisis. 

Image: Thousands of victims of child trafficking denied right to stay in the UK

New data reveals significant number of young vulnerable people put at risk of deportation by the Home Office.  The Guardian.


Image: Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation

Film Competition!  Renate are inviting 16-24 year olds to enter a 4 minute video on human trafficking to their film festival.

Image: The squalor inside ex-MoD camps being used to house refugees

Human rights groups demand action over the ‘unsanitary and unsuitable’ former barracks converted by the Home Office.  The Guardian.

Image: Black speakers and creatives are being asked for to work for free this Black History Month.

It appears that the belief that black people ought to be ‘grateful’ that we are even in the room has now evolved into an expectation that we should be grateful that Black History Month is recognised at all. inews (Photo: Yui Mok/PA Wire Pho: Yui Mok)

Image: Fratelli Tutti - UK bishop says new encyclical on human fraternity can ‘transform the world’

Pope Francis is presenting the Church’s “consistent message” and is inviting individuals and nations to “slow down and to listen and to engage with our brothers and sisters,” CRUX.

Image: Online event to focus on human trafficking

RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation) is hosting an online event on 18 October 2020, from 6-7pm BST, to celebrate the European Day Against Human Trafficking. ICN

Image: Air force accused of war crimes in Yemen using Scots airports to train pilots
The UK has given £1 billion in aid to Yemen, but has licensed £6.5 billion worth of arms to countries bombing it including Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The Sunday Post.

Image: The Parable of the Living Wage?

Fr Jack Mahoney continues his ‘Getting the Point’ series by discussing how Jesus’ parables used familiar, everyday situations to illustrate truths about God, and suggests how the behaviour of the employer in this parable might prompt us to think about our idea of justice.

Image: Addressing Emerging Human Trafficking trends post Covid-19

“There is a person being exploited. Someone who did not want to be used, bought or sold. Someone who just needed food, rent, someone who just didn’t have anyone else to turn to or another choice. Until we see that person as our friend, neighbor, sister, daughter, etc., it will never stop.” Female survivor from the United States.

Image: Peace and Justice for Belarus

Statement of the Executive Committee of Justice & Peace Europe on the current situation in Belarus in which is extended a call for all Christians to unite and recite the  Lord's prayer on Tuesday 18th August 2020 at 4pm UK time to pray for Truth, Justice & Peace in Belarus.  The picture shows a large crowd of protesters in Belarus.

Image: 75 years on from the first atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

We are very thankful that Pope Francis and our Bishops are unequivocal in their stance on nuclear weapons stating clearly that possession as well as the threat of use of nuclear arms is immoral.  We also give thanks that on the 6th August (the anniversary of the nuclear bombing at Hiroshima) Ireland, Nigeria, Niue ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and yesterday on 9th August (the 75th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki) the Caribbean nation of St Kitts and Nevis also ratified the treaty!

44 nations have now signed the treaty - 50 nations are needed to sign up to bring the treaty into force....we are so close.

Image: Allowing asylum seekers to work could raise £100m in tax revenues, report finds

If people seeking asylum had the right to work six months after making their initial claim it would lead to increased income tax and National Insurance as well as fewer support payments, research suggests.  The Indpendent.

Image: Pope prays for Nicaragua after cathedral bombing

The incident is the latest in a string of attacks on churches in recent weeks amid deep-seeded tensions between Nicaragua’s bishops and President Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo, who serves as the country’s vice president.

Image: Trafficking a scourge against human dignity

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Argentina recently held an online seminar to mark the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons receiving a personal message from Pope Francis.

Image: “Stop treating people like pieces on a chessboard:” Sabir Zazai responds to Park Inn tragedy.

Scottish Refugee Council CEO, Sabir Zazai reveals anger over ‘abject failures’ of the Home Office and discusses how hostile asylum policies are out of touch with Scottish public opinion.

Image: Hundreds of Saudi and Gulf military personnel trained in Britain as Yemen war continues
New data shows Britain’s Royal Air Force trained Saudi personnel in 2019 on fighter jets used to bomb civilians in Yemen – a country on the brink of famine – while UK soldiers coached other forces in the Saudi-led coalition at nearly a dozen army bases in Britain.

Image: UK arms firms deal with regime accused of torturing children

THE UK Government and arms firms based in Scotland have been condemned over deals with Egypt after a new report revealed the ruling regime tortures children by waterboarding and electrocution.  The National.

Image: COVID-19: UN chief calls for global ceasefire to focus on ‘the true fight of our lives’

In an appeal issued on Monday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged warring parties across the world to lay down their weapons in support of the bigger battle against  COVID-19: the common enemy that is now threatening all of humankind.   

Image: Humanitarians call for end to Syria’s civil war, entering 10th year

Humanitarians caring for displaced Syrians in and outside their country are calling for an end to Syria’s brutal civil war as it enters its 10th year. The magnitude of displacement, death and destruction in Syria marks one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises right now.  CRUX.

Image: The right to food?
The right to food?

What’s the appetite in our Christian communities for advocating for the human right to food in the UK?.  A participatory workshop.  10.30am – 4.00pm, Thursday 2 April 2020 at the Iona Community offices, 21 Carlton Court, Glasgow G5 9JP.

Image: Immigration Detention Toolkit
This Toolkit has information about: the right of appeal; grounds for appeal; submitting your appeal application; fees; what to do after submitting your appeal; the appeal hearing; and the decision.

Image: Slave Free Lent
Slave Free Lent

Many of the products we use and buy every day are made by women, men and even children trapped in slavery. Join the 40-day journey to begin to live #SlaveFree this Lent.

Image: 'I get a lot of love': how hope survives in the hell of Moria

The refugee camp is notorious for its overcrowding, fires and riots. But for the people who live there, life goes on – and every day brings new stories of resilience, bravery and compassion.  Guardian.

Image: Errol Graham's family tells DWP to act after he starved to death

Family of 57-year-old who starved to death say safeguarding systems are inadequate.  Guardian.

Image: 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz

Monday 27th January 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. The Council of European Bishops' Conferences and the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union have issued the following statement.

Image: Opposition MPs condemn government after defeat of Dubs measure on child refugees

Boris Johnson’s Brexit bill has cleared its last hurdle after the government overturned five House of Lords amendments to it, including one that would have restored the right of unaccompanied child refugees to be reunited with their families in the UK.  The Guardian.

Image: How a boy from Vietnam became a slave on a UK cannabis farm

It was a horrifying death for the 39 Vietnamese nationals found in the back of a trailer in an industrial park in Essex, in October last year. The story shone a light on the subterranean world of people smuggling and human trafficking, reports Cat McShane, specifically the thriving route between Vietnam and the UK.  BBC.

Image: Holy Land Coordination 2020

The Holy Land Coordination of Bishops have released this statement following their visit to Christians in the Holy Land this year.

Image: Glasgow faces homeless crisis with asylum seeker evictions

With temperatures plunging, night shelters scramble to deal with fallout after court ruled to allow ‘lock-change evictions’ The Guardian.

Image: Asylum seeker lock-change evictions lawful, says Scottish court

Over 300 men and women at risk of immediate street homelessness as Scotland's highest court has ruled that lock-change evictions of asylum seekers without court orders are lawful.  BBC.

Image: Know Your Rights
Know Your Rights

The Scottish Refugee Council have produced information posters giving advice and contact information in six languages including English, Kurdish Sorani, Mandarin, Arabic, Amharic and Farsi for asylum seekers faced with eviction.

Image: Senior pupils discover the heartache of human trafficking

Catholic high school pupils from Glasgow Archdiocese have learned about the horrific conditions faced by victims of human trafficking and modern slavery from a play performed at their school.  Scottish Catholic Observer.

Image: Reflection: On dying in a container lorry

Perhaps the next time we get caught in traffic behind a container lorry we should each take the chance to ask ourselves: how desperate would I have to be to let myself be locked in such an airless, unlit, unheated metal box

Image: Priest and nun arrested in climate change protests

Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell from Birmingham and Sister Katrina Alton of the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace, have both been arrested in recent days as part of the climate change protests in London.  ICN.

Image:  End Orphanage Child Trafficking

Criminals are profiting from the trafficking and abuse of children in orphanages around the world. Traffickers, attracted by the funding orphanages receive from donations and organizations offering ‘voluntourism’ placements, effectively turn children into commodities by ensuring there is a constant supply of children available to attract funding. Freedom United.  

Image: Poverty in Scotland 2019

This research looks at the impact that governments have had on poverty in Scotland over the past 20 years and how this evidence can be used to inform policy development for the future. It underlines the importance of housing costs, alongside social security and work, in solving poverty in Scotland.  JRF report.

Image: Speak Up
Speak Up

Speak Up is a young person’s guide to intervening in a hate crime situation.
This resource is intended to help young people intervene in situations where someone is the target of hate behaviour. It introduces our approach to being an Active Bystander.

It is aimed at 11-16 year olds but could be used as a training tool for peer educators and youth workers.

Image: In Whose Interest?  The UK’s role in privatising education around the world

Global Justice Now have produced this report looking at what the privatisation of education means for children and young people around the world.  The findings conclude that the privatisation of education at home and abroad will not support the realisation  of SDG4.

Image: Hope, Heartache and Hot Sweet Tea, Tales of a Human Rights Monitor in the Holy Land

Phillippa Bonella has just returned from three months in a small village in the occupied West Bank. You are invited to hear stories of the people she met against a backdrop of ancient sites of the Holy Land.

Image: More Children Killed by Unsafe Water, Than Bullets

A lack of safe water, is far deadlier for children than war in more than a dozen conflict-affected countries, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said, in a report launched to coincide with World Water Day, marked on 22 March.

Image: From Pillar to Post

The Destitute Asylum Seekers Service have produced this report on destitution among people refused asylum in Scotland.

Image: World Fisheries Day 2018
21st November 2018

Cardinal Turkson, Prefect for the Dicastery of Integral Human Development at the Vatican has spoken out on World Fisheries Day 2018 against the abuses perpetrated on those working at sea.

Image: Cardinal Peter Turkson Message for World Fisheries Day 2018

The Church cannot remain silent to labour and human rights abuses in the fishing industry, the Vatican’s Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson has said.

Image: Pax Christi Scotland Event 23 -25 November

Conforti Event 23 -25 November 2018

Image: Open Wound - J&P Scotland Human Trafficking Video

Released on UK Anti Slavery Day, 18th October, Justice and Peace Scotland have produced this short video to support our current campaign on human trafficking and modern slavery in Scotland.


Image: Oxfam Report - Uprooted Climate Change Displacement

Image: Report reveals 'horror of hunger among children during school holidays'

A cross-party group of MPs and Peers has published a report detailing the “horror of hunger amongst children during school holidays”.Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), along with various schools, councils and foodbanks, submitted evidence of children going without food in the holidays.

Win a place at Scotland's Nonviolence Conference

Are you aged between 18-25 years old and interested in nonviolence?  If so,  Justice and Peace Scotland are providing a funded place at the Scottish Nonviolence Conference - 'Reclaiming Gospel Nonviolence'.  The conference will take place at St Mary's Monastery, Kinnoul, Perth from 14-16th July 2017.  For more information on the conference and details of how to enter our competition.

Image: Death penalty: an offence against human dignity	   	   
Justice and Peace Europe appeals for amending the Catechism of the Church

Press release from Justice and Peace Europe



Image: TTIP and trade justice
A resource pack on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership for churches.
Produces by Global Justice Now, the pack incorporates prayers, writings and ideas by people from a range of Christian traditions  who share a conviction that trade injustice is a barrier to the fullness of life promised by the kingdom of God.

Image: Human Rights Watch World Report 2015: Rights Aren't Wrong in Tough Times
Human Rights Watch's 25th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. Summarises key human rights issues in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide.

Image: First major piece of research on female genital mutilation (FGM) in Scotland launched by Scottish Re

The first major piece of research on female genital mutilation (FGM) in Scotland is being launched today by Scottish Refugee Council with Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice and Communities Alex Neil. The report has identified an urgent need for a strategic, multi-agency approach to supporting and protecting communities affected by the practice.

Image: Saving Mothers and Children in Humanitarian Crises
Top Ten Worst Countries to be a Mother: Somalia, DR Congo, Niger, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire. Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. With long hours, constant demands and no time off, caring for our children is an all-consuming task. But for women living in crisis, the challenges of being a mother are greater - and the stakes are so much higher. (Save the Children - State of the World's Mothers 2014)

Image: U.S. Department of State - Trafficking in Persons Report 2014
"We each have a responsibility to make this horrific and all-too-common crime a lot less common. And our work with victims is the key that will open the door to real change—not just on behalf of the more than 44,000 survivors who have been identified in the past year, but also for the more than 20 million victims of trafficking who have not.  As Secretary of State, I’ve seen with my own two eyes countless individual acts of courage and commitment. I’ve seen how victims of this crime can become survivors and how survivors can become voices of conscience and conviction in the cause. This year’s Trafficking in Persons Report offers a roadmap for the road ahead as we confront the scourge of trafficking."  John F. Kerry, Secretary of State

Image: U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom - Annual Report
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), an independent federal advisory body the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) created to monitor religious freedom abuses abroad, today released its 2014 Annual Report, and recommended that the State Department add eight more nations to its list of 'countries of particular concern,' defined under law as countries where particularly severe violations of religious freedom are tolerated or perpetrated: Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam.

Image: Pope Francis’ Lenten Message
Pope Francis’ Lenten Message concentrates on the theme of poverty. ‘Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real without this dimension of penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt.’    The Message forms a good basis for reflection at this time of year.

Image: Human Rights Watch - World Report 2014
HRW's annual review of human rights practices around the globe. It summarizes key human rights issues in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide, drawing on events from the end of 2012 through November 2013.

Image: The Joy of the Gospel

To conclude the Year of Faith, and as a reflection on the Bishops’ Synod on Evangelisation last year, Pope Francis has published an Apostolic Exhortation with its title from the opening words – Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel.

Image: 32.4 Million People Displaced by Disasters in 2012
A new report released today by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) reveals that 32.4 million people were forced to flee their homes in 2012 by disasters such as floods, storms and earthquakes. While Asia and west and central Africa bore the brunt, 1.3 million were displaced in rich countries, with the USA particularly affected. 98% of all displacement in 2012 was related to climate- and weather-related events, with flood disasters in India and Nigeria accounting for 41% of global displacement in 2012. In India, monsoon floods displaced 6.9 million, and in Nigeria 6.1 million people were newly displaced. While over the past five years 81% of global displacement has occurred in Asia, in 2012 Africa had a record high for the region of 8.2 million people newly displaced, over four times more than in any of the previous four years. (Reliefweb, 13/05/113)

Image: Europe's Pariah State? Future of Human Right in Britain

Since taking office in September 2012, Chris Grayling has made no secret of his desire to get rid of the Human Rights Act and to 'dramatically curtail' the role of the European Court of Human Rights in the UK. In October he refused to rule out an exit from the European Convention, despite the concerns of senior Tories such as Dominic Grieve and Kenneth Clarke (Grayling's predecessor in the ministry). Grayling's front-bench colleague, home secretary Theresa May, was said to be drawing up a manifesto promise to repeal the Human Rights Act. Frances Webber, a retired human rights barrister and author of Borderline Justice: the fight for refugee and migrant rights, examines Britain's difficult relationship with the European Human Rights Convention.


Image: The Stateof the World’s Mothers 2013 Report
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the world’s toughest place to be a mother – and Finland the best – according to Save the Children’s annual State of the World’s Mothers report. The Mother’s Index, contained within the report, looks at 176 countries around the world that are succeeding – and failing – in saving the lives of mothers and their new-born babies. It assesses mothers’ well-being using indicators of maternal health, under-five mortality, levels of women’s education, income, and political status. The Nordic countries sweep the top spots while, for the first time, countries in sub-Saharan Africa take up each of the bottom ten places in the annual index. A woman or girl in the DRC has a one in 30 chance of dying from maternal causes – including childbirth – but in Finland the risk is one in 12,200.

Image: Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Being  publishes report
The UK has taken a number of important steps in the fight against human trafficking, according to this report. However, more needs to be done to ensure that the overall approach is focused on the victims of trafficking and their rights as human beings. The report calls on the UK authorities to further strengthen mechanisms for identifying victims and to make sure that people who have been trafficked are treated primarily as victims of serious human rights abuses. Read the full report

Image: Worst of the Worst  -  World's Most Repressive Societies
More than 1.6 billion people-23 percent of the world's population-have no say in how they are governed and face severe consequences if they try to exercise their most basic rights, such as expressing their views, assembling peacefully, and organising independently of the state. Citizens who dare to assert their rights in these repressive countries typically suffer harassment and imprisonment, and often are subjected to physical or psychological abuse. These regimes keep a tight grip on power by eliminating political opposition, emasculating civil society, and silencing their critics.  Freedom House

More Determination is Needed to Make Human Rights Real. "Europe must move with more determination from rhetoric to enforcement of human rights standards"  Thomas Hammarberg, Strasbourg, 17 January 2012

The Report  documents human rights abuses worldwide including: mistreatment of migrants in Western Europe; violations of the laws of war in Libya and Afghanistan; the plight of political prisoners in Vietnam and Eritrea; the silencing of dissent in China and Cuba; internet crackdowns in Iran and Thailand; killings by security forces in India and Mexico; election-related problems in Russia and the DR Congo; neglectful maternal health policies in Haiti and South Africa; suppression of religious freedom in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia; torture in Pakistan and Uzbekistan; discrimination against people with disabilities in Nepal and Peru; detention without trial in Malaysia and by the United States.

Lessons from the Ivorian cocoa sector by Paul Robson AS International Dec 2010

Image: Scotland & Slavery - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow