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Saving Mothers and Children in Humanitarian Crises

Categories: Resources:Human Rights | Published: 06/08/2014 | Views: 1740
Top Ten Worst Countries to be a Mother: Somalia, DR Congo, Niger, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire. Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. With long hours, constant demands and no time off, caring for our children is an all-consuming task. But for women living in crisis, the challenges of being a mother are greater - and the stakes are so much higher. (Save the Children - State of the World's Mothers 2014)

In humanitarian emergencies, when basic health services and livelihoods are disrupted, if not totally destroyed, mothers may find it impossible to adequately feed and support their families. They and their children also become more vulnerable to the risks of exploitation, sexual abuse and physical danger. So the tragedy of the crisis itself is compounded by fear and uncertainty, making mothers feel helpless.

More than 60 million women and children are in need of humanitarian assistance this year. Over half of maternal and child deaths worldwide occur in crisis-affected places; still the majority of these deaths are preventable. In this report, Save the Children examines the causes of maternal and child deaths in crisis settings, and suggests urgent actions needed to support mothers who are raising the world's future generations under some of the most difficult and horrific circumstances imaginable.

Each day, an estimated 800 mothers and 18,000 young children die from largely preventable causes. Over half of these maternal and under-5 deaths take place in fragile settings,1 which are at high risk of conflict and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters.

Download the full report here

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