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Faith Leaders Commit to Tackle Slavery

Categories: Articles:Asylum & Refugees, Articles:Human Rights | Published: 30/04/2019 | Views: 756

Bishop Nolan, President of Justice and Peace Scotland attended the 'Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland' (SOHTIS) event in Edinburgh on Monday 29th April where leaders of many faith demoninations signed a joint statement committing to working together to eraicate human trafficking in Scotland.

On Monday 29 April 2019, SOHTIS hosted a meeting of senior faith leaders across Scotland, where a committment was made to work together with the Scottish Government and other statutory services and sectors to eradicate human trafficking
and modern slavery in Scotland.

Joy Gillespie, the SOHTIS Development Manager said, ‘We believe that everyone deserves to live in freedom with dignity and respect and we are delighted that this Seminar provided the opportunity for a wide range of faith based organisations to explore how they can work together to ensure that this freedom exists for everyone in Scotland’.

Around twelve faith groups were represented at the Seminar all of whom have ratified the following statement demonstrating their commitment to action:

‘As national Faith Leaders we recognise that human trafficking exists in Scotland.  It is our fundamental conviction that all people are equal and entitled to the same rights of freedom, dignity and respect.  We regard the exploitation of men, women and children as a crime against humanity and we reject trafficking and the activities it supports in our country and worldwide.  As Faith Leaders, we commit to working with SOHTIS, the Scottish Government and other organisations to develop effective approaches to recognising and tackling human trafficking in Scotland and supporting the survivors.’
The Scottish Government, Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf said, ‘Faith-based organisations are at the very heart of communities, with the ability to make a difference in neighbourhoods and congregations. I have no doubt that today’s event will inform positive action in the future, and that together we can make further progress in tackling trafficking and exploitation in our communities.’
Call to Action.

SOHTIS believes everyone deserves to live in freedom with dignity and respect. 
There are ways that we can all be involved in being part of the solution to human trafficking in Scotland.  Some as simple as raising awareness by following SOHTIS on social media and sharing our posts or volunteering your skills, linking us with useful networking contacts or donating funds.

Please get in touch to find out how you can join us in our support of survivors.
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