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24 Hours For The Climate

Categories: Articles:Development, Articles:Environment, Articles:Human Rights, Articles:Social Justice | Published: 23/09/2021 | Views: 1326

You are invited to submit a proposal to take part in this global 24 hour vigil to pray for the success of COP26. On 5th – 6th November, this live broadcast will be an opportunity to learn from communities suffering from climate change, pray for the future of our common home, and write messages that will be delivered to COP26 negotiators. 

"24 Hours for the Climate" is a global vigil for Catholics and people of faith to pray and advocate for the success of COP26, the United Nations conference on climate change taking place in Glasgow from 31st October to 12th November. 


Our faith calls each of us to hold our nations' leaders accountable to the needs of God's creation, marginalized communities, and future generations. At COP26, we need negotiators to agree to stop all fossil fuel extraction by 2040, protect and restore ecosystems, and financially support developing countries as they adapt to climate change. 


On 5th – 6th November, this live broadcast will be an opportunity to learn from communities suffering from climate change, pray for the future of our common home, and write messages that will be delivered to COP26 negotiators. 


We invite you to submit a proposal for video content that will be broadcast during the vigil. You can propose to create either a prayer experience, a story highlighting the impact(s) of climate change, or both. We are also hoping to invite applicants in Scotland to join us in Glasgow (timing/ COIVD restrictions permitting).


See the links below for more information, and to submit your proposals. Please understand that submitting a proposal does not guarantee we will be able to include it.


Deadline for proposal submissions has been extended until Monday 4th October 2021.


Any questions please contact

International submission form

Scottish submission form

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