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Falmouth's rejection of Trident echoes Scottish opposition

Categories: Articles:Nuclear Weapons | Published: 22/08/2014 | Views: 2988
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) has welcomed political opponents uniting to reject Falmouth as an alternative to the Clyde nuclear warhead depot. Truro and Falmouth’s Conservative MP Sarah Newton and her Labour challenger Hanna Toms have both rejected proposals to build a Trident nuclear warhead depot close to the town of Falmouth, in the event of an independent Scotland expelling the Trident submarines from the Clyde. The recently elected Green MEP for the South West, Molly Scott-Cato, also expressed her opposition. (Ekklesia)

This proposal was central to the recent Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) report which argued a 'yes' vote would result in Trident remaining in Scotland until 2028 - when the first of the proposed replacement submarines is expected to enter service - at which point the submarines would move from Faslane to Devonport, and the warheads from Coulport to Falmouth. This clear expression of opposition across the political divide makes clear there is no future for Trident in Falmouth.

Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary, said: "The British public is opposed to Trident replacement, and it is therefore of no surprise that any local population asked to house the weapons will say no. Read More

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