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Increase in number of nuclear safety incidents sparks concern over safety standards at Clyde base

Categories: Articles:Nuclear Weapons | Published: 14/11/2014 | Views: 2978
The number of safety incidents recorded at the UK's Trident nuclear submarine and weapons bases on the Clyde estuary has shown a sharp increase according to internal Ministry of Defence  documents.  (Nuclear Information Service)

Figures presented in MoD annual health and safety reports show that over the last five years there have been 316 nuclear safety events, 2044 fire alarm incidents, and 71 fires at Her Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB) Clyde. 

68 nuclear safety incidents took place in 2012-13 compared with 59 in 2011-12, according to statistics published in the reports – an increase of 15 per cent.  There were also more than 3000 'near miss' industrial accidents, a positive test for illegal drugs, and a series of difficulties with wild animals.

The figures are revealed in four MoD health and safety reports for HMNB Clyde covering the period 2009-10 to 2012-3 (available to download at the end of this article), which were not intentionally published by the MoD and were only made public following a request under the Freedom of Information Act made by journalist Rob Edwards.  The request, originally made in January, was not answered until October, giving rise to suspicions in some quarters that MoD deliberately delayed releasing controversial information until after the Scottish independence referendum had taken place.  Read more here
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