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Stop Trident mass lobby of MPs

Categories: Articles:Nuclear Weapons | Published: 09/05/2016 | Views: 3088
Westminster, Wednesday 13 July
There will be a vote in Parliament this year on replacing the Trident nuclear weapons system, at an estimated cost well in excess of £100bn. There is growing opposition inside and outside Parliament to the plans, highlighted by the biggest anti-nuclear demonstration for a generation in February. In addition to the Scottish National Party and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, MPs in almost every party planning to vote against Trident replacement.

Against this backdrop, and with a vote likely to take place this autumn it is vital that as many MPs as possible hear the arguments against Trident replacement from their constituents. CND and other organisations supporting the campaign to Stop Trident have called a mass lobby of Parliament to take place on Wednesday 13 July, where you can come to Westminster and tell your MP why you want them to vote to Stop Trident.  Read more here

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