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Hiroshima Day Memorials in Scotland

Categories: Articles:Peacemaking | Published: 01/08/2016 | Views: 1765
Join your local Hiroshima & Nagasaki Memorials
71 years ago atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, destroying the cities and killing hundreds of thousands of people.  It is particularly important to remember the real effect of nuclear weapons this year. On 18th July the House of Commons agreed to renew Trident, despite the opposition of 58 of Scotland's 59 MPs. Please come along and support one of these local events.

Aberdeen -  Aug 6th, Union Terrace Gardens in Aberdeen at 2.00pm. Please bring  flowers, candles or a musical instrument.
Aug 6th, 10.30am – 11.30am in Bridgegate, Irvine
Aug 6th, 12 noon - 1pm at the Cross, Kilmarnock
Aug 7th, 1pm - 2pm at the Wallace Tower, Ayr
Aug 6th, assemble at Law Road for 8.15pm and March up the Law at 8.30pm.
Aug 9th, assemble on top of the Law by 11am. Vigil begins at 11.02am
Aug 6th, 6-7pm  at Mound Place (adjacent to Princes Street)
Aug 6th, 12:30 Donald Dewar Statue, Buchannan Street
Aug 6th , Gather at 4pm at Barshaw Park car park off Glasgow Road to walk together to Paisley's Peace Garden . Speaker Labour MSP Richard Leonard.
Aug 6th 2.45pm laying  flowers and hanging  paper cranes on the Peace Tree in Rutherglen (Main Street, opposite the Town Hall)
Aug 6th , Informal flower laying at 14.00 at the Peace Garden, Pullar Memorial park, Bridge of Allan
If there are no events in your area please consider organising something. It can be as simple as lighting candles in a CND sign with a moment of silence.  
 Leaflet available for download here. Please circulate these in your area or at local events.  Visit the Scottish CND website here
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