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Webinar: Rome Conference on Nonviolence and Just Peace

Categories: Articles:Peacemaking | Published: 22/09/2016 | Views: 1462
This is an introductory webinar about a ground-shifting conference on the topic of Gospel nonviolence and just peace, which was held in Rome this past April 2016. The Vatican's Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace was a co-sponsor of the conference.

This introductory webinar is part 1 of a 4 part series to share and advance the fruit of the conference. In this first webinar, we will hear from conference organizers and participants about the background, purpose, process, and basic outcomes of the conference. We will have some time for discussion.

The forthcoming webinars in the series will include topics from the conference such as experiences of nonviolence and Jesus’ way of nonviolence, just peace and moving beyond unending war, and the appeal to the Catholic Church and implementation. We hope you will join us for each webinar in the series! Each one will also be recorded for re-use. Contact Eli McCarthy to be contacted for future webinars.

See the website (videos, background papers, FAQ's, endorsement of appeal page, etc.) for the conference here 
Introduction to Rome Conference on Nonviolence and Just Peace Webinar

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