Cardinal Turkson calls for nonviolent solutions to conflicts
Categories: Articles:Peacemaking |
Published: 07/10/2016 |
Views: 1454
'We do not stop war by starting another war'
Pope Francis is giving "very strong recognition" to a landmark conference held at the Vatican last spring that called on the global Catholic church to reject its long-held teachings on just war theory, Cardinal Peter Turkson has said. (National Catholic Reporter)
Cardinal Turkson, the head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said the pontiff's decision to focus his message for World Peace Day in 2017 on nonviolent strategies to prevent and stop global violence was partly caused by the discussions at the conference.
"He's adopted this topic … as the message of peace for next year," said Turkson, referring to Francis. "We are giving a very strong recognition to the conference and to the things that were discussed and said there."
The cardinal was speaking in an NCR interview in response to a question about the April event, which was co-hosted by his council and the Catholic peace group Pax Christi International.
Cardinal Turkson: 'We do not stop war by starting another war'
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