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Disarming Trident - Nonviolent Direct Action in the US and Scotland

Categories: Articles:Peacemaking | Published: 17/12/2012 | Views: 1204
Public meeting
Disarm Now Plowshares Priest Bill ‘Bix’ Bichsel SJ With Leonna O’Neill of Faslane Peace Camp, St John’s Church Hall, West End of Princes St, Edinburgh. 4:45pm. Friday 21 December. Followed by Peace and Justice Centre Christmas Party 6:15 – 7:30pm 0131-229-0993

83 year old Jesuit priest Bill ‘Bix’ Bichsel was imprisoned for 6 months in 2011/12 for following Gandhi’s recommendation to “Become the change you want to see” and embodying the vision
of the Prophet Isaiah to “beat swords into plowshares”. One of five Catholic peace activists calling themselves the Disarm Now! Plowshares, Bix entered the US Trident base in the Pacific
Northwest and began to symbolically disarm the nuclear weapons system using household hammers. Founder of the Tacoma Catholic Worker House Bix has devoted his life to nonviolent campaigning for nuclear disarmament and serving the poor. His spirit was strengthened when he was held in solitary confinement in cold conditions even though his medical condition makes him suffer greatly from the cold. He was awarded the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize.

Leonna O’Neil has been living at Faslane Peace Camp for two years. She has organised nonviolent direct actions resisting Trident here in Scotland including 30 Days of Action marking Faslane Peace Camp’s 30 years of peaceful occupation and resistance to nuclear terror. Last June she entered Coulport nuclear weapons depot, reaching the high security explosive handling jetty. She will speak about the UK’s plans to upgrade Trident and plans for a Big Blockade of Faslane in late April2013.

For more info contact Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre
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