The £12 billion arms sales to human rights abusers - email your MP about this scandal
Categories: Articles:Peacemaking |
Published: 09/08/2013 |
Views: 2052
A committee of MPs have condemned the government for allowing more than £12 billion of "strategic goods" to be exported to human rights abusing states, such as Saudi Arabia, Israel and Sri Lanka. Their report found 3000 export licences have been issued to countries which the government has itself identified as having the most serious human rights concerns. This is really important. CAAT have spent years exposing the government's shocking record on arming repressive states. Now influential MPs – including a former Conservative Defence Minister – have looked at the facts and are making the same arguments. Please help us use this opportunity to reach your MP too.
The committee has said there is "an inherent conflict between strongly promoting arms exports to authoritarian regimes whilst strongly criticising their lack of human rights at the same time."
But the government refuses to acknowledge this conflict. Right now it's helping organise a
huge arms fair to take place in London this September. On the invite list will be many of the repressive regimes highlighted in the Committee report – as well as countries engaged in conflict such as the US, Iraq and Colombia. Instead of upholding human rights the government is fuelling the conflicts and repression of the future. Please write to your MP today to make sure they've seen the Committee's report and to ask them to act to ensure the government doesn't welcome arms companies and human rights abusers to do business in London.
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