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It shouldn't cost money to be poor! Call for action to end the unfair 'Poverty Premium'

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 14/11/2014 | Views: 1936
In the UK today, people on low incomes pay the highest prices for many essential goods and services: for food, for fuel, for finance, for furniture, and even funerals. This 'Poverty Premium' costs the average low-income family an extra £1,300 every year. The Scottish and UK Governments both need to take urgent action to end the injustice of the Poverty Premium.  Please send an email today to urge them to do so.

Church Action on Poverty have been working in Glasgow over the past year with partners including the Iona Community, Christian Aid Scotland and Faith in Community Scotland – and most importantly, with people who are themselves directly affected by the Poverty Premium.  

They have come up with creative solutions to the problems that affect them on a daily basis: expensive prepayment meters for gas and electricity; overpriced and poor-quality food; high-cost credit; and so on. On 1 December in Glasgow, CAP will launch Food, Fuel, Finance - a report which draws on this work, and sets out an agenda for action to tackle the Poverty Premium.

Some of this action can be taken at a local level – and the report highlights a number of great initiatives that local communities in Glasgow and across the UK are already taking. 

But we also need action from the top - regulation to prevent companies from exploiting vulnerable customers; and support for practical solutions. We're therefore calling on both the Scottish and UK Governments to draw up plans for tackling the Poverty Premium, and ensure that markets for food, fuel and finance work for people in poverty instead of against them. Please click here and use the simple e-action to contact the government now! Read the Food, Fuel, Finance report here

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