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The Election, Europe and Catholic Social Teaching

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 19/03/2015 | Views: 1935
One of the issues that voters will be considering ahead of the General Election on 7 May is membership of the European Union, an institution whose origins are rooted in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. The same principles are helpful in deciding who we will vote for; and what expectations and limitations we would like to see placed on the government that eventually forms. (Thinking Faith)

In an open and democratic society such as the United Kingdom, Catholic Social Teaching should not be seen as providing a mandate for one or another legitimately constituted political party; people who follow the Church’s social doctrine are to be found in all parties. That being said, however, the social teaching of the Church does have something to offer voters: a set of core principles which have emerged out of a long tradition of reflection on the nature of human persons and their social destiny. In providing such principles for reflection, which also issue criteria for judgment and directives for action, Catholic Social Teaching seeks to promote an integral and solidary humanism. But how should this vision of humanism shape our political judgments in times of election? Specifically, how should Catholic Social Teaching inform our judgments about the European aspect of the decision facing us in the forthcoming General Election?  Read More

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