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Homeless Sunday 24 January 2016

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 19/01/2016 | Views: 1583
Through prayer and reflection, Homeless Sunday offers an opportunity to listen to what God has to say about homelessness, and to consider what action we are being called to take. Homeless Sunday 2016 will be held on 24 January, with the theme Connect, Challenge, Commit.

The purpose of Homeless Sunday is threefold: showing our concern for individuals affected by homelessness; challenging the conditions that create it; celebrating work that tackles the problem. Whatever level of engagement a congregation has with homelessness, Homeless Sunday is an opportunity to take it
a step higher.  Homeless Sunday brings together thousands of churches. It has the support of all the main denominations and is celebrated in a wide range of congregations. Visit the Scottish Churches Housing Action website to download the flyer and for more information. Visit the Homeless Sunday website here
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