Ask an Election Question
Categories: Articles:Social Justice |
Published: 26/04/2017 |
Views: 1529
A UK general election has been called for 8 June 2017. Now is a vital opportunity to speak up for the poorest communities and work together for the common good. We must encourage and challenge all political parties and candidates to show how they will do the same.
Love is civic and political, and it makes itself felt in every action that seeks to build a better world. Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ #231
This election must look to the kind of society we wish to create for ourselves and to pass on to our children. It’s also about the world we want to see for our brothers and sisters worldwide, especially those who are poorest and most vulnerable.
So that is why, at this crucial moment, we are inviting you to ask an election question.
What questions should I ask?
Please ask your parliamentary candidates:
For more than a decade, all UK political parties have strongly supported spending 0.7% of national income on aid. UK aid saves lives every day, and must always be focused on the needs of most vulnerable. What will you (and your party) do to continue to tackle poverty overseas?
In 2015, Britain joined with 195 other nations to agree urgent global action on climate change. How will you (and your party) make tackling climate change a priority and prevent more people being pushed into poverty because of the changing climate?
Whether it is in agreeing new trade deals or addressing the needs of refugees worldwide, Britain must recognise the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable. How will you (and your party) ensure that Britain is an outward-looking, tolerant and welcoming nation in years ahead?
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