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Holy See calls for international solidarity to solve global challenges

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 07/06/2017 | Views: 1454

“For the wellbeing of our human family and the promotion and protection of the common good there is an urgent need to recognise the role of international solidarity as an essential element for the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by all,”


The Holy See has appealed to the international community to face global challenges with solidarity and cooperation between nations. Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN in Geneva, made the appeal at the 35th Session of the Human Rights Council.

He said international solidarity would help nations face current challenges “such as migration, climate change and natural disasters, armed conflicts and the growing gap between poor and rich.”

Archbishop Jurkovič said: “Solidarity does not oppose sovereignty; instead, it pushes for a deeper understanding of the concept of sovereignty as an expression of the freedom of people.”

Rather than trampling on a person’s rights, he said solidarity includes the recognition of the principle of subsidiarity.

“The two principles are mutually linked. Indeed, subsidiarity means assistance to the human person via the autonomy of intermediate bodies.”

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