Churches act on 2012 homelessness pledge
Categories: Articles:Social Justice |
Published: 29/07/2011 |
Views: 2023
Scottish Churches Housing Action looks to historic target – and beyond
Scottish Churches Housing Action announced details of a seminar on 30 September 2011 to bring housing professionals and activists together to assess progress towards the Scottish Government's target of an entitlement to a home for almost all homeless people by 2012.
Scottish Churches Housing Action has linked up with the Church and Society Council of the Church of Scotland to put on this event. Entitled Homelessness: achieving the 2012 pledge?, it will take place at the City Chambers, Edinburgh from 10am-3.30pm on Friday 30 September. It is free, and open to housing and support staff, homeless people, councillors, church members, volunteers in homelessness projects, and campaigners.
Speakers will include Mary Taylor, Chief Executive of Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, and Raymond Young, long-standing supporter of Scottish Churches Housing Action and housing activist. Participants will be encouraged to speak from their own experience of working towards the target, and to say what more needs to be done to tackle homelessness effectively.
Churches Housing’s Chief Executive Alastair Cameron says, "The 2012 target promises an entitlement to settled housing for almost all homeless people. It was set 9 years ago, and we have enthusiastically supported it. We are asking local authorities how they are doing as the crucial date approaches, and what will be needed to make it stick. Churches play a big part in helping homeless people with accommodation and support, and we believe there's more we can do."
The seminar is part of a process of gathering views about progress towards the 2012 target, and prospects beyond. Over the summer, Churches Housing will interview local authorities about their experience. This information will be presented to the seminar. Church assemblies in 2012 will consider progress, and hear new ideas about strengthening their work to tackle the problems of homeless people in Scotland.
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