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Welfare reform - the threat behind the incentive

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 20/09/2012 | Views: 1240
Scottish Churches Housing Action, Seminar followed by their AGM, 28 Sept, 2102. Edinburgh City Chambers
The Westminster Coalition says benefits reforms are creating a fairer system that will help claimants into work and protect the most vulnerable – while saving taxpayers’ money. Scottish Churches Housing Action says they will make people homeless, setting back the last 10 years’ progress in Scotland. 

The new rules are now law – we’re too late to change them. But we need to work together to mitigate their impact. Housing associations, local authorities, charities and churches can all play a part. This is your chance to share ideas and learn from others what is possible, and how to play a part in making sure that Scotland can still offer a place to people most in need.
Speakers: Alastair Cameron, CE, Scottish Churches Housing Action; Mike Crockart, Liberal Democrat MP for Edinburgh West; Margaret Lynch, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice Scotland
28 September 2012, 10:30am this event will take place at the City Chambers, High St, Edinburgh.
Seminar free, lunch £10 per head – book your place now. Email with the names and contact details of all who plan to come. Please indicate for each one if lunch is required.
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