New Course from the Craighead Institute
Categories: Articles:Social Justice |
Published: 09/11/2012 |
Views: 1832
Integrating Life and Faith Course 2013. Each of the four modules of ILF takes place over two days (Saturday and Sunday) from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. Would you welcome an opportunity to deepen your appreciation of God’s presence in your everyday life? Then Integrating Life and Faith may be right for you.
Module One - Saturday 26th – Sunday 27th January 2013 Trust Building and Communication Skills
Module Two – Saturday 9th – Sunday 10th March 2013Christianity and Social Concern
Module Three – Saturday 20th – Sunday 21st April 2013 The Word of God in Scripture, Life and Community
Module Four - Saturday 1st – Sunday 2nd June 2013 Ignatian Prayer, Discernment, Action
Each of the four modules of ILF takes place over two days (Saturday and Sunday) from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. There is a gap of 6 weeks between modules. During each of these gaps, participants undertake to meet three times with a small group of fellow participants in order to review the work of the module and to deepen their experience of Integrating Life and Faith. This ILF is partly funded by a grant towards the cost of the course and this enables the Institute to restrict the fee for the 4 modules to £150.
Would you welcome an opportunity to deepen your appreciation of God’s presence in your everyday life? Then Integrating Life and Faith may be right for you.
What is ILF?
Rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, this course seeks to provide an
opportunity for adult Christians to deepen their faith and to explore how faith is lived out in the everyday reality of today’s world – in our relationships, our families, our homes, in the workplace and the events of daily life. It explores the role of Christians as citizens in society and the ways in which, inspired by the Gospel, we can make a difference.
Some of the themes explored in the course:
• Scripture and how this links to our Life Experiences
• The Social Teaching of the Church
• Called together to Build the Kingdom
• Reflecting on Daily Life and on our own faith journeys
• Prayer
Some comments from past participants:
‘I have found this an uplifting experience and have had great joy working with others’
‘ILF has given me fresh insights into my life as a Christian’
Participants come from a wide range of backgrounds and experience.
Integrating Life and Faith is for anyone who seeks to live out his/her Christian faith in a more meaningful way and who, at present, may or may not be playing an active role in a parish group.
Could this be for you?
Want to know more? Then come along to an information evening which will be held in the Institute on Tuesday 11th December 2013 at 7.00 pm or contact the Institute
Integrating Life and Faith Course
The Craighead Institute
26 Rose Street
Glasgow G3 6RE
Tel: 0141 332 2733
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