Towards a Just Economic Order: Challenges of Catholic Social Teaching
Categories: Articles:Social Justice |
Published: 19/03/2013 |
Views: 2111
National Conference for the Year of Faith organised by Justice & Peace, SCIAF, Catholic Parliamentary office, and Edinburgh Archdiocesan J&P office
Friday 12th (7.30 – 10pm) and Saturday 13th April (9.30-4.30pm), in St Augustine’s High School Edinburgh. This is an important conference which aims to encourage us all to reflect:
• On the current economic crisis and how it affects us and wider society, especially the poor, the marginalised and the most vulnerable. • What an ethical economic system might look like and what Catholic Social Teaching can offer in its development. • What we individually, and as parish and local communities, can practically do to work for change, for a fairer and more just economic system, locally and globally.
National Conference “Towards a Just Economic Order: Challenges to Catholic Social Teaching” On Friday 12th (7.30 – 10pm) and Saturday 13th April (9.30-4.30pm), in St Augustine’s High School Edinburgh. Download the poster here
This is an important conference which aims to encourage us all to reflect:
• On the current economic crisis and how it affects us and wider society, especially the poor, the marginalised and the most vulnerable.
• What an ethical economic system might look like and what Catholic Social Teaching can offer in its development.
• What we individually, and as parish and local communities, can practically do to work for change, for a fairer and more just economic system, locally and globally.
It is especially timely as our new Holy Father, Pope Francis has reminded us of the role of the Pope and the wider church to work for “especially the poorest, the weakest, the least important, those whom Matthew lists in the final judgement on love: the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and those in prison cf. Mt 25:31-46” ref from Homily given by Pope Francis I during his inauguration.
Speakers On Friday evening
Professor Michael Northcott, Professor of Ethics in the University of Edinburgh
Dr Anna Rowlands, Director of the Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice;
Dr Lorna Gold, Policy and Advocacy Manager, Trócaire
As well as speakers and a number of excellent workshops on Saturday 13th.
Places must be booked in advance and you are welcome to attend both or only one day.Please book as soon as possible through SCIAF
There will be no price of admission but you are welcome to make a donation on the day.
Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring your own lunch.
Please advertise in your parish and encourage others to book also.
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