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Consultation on Scottish Welfare Fund

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 09/01/2014 | Views: 2256
The Scottish Welfare Fund was established earlier this year as an interim replacement for the discretionary Social Fund. The Scottish Government is now consulting on plans to give the SWF a secure statutory footing. The consultation on the Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill is open until 7 February 2014. The consultation is also seeking views on options for independent scrutiny of decisions made by Local Authorities on applications to the SWF.

To respond to the consultation click here

As part of their work on the development of the Scottish Welfare Fund, the Poverty Alliance would like to speak to individuals who have had experience of using the Fund. Whether the experience has been a good or bad one, we would like to gather views on how the Fund is working in practice and feed these experiences into ongoing policy development. Please contact Twimukye Mushaka, Fieldwork Development Officer at the Alliance. 162 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G1 2LL. Tel: (00)141 353 0440

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