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The media argument over welfare reform

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 15/04/2014 | Views: 1722
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), meeting in Dundee from 14-16 April 2014), has passed an extensive motion on welfare reform and the effects of poverty in the UK. Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow supported this motion on behalf of the National Union of Journalists in Scotland, with particular reference to the role of different sections of the media and its relation to policy-making. (Ekklesia)

In particular, it supports the Child Poverty Action Group’s Scottish Campaign for Welfare Reform and its ‘Manifesto for Change’. It highlights five key measures: increasing benefit rates to the level where no one is left in poverty and all have sufficient income to lead a dignified life; respect for human rights and dignity as the cornerstone of a new approach to welfare; a radical simplification of the welfare system; investment in support so that all can participate and contribute to society; and making welfare benefits work for Scotland. Read More

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