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Scottish Budget: Why need for £5 Child Benefit top-up is urgent

Categories: Articles:Social Justice | Published: 30/01/2019 | Views: 765

Child poverty is everyone’s concern. At a time when one million people in Scotland – including 230,000 children – are living in poverty, it is incumbent upon all of us to speak out to support the steps that can be taken to address this problem, writes Professor Stephen Sinclair.  The Scotsman.

This is a particular duty for those of us who work every day researching the causes of and responses to poverty.

That’s why I and other social policy academics and analysts from across Scotland have written to Derek Mackay MSP calling on him to use the draft budget – being debated by MSPs in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday – to bring forward delivery of the Scottish Government’s new income supplement and to tackle child poverty directly by topping up Child Benefit by £5 per week.  Read on

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