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Fair Trade Nation Lecture 2016 with Rudi Dalvai

Categories: Articles:Trade Justice (Fair Trade) | Published: 07/04/2016 | Views: 1298
The Scottish Fair Trade Forum was delighted to welcome Rudi Dalvai to Glasgow on Monday 4 April 2016 to deliver its annual Fair Trade Nation Lecture. A brief summary of Rudi Dalvai's lecture & photos now available on the Scottish Fairtrade Forum's website

Rudi Dalvai is the President of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and is an internationally-recognised Fair Trade campaigner. He founded the Italian Fair Trade Cooperative, Altromercato, in 1987, has served as Chair of the European Fair Trade Association (EFTA) and was elected as President of the WFTO in 2011.   In his lecture, Mr Dalvai spoke about what he calls the “metamorphosis” of Fair Trade, that is, the changes that the Fair Trade movement has undergone since its inception five decades ago. He emphasised the need for organisations to make long-term campaign commitments to Fair Trade and described the standards that organisations must meet to become WFTO-certified.

The lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session. Attendees also had the opportunity to speak to Mr Dalvai at the networking session afterwards. Read more here

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