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TTIP and trade justice

Categories: Resources:Trade Justice (Fair Trade), Resources:Human Rights | Published: 02/06/2016 | Views: 4028
A resource pack on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership for churches.
Produces by Global Justice Now, the pack incorporates prayers, writings and ideas by people from a range of Christian traditions  who share a conviction that trade injustice is a barrier to the fullness of life promised by the kingdom of God.

it includes
•an action sheet giving a brief summary of the issues and suggestions for action.
•a selection of prayers, poems and quotations.
•three Bible studies on passages relevant to trade justice (Ezekiel 28, Amos 8 and Luke 19) with brief reflections and questions for discussions.
•a liturgy that can be used and adapted to facilitate prayer and reflection on trade justice.
•two briefings that examine TTIP and a similar trade deal between the EU and Canada in more detail.
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