Justice and Peace Scotland - If you want peace, work for justice

Justice and Peace Scotland advocates, campaigns, and facilitates action in the areas of peacebuilding, non-violence, social justice, care for creation, and human rights. We support Scotland’s Catholic community to live out the values of the gospel by responding to situations of injustice at local, national, and international levels. All our work is guided by Catholic Social Teaching and its associated principles such as upholding human dignity, solidarity, striving for the common good, and the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable.

Contact us for advice or support with any justice and peace activity in your parish, diocese, or school or to learn more about what we do, how you can get involved, and to find out more about our actions and campaigns. Justice and Peace Scotland can facilitate talks and workshops on a range of justice and peace topics for parish and community groups, schools, youth groups, or student societies.

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From Glasgow to Gaza: A Cry For Peace in The Holy Land – A declaration to mark the visit of Fr Gabriel Romanelli to Scotland

From Glasgow to Gaza: A Cry For Peace in The Holy Land – A Declaration to Mark the visit of Fr Gabriel Romanelli to Scotland

Archbishop William Nolan, Archbishop of Glasgow, and Rev. Sally-Foster Fulton, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, have signed a declaration prepared by Justice & Peace Scotland, SCIAF, and the Church of Scotland to mark the occasion of Fr Gabriel Romanelli’s visit to Glasgow. Fr Gabriel is the parish priest of the only Catholic church in Gaza, the parish of the Holy Family, and he visited Scotland on Friday April 26th to share his testimony and wishes for peace amidst the ongoing violence in The Holy Land.

On the occasion of Fr Gabriel Romanelli’s visit to Glasgow on 26th April 2024, we, the undersigned, express our solidarity with the people of the Holy Family Parish in Gaza, the Christian community of the Holy Land and people of all faiths and none across the region tormented by war.

In recent months, millions of innocent people have suffered the consequences of violence and war. Families and communities have been devastated. Many have lost hope for a peaceful future. Men, women and children have been robbed of their innate human dignity and their right to survive and thrive. Our cry is “Enough is enough”.

  • We stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Gaza and across the Holy Land. May they feel our solidarity and Jesus’ loving embrace.
  • We stand in solidarity with all the sons and daughters of Abraham, the peoples of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths in the Holy Land, that all may know deep peace and reconciliation in their lifetimes.
  • We stand in support of agencies and individuals who are serving those suffering at their time of greatest need. May they be rewarded for their courage and compassion.
  • We stand united with all people of good will who are campaigning for an end to this violence. May we never lose hope and may our resolve not falter.
  • We stand together as disciples of Jesus Christ, who, in the very lands that are lacerated by hostility and violence today, called on his followers to be peacemakers. In the name of God, we call for an end to war, closure of heart and hatred to be replaced with dialogue, reconciliation, and peace.

Today we cry out to all people in positions of power to end this senseless violence. We pray to Almighty God that their hearts may be turned towards compassion, and that they may have the courage and wisdom to pursue the path of justice and peace for all who call the Holy Land home.

Most Rev. Archbishop William Nolan
Archbishop of Glasgow

Right Rev. Sally Foster-Fulton

Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland

Justice & Peace Scotland Statement on the passage of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) bill – April 24th 2024

Statement on the passing of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, April 2024

The Safety of Rwanda bill is cruel and immoral. Justice & Peace Scotland firmly oppose its approach. Read our statement in full below and share to encourage others to continue to advocate for more humane approaches to asylum and immigration.

Justice & Peace Scotland are dismayed at the passing of the Safety of Rwanda Bill. This marks a terrible day for the upholding of international law, respect for human rights, and the progression of UK politics. Refugees and all who come to our shores are made in the image and likeness of God and should be treated with the dignity they deserve, not cruelty and inhumanity.

The Rwanda scheme would enable the Government to forcibly expel people seeking asylum - including children, torture survivors, and victims of war – putting them at grave risk of further harm and human rights abuses. People will be removed to a country they have no connection to, despite the ruling of our own country's Supreme Court that it is unsafe for them.

It is a human right to seek asylum and those who come to the decision to leave their homes behind do not make the choice lightly. Human beings seeking asylum or migrating for a better life do so because of problems that other human beings create: they move because of violence, war, torture, oppression, persecution, political instability, poverty, hunger, and ultimately because they have no alternative. The passing of this morally questionable act, that serves to only further traumatise some of the most vulnerable members of society, betrays who we are as a nation that has historically provided refuge to those in need, and undermines long-standing UK values of hospitality, welcome, friendship, and compassion.

The Rwanda scheme evidences a blatant disregard for international law as it violates the UK’s international legal obligations as a state party to the Refugee Convention. Protecting refugees requires cooperation and responsibility sharing from all countries, not just those adjacent to crisis zones, as clearly defined in the Convention and its associated legal instruments. The UK government, instead of continuing to sow seeds of division and hostility, should be pursuing practical measures to address irregular flows of refugees and migrants, based on international cooperation and respect for international human rights law.

In place of this inhumane and cruel policy, we echo calls for a new plan for supporting refugees and an approach to asylum in the UK that is fair, kind, and gets the system working again for everyone. Specifically, we call for hospitable alternatives to the Rwanda plan that will safeguard refugees and their rights such as provision of a humanitarian visa scheme, allowing people to travel easily and access protection quickly; the expansion and better management of country resettlement schemes, such as those implemented for Syrians and Ukrainians; and the opportunity for those in need to apply for asylum before arriving in the UK, all of which would eliminate the need for people to travel here via irregular means.

The Holy Land: How should we respond to Bishops’ calls for prayer, awareness and action?

Categories: BLOG | Published: 29/03/2019 | Views: 2062

This week in our blog, Mike Mineter reflects on the situation in the Holy Land and asks ‘How can we help bring about justice for all in the Holy Land?‘

Each year the English-speaking bishops visit the Holy Land, and on their return issue a communiqué.  In 2017 they began, “For fifty years the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza have languished under occupation, violating the human dignity of both Palestinians and Israelis. ...As Bishops we implore Christians in our home countries to recognise our own responsibility for prayer, awareness and action.” (http://catholicnews.org.uk/hlc-final-communique-2017 )

Exploring how we can respond was one focus of the St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese’ Caritas, Justice and Peace commission, when we met in February. We had just heard how our country has been ill-served by media obstructing awareness, and propagating false values in relation to refugees. With exceptions, Israel and Palestine have also been misrepresented in the media for many years.  In consequence, distinguishing fact and spin is difficult, especially those who have not visited.

This year, the Bishops wrote, “Along with other Palestinian Arab citizens and migrants living in Israel, many Christians find themselves systematically discriminated against and marginalised.  Those we met expressed particular concern about the Nation State Law….the misery of occupation has been deepened by severe cuts to humanitarian funding by the US government.

...we commit ourselves through prayer, pilgrimage and practical solidarity...”


Some Jewish organisations in Israel and other countries are among those who have been calling Israel to a deeper expression of Judaism, with rights for all in the land. You can read the Nation State Law here:


In my visits to the West Bank, I have met Christians whose lives are dominated by settlers and Israeli forces through increasing violence, permits, checkpoints, settlements, roads only for Israelis, demolitions, control of water and imposed unpredictability.  Even in this context, these Palestinians said, “We would not displace the settlers. Many have known nowhere else. We will not do to them what Israel tries to do to us. The occupation and the oppression must cease; there is land enough for us all.” 

Christian Palestinians in 2009 spoke out in the Kairos Palestine document, “A Moment of Truth; A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering.”  As decades earlier in South Africa, the term Kairos conveys a faith-based hope of transformation in a desperate time, ripe for change.  The document is a call for the international community and especially the churches, to act to bring about a just future for all in the land. It calls us to recognise and challenge theologies that claim to justify oppression and exclusion.

How can we help bring about justice for all in the Holy Land?

We can form a network by sharing knowledge, resources; planning events of awareness and solidarity in every parish. (contact mike.mineter@gmail.com )

We can challenge the media, when they fail to report adequately continuing protests such as the “March of Return,” when Israeli forces shot Palestinian journalists, medics and children. (e.g. here https://pchrgaza.org/en/?p=11988);

We can write to politicians to call for action – as I was told by a Palestinian, “not to bring Israel to its knees but to its senses.”

We can shop to support Palestinians, see hadeel.org,

We can join Sabeel-Kairoshttp://sabeel-kairos.org.uk

We can visit.

We can keep informed (e.g reading UN reports, https://www.ochaopt.org/reports)

We can read the Bishops’ communiques and do what they ask.

We must pray.





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Download the 'Prayer For Our Earth' Service booklet here.   

Now that COP26 is over, we hope you will think about using this booklet in schools, groups and parishes to pray for our collective ecological conversion, that we will no longer see ourselves as "consumers" - here to exploit the earth's resources, but as stewards of God's creation with the aim of passing on a healthy planet to the next generation.


Last updated: 27 August 2023

Important Resources

Image: Scottish Bishops Statement on Nicaragua

The Scottish Bishops' Conference have released a statement urging a 'sincere search for peace' following the recent imprisonment and expulsion of clergy and citizens by the government in Nicaragua.  

Image: Holy Land Coordination Group Statement

Bishops, including Archbishop Nolan, from across Europe and North America who make up the Holy Land Coordination Group  have released this statement following their recent visit to Jordan to support the Christian population there. image Mazur/cbcew.org.uk.

Image: Justice & Peace Sunday 2023 - video

Archbishop Nolan, President of Justice & Peace Scotland, delivers his yearly message to be read at all services in Scotland across the weekend of 7th/8th January 2023, the Feast of the Epiphany.  

Image: The Letter - Premiere

From 5.30pm on Tuesday 4th October, The Feast of St Francis, The Letter - A Message From Our Earth will be available to watch here.

Image: Archbishop Nolan's message at the close of Challenge Poverty Week

Archbishop Nolan has called for the UK Government to end the delay that is causing so many people so much anxiety and stress, and give an assurance that benefits will go up in line with inflation.