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Bidding Prayers

Categories: Justice & Peace Scotland Publications | Author: carol | Posted: 22/12/2014 | Views: 2518
Material for The Feast of the Epiphany, celebrated in Scotland on 4th January 2015 and designated by the Bishops' Conference as a day of prayer for justice and peace    

Today we celebrate the visit of the Wise Men to the infant Prince of Peace. May we be blessed and guided to find Christ like them.   Lord hear us.

The Wise Men gave their gifts to a helpless infant in poor surroundings. Teach us Lord, to recognise that Christ may be found in poor and unlikely places.   Lord hear us…

We pray for those of us who are finding it difficult. May they find the parish a source of support and help. Lord hear us…

Pope Francis has said:  ‘Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor.’ Help us in this task. Lord hear us…

You intend your creation for all, not just a few. Help us to exercise our stewardship responsibly, with a special care for those in need. Lord hear us…

We pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom of Justice and Peace; and that our efforts may not hinder, but rather hasten its coming. Lord hear us…

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