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Bidding Prayers

Categories: Justice & Peace Scotland Publications | Author: SuperUser Account | Posted: 22/12/2010 | Views: 4952
Material for The Feast of the Epiphany, celebrated in Scotland on 8th January 2006 and designated by the Bishops' Conference as a day of prayer for justice and peace

Bidding Prayers: 


Today we celebrate the visit of the Wise Men to the infant Prince of Peace. May we be guided to lead our lives in the ways of justice and love, without which there can be no real peace. Lord hear us.


Wise Men found the source of their quest and gave their gifts to a helpless infant in poor surroundings. Teach us Lord, to recognise that our gifts may find their fullest expression in poor and unlikely places. Lord hear us.


We pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom of Justice and Peace; and that our efforts may not hinder, but rather hasten its coming. Lord hear us.


We pray for Pope Benedict; we pray that his words promoting peace will be heard across the world. Lord hear us.


Through Mary’s intercession, may all mankind strive to make peace ever more present in our world and offer a safer and more serene future to generations yet to come. Lord hear us.


Pope Benedict has said ‘Catholics in every part of the world have a duty to proclaim and embody ever more fully the ‘Gospel of Peace’; we pray that all of us will live this call in our lives.  Lord hear us.


We pray for all those who work for justice and peace in our world; may their efforts bear fruit in the coming year.  Lord hear us.


We pray for governments, politicians and all who hold civil authority, may their actions be guided to promote justice and peace across the world.  Lord hear us.

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