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Article for Parish Bulletins

Categories: Justice & Peace Scotland Publications | Author: SuperUser Account | Posted: 22/12/2010 | Views: 2909
Material for The Feast of the Epiphany, celebrated in Scotland on 8th January 2006 and designated by the Bishops' Conference as a day of prayer for justice and peace.

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Article for a parish bulletin


This Sunday/Next Sunday is the Feast of the Epiphany and it is celebrated as a day of prayer for justice and peace in Scotland.


Justice and Peace Scotland is the Justice and Peace Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland; its remit is to have a concern for social justice, human rights, peace, development and the integrity of creation.  Our three priorities at the moment are trade justice, clean drinking water and asylum and immigration.  We are also developing campaigns about poverty in Scotland and about the possible replacement of Trident nuclear weapons.  The Commission is working on policies and actions in these areas based on Gospel values and Catholic Social Teaching.


In the words of Pope Paul VI ‘The name of the Commission, Justice and Peace, aptly describes its goal.’


We are aiming to have a Justice and Peace presence in every parish.  If your parish has a Justice and Peace group please think about joining it; if your parish or deanery doesn’t have a group why not think about starting one – the national office will help you.


Why not subscribe to our magazine.  If you contact us before the end of January we will send you a sample copy of our magazine in February.


We provide free email updates on issues related to Justice and Peace to receive these please visit our website.


Donations for the work of the Justice and Peace Commission are gratefully received.  Please give generously to today’s/ next Sunday’s collection.  If you prefer, donations can be sent to the National Office, cheques payable to Justice and Peace Scotland.  To find out about making regular donations through direct debit please contact the National Office.


If you would like more information about the work of Justice and Peace please contact us. 

Justice and Peace Scotland, 65 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 2BX

Telephone: 0141 333 0238



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